Yuling Academy.

It is also the only college that Bai Yu has not been to in the nearly three months since he entered Penglai College.

Although I have dealt with Yuling Society several times, and have customized a lot of spiritual herbs and elixirs from there, and the cooperative relationship is considered stable, my impression of Yuling Academy has always been quite average.

Perhaps because he has the label of Chuanwu Academy, he naturally has a certain prejudice against Yuling Academy, which has a system dispute.

However, the proportion of students in Yuling Academy who actually participated in the system battle was not even 30%.

There are different factions in any academy, such as the Medicinal Diet Sect and the Pill Sect in the Danding Academy; the Weapon Refining Sect and the Weapon Control Sect in the Weapon Refining Academy; and the Body Refining Sect and Qi Refining Sect in the Martial Arts Academy.

In Yuling Academy, it is divided into academic school and practical school.

The vast majority of students are not spiritual masters, but are responsible for the cultivation, selection, transformation, etc. of spiritual grass and spiritual plants.

The academic sect occupies a larger number in the Spirit Controlling Academy, and the academic sect does not like to fight and kill, and even has certain conflicts with those aggressive spirit control masters.

——Rabbit is so cute, why do you use rabbit to fight?

However, the academic faction generally does not have enough voice, and Penglai Academy is a place where strength is highly involved. Although the academic faction of Yuling Academy is responsible for producing spiritual herbs and elixirs, they do not know how to refine them, so their voice is quite limited. At Danding Academy, if you can't speak out, you will naturally be manipulated by the practical faction to control public opinion.

Even rational people cannot stop the rampant right-wing ideas. Just like old Prussia, although he couldn't stand it, he couldn't stop the Nazis' atrocities and could only silently let them go.

Moreover, there are more women in Yuling Academy. Like Danding Academy, beautiful seniors are everywhere here.

After all, there is no shortage of spiritual energy and spiritual plants in Yuling Academy. You can spend some credits on weekdays to buy some spiritual grass leaves for beauty and put them in your mouth. Even if the effect is not as good as the Dingyan Dan, it will not be much worse.

Women’s natural pursuit of powerful force is not that high. Raising flowers, plants, and small animals is what they pursue in life. Basically, in this life, they will be average when they reach the second level of extraordinary, they will be outstanding when they reach the third level of extraordinary, and they will be the best when they reach the fourth level of extraordinary. I dare not think that if I succeed, I will be proud of my ancestors.

This has led to a very fragmented spiritual outlook in Yuling Academy. On the one hand, it feels peaceful, like going into a jungle for a picnic on vacation, fishing and swimming by the lake, and having a great time; On the one hand, it also looks like an uncivilized forest area. One or two hungry mountain tigers and black bears will appear in it at some point.

"This is your first time coming to Yuling Academy, but relax. As I said above, most of the students here are still very gentle." Mu Yaoxi led the way and gave the necessary explanations.

Bai Yu came here for the first time and looked around casually.

The spiritual energy concentration of Yuling Academy is higher than that of the other four major colleges.

The higher the concentration of spiritual energy, the better. Just like air humidity and oxygen content, if it is too high, it will easily become highly toxic and corrosive.

Non-extraordinary people who live in a high-concentration range of spiritual energy for a long time are also prone to various diseases. Because there are no meridians to guide the circulation of spiritual energy and organs to release spiritual power, they will inevitably get sick.

However, the higher the spiritual energy concentration, the better for spiritual plants and spiritual beasts. Life will find its own way out, and they will choose the place that suits them best.

Egg custard wrapped around Bai Yu's wrist. After arriving in a strange place, he poked his head out of his sleeves and looked around curiously. At this time, it was obvious that his old father could provide more security. Even if Su Ruoli waved a few times, it They all pretended not to see it.

Girls who raise cats may encounter this problem. If they have a boyfriend, the cat will be closer to the wild man from outside instead of raising his own man.

