"If you can find the shadow of your childhood sweetheart, you might be able to find a way out."

Bai Yu said simply.


"Yes, he has amnesia, so the shadow should stay here."

"How to find this?"

"Look slowly." Bai Yu looked at Su Ruoli: "You don't lack patience, right? And you also plan to save people slowly."

"...Yes." Su Ruoli quickly calmed down: "You are right. Since we want to rescue, we must do it more thoroughly. I don't plan to escape alone."

Hearing this sentence, Bai Yu didn't appreciate it much, but felt a little helpless and troubled.

Saving people is not an easy task... In a place like this, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky to save everyone.

It would be fine if she was more selfish. If she didn't have the idea of ​​being alone, she would undoubtedly be dragged down by more than thirty ordinary students.

This may also be the reason why she failed to escape the harvest in the end.

Kindness is never a cheap quality... The higher the moral level of a person, the more demanding he is on his own abilities.

To give a simple example, it is like helping an old man who has fallen down on the street. At this time, he is not only facing questions of conscience, but also direct financial pressure... 120 all costs money.

Perhaps Su Ruoli will have the ability to match it in the future, but now she is obviously not strong enough to bear the pressure brought by such a high moral standard.

It was impossible for her not to be aware of this, and the meaning of deliberately pointing it out was obvious.

She knows it, but she doesn't want to change it.

The two stepped into the shadow spider's lair one after the other.

"The ordinary shadow spiders here are equivalent to the first level of extraordinary beings, and there are a lot of them. There must be spider queens inside the shadow spider lair. The specific level is unclear, but once the number increases, we will not be able to cope with it."

"How did those people enter the Shadow Spider's lair?"

"I don't know the specifics, but I saw one thing with my own eyes," Su Ruoli said: "The shadow spiders will not attack them actively, and they can avoid them after meeting them."

"How many shadow spiders have you killed?"

"Two." Su Ruoli bent over and stood on tiptoes, trying not to make a sound while walking: "I don't dare to make too much noise. There are no less than a hundred spiders here."

"Very smart." Bai Yu gave a positive affirmation and said at the same time: "But against the shadow spider, my firearms are not that easy to use unless you know its fatal weakness."

"Generally speaking, it's the head." Su Ruoli said without hesitation: "If you cut off the head, they won't move."

"This is correct nonsense." Bai Yu complained: "Of course I am talking about the weaknesses outside the head."

The Shadow Spider moves very fast. A first-level extraordinary creature, its body strength and reflex nerve speed are higher than those of humans. Even Mao Lilan can dodge pistol bullets at close range. Could it be that the Shadow Spider can't react?


Bai Yu suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed Su Ruoli's shoulder: "Don't go there yet."

Su Ruoli immediately shrugged and let the young man's palm slip, then took a few steps back and hid behind the wall.

"Three people, seventeen meters in front and side, separated by a wall." Bai Yu could see clearly through his inherent talent for sensing murderous intent.

"Want to kill?"

"Can you do it?" Bai Yu expressed doubt: "Three people, I can do it alone."

"Strength level, specific location."

"Two first-level, one second-level... respectively 37 degrees, 62 degrees, and 18 degrees to the left of the front." Bai Yu repeated: "Are you sure?"

"I'll go around here to attract attention." Su Ruoli said in a few words: "We are not familiar with each other and don't know each other, so we can't use more complicated tactics."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and pulled out the Chu Yao Sword, with a layer of green light attached to the sword's edge.

Bai Yu looked at it and secretly marveled, is this girl really only seventeen years old?

Before losing sight of each other, the two sides exchanged one last look. Su Ruoli let his sword shine three times to indicate three-two-one.

When the light lit up for the third time, he ran directly to the passage ahead.

Su Ruoli directly dragged the weapon and made a crisp cutting sound on the wall, Clang——!

The sound attracted three transcendent beings.

What she didn't expect was that there were two unconscious people in the passage. Judging from their clothes, they should be classmates.


She didn't curse because she didn't have time to curse. The green sword light was already slashing at the nearest person at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Bai Yu had quietly come to the back of the passage, maintaining a standing posture with both hands holding a gun. Even if Li Sanguang came, it would be impossible for him to move more standardly and shoot more accurately than him.

Bullet time.

Time slowed down and three consecutive shots were fired.

A strange sound came from behind. The first person reacted and turned around, but he was too late and the bullet passed through his skull.

The second bullet was deflected by some force at the moment it hit, bounced away, and only hit the opponent's shoulder.

The moment the third bullet hit, the light of Su Ruoli's sword had disappeared into the blood, and it was impossible to tell whose head it was.

In the blink of an eye, only one second-level transcendent survived.

The man's eyes widened, he held his bleeding shoulder, and looked left and right against the wall, shocked and angry: "Who are you...!"

Bai Yu didn't say anything. If he had the time, he might as well fire a few more shots. He emptied the nineteen-round magazine as quickly as possible and completed the reloading in one second.

Unfortunately, all the bullets did not hit again, but were deflected by some force and shot in all directions.

This was not a completely useless effort. A pistol fired with the suppressive force of a machine gun. Although the bullets were bounced away, the impact was real.

