Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 452 But do good deeds

No luck.

When the captain said these words, he could feel the despair in his words.

This time the failure of the left engine was not caused by a bomb, but as long as it stopped running, the plane would have no power to fly, and the plane would only end up falling.

But when Bai Yu heard the word 'luck', he couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

No luck?


He doesn't believe in luck, because he is luck itself.

Since awakening his super power, the so-called luck is not a coincidence for him, but a necessity... If there really is a probability of a miracle, as long as he is given enough time and error tolerance, he will surely come across it.

So Bai Yu doesn't believe in fate the most. He only believes in himself. Even if there is any miracle or change, it must be the result of himself, not destiny or accident.

Bai Yu glanced at the instrument panel and the constant error messages on it, and then at the left wing.

Although black smoke began to emit from the left engine, there was no immediate fire.

The power has not completely disappeared, which proves that it is just a malfunction, not damaged immediately, and it is still trying its best to maintain flight.

But the intermittent power to maintain flight was too reluctant, and the plane began to fall intermittently, as if falling from the steps step by step, with a strong sense of frustration.

The captain said bitterly: "When the plane drops to a certain height, you can jump off. You are extraordinary people. I think you will definitely have a way to survive."

"It's not the last minute yet, it's too early to tell." Bai Yu said, "There's no such thing as bad luck. It's just that we didn't do enough."

"Do you have any other ideas?" Su Ruoli also thought that the end was exhausted at this point.

"I have a way to get the engine to regain power." Bai Yu nodded, with a flash of fire in his eyes: "Although I'm not too sure, I can only give it a try. Anyway, there is no way out."

Su Ruoli hesitated.

She was worried about Bai Yu's safety, worried that he would work too hard, and worried that he would be burdened with too much pressure if he failed.

This is not as simple as "try". With so many lives on our shoulders, even giants will bend down.

Why are Huangfu Dou and Lu Danxin unwilling to try to make an emergency landing to save everyone?

Is it because they don't have the ability?

Or is it because they don't want to take risks?

Rather than betting on a small chance of an emergency landing, it would be better to save the fifty people we can definitely save.

After thinking for a long time, Su Ruoli looked at her beloved boy: "I listen to you, what do you need me to do?"

"Before landing, I need to use the principles of heroic spirits to strengthen the entire body to prevent it from shattering immediately." Bai Yu said.

Su Ruoli's Qingming Principle has an extremely wide range of applications. As long as she wants to, she can define this plane as her own 'sword'.

"Can it be done?" Bai Yu asked uncertainly, after all, it had never happened before.

"Don't worry." Su Ruoli knew that she couldn't leave the cockpit, so she straightened Bai Yu's collar and said with a smile: "A flawless girl's heart is capable of anything."

Bai Yu touched her cheek with the back of his hand, turned around and walked towards the cabin, facing the people who had gathered again.

"Calm down and listen to me."

"The left engine has failed and we will soon lose flight power."

"Next, I will find a way to restore power to the engine and go straight to the runway of Beijing Airport."

"But the risk of an emergency landing will become extremely high, so you need to be prepared."

"Xing Yaoyao brings the children, and Xue Qilin brings the pregnant women and the elderly. When the height drops to a certain level, you jump down directly."

"But there are still more than forty people left!" Xing Yaoyao asked: "What should they do?"

Bai Yu said: "Of course we will stay... If the forced landing succeeds, everyone will survive. If the forced landing fails, the aircraft will be destroyed and everyone will die."

Looking at the others who were hesitant to speak, he said: "We just need to try our best."

--Doing good deeds without asking for reward.

Ruan Qingxue now looked sluggish because she had consumed too much energy in putting out the fire: "What about you? You and Ruoli..."

Bai Yu: "Mu Yaoxi brings Ruan Qingxue, you two only need to protect yourself."

Mu Yaoxi was anxious: "I can stay too!"

"You have to protect Qingxue's safety. If it weren't for Qingxue, I'm afraid the entire plane would have turned into a burning zeppelin, and no one would be able to survive."

Bai Yu forcibly came to a conclusion: "It is enough that Su Ruoli and I are the last ones left on the plane. It is useless for you to stay, it will only cause trouble."

He deliberately said the words in a cold tone, but at this time there was no room for pretentiousness, whether it was true or false.

He looked at the left wing of the plane, which was already struggling, and took a deep breath: "Everyone, get ready! We don't have time!"

Xue Qilin was the first to step aside, followed by Xing Yaoyao, then Mu Yaoxi. Ruan Qingxue's eyes were red and she mustered up the courage to hug him.

"I'll wait for you to come back."

