Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 311 What a coincidence, so do I

If there is a way, there is no way out despite the mountains and rivers.

Bai Yu didn't expect to encounter such a coincidence in this situation.

Is this being manipulated by big data?

He glanced at Tao Rusu for a few times and said strangely: "I don't think you've lost your temper... Where have you lost your strength?"

"My breasts are real, not augmented!"

Tao Rusu grabbed the pillow on the sofa and threw it at it. She shouted angrily: "Do you think I want to get involved with him? It's not like these dogs are still here!"

Bai Yu touched his chin and analyzed: "The Dragon Clan rushed in so openly and caused such damage. Can't we notify the school directly? The other party is an outsider, and the Law Enforcement Department should be able to handle it."

"Don't think too highly of the Law Enforcement Department. It is of no use in special situations. The identity of the Dragon Clan is too special." Mu Yaoxi didn't have high expectations for this, considering her identity. Talking about this matter, there is quite a feudal beauty that cannot be punished by scholar-bureaucrats.

Bai Yu asked back: "How special can it be? Is it Brother Ni from Guangdoor?"

He raised his eyebrows and said: "How can it be that this group of dragons are not Daxia people, but have foreign passports?"

"Can you please stop being so angry?" Mu Yaoxi comforted her in a low voice.

"I'm not very angry. The gas valve that's not broken is very angry. Fortunately, no one smokes in this room." Bai Yu snorted. Since it was an outsider who did it, he had to find him and ask him to compensate him. loss.

He glanced at Mu Yaoxi and said, "You are of heroic spirit blood after all. You are already blushing. Why are you not angry at all?"

Mu Yaoxi said: "This is the wound made by Qin Xue's bath."

Bai Yu choked, and then cursed: "It's all the Dragon Clan's fault!"

"Where did he go?" Su Ruoli asked the most critical question: "When did he leave? What does he look like?"

Tao Rusu insisted and refused to speak: "I'm sorry, this is my private matter... I have caused you trouble. I will move out later, and I will pay for all the losses here."

Bai Yu interrupted: "Do you think we can't confront the Dragon Clan head-on, or do you think this is your private matter, so we shouldn't interfere?"

"None of them." Tao Rusu shook his head and said.

"What's the reason?"

Tao Rusu gritted his teeth and said, "I just don't think it's necessary."

She stood up: "Although we are classmates, we don't have such a deep friendship, right? I'm not your childhood sweetheart, so naturally I can't involve you without any mental burden. Besides, besides you, have you considered Anyone else? This time it’s Qin Xue taking a bath, who will it be next time?”

Su Ruoli frowned when he heard this. He had never involved Mu Mu in danger without any mental burden.

But Tao Rusu has already shown her cards straight. Now that she has been exposed, she has no reason to stay here in the end.

For her, lies are a fig leaf. Now that this fig leaf is gone, there is no need for her to stay here.

It's despicable to conceal one's own dangers and bring trouble to others.

If you expose the danger calmly but ask others to bear this risk, that is not despicable, but despicable.

As she said, if there were only Bai Yu here, maybe she could still accept it reluctantly.

But in fact, not only was she involved today, but Qin Xuesha, who was in seclusion, was also involved.

"I should move out." Tao Rusu gritted her teeth and said, "I shouldn't have lived with you from the beginning... I'm sorry."

Mu Yaoxi couldn't find a chance to intervene at this time. In fact, it was her idea to conceal it. She didn't want Tao Rusu, Bai Yu and others to separate, so as to avoid having to run in both directions to recruit each other to join the team.

Bai Yu was also angry at Tao Rusu's words, but quickly calmed down.

Logically speaking, it is indeed reasonable for Tao Rusu to move out.

Logically speaking...

"If you really move out, then the other party will only laugh at you more unscrupulously." Bai Yu calmed down, and every sentence hit the point more directly: "Your active retreat also made the other party's plan completely successful, and successfully defeated you Once you are isolated, it will be extremely easy to defeat you alone."

"Why did the other party leave before we came back? Do you really not understand such a simple truth?"

"There are two heroic bloodlines here, one of the Ten Fierce Direct Lines, and I, the new leader who has become famous in Penglai."

"Even the Dragon Clan, under the rules and regulations of Penglai College, really have the guts to conflict with us head-on?"

"Or does he just need to stimulate your self-esteem so that you can take a bite after you voluntarily withdraw from the group and become isolated?"

