Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 442: Lord Huang, you are serious!

How strong is Huang Qixia, who has reached the third level of strength?

This is actually not easy to describe in words.

After actually facing her, Bai Yu was willing to give such an evaluation.

Can kill the Grandmaster.

Only after actual contact can we understand why Huang Qixia is used as his 100-kilometer guarantee. The disproportion between this level and the actual combat power cannot be shown by an 'exaggeration'. If you have to show it, you must at least use 'purity' Extremely high is the only way to describe it.

At the third level, Huang Qixia already had the strength to kill a great master head-on.

It can be seen from this that when she faced Long Jianquan in the martial arts field, she was far from using her true skills, maybe not even one-tenth or even one-twentieth.

Is this the gold content of the strongest sun in history?

Bai Yu felt unprecedented pressure.

Obviously they are in the same realm, but the actual courage shown by Huang Qixia has far exceeded the limit of the third level of extraordinary.

If a great master can leverage the power of "one hundred" between heaven and earth with her own "one" power, then her own power has exceeded fifty!

If you include critical hits and explosive damage, you don't even need to play a monkey trick to deal 500 damage.

What is the difference?

In the final analysis, it is the use of power in different forms.

Huang Qixia was not able to understand and use power very well before, but when she reached the third level of Extraordinary and her growth period was coming to an end, she finally began to understand and use her talents, so with just a snap of her fingers, the entire Peach Blossom Forest was transformed. Bathed in firelight.

The white peach blossoms flying all over the sky turned into crimson, and it was like arriving in the sea of ​​roses in Bulgaria in the blink of an eye. In the sea of ​​flowers or flames, it was unclear whether it was the color of the flowers or the sea of ​​flames. Huang Qixia stood calmly, her pure white skin and long skirt almost blending into the sea. In the bright red, she has almost become synonymous with the 'red' itself.

The thing called 'Sword Domain' that Bai Yu had seen in Hongye Sword Master was almost the essence of a Four Realm sword master's life, and it was something to be proud of, but... before Huang Qixia, he Sword Domain is nothing at all. The gap between the two sides is like the difference between the painstaking efforts of a top artist and the graffiti of a three-year-old child.

Isn't that some kind of artistic conception, but...


As both holders of the Tao, Bai Yu knew that the Tao she realized was due to good luck and cheating, but Huang Qixia did not. She had a deeper understanding of the Tao, so she could more easily seize the source of the Tao. Power is like turning itself into flames.

Ordinary skills and magical powers would not be of any help in this level of confrontation. Bai Yu could only start to use his not-so-pure way of the stars to resist.

The power of Tao can only be controlled by people above the level of sainthood. Even if it is beneficial to realize it too early, it is just like a junior high school student who is destined to be unable to understand advanced mathematics. What he has mastered is just a clumsy application method.

Huang Qixia raised her wrist, and the sea of ​​fire rolled back from the sky. Countless petals in the peach blossom forest swayed, turning into endless fire feathers and falling.

In this large-scale attack, Bai Yu felt like a weed in the strong wind, being blown around.

But fortunately it was not uprooted.

Of course, he is not the type to stand firm and take a beating. Even in such an attack, there are gaps.

Bai Yu once again used the meteor gun, trying to tear apart the opponent's defense with the meteor shower. The meteors falling from the sky fell into the sea of ​​fire, like a mud cow falling into the sea, unable to damage its roots.

However, his purpose was not to injure the opponent in one fell swoop, but to use the meteor gun to tear a gap in the sea of ​​fire and pave a path.

When the bombing craters formed a road in the peach blossom forest, Bai Yu had the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

In this sea of ​​​​fire, Bai Yu's walking speed is not slow, but he also feels that he can't move even an inch. He is already very weak on the outside. Once he tries to walk towards the inside, the temperature, flames and danger will increase exponentially.

Huang Qixia, who was standing in the center, was as elegant as before. She just didn't move a step, didn't fly a kite, didn't fight, and used her skills to be upright. She was more of a gentleman than a gentleman, and more disciplined than the boss of the Dark Souls series.

Other bad women may lie to you, but Huang Qixia's raised hand will not.

This kind of fighting style has gone from one extreme to the other compared to the last time I saw the shadow body.

There is no trace of skill or scheming in her... Or maybe it's not that she doesn't want to, but that she can't do it.

Instead, it gave Bai Yu a chance, because the more powerful the attack, the more holes it had.

The result of being addicted to magnification moves is to be scratched to death by players. Hunters who are addicted to super moves will always be carried home on a cat cart.

It's all the same.

When killing enemies, you need to pay attention to efficiency. The forward swing is so long that it is enough for someone to run a thousand meters to stab you.

Speed ​​is key.

Bai Yu mobilized the power of Pegasus this time. It was difficult for him to remember the constellation map of Pegasus, one of the Bronze Five. It was different from the star that blocked the god of death in the animation. The star map of Pegasus was different. It only provides a speed bonus and no god-killing power.

Kizaru once said that speed is power.

Pegasus is dominated by speed. Bai Yu gathered the power of the stars on the spear and jumped into the air, like a big fish piercing the sea of ​​fire. In the crystal clear waves, he raised the spear in his hand and threw it hard. The spear was in mid-air. It turned into dozens of afterimages of meteors, but this was not a trick, because they then converged towards the center again to form a comet.

When a comet hits the ground, it is ten times more powerful than a meteor.

Most of the changes in moves come from what I feel like, just from watching anime.

So what effect does this multiple-variation move have?

The answer is no.

Huang Qixia didn't take a step back because there was no need to retreat.