Beijing Airport.

In fact, compared with the urgency and life-and-death speed on the plane, the preparation time at the airport on the ground is more sufficient.

As early as fifty minutes ago, they had been notified of the plane accident.

The radio was not jammed, so the ground had plenty of time to clear the runway, call in firefighting vehicles, and prepare adequate rescue preparations.

But this is only the most basic preparation.

The preparations are all based on the premise that the aircraft can support an emergency landing at the airport.

It is more likely that it will disintegrate in mid-air, or lose power and fall directly.

The vast majority of aircraft that encounter serious accidents are not lucky enough to make an emergency landing at all.

"The probability of an air crash is very low, but the mortality rate is also extremely high. Once an air crash occurs, it is almost impossible for a plane to have survivors... It is said that the probability of a plane crash is extremely low, but in fact there is still one every year Two planes will fall, but even if many people mourn at the time, they will quickly forget all about it in the past month or two."

"Human beings are so forgetful."

"Some people will definitely say later that this air crash is a tragic accident worth remembering, but in fact not many people will really care about the dozens of lives on a plane."

In the airport, a young man wearing a green sportswear was chatting. His clothes had 'Da Xia' written on the left and right chests and 'North and South' written on the back.

To the right of this young man is a young man dressed in white. His face is as cold as ice, and he does not reply to the talk of his fellow travelers.

But the young man in green still asked himself, "Do you think this accident was man-made?"

"Bei Shouwang doesn't have the courage, and neither does the Millennium Family." said the young man in white.

"I just said man-made, not who."

"No matter who you are, you should know that this is the capital, and everyone has to keep a low profile."

"I don't understand this." The young man in green said.

"So you were imprisoned by the Holy Path for fifty years, and you asked for it."

"I feel that the junior student I have never met is the same kind of person as me. Maybe he will also..."

"Following the same path as you? You underestimate him."

"Looking down on it?"

"He is more capable than you. At least if it were you, you might not dare to save people in the sky." The young man in white commented.

The young man in green touched his chin: "Indeed, it's okay if I succeed, but if I fail, it will be a heavy blow to my Taoist heart."

He grinned again: "I also think I will get along with him better, and I also want to try out how true or false his measurements are? I hope he is not Zhao Kuo."

"You can see me if you want." The young man in white stood up holding his knees: "Remember not to go overboard, otherwise someone will come to talk to you."

"Who?" the young man in green asked, "Huang Qixia? Isn't she quite generous?"

"But she is a woman. How can a woman not hold grudges?"

"You're just leaving?"

"Since you have decided to stay, there is no need for me to stay."

The young man in white walked away knowingly.

At the same time, an unknown number of general announcements echoed throughout the airport.

‘——Urgent notice, all boarding gate ticket checking is suspended, I repeat, all boarding gate ticket checking is suspended’

‘——If there is a fourth-level transcendent at the airport, please take the initiative to inform the nearby staff, thank you very much’

The young man in green listened to the announcement, stood up with his thighs pressed, and raised his hand to stop an airport ground attendant who was walking by in a hurry: "Hello."

"Uh, hello? Are you okay? Sorry, I'm in a hurry..." The ground worker had an anxious expression on his face.

The young man in green took off his mask and said, "I just heard the announcement. Can you lead the way?"

The ground crew was stunned for a moment, then said eagerly: "Thank you for your enthusiasm, but now we need the help of the Grand Master above the four realms."

"I am the Grandmaster."

The young man in green looked at the other party's unbelieving expression and scratched his head. Because he had been autistic for a year or two, few people in the capital remembered him?

Ren Nanbei was thinking about how to introduce himself in a more stylish way when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a burst of red light reflected on the glass on the top floor of the airport. He raised his head and looked at the sky, thinking that there was no need to find someone to lead the way now.

The airport ground staff also raised his head, and his pupils suddenly shrank violently.

I could only see a civilian flight in the southeast corner of the sky burning with blazing fire, like a red meteor piercing the sky and falling towards the airport.

Under the interweaving of red and cyan, you can only vaguely see the broken appearance and crumbling frame and metal shell of the aircraft at this time. The two engines that maintain the flight power are burning with fire, black smoke is emitting, and the sky is clear. A black mark was left in the blue sky, like a pencil crossing a white paper with a blue background.

Everyone who saw this scene subconsciously clenched the things in their hands, and their hearts suddenly lifted.

With Ren Nanbei's eyesight, he could vaguely see a figure standing on the back of the smoke-filled aircraft and on the left wing, almost blending in with the firelight.

Ren Nanbei stared and exclaimed: "This kid is indeed much crazier than I was when I was young."

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