If a boy keeps a cat, his girlfriend is more likely to encounter all kinds of neglect and cold violence.

As the three of them walked along, they also attracted a lot of attention.

The bloodline of the two innate heroic spirits and the ten years of Penglai Academy are the strongest.

The news has already been fermented, and the reputation has spread far and wide. Less than ten minutes after the three people from Qianchen Society showed up at Yuling Academy, several forum posts had already been posted.

Many people even ran to the ground support department just to take a look at the three of them, wanting to see with their own eyes whether they were alive and whether they were really as magical as what was written in the post.

Most people like to join in the fun, and they also have a tendency to gossip.

In a place like Penglai Academy where elites are prevalent, it is not unusual to have a martial arts champion, but it is another matter to have the title of 'the strongest freshman in ten years'.

He is currently the president of Qianchen, who is extremely famous in the eyes of Penglai Xinsheng, and will surely become a great figure in the future.

Too many people in Chuanwu Academy regard him as the leader of this generation, and believe that Bai Yu is the vane of the new generation of Penglai Academy.

However, no one knows that Bai Yu's realm has been promoted to the third level. Otherwise, the prefix of 'the strongest new student in ten years' may have to be changed to 'hundred years' or even deleted directly.

There are not many busy people in the ground support department.

After taking the number on the Baiyu machine, a blank window appeared.

The person in the office was a third-year senior with a sweet appearance, and a snow-white ferret resting on her shoulder.

"Hello." Bai Yu said, "This is No. 76."

"Hello." After seeing Bai Yu's appearance clearly, the senior sister's eyes lit up slightly and she grinned: "Welcome, Senior Bai, what business do you need to handle?"

"Certify it." Bai Yu took the custard off his wrist. He was already used to the celebrity effect.

"What kind of spiritual beast is this?" The senior looked at the feathered snake that fell on the counter in surprise.

"Phantom beast species, feathered snake." Bai Yu said: "The place of origin is not in Daxia."

The senior's eyes widened: "A new variety? Ah... I'm sorry, I can't handle this. I need to inform the director."

Special breeds of spiritual animals need to be taken seriously and evaluated.

After a while, a tall, intellectual woman in her thirties walked down. Looking at the sign on her chest, she should be a graduate of Yuling Academy who was transferred to a faculty or researcher position - this is actually quite remarkable, because Yuling College is also extremely involutionary in the academic world, and graduates who are eligible to stay in school and transfer to other jobs have knowledge and achievements that are beyond their peers.

"My surname is Bai." The director of the certificate office stretched out his hand, his expression not serious.

"My family." Bai Yu shook hands.

"Don't dare to climb too high." The other party's eyes quickly fell on the feathered snake, with a look of interest in his eyes: "Is this the phantom beast... Well, it is indeed a new species that has never been seen before."

"Can it be done?"

"It needs to be checked." Director Bai did not assert: "We need to conduct some professional inspections to be sure. Can you cooperate?" She said and pulled out a stack of documents: "This is the confidentiality agreement for the spirit beast information. If you are willing, you can The report obtained after the inspection is shared in the database of Yuling Academy; if there is no such willingness, we can also pay to purchase related information - this feathered snake is a completely new species, which is very important for supplementing the database and providing research The comparison makes sense.”

Bai Yu said: "I don't need the money, but I hope you can provide me with some suggestions on how to cultivate it correctly, okay?"

"Even if you don't mention this, we will remind you that Yuling Academy has always had strict requirements for the raising of spirit beasts, and will regularly select and inspect them. If the owner abuses the spirit beast or cultivates it indiscriminately and causes it to become sick, we also have the right to pursue compensation Spirit beasts." Director Bai paused at this point: "Of course, this is limited to the spirit beast cubs sold in Penglai Academy. This feathered snake is your private property. We will not interfere, but we will provide the maximum Suggestions on how to cultivate your level...please follow me."