This bought Su Ruoli time. She stepped on the wall, and her whole body seemed to be integrated into the green sword light. She passed by, and with a swift and precise sword, she sealed the throat of this second-level extraordinary person who did not even deserve a name.

Kill them like butchering chickens.

The other party must have resisted. Bai Yu saw some impact kicking up bursts of dust and creating craters in the corridor that Su Ruoli ran through. Unfortunately, he could not stop her.

All three died.

Bai Yu turned on the sense of murderous intent and looked around to make sure that the movement had not spread too far.

The entire shadow spider nest is filled with all kinds of spider webs, and these sticky spider webs have also become good shockproof and sound insulation materials.

Bai Yu approached, planning to celebrate the pleasure of working together for the first time, but he was met with Su Ruoli's angry eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me that they still had hostages in their hands? What if they had people in their hands and used them as shields!"

Bai Yu: "..."

After a second of silence, Bai Yu lowered his head and looked at the two unconscious students in the passage. His expression was confusing at first, but then he understood.

A person who passes out is unconscious.

Therefore, the sense of murderous intent is invalid... No wonder it is only a blue-level inherent talent, and it does have many shortcomings.

Su Ruoli's anger lasted for three seconds. She noticed that the other party had some embarrassment: "You... didn't notice it?"

"I can only sense conscious moving individuals. I really can't detect those who are unconscious." Bai Yu simply explained: "It was my mistake. I should have noticed the reason why they stayed earlier."

Su Ruoli pursed her lips: "I'm sorry, I got confused if I cared... They are my classmates."

Bai Yu expressed his understanding and immediately began to search the deceased's body, touching the body to collect resources.

"Have you ever killed someone before?" he asked.


"How do you feel now?"


"Don't you feel sick and want to vomit?"

"not at all."

"Awesome...you may have a talent for killing." Bai Yu vomited for a long time when he killed someone for the first time. He killed it with the help of the old man. He used a gun instead of a sword...the feel of slashing someone with a sword. The feel of shooting is completely different.

"If it's to protect the person I want to protect, I won't mind killing someone." Su Ruoli found a bottle of drinking water, poured some into the palm of his hand, opened the student's eyelids and dropped a few drops in.

Soon the two unconscious students woke up.

He saw Su Ruoli just after he woke up. He was overjoyed, but then he saw the corpse beside him and almost screamed.

But Su Ruoli covered her mouth.

Bai Yu stood aside holding the gun, thinking that it was right, so right. This was the reaction of ordinary people.

"Calm down, okay? Look at me carefully, don't look elsewhere, just listen to what I say..." Su Ruoli hugged two female classmates and leaned them on his shoulders: "I'm here, I'm here I saved you, the bad guy is dead, now listen to me and let’s go home together, okay?”

She was very experienced in soothing people's hearts, and with a few words she managed to calm down two female classmates who seemed to be under psychological pressure that might explode at any time.

This time Bai Yu once again saw the excellent psychological quality of ordinary people in this era.

It only took them a minute to adjust their mood and begin to analyze the current situation instead of letting their emotions lead them to vent randomly.

I have seen the names of the two girls Bai Yu in the student handbook. They are called Hua Li and Ruan Qingxue... Being able to enter the first class of the third year of high school, they are already top academics and elites when they are placed in the class. Their family background is also quite good, so they accept After receiving higher education, I also know how to self-soothe my emotions, at least realizing that I shouldn't cause trouble.

Bai Yu thought... Although it cannot be used as a fighting force, at least it is not a burden.

Hua Li took a sip of water to moisten her dry throat: "We met halfway. We weren't here originally. Someone on my side was injured, so I came out to ask for help..."

Ruan Qingxue looked sad: "I came from the other side. There were several men in black over there. I saw that some classmates had been caught."

Briefly summarize what the two said.

Bai Yu judged that the situation on either side was not good. One side was attacked by the shadow spider and there was a risk of being captured from the nest; the other side had members of the organization arresting people... The risk was also extremely high.

In order for a spider to eat a human, it must first be anesthetized and then dissolved, but killing a human does not require a complicated process.

"What should I do?" Bai Yu asked.

"One person per side." Su Ruoli gave his judgment: "I will deal with the shadow spider, and you will save people."

"Are you sure?" Bai Yu said.

"This is the only way." Su Ruoli said seriously: "If you think you can't handle it, at least please delay it for enough time."

Bai Yu couldn't think of a better solution, and he didn't have much time.

"Just do as you say."

Bai Yu led Ruan Qingxue back to the previous place, told her to hide, and then began to prepare for a sneak attack.

There are eight students in this place, and there are only two guardians, both of whom are second-level masters.

If you can't beat it, you can only delay it.

Bai Yu kept suppressing it by firing cold guns, and it lasted for ten minutes.

I thought it was almost time for the other party to arrive, and then I heard a reminder.

[The key character has died, the level has failed, and the copy will be closed soon]


Bai Yu was deeply shocked. Because of his distraction, he didn't notice a skull flying over from mid-air. He was pricked with holes by the white bone needles spat out by the skull on the spot.

Before he died, he also heard Ruan Qingxue's desperate cry.

Bai Yu opened his eyes and sat up from the yoga mat. It was still late at night and less than ten minutes had passed.

[Victory and defeat are common things in military affairs, please try again]

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