Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 416 The twist of fate

Chapter 416 Destiny Weaving·Turn

This is not so much a love letter.

Rather, it is a letter asking for help.

Bai Yu read the content of the letter carefully twice.

Judging from the format, it is full of longings, emotional expressions, and business matters, and...

"The handwriting is good."

Bai Yu raised his eyebrows.

The better the calligraphy is, the more effort Amamiya Mahiru has put in this aspect. She still uses a writing brush, and she wants to practice calligraphy in years.

I don't know where the love started, but it goes deeper and deeper.

Put the letter away.

Bai Yu was slightly hesitant to reply.

You may or may not return.

If she replies, it means that she already knows that she is here, and it will be troublesome if fishing law enforcement really comes.

Even at such a young age, I don't want to fall into the Shura field.

If you don't reply, it will appear that you don't take it seriously enough. With Amamiya Mahiru's extreme personality, there is no chance that she will actually do something.

Bai Yu touched his chin and thought: "Now that I have the Ghost Dragon King at the peak of the fourth level, Mahiru's strength is less than the fifth level. She should not be able to stop me. In this case, I will take the time to go to Fuso What’s the harm in meeting her?”

We were going to Rome anyway, so it was perfectly time to stop in Fuso in advance.

Fuso is closer to Daxia, and there is a port specially provided for ghost ships.

If you are strong enough, you don't have to worry about being locked up in the basement, and you can naturally stand up straight.

Bai Yu felt that his mentality was very much like that of a middle-aged man after getting married. If he didn't have enough confidence and heard his beloved wife calling him to go to bed, he could not help but show his weak legs.

If you need kidney weight, kidney weight!

He opened the drawer and planned to put the letter in, but he smelled the fragrance of white plum coming from the letter paper.

Mahiru Amemiya always has a faint fragrance of white plums floating around her body.

Even though ten years have passed, the scent is still that of an old friend.

This letter must have been carried around, as the paper was soaked with a faint fragrance.

This smell will definitely reveal its origin. After all, the white plum fragrance is a very unfamiliar smell in this room. Su Ruoli will definitely notice it as long as he gets closer.

Bai Yu couldn't bear to destroy the letter, so he could only put it in his backpack, then picked up the air freshener and used it to completely disinfect the tables and chairs in the room, and brushed his hands with alcohol sol.

Make sure there is no odor left before putting your mind at ease.

While Fly was rubbing his hands, Bai Yu sighed guiltily: "Why am I so skilled?"

I lay back on the bed and found a comfortable position.

Bai Yu looked at the ceiling. Perhaps because he came into contact with the letter, he suddenly began to miss the refreshing fragrance of white plums.

The most endearing thing about Mahiru Amemiya, apart from her personality, is the scent of her body.

She said that this was not a natural constitution, but the result of long-term aromatherapy during her stay at Nan's house.

Long time no see, I miss you very much.

Bai Yu closed her eyes, opened the 'Chronicle of Heroes', and prepared to log in to the realm or dungeon to take a look at the two girls.

At the same time as his eyes touched lightly, a burst of red text lit up.

[Received ‘A Love Letter from Fuso’]

[Confirming the arrival point of the fate of the ignorant ghost]

【Do you want to weave your destiny? 】

[This destiny weaving is more difficult, please be fully prepared]

The prompt lights up.

Bai Yu put his hands on the back of his head. He thought that this reminder came at the right time. Maybe it was because Amamiya Mahiru had sent the mission himself?

No matter what, he had no reason to refuse.

More difficult?

It's just time to try out how much his current realm and strength match.


【Start destiny weaving·turn】

The Bai Feng family residence.

"Nan Shihui is dead."

"The current situation of the Nan family is not good."

Shiromine Naomi was arranging flowers and quietly listening to the report from her subordinates.

After guessing the identity of Amamiya Mahiru, she secretly collected various pornographic information about the Nan family.

It wasn't for the purpose of threatening or anything, but because of the mutual prosperity and loss of both parties, she thought it was necessary to let Amamiya Mahiru know the current situation of her relatives.

The current news is not unexpected. After Amamiya Mahiru left, the situation of the Nan family has almost gone from bad to worse... Originally there was an old jackal named Teru Minami who was ambitious and could be more or less a paper framer. Keep the surface bright.

If Amamiya Mahiru had not resisted and was married off and successfully joined forces with the Kazama family, the Nan family would have had at least twenty years of glory.

Now the sun has set, the industry is in decline, and other Chinese groups in Osaka have joined forces to squeeze them out. It seems that they have only one breath left.

Osaka and Kyoto, where the Fuso Imperial Family is located, have complicated power structures and a large number of Chinese people. They are vanity fairs that eat people without spitting out their bones.

It is impossible for a mafia organization like the Baifeng Group, which is struggling at the bottom, to be stationed in that area. The limit of getting some information is already the limit.

"Miss, do you need to inform that person..." the attendant asked.

"My sister has already left. I tried to persuade her, but unfortunately she didn't listen."

Shiromine Naomi inserted a bouquet of hydrangeas on the side, then picked up the scissors and cut it into two pieces. The hydrangea fell on the table and its petals scattered.

"Flowers without roots are doomed to wither. The Nan family who are desperate for survival are not worthy of sympathy at all."

"Is it too risky for Lord Wu Ming to go alone?"

