A philosopher once asked a question: How would a person view his past self?

More than 50% of the answers from those asked were consistent.


The person who knows you best is yourself.

No matter what you have accomplished in the past, the deep impressions left in your memory are actually not the joy of success, but the frustration, guilt, and unwillingness caused by failure.

Most of the traces left on the soul are regrets.

It’s everyone’s dark history.

In his own eyes, it is the crystallization of unforgivable stupidity and arrogance.

The sun is shining, the sun is just right.

Tao Rusu's quilt was lifted, and the sunlight fell on her face. She suddenly felt that it was too dazzling, and she covered her head with the quilt, like a vampire princess trying to escape from the sun.

Until the quilt was completely lifted, a loud sound sounded.


She held her butt and turned over, blushing and gritting her teeth as she looked at the impudent visitor, her face full of resentment.

"Get up, how long do you want to sleep, sister."

Another girl with a sweet smile stood by the window and breathed into her palms: "If you don't get up, I will do it again."

Tao Rusu said helplessly: "I don't want to get up."

"That's not possible. I have to go out today for something." My sister shook her head and sighed: "Get up quickly."

"...my clothes."

"You slept naked again?"


My sister opened the closet and found a good-looking outfit: "Hurry up and put it on, then go downstairs to wash up. As expected, sister can't do it without me."

Tao Rusu opened the bed and sat up. The next moment she felt a little strange, as if someone was shaking her shoulders and talking.

She looked around, but there was no one there.

"elder sister?"


"You must be having nightmares again. I told you that you are under too much mental pressure." My sister muttered, "There is no need to be so stressed. It's not like the family doesn't have enough money to support you."

The sisters walked downstairs.

Tao Rusu didn't take what happened just now to heart.

Yes, she has always been under a lot of mental pressure. She occasionally has nightmares and dreams about some messy things, such as another world... Although she can't remember what she dreams about, it will also affect her life, so I take medicine every day.

After washing, she came to the living room, where breakfast was placed on the table. An old couple was sitting at the table. The husband was holding a newspaper in his hand and wearing reading glasses, and the wife was serving dinner.

"Dad, mom..." Tao Rusu shouted. For some reason, after shouting these two words, her nose felt a little sore.

"You didn't sleep well yesterday, okay? I heard you talking in your sleep in the middle of the night." Her mother took a few steps closer and rubbed her face: "Remember to take your medicine."

"Don't worry about going to college." Dad's voice was very kind. He took off his reading glasses and comforted me: "If you're not in a good mood, just stay at home."


"You kid, why are you being so polite as a family?"

Tao Rusu sat down and ate breakfast silently.

She and her sister were twins who were raised by an old couple. Although there was an age difference of more than 40 years, they never felt strange.

After Tao Rusu finished breakfast, her sister ran to the hall, picked up her rice bowl and drank the porridge in two or two mouths, then picked up a cucumber and put it into her mouth, then wiped her mouth: "Dad, Mom, I'll take my sister to the hospital." ”

"You kid, why are you in such a hurry? Let's talk about it after dinner."

"I am full!"

"Eat the cucumber before going out. Holding that in your mouth is so uncultured!"

Amidst the shouting, Tao Rusu was pushed on the back by her sister and walked out of the door.

The weather was very good, and she looked at the blue sky and white clouds, feeling that the scenery had just changed in a daze.

In front of her was a staid old doctor shining a flashlight on her eyelids, making her shrink back in fear.

"Who are you?"

The old doctor touched his chin and asked, "Have you lost your memory again?"

"Sister...are you distracted again?" my sister asked worriedly.

"I..." Tao Rusu looked around. This was a hospital office, and the department was the psychiatry department.

The old-fashioned old doctor's nameplate says "Zhao Moumou", and he is the director and chief physician of the psychiatry department here.

Dr. Zhao said: "Your situation is still not good. I ask you to come for a review once a week. You have to put it off."

The younger sister asked cautiously: "Director, is my sister okay?"

"It's hard to say. If this continues, it is not impossible to develop autism... Has she become less and less willing to go out recently?" The old-fashioned doctor sighed: "Many autistic patients are like this too. In their own minds, Construct a world that, in their own eyes, is self-defeating.”

Tao Rusu lowered his head.

The younger sister held her palm and said worriedly: "My sister has been having dreams and trances recently."

"This is the current situation of mental instability. We must try to keep her away from places that can cause mental stress. It is best to stay in a safe scene." Dr. Zhao subconsciously touched his bald head: "For you, it should be Just stay at home and recuperate."

"But, but I still have..." Tao Rusu subconsciously wanted to deny it. She always felt as if she had something that she had to do.

"Treat the sick!" Dr. Zhao snorted.

"Treatment is priority!" My sister also insisted: "In the worst case, I will go out to deliver food to feed you!"

Looking at the girl who looked exactly like him, Tao Rusu smiled silently.

She also felt as if she had nothing to hold on to and it would be nice to stay at home.

With a warm bed and a family who cares about her, why should she care about that illusory dream?

"This is medicine. Remember to take it after meals. One pill per meal, two times a day. If the condition worsens, take more pills." Dr. Zhao prescribed a medicine to stabilize the mind.

The two sisters left the hospital.

Halfway through, Tao Rusu looked at the scenery on the roadside while walking, and her mood improved a little.

My sister met an acquaintance walking his dog on the way, so she ran up to pet the dog. The reincarnated dog from one of the group friends licked her palms and calves, making the person laugh.

Three people and one dog came to a cafe and sat down. My sister and her friends went to order drinks.

Tao Rusu was alone for a while. While rubbing the dog's head, she suddenly thought...does she have no friends?