Tao Rusu looked directly at Bai Yu: "Of course I understand this simple truth."

She clenched her fists and tensed her body: "But I understand, I don't want to become a despicable person."

"Everything you said is a reason why I shouldn't leave, but it cannot be an excuse for me to ignore this tragic situation. Even if you can forgive me this time, what about next time? What about next time?"

"Patience is the height of the sky, trust is the weight of wings, when they both disappear, I will fall to pieces!"

"So I took the initiative to leave before it became irreversible. At least it was decent at this time."

Wanting to do this and being able to do it are two different things.

Bai Yu licked his molars, turned his head and turned back: "I didn't expect that you have so much confidence in me after we have known each other for so long."

Tao Rusu couldn't answer this question.

It's not that she doesn't have enough confidence in Bai Yu. As early as when she fell into the shadow world and he jumped down without hesitation, she knew exactly what kind of person Bai Yu was.

But she knew that sooner or later, she would have a conflict with Su Ruoli. At that time, she would lose completely and she would not be able to win against Su Ruoli.

When she agreed to Mu Yaoxi's proposal, she realized that she still liked staying here.

Dignity is the dignity with which she leaves the scene calmly.

Staying for a moment longer will make her even more miserable and weak.

Just when she gave up completely and Bai Yu couldn't find a better reason to persuade, she heard these words.

The person who spoke was Su Ruoli.

"What if they are not involved, but are taking advantage of each other?"

Su Ruoli had already walked into the living room and cut the fruit plate and put it on the coffee table. She took out a tissue and wiped her hands and said, "We really lack a solid emotional foundation, so I want to retain your persuasiveness. If it’s not enough, then we won’t play the emotional card and just talk about what adults like to talk about..."

"Everything in the world is prosperous."

"You have dragon blood, and we just need to find a way to enter the land of dragons."

"Is this reason enough to make you give up the idea of ​​moving out?"

Sometimes, sincerity is the key.

Su Ruoli proposed a community of interests of 'mutual utilization', which was obviously more reliable than playing the emotional card.

Mu Yaoxi asked in confusion: "Are you going to the Dragon Country? Why?"

"We need to investigate the disappearance of Ao Xuanyue." Su Ruoli said frankly, "This disappearance is directly related to the disappearance of my sister Su Ruoji, and the Dragon Country has always been xenophobic, so we A key to it needs to be struck.”

Tao Rusu turned around with a strange expression on her face, as if she wanted to tell whether the matter was true or false from the expressions of the two of them.

"It's true." Su Ruoli said: "It should be said that it is a coincidence, or that we have all been accurately determined by God's big data. This kind of lie is meaningless. A trip to Qianchen Society will make it clear. "

Tao Rusu recalled: "I have heard about Ao Xuanyue."

"It's just the Land of Dragons. I haven't been to it yet."

She looked hesitant: "I can't guarantee that I will bring you in, there are too many variables."

Su Ruoli said: "It's rare for a dragon girl to appear. Do you think we will let you go?"

Tao Rusu couldn't laugh or cry: "So, is this taking advantage of each other?"

"I prefer to interpret it as a win-win situation." Su Ruoli gestured with scissor hands: "The dragon clan is very powerful, and smart people must learn to team up and cooperate."

Tao Rusu pursed her lips. She knew that Su Ruoli's speech was based on rational judgment, and she did not want to make things difficult for Bai Yu.

In fact, she herself had already compromised.

Su Ruoli couldn't convince her, she was the only one who could.

Even if it is only worth being used, even if it is such a naked and utilitarian relationship... As long as the false friendship can be maintained, she is willing to swallow the shame and despicability.

It's just that the inferiority complex is still engraved in the deepest part of my heart.

After all she is...

"Actually, so am I."

Suddenly, Bai Yu said something confusing.

Mu Yaoxi looked confused: "What did you say?"

Bai Yu repeated lightly: "She and I are the same type of people."

"I am also a direct descendant of the Ten Fierce Ones."

"My grandfather Bai Potian was ranked tenth among the ten most ferocious, and his title was Tyrannosaurus."

"My mother Beiming Yao, the legitimate daughter of the Beiming family, has been imprisoned by the Beiming family for many years. The Beiming family and I have a hostile relationship."

He looked at Tao Rusu, whose face was full of astonishment, patted her shoulder gently, and said with a smile: "Tell me, do we look alike?"

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