With her level and strength, Bai Yu's shot was no more than a small drop of a flying tree.

Raising his hand, the phoenix condensed in the sea of ​​flames and turned into an arrow that penetrated the comet. The two forces offset each other in mid-air, thus resolving the attack.

However, as the sky filled with fire and comets exploded in mid-air, the sea of ​​​​fire on the ground also became a blank space that did not attract attention.

Bai Yu knew very well that the ultimate move looked good but had poor results. To kill the enemy, you still had to rely on fatal close range.

Then there was a flash of lightning between heaven and earth.

"Six Tao" says: Thunder is not fast enough to cover your ears, lightning is not fast enough to close your eyes.

The speed of thunder cannot be faster than a moment, or slower than a moment.

During the scene, almost no one could see the second attack launched by Bai Yu who was well versed in the rhythm of heaven and earth. The sky and the earth were almost at the same time. If he could block one point, he might not be able to block the second.

Huang Qixia is not without embankments, several walls have risen in the sea of ​​fire.

His right arm was raised at an incredibly fast speed, and his fingers tightened violently without leaving any room. Then the suppressed sound of trembling gold and iron sounded in his ears, and the edge that broke through the speed of sound slowed down to zero potential energy, slowly. Stop slowly!

This sudden shot hovered three inches between Huang Qixia's eyebrows.

The three-inch distance is an insurmountable gap.

But she shed a drop of blood.

Huang Qixia's right hand held the tip of the spear, and in the incredibly fast duel, she accurately captured the shot.

The front end of the Lion Heart Gun began to change color as the high temperature continued to heat up, but the gun body had already begun to arc and deform, which was a sign that Bai Yu was still exerting force.

However, Bai Yu's weapon was completely locked by Huang Qixia. Her fingers and wrists were so slender, obviously as fragile as white jade, but after they were gathered together, it was like the power of a mountain peak was pressed on the weapon, making it impossible for Bai Yu to push in. Can't pull it out either.

There was a trace of interest in those red eyes. Bai Yu's full blow just now had given her enough surprise.

It was a Tao she had never seen before.

To show her respect, it was necessary for her to do her best.

Huang Qixia opened her mouth and spit out words and flames.

"The furnace of heaven and earth, its name is Huang."

The raging fire that gathered above the two people did not dissipate at all. Even after it penetrated the meteor, it did not fall into the sea of ​​fire again, but was like a condensed heart.

It was a melting pot.

Huge pressure is hidden deep inside, as if it is being struck again and again with infinite power to shape it.

"Burn the saints with fire, and extinguish the prairie fire with embers!"

After finishing the extremely domineering lines, Huang Qixia loosened her fingertips and let Bai Yu draw his gun and retreat.

Then, the furnace above his head made a sound like a bell.




Three times in a row, huge pressure was built into it.

Bai Yu suddenly understood what Huang Qixia was trying to do by leaving a photo.

In fact, there were signs from the beginning. The power she exerted from the beginning was already at a super-standard level, so the burden on herself was also extremely huge.

Because she is a photographic body, she can be allowed to exert power beyond her limits, even if she overdraws herself. Since she is a photographic body, casualties do not matter at all. She is just a photo left in the dragon's veins.


This move of hers was used to kill each other.

"No, Huang Chief, you are serious."

Bai Yu was stunned. He didn't expect Huang Qixia to be so ruthless and not hesitate to use this move to create conditions for herself to pass.

Whether they can survive the fight or not, they will immediately self-destruct.

As long as she survives this attack without dying, Bai Yu will be considered victorious over her.

Ordinary image-bearing bodies would never do this. They would rather let the opponent be stuck for decades and then permanently withdraw from the game than use the trick of self-destruction to give the opponent an opportunity.

Bai Yu now seriously doubted whether Huang Qixia had some thoughts synchronized with her own shadow body after logging into the Dragon Vein Realm.

——Next time you meet that person named Bai, don’t hold back and use all your strength!

It's too much, it's too much!

The torrent of red flames was like the overflowing Yangtze River rushing through the peach blossom forest. Baiyu was swallowed up in an instant. It relied on the guardian spirit body to isolate the high heat. Without the mysterious protection of the ultra-high temperature flame pressure, Baiyu would have burned all his hair. Not even when lying down.

What's even more terrible is the part above the head. The flames that are constantly accumulating in the furnace of heaven and earth are like a small sun. The extreme light and heat illuminate every space, and the shadow behind it is almost invisible.

Huang Qixia closed her eyes and lightly grasped her fingers.

All the flames spiraled towards the furnace of heaven and earth uncontrollably. From a distance, it looked like a pillar of flame rising into the sky in a spiral!

The tall peak of flames calmly engulfed everything around it.

It turns out that playing with fire can lead to self-immolation.

Anyone who plays with special flames likes to play with explosions.

The villain who was killed by the Buddha's Furious Lotus said he couldn't stand it after watching it.

Under the impact of this huge wave of flames that burned almost everything to ashes, the Peach Blossom Forest no longer existed, and even Huang Qixia was submerged in it.

One hand was raised in the firelight, and the hand was clenched tightly, as if some kind of glow was shining in the clenched palm.

Then I saw waves of flames rising higher than the other, parting towards both sides like Moses parting the sea. The bursting flames suddenly tamed down, flowing towards both sides like flowing water.

The young man stood with difficulty, his figure shaky, his clenched right hand constantly trembling, and a crimson shadow of a strange planet condensed around him and slowly rotated.

Avenue of Stars, Visualize Star Map·Solar System·Mars

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