"Woof woof——!"

The dog barked.

Tao Rusu lowered his head and saw that the dog head in his hand had turned into a human face at some point.

The scene in front of her also changed suddenly. She was in a bloody place, surrounded by a group of wandering corpses.

She held a head in her hands, sat on the pile of bones, held it in her arms, and shed tears of blood silently.

"Sister, sister?!"

"Ah?" Tao Rusu came to her senses, let go of her hand, and the dog broke away from her hand.

She looked at her sister: "Am I distracted again?"

"Sister, take a pill." My sister opened the medicine box and poured out a blue pill: "You will feel better if you take it."

Tao Rusu hesitated for a second, but seeing her sister's insistent expression, she took the blue pill and took it.

Suddenly, the tinnitus surrounding my ears went away, and the illusion disappeared.

The surroundings are still beautiful, no longer a horrific scene with rain of blood.

Tao Rusu breathed a sigh of relief, and her conversation became more natural.

"You sisters have such a good relationship."

"Of course, we are twins, sisters."

"But no matter how good they are, they may separate in the future." The friend held his chin: "After all, we will separate and start a family in the future."

My sister puffed up her cheeks and said, "I won't be too far away from my sister, and I'm not willing to leave my sister to a bad man."

The friend said amusedly: "Rusu will get married eventually, and so will you... Speaking of which, do you have anyone you like?"

My sister immediately crossed her arms: "No."

Tao Rusu took a sip of coffee and said to herself: "Probably, right?"

"Sister??" My sister's voice rose an octave: "Why didn't I know this happened?"

My friend immediately became interested and came up to ask, "Who is it? Who is it?"

Tao Rusu ducked back: "That's him."


"Hmm..." Tao Rusu rubbed the center of his eyebrows and couldn't remember it for a while. He didn't know if it was because of the medicine he took, but it was particularly difficult to recall.

The younger sister suddenly said, "Oh, my elder sister's childhood sweetheart went to Hawaii for a while. Then I was playing in the amusement park with my elder sister that day and suddenly disappeared."

"Isn't that the childhood sweetheart of the two of you?" The friend said with admiration: "Young childhood sweethearts, that's great. I want this kind of childhood sweetheart too."

"He's not that good. He's confused with several girls, huh!" My sister said in disdain, "I hate scumbags!"

"Do you have a photo?"

"Why would I keep his photo? Huaxin Carrot should be sentenced to prison without a wife!"

"Don't say that." Tao Rusu tugged her sister's ear: "He is very nice."

"As expected of my sister, her elbows are always turned outward." My sister was very unhappy.

The friend asked with a smile: "It would be great if we could meet sometime, otherwise, why not meet up another day?"

The younger sister pouted: "Sister is still recovering. What are you doing by calling him here? Is it increasing the mental pressure?"

Tao Rusu took the initiative to change the topic.

She still couldn't remember who he was or what his name was, so she just regarded it as a side effect of taking the medicine.

After drinking coffee with my sister and friends, I went home.

I had lunch with my parents, and my sister fell asleep on the sofa. She also went back to the room, feeling like she had nothing to do for a while.

As soon as he reached the bed, he felt sleepy.

Completely unable to resist this desire to sleep, she fell on the bed and soon fell into a deep sleep.

She had another nightmare.

No, more of a strange dream than a nightmare.

She seemed to be dreaming of a date, a date that made her contented and immersed in it, including a tour of an ancient town, a boat ride across a lake, a candlelight dinner, witnessed by fireworks, and when she was about to kiss him, she caught a glimpse of the look in his eyes. reflection.

The face reflected in those dark eyes was not her own, but another face.

Tao Rusu sat up and was startled awake again. She touched her cheek and walked to the floor mirror to confirm that she was still her.

She suddenly smiled: "It's just a dream."

She was about to leave when suddenly the mirror shattered, and a hand reached out, grabbed her palm, and dragged half of her body with difficulty.

Bones were visible in the wound on the palm of her hand. Tao Rusu suddenly became clear-headed due to the severe pain. She stared at the young man walking out of the mirror, not knowing what to say for a moment.

The moment the young man saw her, he showed a blood-soaked smile: "I've kept you waiting for a long time."

"You are..." Tao Rusu subconsciously called out her name.

"Take my hand and I'll take you out!" he said.

Just as the boy finished saying this.

The door was pushed open.

As if the projector was knocked over, the boy disappeared directly. The broken mirror and the wounds on his palms completely disappeared, but the pain remained faintly.

However, what just happened was like an illusion.

"Sister!" Her sister rushed in and hugged her: "Are you okay? Did you have another nightmare?"

Tao Rusu looked at the disappearing scene in confusion. Her head felt severe pain and she took a few steps back.

Her sister carefully helped her to the bedside and said softly: "If you feel uncomfortable, just have a good rest. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"By the way," she poured a glass of water, opened the medicine box and took out two blue pills: "Take some medicine and you won't have nightmares anymore."

Tao Rusu looked at the blue pill, and suddenly felt an inexplicable resistance in her heart.

"What's wrong, don't you want to eat?"

"Bitter..." Tao Rusu found a reason.

"Afraid of hardship? Sister is still afraid of hardship even though she is such an adult." My sister said helplessly and dotingly: "I'll pour you some honey water."

After saying that, he ran downstairs in his pajamas.

Tao Rusu sat beside the bed, sweating profusely.

What just happened was not like an illusion at all.

So true.

She covered her head, trying to remember who the boy was.

No, I can't remember.

She slapped her forehead, hating that her memory was unclear.

At this moment, something slipped from her clenched right hand and landed directly in front of her sight.

That's a red pill.

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