"It's useless for our people to go, it's just a disservice. Besides..." Shiromine Naomi turned her cheek and looked at a painting hanging on the wall. There was only a mysterious back composed of hazy color blocks and contour lines: " My sister said she is protected, so why do we need to add icing on the cake? Go down."


Just as the attendant was about to leave, footsteps sounded again in the courtyard.

A Ruozhong rushed in, knelt down on the floor, slid forward five meters and then lowered his head: "Miss! I have something important to report. We have found traces of Onikiri!"

Naomi Shiromine was distracted, and the scissors cut her fingertips. Blood immediately overflowed, and her face changed slightly: "Now?!"

Nan family mourning hall.

It was late at night, and the last wave of condolences and worshippers had already left.

Minami Shiori, whose neck was stiff, straightened her back. She was wearing unaccustomed dark mourning clothes and had an unaccustomed expression.

His eyes fell on the wreaths placed all around, and his eyes showed a little tiredness.

The maid Azi handed over a hot towel: "Miss, wipe your face, we have to keep a vigil tonight."

"I know." Nan Shizhi regained some energy after applying hot compress, but she still had an unreal feeling.

My father and grandfather were just going out for a trip, but something happened to them inexplicably.

There were obvious signs of man-made damage. On the surface, it was said to be an explosion in a workshop, burning half the street, but in fact it was probably a high explosive.

Both the father and son of the Nan family died immediately. In the blink of an eye, only Nan Shiori was left in the already sparse Nan family.

She was forced to support the current Nan family even before she was a minor. Looking around, the expressions of the servants and guards showed lingering confusion and silence.

Perhaps many people are already thinking about where to go next.

Fuso's family rules are very strict and do not allow people to betray the family easily, but now that Nanji Teru is dead, it will be difficult for Nanshiori's character, skills and experience to control his group of people.

There are so many things she doesn't understand.

There are many things in the world that cannot be solved with a knife.

It's easy to kill people, but it's hard to keep a business. Besides, this is Osaka, and you have to face the prying eyes of many jackals, tigers and leopards. Just a knife is not enough. I don't know how many Chinese people go forward with the idea of ​​​​taking their beauty and family property into their pockets. The earnest look in his eyes when he came to offer condolences and worship was completely undisguised.

Minami Shiori didn't even get angry because she was a little numb.

She didn't feel sad, she didn't even have time to feel sad.

She closed her eyes and wanted to rest for a while, but the footsteps of the guards soon disturbed her rest.

"Miss, there is someone outside to see you."

"The time for worship has passed, and now it's time for the wake." Nan Shizhi said calmly.

"But the other party has a letter of introduction from the head of the family." After looking at the mourning hall, the guard took out a letter.

Nan Shizhi frowned, took the letter, read it again, confirmed the seal and said, "Let him in."

Soon, a man walked in with his hands in his sleeves. The middle-aged man looked like a businessman. As soon as he entered the door, he introduced himself: "My surname is Shibata, Miss Nan Da. This is the first time we meet. Please give me some advice."

"This is not a social occasion." Nan Shizhi put down the letter in his hand: "If you are here to worship, you can start now."

Shibata shook his head and said: "We are not in a hurry about worshiping for the time being. Doesn't Miss Nanda not want to know who killed the head of the family?"

Nan Shizhi asked: "Do you know?"

"The letter in my hand was left by him. He told me that if I die, I must come and inform the eldest lady of something."

"Tell me." Nan Shizhi said impatiently, "Don't beat around the bush."

Shibata replied: "The head of the family asked the eldest lady to be careful of a ronin group called 'Kyuzuryu'. Each of these people is an executioner. It is said that they are all quick knives who get paid to do things. Nine times out of ten, the head of the family died here." In the hands of the Ronin Group."

Nan Shizhi asked: "Do you know where they are?"

Shibata hesitated for a second before saying, "I don't know."

"Just tell me if you know it." Nan Shizhi leaned forward: "I can give you a large amount of money."


"Or do you want to take a look at my sword?" She held down the sword Hiroyuki Higashikiri that was always with her.

"One of their strongholds is at Nioji Temple fifteen miles away!" Shibata immediately answered loudly. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and turned to leave: "In any case, I hope you won't mess around! If you die, the Nan family can It’s completely hopeless to build it again.”

"Send off guests!" Nan Shizhi said coldly.

After this guest left, she knelt down alone in the mourning hall, wondering what she was thinking.

Until footsteps suddenly appeared behind him.

Minami Shiori immediately drew her sword in a sitting position, and slashed at the strange aura behind her with a sword like a rainbow.


I could hear swords clashing, firelight bursting out, and clothes flying, mixed with the scent of white plums.

The bamboo hat on the visitor's head was split into two, revealing his hidden face.

Nan Shizhi was stunned for a long time, looking at the familiar but unfamiliar beautiful woman, and called out: "...sister."

Amemiya Mahiru stretched out her hand and gently touched the girl's cheek: "Long time no see. You've lost weight, Shiori."

The knife fell to the ground, and Nan Shizhi threw herself at her sister's chest, hugged her waist, buried her head in her chest, and cried loudly.

Mahiru patted her back and shoulders gently, looking past the lights and candles at the portrait of the deceased in the mourning hall, his eyes neither happy nor sad.

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