Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 387 Advancement, the truth

A demon, or a high-level demon.

The summoning of heroic spirits in advance blocked the fatal blow.

You are great, but I am not bad either.

Bai Yu wanted to make a joke like this to show his calmness.

But he was somewhat unable to laugh.

Damn it, high-level demon.

To be hiding in a place like this.

Shouldn't he be in the Land of Dragons?

"Outside, it's your fault."

Bai Yu said in a deep voice, and the guardian spirit body was walking around, ready to start more summons of heroic spirits at any time.

The demon was shrouded in a cloud of demonic energy and sneered: "That's not accurate. I'm actually only responsible for the part here. After all, I can't make such a big movement alone."

Bai Yu was shocked. Was it a gang crime?

The demon grinned: "What's that expression on your face? Can't demon transformers cooperate with others?"

He spread his palms and chuckled: "You can't survive in this world alone. Of course, evil people must learn to work together."

Bai Yu was silent.

He continued minding his own business: "Should you ask 'what is your purpose' next?"

The demon grinned, with white teeth and dark red eyes: "How could I tell you for no reason? Unless you are willing to become one of us."

"Accept your demon seed, and then turn into a fallen demon body, like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats you?" Bai Yu thanked him but said, "You are so ugly, but you think beautifully."

The demon licked the palm of his hand: "No matter how cold-hearted a man is, his heart will feel soft and warm when pinched."

Bai Yu interrupted: "Don't rush to take action - the next step I take is the ghost king's territory. Even if you are a high-level demon, the other party will not let you go."

The high-level demon joked: "Why, do you want to die with me?"

Now Longyuan Hall has been reduced to ghosts. In the past, it was the devil, and in the future, it was the ghost king. It can be said that it is between a rock and a hard place.

Hearing the other party's joking voice, Bai Yu suddenly realized that the devil was not afraid of ghosts at all.

On the contrary, this devil stayed here specifically, as if waiting for the ghost king to break free.


At this moment, it seemed as if a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and some key information links were activated.

These are two of the messages I received before.

‘——Because demons are rational, it is more difficult to predict their action trajectories. We have been hunting demons and demons for many years, and we have roughly figured out what their patterns of action are.’

‘——If you still remember what happened where we first met, then you should understand what these demons need.’

Since he is a demon, since he has reason, he should have a purpose for his actions.

The sender of this message and Bai Yu first met in Xujia Town.

However, it is not the Xujia Town today, but the Xujia Town seven years ago where Qin Xue died... It once turned into a ghost.

Yes, it’s another ghost!

There must be a powerful ghost king in the ghost world. Why did that demon accidentally get into the ghost world in the first place?

Bai Yu had never thought about this problem deeply. At first, he thought it was because it was being chased by the Black Evil Archer, so he had to hide in a panic.

Now that I think about it, I'm afraid that's not the case.

But the devil is looking for ghosts.

Just like the high-level demon in front of me.

So what would be their purpose?

A possibility was brewing in my mind.

Bai Yu murmured: "Advance."

The demonic energy in the devil's body shook: "What did you say?"

"Extraordinary systems, without exception, are a path to climb up." Bai Yu seemed to be talking to himself: "No matter what kind of power system, there is an inevitable route to upgrade the class; even if the evil star Rahu follows There are also stars."

"In this case, the devil should also have a promotion path..."

"I have never thought of this possibility, but if it is true, then if you want to grow from a low-level fallen demon body to a high-level demon, and from a high-level demon to a further demon god, it has a material essential."

"——The evil spirit and the evil spirit!"

Bai Yu said slowly and deeply: "This has actually been foreshadowed for a long time."

"Why do demons implant demon seeds into people just to multiply their companions?"

"If this is the case, you can choose a secluded and remote place to slowly multiply."

"Choose this method because the devil needs chaos."

"Only chaos can bring disasters, and disasters can produce the tragedy of resentment, love separation, and the tragedy of not getting what they want, thus giving birth to the food they need."

"——Those souls full of resentment, hatred and obsession."

"In order to obtain food, you demons have to disrupt human society, break order, create tragedies, torture their spirits, and turn them into elixirs for your promotion."

