Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 313 Amnesty Certificate

Royal Academy of Rome.

Office on the first floor of the Master Academy.

"Counselor, do you have something to do with me?"

Elise entered the office, with the counselor of her class in front of her.

The unique system of the Royal Roman College, the counselor is responsible for the class, not the individual, and is responsible for taking care of this group of students until they find their own professors and mentors.

If you still can't find one, you can only continue studying with the counselor. Usually you will find your own mentor before your junior year to prepare your graduation thesis.

The counselor is an elegant woman who is affectionately called Annie by her classmates.

Annie smiled and said: "Have you considered the things I asked you to consider before? Many mentors are interested in accepting you as an apprentice."

Elysee has not chosen a fixed tutor yet. Although many people have expressed interest in extending an olive branch to her, Elysee has too many secrets and plans to study independently.

In fact, she has gradually lost sight of the tutor being able to help her.

She could get more from any dungeon than what her instructor gave her.

"Sorry, I don't have this idea at the moment." Elise shook her head and declined: "I am still a first-year student. I need to lay a good foundation and think about it later."

"You're not impatient, but for you, the second level, the following courses are somewhat too easy." Annie handed over a list: "I respect your choice, but I also hope you choose it earlier. As a professor, once you enter your sophomore year, the competition will start to become fierce.”

It is also difficult to choose good professors.

Elise couldn't resist, so she had to agree and asked: "Do you have any good candidates?"

Anne took a look at the list: "Half of the professors are willing to accept you, and the other half won't refuse as long as you take the initiative to visit. So... what kind of professor do you want to find as a tutor?"

After thinking about it, Elise said: "A professor who is not very controlling, has a casual personality, is relatively withdrawn, and doesn't like to delve into details, right?"

Annie was stunned, why is this all a character requirement?

What about personal academic level?

What magic faction are you good at?

...Is this girl here for a blind date?

After some inner discussion, she said, "I don't know that. After all, the professor's personality is quite changeable. I can help you find out later. If you need, come back later."

As a counselor, she should meet the needs of students. In fact, she herself is a student who has just graduated three years ago and is still very young.

Alice thanked her: "Thank you, I'll go back first."

"Wait a minute." Annie hurriedly tried to persuade her to stay, put down the water glass and said, "You have to go somewhere else with me. This is the real thing to do today."


"I'm afraid you forgot." Anne took Elysee's hand: "Let's go, the distance is not very far."

The two quickly passed through the magical corridor and arrived in an area she had never set foot on before.

Before entering this area, Elise subconsciously tensed up her nerves and became nervous.

This is... a church?

There is actually a church in the Royal Roman Academy?

She never knew.

Rome is a standard Western country. In addition to political power, there is also a church... Since ancient times, monarchy and religious power have been hostile to each other. In Rome, this problem has been solved.


The head of the state is the religious leader, which directly solves this problem. For example, the leader of Shintoism is the emperor. Fuso is also a country that combines politics and religion. The legitimacy of the rule of the emperor's family comes from blood, and blood comes from God.

(The essence of India is similar, except that Hindu believers elect the ruling party, and the leaders of political parties are also considered religious leaders and will actively suppress other ethnic groups and non-Hindu believers)

The imperial rule of Rome and the Holy Church had developed a high degree of unity.

The Holy Church was also the state religion of the Roman Empire and the only legal religion.

So there is a church in the Royal Academy where people come to worship.

Generally speaking, religion will definitely lag behind the times due to ideological emancipation, and will eventually be kicked away by the state power because it hinders the development of productive forces.

But not in Rome.

Because the Holy Church is in charge of something that all extraordinary beings covet.

It is precisely because of this thing that the Roman emperor must firmly hold the Holy Church in his hands.

Elysee does not like the Holy Church because its doctrines contain the doctrine of 'human supremacy'. The barbaric growth of religion in the early years must have required the development of believers through various means.

At that time, foreign races will become the best targets for differentiation and suppression. In addition, many foreign races and barbarians are naturally stronger than humans and have the ability to easily destroy villages when they reach adulthood, making the conflict and hatred intensify.

The Holy Church took this opportunity to establish alien races as objects of human hatred and expand its followers and influence.

Even now, the Roman Empire has included many foreign races in the Roman Charter of Human Rights and the Law on Racial Management, and has downplayed humankind's malice towards foreign races through terms such as 'subhumans', but the subtle influence of this doctrine has always been exist.