Su Ruoli held the feathered snake in both hands and said, "I will accompany Cuan Guan for the inspection."

"Okay." Bai Yu followed the good advice.

Cuan Guan's face was full of displeasure, but he was still taken away. His big eyes were filled with tears, and he looked like a little kitten who was taken into a pet hospital. "Daddy, you don't want me anymore" was clearly written on his face.

Bai Yu shook his head helplessly.

This stupid kid.

What do you mean I don’t want you anymore?

I obviously never wanted you from the beginning.

You were just an accident.

After Su Ruoli happily took Egg Custard for examination, only Bai Yu and Mu Yaoxi were left. He had no business to handle for the time being, so he planned to step aside and sit down.

Suddenly he noticed that the surroundings were very quiet. He raised his eyes and saw a group of people looking at him with curious eyes. It seemed that several of them were taking a deep breath and planning to come up to talk.

"His eyes are so beautiful."

"Yes, what is said in the forum is actually true, and it is not just what the cowards from Danding Academy say."

"Why didn't I notice it before? It's not about how good-looking it is, but that kind of thing that's very special..."

"I understand what you mean!"

"He can fight, he's handsome, and he's still a junior. Well...I'm done."

"What was said in the forum is really true. His lateness almost made me think that the world is just like this."

"Bah, who stuttered when they met President Dongfang last time?"

"Although President Dongfang is not bad, he is too far away after all. I might have a chance as a junior."

"No, don't dream. Look at the two girls around. They are both born with heroic blood. They have already had their masters. No matter how they post on the forum and scream like spring marmots, the other party will not I will look at them more."

"Indeed, I heard that he has never been to an open class until now. Many freshmen and even the little cowards from Danding College are stuck waiting for someone every day, and they end up feeling lonely every time they wait."

"Otherwise, it's not impossible to learn other ways to attract his attention. If you work hard, you might be able to get on the list. Take this opportunity to block him. Even if you are stabbed by the opponent in the ring, it will still be considered Better than other female passers-by."

"Hmm...I'll think about it."

"Why do you still take it seriously?"

"Hehe, you have to leave some memories in your youth. When I get old, I can touch my scars and recall the boy who amazed me back then, but you can only stare at the ceiling and bask in the sun in a daze."

Although the voices of the conversation were very small, Bai Yu still heard these rather wild remarks.

The seniors who are in third and fourth grade are already in their early twenties, so naturally they are much bolder than the freshmen at this age.

In Penglai Academy, the ratio of couples is not very high. Most people are very interested in being invited to be fellow Taoists, but not very interested in becoming Taoist couples.

This is the way of transcendence, emotions will only affect the speed of drawing the sword.

The single rate on the charts is as high as 85%.

You can get married at any time, as long as you are good enough, you can choose any blind date, but it only takes four years to improve your strength and realm. The college provides such a good platform and so many resources, but you actually fall in love with someone?

Is there any future left?

Bai Yu was a little stressed by this attention at first, but as his level improved, his horizons broadened and he was already used to it.

He asked Mu Yaoxi, "Where is your acquaintance?"

"It should be here soon." After Mu Yaoxi said that, she immediately changed her mind: "It's already here."

As soon as he finished speaking, his green clothes fluttered, and a figure stepped into the Ground Service Department.

The appearance of the young man caused a refreshing breeze to blow through the Ground Service Department.

His eyes fell on Bai Yu, and his first words when they met were slightly emotional.

"It seems that my vision is much more accurate than that of Beimingque... Zhuge Qingyun should regret that he was too reckless in asking for a fight. You actually entered the third level within a month. How could he be your opponent? .”

His voice was not lowered, so when the word 'Extraordinary Third Level' spread, the staff in the Ground Service Department or the spectators waiting in line fell into an eerie silence.

"Who are you?"

Bai Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I forgot to introduce myself." The young man clasped his fists and said, "I am the president of Yuling Society, Dongfang Hong."

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