Speaking of this, Bai Yu felt a strong chill and malice.

He suppressed his discomfort and continued: "And the devil's promotion route is to devour the ghost king."

Just like the demon hiding in Xujia Town.

Its real target is actually the Ghost King!

It deliberately waited for the ghost king to advance before swallowing it.

It's the same this time.

The targets of the high-level demons are this ghost king who is at the peak of the fourth level, the fierce ghost transformed from Long Buping's resentment, and all the ancestor souls of the Dragon Land for hundreds of years!

The demon's promotion route is really weird and vicious.

"Your goal is to advance. For this reason, you have set your sights on the Dragon Country..." Bai Yu said to himself: "To be more precise, it is the fourth-level ghost king."

"It is true that for ordinary people and ordinary extraordinary people, the Ghost King means disaster, but you are different. You are a devil, and your promotion route is more difficult than the ordinary way."

"If what you want is the Ghost King himself, these operations are completely reasonable."

"You didn't want to be disturbed, so you planted the demon seeds in advance and enveloped the Dragon Country with demonic energy. This was also to stir up panic and buy yourself time to devour the Ghost King."

The high-level demon stared at Bai Yu with twinkling eyes.

How did it know that this was not Bai Yu's first encounter with a demon, nor was it his first encounter with a ghost.

It was just shocked that this secret that had been hidden for thousands of years was revealed.

Demons need to devour evil spirits to advance. This matter has never been known to the outside world, and only a very small number of demon transformers have gradually learned about it in the process of exploring on their own.

The followers of the evil star have been chasing the fallen demon body for so many years, killing everyone they see, with no communication, and little understanding of how the demon advances.

Some black evil archers may be aware of it, but the followers of the evil star will not make these things public.

Only high-level demons know this clearly, but they will never tell it.

Bai Yu happened to see through it. If these were spread, I am afraid that the weaknesses brought about by this advanced method would become an opportunity for the demons to be annihilated.

This person cannot be kept!

"I didn't expect that the secret that had been hidden among the demons for so long would be exposed by you." The high-level demon praised him, and at the same time, his murderous intent was revealed.

"Are you thinking of murder?" Bai Yu saw the dazzling red name above the other person's head, and his murderous intention was directly proportional to the red light.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"How long do you plan to keep it secretive like this?"

"Miss Ao Shuang!"

The demonic energy rippling all over the high-level demon's body burned violently.

It grinned and lowered its palms. After the dark evil aura faded away, a pale, delicate and beautiful face was revealed.

His eyes were blood red and his skin was as white as snow.

Compared with the low-level fallen demon body, she retains more rationality and humanoid appearance, and is still as fresh as a cabbage.

At this time, Ao Shuang's face was full of surprise: "How did you find out?"

She pulled out the dagger, and the hideous wound on her neck healed quickly: "Am I not being professional enough in pretending to be dead?"


Bai Yu said: "It's just that no one can do this except you."

Ao Shuang asked with a little more interest and patience: "How do you say it?"

Bai Yu talked eloquently, and followed the above analysis more and more fluently.

"You are the only person who has participated in two water walking ceremonies in a row."

"If the demon's goal is the Ghost King, there is no way he would not be there."

"Three years ago it wasn't as lively as it is today. I think it's because you noticed Ao Xuanyue's lack of ability."

"Three years ago, Ao Xuanyue didn't really have the ability to help you awaken the century-old resentment that has been sleeping in the ancestral hall, including this fourth-level ghost king who is obsessed with it."

"Because she was not a direct bloodline, she was killed by you."

"You must let the water-walking ceremony be destroyed in order to force the Dragon Country Elders Council to find the true direct descendants of the Dragon King."

"Ao Qinglian, another witch from the same period, was planted with a demon seed by you and revealed the truth."

"You are a demon, so you can naturally eat her up and wipe her clean, so Ao Xuanyue disappeared."

"This time Tao Rusu has the ability to perform a real water walking ceremony. Naturally, you need her to awaken the fourth-level ghost king so that you can have a chance to advance."

"So besides you, who else can be a high-level demon?"

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