Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 456 Floating everywhere

Mujiazhai, courtyard.

An old man wearing an undershirt was moving his body.

He held a Liuhe gun in both hands and was waving it under the osmanthus tree in the yard.

The speed is not fast, but the force is strong and heavy. No internal force is used. It is purely driven by physical strength to drive this black iron Liuhe gun that weighs no less than fifty kilograms.

This practice lasted for half an hour. After sweating, the old man knocked the black iron gun in his hand on the bluestone, making a sonorous echo. His strong body and muscles did not look like an old man at all.

Compared with Wu Qing's beauty skills, Mr. Mu, the head of the Mu family, looks like a serious man in his sixties. Although he is old, he is getting stronger and stronger with age. The traces of wind and frost left by the years are on his face. There were scars and ravines on his face, and a scar penetrated his left eye. His temperament was like that of a strong prairie lion.

After practicing several sets of marksmanship, Mu Zongbao breathed out a breath of white mist and felt refreshed.

"Go and take a shower after practice. You smell like sweat." Wu Qing urged after walking out of the hall, holding a bowl of hot soup.

Mu Zongbao picked up the hot soup on the side and drank it in one gulp, muttering: "When I was young, I said I was masculine when I practiced shooting, but when I got older, it turned out to be a masculine thing for you."

"I'm not afraid, but Yao Xi said more than once that you smell bad, and there are several guests. Two beautiful girls live here. What muscles are you showing off?" Wu Qing laughed and scolded: "Go and rinse off quickly. one time."

After a quick rinse, Mu Zongbao changed into a set of training clothes and returned to the courtyard. He asked, "Speaking of which, where are the little guys?"

"I'm going out." Wu Qingzheng inspected the Chinese medicine that was drying in the sun and said casually: "I think I may have to wait until night to see you."

"What? Aren't they coming back for lunch?"

"There are so many delicious and fun things in the capital. A few young people go out to eat and drink. Who is having lunch at home?" Wu Qing poked Mu Zongbao on the head: "We were not at home every day when we were young."

"It's a pity." Mu Zongbao muttered: "I heard that that boy practices shooting, and I'm still thinking of showing him his skills."

"You have found the wrong person. He is Bai Potian's grandson. No matter how good you are in showing off, can you be more powerful than being a saint?" Wu Qing said with a smile: "Showing off to a child will make you live better and better."

Mu Zongbao said seriously: "Old... I also want to check and see how this kid's character is."

"Do you still need to test and check?" Grandma Wu rolled her eyes: "The only people who can test this little guy are the country and the people, and he has already passed this test. The entire capital and half of the summer know about it."

Mu Zongbao scratched his head and said, "I just saw so many beautiful girls around me. Aren't I a little worried?"

"worry about what?"

"Yao Xi, what else can you worry about? Originally, I was quite happy to bring a friend back..."

"It turned out to be a boy?"

"The boy is pretty good too."

"What about the girl?"

"It's okay for girls." Mu Zongbao glared: "But you can't bring two of them together!"

"So our granddaughter brought three people." Wu Qing said with a smile: "This girl is very capable."

She said more seriously: "It's been a long time since I've been away. Yao Xi really has a good eye for making friends. She's my granddaughter."

As the mistress of the family, Wu Qing had to deal with her own affairs.

When she was young, she was also a golden beauty who was popular in the capital. She prided herself on having an outstanding vision and was also extremely picky.

It was not until she was in her thirties that she met the foolish old man of the Mu family who was still in his early twenties.

The latter fell in love with the former at first sight and pursued her for nearly ten years. In the end, she made up her mind to eat this young grass that was no longer tender, regardless of the surrounding eyes.

Wu Qing did not get married until he was nearly forty years old.

Facts have proved that her vision is indeed good. Mr. Mu's achievements are not inferior to those of his father's generation. The two of them love each other very much, and she has devoted herself to being a good wife to the Mu family.

But this does not mean that the Mu family has no problems. In fact, the Mu family still cannot solve the problem of declining population.

The glory of a military family is maintained by the death of their loved ones in battle. Every inch of glory is worth an inch of blood.

A long time ago, Wu Qing and Mu Zongbao decided to find a son-in-law for Mu Yaoxi. She could not marry outside, so it was best to find a grandson-in-law.

Especially after Mu Yaoxi awakened her innate heroic spirit bloodline, she made up her mind that she could not let this girl get married.

But Mu Yaoxi is of the bloodline of the innate heroic spirit, and the status of the Mu family is also very high. From a young age, regardless of food, clothing, education, or the circle she grew up in, she has been among the top people in Daxia, and her bloodline is destined to be a saint. It nourished some of her problems.

Whether she thinks highly of herself or has high ambitions but low abilities, there are always many problems, and she has almost no friends of the same age.

There is nothing the old couple can do about it. The Mu family as a whole dotes on Mu Yaoxi. She is very sensible and not unreasonable. She is just too smooth and has never suffered a loss.

It's hard to like such a girl, and even finding a husband is extremely difficult... Besides, Mu Yaoxi herself doesn't like forced marriages.

