Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 412 Amazing the whole youth

The decoration style of this tea house is very special.

Combining ancient and modern times.

There are many bookshelves on the second floor, with a variety of novels on them, including all types of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign novels, including translations of some Roman books.

Therefore, when reading here, the book atmosphere is very strong, and it is easy to appeal to those who prefer literature and art.

Everyone has a literary part in their heart, which is sensitive, fragile and emotional. This is definitely not a derogatory term.

Unlike modern cafes, there are not so many lights here. The unique architectural structure is almost entirely natural lighting, with few wall structures and transparency on all sides.

The interior of the building is blessed with an array to protect it from wind, rain and dust, ensuring maximum quietness and cleanliness.

There is no music or complexity, just the sound of brewing tea, a little conversation, and a few footsteps.

There is a leisurely feeling of reading in a place far away from the city but not separated from the city. It can be said to be hidden in the city.

Bai Yu opened the book and continued yesterday's reading.

The third level of transcendence is usually called the golden soul.

At this stage, the soul of the extraordinary person will be completely solidified, and thus he will gain superhuman level mental concentration. The strong mental power will also bring stronger intuition, faster thinking speed, etc... these They are all extraordinary third levels under conventional cognition.

In fact, we need to explore it in more depth.

The realm of every extraordinary person is different, so the person who wrote the book cannot cover everything, let alone make fantasy out of reality, and can only give as many examples and classifications as possible.

'The third level of extraordinary is the level at which extraordinary people reach the limit of growth. The first level of extraordinary begins to grow, the second level of extraordinary is the limit of body, and the third level is the limit of soul... Therefore, some extraordinary people will usher in a physical body when they reach the second level of extraordinary. Changes in appearance, reaching the third level of transcendence will trigger changes in the soul, and changes in the spiritual level will also affect an individual's external performance'

‘Growth does not happen overnight. Most of these changes are not drastic and vary from person to person’

'According to multiple research data, those who enter the third level of transcendence after the age of thirty will have almost no impact on themselves; the number of people who enter the third level before the age of twenty-five is very small, but it will also have a certain degree of mental impact. The growth of the soul means the growth of the spirit and the expansion of the personality. ’

'If you want to control the soul power that grows too fast, you must have a sound enough personality...'

Bai Yu read a book and gently rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers.

Does this mean that you are currently going through this stage of soul growth and personality expansion?

After all, this body is only seventeen years old... but the soul has been in two lives, and there is no way it will be unable to control it.

Wait, two lives are human beings...

Bai Yu suddenly realized that the result of such growth was that he was getting closer and closer to himself in his previous life.

To be fair, Bai Yu thinks that he has always been an adult, but he still deliberately distinguishes two different selves, one is Bai Yu, and the other is the editor of destiny... This leads to his completely different behavioral styles under the two identities.

The former is youthful and energetic, while the latter is calm and leisurely.

Nowadays, as the level of strength increases, this balance is being broken. Sooner or later, the boy will grow up to be an adult. Once the growth starts to accelerate, it is only a matter of time before the Ship of Theseus is completed.

Bai Yu held her chin with her fingers, completely unaware that her every move had attracted a lot of attention.

There is a saying that appearance comes from the heart.

And the heart is the soul.

The soul is a mysterious and mysterious concept. When the soul begins to grow, the personality will also expand.

Bai Yu's two lives are full of stories, and they don't need to pretend to have stories, and they don't need to fake the vicissitudes of life to have real vicissitudes of life.

He hasn't realized that his changes have become obvious to too many people. The most straightforward point is that... he has become handsome.

Became more attractive.

Bai Yu was just a seventeen-year-old boy before. He was sunny and handsome. Although his appearance was a bonus, there were a lot of pretty boys in Guangdong and Penglai everywhere.

After stepping into the third level of Extraordinary, his temperament suddenly changed, like a tarpaulin being lifted off a pearl, and his already outstanding courage suddenly became unstoppable.

Even if he was standing with Long Jianquan, Bei Mingque and even Huang Qixia, no one could suppress his conspicuousness and cover his edge.

The third level of transcendence, soul sublimation.

Just like a sword unsheathed, its sharp edge will be revealed.

Even if you want to hide your stupidity, you can't.

The so-called edge comes from the heart, and this part of Bai Yu's appearance after entering the third level is his true personality.

If I have to sum it up in one simple sentence, that is...

He couldn't pretend anymore.

Forced to act in his true colors.

Then the smell of salted fish in my bones also came out.

A twenty-seven-year-old soul, a social beast who has been severely beaten by society, naturally does not want to suffer, so it is fine to just muddle along.

...As expected of me.

Bai Yu showed a bit of lonely self-mockery.


Suddenly, a strange sound sounded. He followed the sound and saw that a girl who had appeared on the second floor at an unknown time hit her head on the railing, making a clear sound.

She covered her forehead with her face flushed. She bowed three times in a row under Bai Yu's puzzled eyes and ran away.

Bai Yu didn't pay much attention and continued to read with his head down.

Under the sun, he leaned on the chair. He didn't need to use his hands. He could turn the pages of the book automatically by relying on his mental power, and his fair skin was glowing.

The sounds of swallowing made him slightly distracted, but considering this was a teahouse, swallowing was normal.

Unknowingly, many people seemed to be sitting in all directions.

