Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 410 Facial cleanser is a control skill

"The island owner closed his eyes again."

On the top of a mountain in Penglai Academy, there is a courtyard, or in other words, a cave.

Dean Chuanwu closed his eyes and looked at the hidden patio.

This is actually not a secret to the college’s top brass.

Almost everyone at the top knew that this hidden patio contained an eye of the Penglai Island owner.

His eyes are soaked in the water of the hidden courtyard, and he can easily see everything in Penglai Island, but no one knows where he is.

Dean Chuanwu stood up with his hands behind his hands: "It seems that the restless factors in Penglai Island have completely left."

Lu Dan, who had stayed here for five full days, felt unhappy and said, "So what exactly happened?"

Dean Chuanwu shook his head: "Who knows?"

Lu Dan was furious: "Weren't you from the Star Observation Department before? Can't you tell from this?"

Dean Chuanwu raised his eyes and pointed at his empty eye sockets: "My eyes have been blind for a long time. What do you expect me to calculate based on this?"

Lu Danxin held her cheek: "Go to Danding Academy to find a pair of tricks to change into. It's not difficult. Otherwise, I can give you some dragon eyes and tiger eyes..."

"My tricks are the Wuwu Eyes that are rare in the world." The old man with the immortal spirit said to himself: "When I was young, I was not sensible. In order to compete with Miu Tianjili for the position of Supervisor of the Star Observation Department, Competing with him in predicting the future, we each predicted forty-nine events in the next fifty years."

"Why forty-nine?" Lu Danxin asked, holding his chin.

"The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and one can escape." The old dean laughed at himself: "But I don't believe in evil, and I want to complete it to the fiftieth to prove that I am better than Miu Tianji, but the result is... useless Thanks to my ability to distinguish right from wrong, I gave up on divination and retired from the Star Observation Department."

Lu Danxin was stunned: "So you have been waiting here for five days, which is a complete waste of time."

"Not necessarily." The old dean said: "Through the hidden patio, I can also share part of the island owner's vision. What happened is still clear for the time being."

Lu Dan was excited: "Didn't you know nothing just now?"

"I did see it, but what exactly happened is not very clear. At least I don't understand... why this little thing also attracted the attention of the island owner. Normally, he shouldn't open his eyes." The old dean What I care about is obviously another thing: "Besides, the number of days has changed..."

Lu Danxin rolled her eyes repeatedly: "Old man, you are indeed suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Your words are inconsistent. While saying that you don't understand divination, you start to get mad at the same time. I suggest that you retire immediately and give me the position of Dean of Chuanwu. ! I advise you not to be ignorant of good and evil!"

Dean Chuanwu said calmly: "When you reach the fifth level, when will I retire?"

Lu Dan stamped his feet angrily: "If I could reach level five, would I even give you eye drops?"

"You can't enter the fifth level, which proves that your cultivation level is not enough." The old dean chuckled: "I asked you to teach Haoyue, it would be better for you to directly become the shopkeeper... Don't you know, as long as you can teach other people? Can people in turn consolidate all their realms and knowledge points? I wanted to use this method to sharpen your temperament."

Lu Danxin crossed her arms and turned her head to look at Yunxia: "What does this have to do with me? The child is so proud of himself that he doesn't need my intervention at all."

"I think you are afraid that you have invested too much emotion, but got the same result as in the past." Dean Chuanwu is indeed a mature man, and he said it in a simple sentence: "Once you are a teacher, you will always be a father. It is normal to be emotionally invested in your disciples. The more you take care of them, the easier it is to develop selfishness. It is ultimately painful to see your disciples disappear, die, stagnate, or go astray."

Lu Danxin remained silent and simply asked: "Old man, I was the only one who stayed on Penglai Island back then."

"The best people have either fallen, disappeared or been imprisoned. Do you really not feel it at all?"

The old dean replied calmly but melancholy: "After all, this is your own path. What I, a teacher, can only do within the academy."

Lu Danxin said: "I knew it's useless to ask. If I hadn't also been cold-hearted, I wouldn't have stayed here."

Hearing these unintentional words, the old man poured a cup of tea: "I know what you want to do, but as long as you don't enter the fifth level, you can't succeed me... The position of Dean Penglai is more important than you think." Heavy, in addition to power, there is also responsibility, even if you hold a heavy weapon, you must not act recklessly."

"Hmph..." Lu Danxin's cold snort had no confidence. After years of waiting, she had become accustomed to it.

The old dean looked at Lu Danxin who was about to leave and suddenly mentioned: "I got a piece of news here."

"The qualification evaluation for the seventh Haoyue title has begun."

"This time, Shanhaisi and Shenwusi are jointly responsible."

"Four people have passed identity background checks and qualifications so far."

Lu Danxin turned around suddenly: "He has only been in school for less than a month!"