Unexpectedly, after returning from this trip, Mu Yaoxi's original problems were rubbed away.

This surprised and worried the old couple.

Grandma Wu could tell that the person who could get rid of Mu Yaoxi's minor problems must be Bai Yu, but what she learned about Bai Yu's past was that he was too outstanding, and he was Bai Potian's grandson, so there was no way he would marry her.

To put it another way, if he and Mu Yaoxi liked each other, they could discuss it slowly.

The problem is, I'm afraid it's Luo Hua who is deliberately ruthless.

Bai Yu can smooth over the arrogance in Mu Yaoxi's heart, which must be because he is also so good that it makes people feel ashamed.

Yesterday, Wu Qing also secretly observed the other two girls. Seeing Su Ruoli sitting in silence for half a night without taking off her clothes was enough to be regarded as a sign of deep affection.

Comparing it horizontally, my granddaughter has not come out since she returned to her room.

Wu Qing knew that matchmaking was impossible, so he could only advise the old man not to think too much.

Mu Yaoxi has not shown that intention yet. It is best for her to remain friends with a few young people.

Regardless of whether there is a true friendship between a man and a woman, don't do anything at this point.

Wu Qing saw this very clearly, so she behaved in a particularly Buddhist manner. She also specifically reminded Mu Zongbao not to interfere in the free exchanges between young people. But when she heard Mu Zongbao talk nonsense and sighed, "What if I get pregnant?" What should I do?' She couldn't help but turned around and glanced at him: "What nonsense are you talking about? Is Yaoxi the kind of girl who doesn't know how to behave!"

Mu Zongbao patted his mouth in a pretentious manner: "You should be beaten, but didn't you learn from Bai Xinghe's mistakes back then? I'm worried."

"Beiming Yao's matter can be regarded as the Beiming family beating mandarin ducks and not knowing what is good and what is good." Wu Qing said coldly: "If we had been less evil and adopted a gentle policy, we would not have pushed the two generations of Bai family's geniuses to the opposite side. .Besides, how do you and I know that Bai Yu will not be canonized in the future? At present, it seems that his talent is catching up with Huang Qixia, the head of the blazing sun. By then, both members of the Bai family will be canonized, including Su Ruoli, who is destined to be canonized. If all three of them stay in Rome, it will not only be the fault of the Beiming family, but also Daxia's loss."

"It's too early to talk about canonization now." Mu Zongbao shook his head and said, "It will take at least twenty years to get to that point."

"Beiming Yao will have to wait another twenty years." Wu Qing showed some sentimental sympathy: "The Beiming family is really not a son of a human being. I only hope that this child's imperial examination will go smoothly."

"I'm afraid it won't be easy." Mu Zongbao said seriously: "The news I got is that this time it is very likely that the gentleman will come up with the question himself."

"Which one?"

"All three."

The four of them wandered around the capital together throughout the morning.

Although Bai Yu's name has long been known to every household in the capital through news broadcasts, fortunately, his appearance has not been disclosed, so he will not encounter reporters who want to interview him when he walks on the street.

Even so, the combination of one handsome man and three beauties still brought a lot of attention. Just by waiting for the ladies to go to the toilet hand in hand, Bai Yu had two or three more business cards from talent scouts in his hand.

Similarly, it is not uncommon to encounter people who are trying to strike up a conversation, and some are even approached in person. Some of the arrogant people even started to get angry and weird after being rejected.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, Bai Yu is still the main person being talked to.

He didn't even know how he got into trouble. Not only the fashionable girls, but there were men... This was obviously not Chengdu, so why were they everywhere?

Su Ruoli and Mu Yaoxi didn't meet up with each other very often, but Ruan Qingxue did it many times.

Miss Ruan was in a very bad mood because of this. She began to ask Su Ruoli and Mu Yaoxi about their experiences. The two women answered very naturally. They were highly cultivated and had third-level extraordinary golden souls. Their oppression was unbearable to ordinary people. , looking over with a dull look, the man has weak legs and the woman has weak kidneys, who dares to get close?

At noon, I went to a private kitchen that Mu Yaoxi met, also located at the entrance of the alley. They served a total of fourteen dishes, each of which was exquisite. I knew several of the dishes and knew how to cook them, but I couldn't make them. The exquisite taste and rich aroma are comparable to those of Shining Cuisine.

After Bai Yu finished eating, she was still unsatisfied and said that she wanted to eat again. Mu Yaoxi regretfully said that she made a reservation a week ago, and if she wanted to eat, she would have to wait until ten days later.

After lunch, we went for a walk in a nearby park.

While walking and chatting, the three girls chatted most of the time as if they couldn't stop.

Bai Yu sat by the park pond for half an hour holding a cup of coffee, interrupting the girls who were chatting and laughing for eternity.

"It's almost time to go."

"Huh? Where do you want to go? The Great Wall of Idiots, or some other tourist attraction where resentments gather?"


"That is?" Mu Yaoxi noticed that Bai Yu's expression was unexpectedly serious.

Bai Yu spit out three words: "Shenwu Division."

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