In the historical legends of the Holy Church, Gorgon is a typical evil being. Her eyes can turn anyone who looks at her into stone, her snake-like hair can bite and kill humans, and she can create all kinds of strange potions.

This is where the name Gorgon comes from.

She didn't like the Holy Church, and she was worried that her identity would be exposed.

Although she has more human blood components in her body, what if?

Anne couldn't move Elysee, and when she saw the girl's livid face, she comforted her: "Don't be nervous, this is just an office of the church, there aren't that many ceremonies."

After hesitating for a moment, Elise also walked into the church and saw the statue of the Holy Lord.

It stared at itself silently.

And Elysee didn't feel any sense of being judged.

Sure enough, they were all lies.

The so-called aliens will be judged are all false and fabricated stories. Although it has divine power, it cannot distinguish between evil and good. It can only react to forces that do not belong to this world.

She suppressed the change in her mood and stepped into the church.

The person in the office, a pastor, smiled and said hello.

"Elyse Goethe...congratulations on becoming a second-level magician."

"The information submitted has been reviewed and reviewed by the church."

"From today on, you have been allowed to explore hell. This is your 'amnesty card', please keep it."

The priest placed a white pendant on the table. Its appearance looked like a pair of pure white wings spread out to embrace the gem in the center.

A very beautiful pendant, it has a cool touch when touched.

But more than its appearance, what’s really important is its functionality.

This is the key to 'Hell'. To every extraordinary person in Rome, its importance is like the 'Dragon Vein Seal' to the extraordinary person in Daxia. It is a necessity to reach a special realm.

This is also the reason why the Holy Church is important. The Indulgences issued by it are the only legal way for Roman extraordinary people to enter hell.

Regardless of whether it interferes with productivity or not, as long as it is tied to the 'Amnesty Certificate', then the Holy Church has the necessity and legitimacy to exist.

Speaking of the origin of the ‘amnesty certificate’, it is inevitable to mention the formation of the concept of ‘amnesty’.

Some people must have heard of indulgences in history, but in fact, they are not called indulgences, and they cannot atone for sins.

Although it is called indulgences in reaction, its original meaning is "amnesty".

So, what is amnesty?

When mentioning amnesty, one must mention a concept in the church. In myths and legends, after death, people will enter heaven or hell. Good people enter heaven and evil people fall into hell. However, many people are not black and white. Those who are neither good nor evil or What should people do who do both good and bad deeds?

The Church made a patch for this and added a new area 'Purgatory'.

Purgatory is a place used for screening, where ordinary people will suffer ‘punishment’. After the punishment is over, you can go to heaven when you are clean; but for evil people, you still have to go to hell to suffer.

Therefore, indulgences cannot atone for sins, and sinners still go to hell.

So the amnesty was born based on this theory.

Since a person’s ‘evil’ needs to be punished, what about ‘good’?

One point mentioned in the concept of the church is that the good deeds done by those saints are immeasurable and have exceeded their standards for going to heaven. If there is too much, then the overflowing 'goodness' will be stored by the church. , forming a stock of good deeds, and may be allocated to others at the will of the Pope.

Those who have achieved 'goodness' will be exempted from punishment in purgatory after death.

The so-called "general amnesty" refers to using the overflowing "goodness" of the saints to eliminate this kind of punishment in purgatory.

Every time the Pope holds an indulgence, it is equivalent to a limited-time celebration. You can get the indulgence by making a pilgrimage to any place. Later, the method of buying indulgences was developed, "If you can't come yourself, you can donate money."

The amnesty certificate in Rome was more special and more practical.

The pastor continued: "Entering hell will cause your souls to be contaminated by the sinful atmosphere of hell. The amnesty certificate can protect you from being contaminated."

"But the amnesty certificate also has limits and needs to be purified once a year, so it needs to be reapplied every year."

“After it is documented, we will notify you one month in advance.”

"If you lose it, you need to get it replaced in time. It is extremely dangerous to enter hell without an amnesty certificate."

"Please be sure to note that many evil mages have dirty souls because they entered hell without an amnesty certificate."

Enough with the basic rules.

The middle-aged pastor hung the thing around Elysee's neck and said a loyal blessing: "I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the church members. I hope you can contribute to the purification of hell, child."

If Elyse were not Gorgon, she would definitely be moved at this time.

It's a pity that the divine light will not envelope me.

He will never favor me.

The only one who would favor a witch like me... is the editor.

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