The old dean said calmly: "Since when have Penglai students been ranked according to their seniority according to their school age? The time has come, and when it's time to pull out the sheath, how can it be said that it's been ten years of sharpening a sword?"

Lu Danxin became more convinced: "Old man, what exactly did you see?"

"You decide whether to go or not." After the old dean said this, he stopped talking.

Lu Danxin kicked the table angrily, but it didn't move at all.

She cursed "old man is disrespectful", turned around and walked down the mountain worriedly.

It was earlier than she thought.

The total number of people in Jiaoyang Haoyue in the past dynasties was usually only about five.

However, in the past ten years, so many monsters have appeared in succession, and the number has increased to nine, and now it has reached double digits.

This is the first time this has happened in hundreds of years.

Because of this, the fight for the title is bound to be bloody.

Compared with those before him, Bai Yu not only had no advantage, but also had many disadvantages.

Long Jianquan and Beimingque have both obtained the title of Bright Moon in recent years. Those who once competed with them for the title but lost are now eyeing the position of the Seventh Bright Moon.

To be honest, the strength of these people may not be inferior to that of Long Jianquan and Bei Mingque. What they lack is just some luck.

Not to mention far away, there are three people who have the highest voices in Penglai Academy.

One is Dongfang Hong, the president of Yuling, the second is Fu Yulou, the president of Zhenfa, and the third is Nangong Chao, the genius alchemist of Danding Academy.

The former once competed with Bei Mingque for the title of Bright Moon, but lost to Huang Qixia, who was at the height of his power at the time. He was too injured and missed the opportunity;

Although the latter two passed the qualification review, they have not competed for the title of Haoyue, and there is no guarantee that they will not try.

Among the people who passed the qualification appraisal, one must be Dongfang Hong, while the other three should be scattered in various watch schools.

In the coming time period...

The 'friendly exchanges' between various institutions of higher learning will probably become closer.

According to past experience, Haoyue will not stop easily until its account ban is decided.


Do you want to talk to him?

Lu Dan was worried about this. Although she had always been a hands-off mentor, it didn't mean that she really didn't care about the students she recruited.

In fact, she has been paying attention to Bai Yu's every move.

As long as what happens inside Penglai Academy is within the controllable scope, at most it will result in some losses but no deaths.

She couldn't interfere in matters involving the Dragon Clan, so she was invited to tea by the old man. Dean Chuanwu was worried that she would end up personally and complicate the situation.

Students are students and teachers are teachers.

The teacher needs to go out in person, either to ask her to give a speech on stage or to bow her head to admit her mistake, or to go to the set of Fuso's action movie by mistake.

The latter is definitely not possible, the former depends on the student's caliber.

However, no matter how much she overestimated Bai Yu, Lu Danxin did not believe that Bai Yu had the ability to compete for Haoyue now. The time she planned would take at least half a year to more than a year.

Or simply wait for Bai Yu to return from studying in Rome. After Bai Potian's personal teaching, his already outstanding talent will be maximized, which is enough to crush all opponents.

Unfortunately, time waits for no one.

If the level is not enough and the skills are not complete, even a krypton guy will not be able to enter the first level.

She pursed her lips, and after careful consideration she decided to talk to Bai Yu about this matter. She couldn't decide on her own.

The most fearful thing in the world is self-assertion in the name of goodwill... You are not someone else, so why should you decide for the other person what is best for him?

Show your attitude!

You can have random ideas, but not your attitude!

Correct your attitude, and then try to persuade this stubborn boy. At the worst, give him a facial cleanser. It is said that this can effectively control any man and ensure his emotional stability, no matter old or young.

He rode the spirit beast to the door of the villa.

I just happened to encounter two people who had returned from the Dragon Country and were pushing their suitcases into the house.

Just as Lu Danxin was about to say hello, she became suspicious: "Strange, why are there only the two of you? Where did Tao Rusu go?"

Bai Yu paused, revealing a slightly complicated expression: "She... left."


Could it be...

Lu Danxin suddenly panicked and couldn't imagine what happened in the Dragon Country.

She saw the bandages wrapped around Bai Yu's body again, and she instantly had many associations.

He immediately rushed forward in three steps, hugged Bai Yu, and pressed his head to his chest with a question mark on his face.

After displaying a powerful control skill, Bai Yu suddenly became stiff from his neck to his whole body.

Lu Danxin touched his hair, and her tone was gentler than ever before: "You must have suffered a lot in the Dragon Country. It's okay. It's okay now. The mentor is here, I will support you!"

……what are you talking about!

Bai Yu asked Kurosaki Ichigo-like questions in his heart.

At this time, the bathroom door opened, and Su Ruoli, who came out wiping his hands, took in the whole scene, and his expression suddenly became dull.

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