Bai Yu's surrounding area of ​​ten meters was an uninhabited area, but his intuition told him that his surroundings were everywhere.

Who is so bored, staring at me who is too lazy to even lift a finger to turn over the book?

Is it a bitch from Yuling Academy, or is Zhuge Qingyun just itchy?

Forget it, ignore them... now I just want to read and study and stabilize my realm.

The sound of tapping the screen continued one after another, accompanied by the sounds of suppressed breathing and excited conversations.

‘You’re right, you’re really right’

‘It’s different, it’s completely different from the photo’

'quick! Come with a few more pictures, a few more angles, take them back and make those little hooves greedy to death! ’

‘There are only two words in my mind right now—pan him! ’

‘It’s over, it’s over, my sister’s heart beats for the first time in her life. I really want to take a lick of it. It’s the sweet and wild ship’s new taste! ’

These sounds reach the ear canal unfiltered.

Who is not a third-level extraordinary person with sharp ears and eyes?

It was clear that Bai Yu didn't want to hear it.

He thought to himself, are the desserts in this teahouse so delicious? Are you so uncontrollable?

And this kind of taste that’s comparable to apple coffee?

Do you want me to order one to try too?

The pages continued to turn.

The reading speed is not very fast, so Bai Yu chews slowly and enjoys this quiet time of his own.

"Guest, your Longjing tea."

A teahouse employee came up with a tea tray. She put down a pot of tea and at the same time bent down and handed over a plate with five-color pastries.

"This is a tea gift made by me myself. I hope you don't dislike it."

The working school girl smiled sincerely and specially emphasized the words "I did it myself".

A gift?

Have I triggered the guarantee rule again?

Bai Yu, who has always been very lucky, paused briefly and then responded with a 15-degree Celsius smile: "Thank you, senior sister, for taking the trouble."

A mediocre thank you made the senior student feel elated immediately, and she even boldly reached out, took out her mobile phone and asked: "Well, could I please add a friend as a junior?"

The sound of tables and chairs colliding was heard, and several people stood up immediately. The movements were so large that the tables and chairs shook, and even the teacups were overturned. They were so excited that they seemed to hear the swordsman throwing the cups.

Realizing that she had committed public outrage, the senior put away her phone and said calmly: "Please ring the bell if you need more tea."

Bai Yu looked at the other person's back as he left. He thought to himself that it wasn't like he didn't agree, he was just a good friend.

Summoning the guardian spirit, Maomao jumped onto the table.

He stood up as nimbly as the hunter's best friend Ellu, grabbed the teapot with his first two paws and poured a cup of tea.

The translucent spirit body was clearly visible to anyone's eyes. Although they didn't know what it was, its cute cat-like appearance immediately caused a low cry of 'Wow'.

Several girls almost rushed over and begged to be touched.

There were several sounds in the quiet teahouse

‘So cute, what is that’

‘Mao Mao, it’s Mao Mao’

‘What kind of spiritual beast is that? I want it, I want it so much! ’

The stupid Twolegs really couldn't resist the charm of cats.

Bai Yu released the cat to attract attention, picked up the tea cup, and saw a tornado rising in the cup. Not a drop of water was spilled, and the whirlpool dispersed the temperature. Then he picked up the tea cup and drank it in one gulp.

The guardian cat returned to pouring tea and water.

From beginning to end, his eyes never left the book.

Practice the word laziness to the end.

Suddenly I felt that my hard work in practice was indeed useful, at least it was effectively fed back into my life.

Petting the cat, drinking tea, reading...

Most of the morning passed comfortably.

It's great to be a lazy dog.

Until his wrist was lightly bitten, the guardian cat pointed at the clock with its tail. The time had already reached eleven o'clock.

Bai Yu closed the book and it was time to go back.

When he was going downstairs, three women came towards him. The stairs were not wide enough for four people to stand shoulder to shoulder, so he took the initiative to step aside.

The three of them stared at Bai Yu, as if there was something written on his face.

Bai Yu waited for ten seconds: "Don't you guys go over?"


The three people who were slow to react immediately showed different expressions. They lowered their heads and patted each other's shoulders. They stepped back and pushed each other to form a small train whizzing past, with their heads lowered in unison, like three ostriches.

Bai Yu only thinks that his reputation is really high now. He has been the strongest in ten years, so he should be somewhat popular.

He smiled faintly, walked downstairs, scanned the QR code to pay, and pushed the door open.

He left less than half a minute later.

The second floor, which originally had an occupancy rate of 80%, was immediately more than half empty.

A group of people stood up one after another, including men and women, and the discussion became louder.

"Didn't you say that you are not convinced by this new king? You are clamoring to show him how to write food."

"I admit that I spoke a little too loudly..."

"Are you so quick to follow your heart?"

"When I saw the dragon scroll hidden in the cup in his hand, I knew that we were not on the same level at all. I was afraid that he would have to kneel down and beg me not to die if he punched me."

"Why don't you go up and talk!"

"You are so brave, you should go!"

"I, I, the dignified veteran of the Qianchen Club's support can I go in person?"

"I think you can't close your legs!"

"What nonsense are you telling the truth!"

A graduated assistant teacher from Danding College took a look at the booth before leaving and sighed: "I really envy those freshmen."

Danshi who was traveling with him asked: "What are you envious of?"

"In their memory, there was once such a person who amazed their entire youth."

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