Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 458 Dongfang Hong, I am an immortal like you

There are three blazing suns in Daxia.

These three people will definitely be recorded in the history books specially written by extraordinary people in the future.

Historically, it was said that three days were on the same day.

Looking at the past 500 years, the number of times three blazing suns appeared in the same era is not only a handful, but also very rare.

Huang Qixia is undoubtedly the brightest sun, overshadowing all the geniuses in the world. As long as she stands there, her undefeated golden body will be as intimidating as the golden crow patrolling the sky.

Compared with Huang Qixia, the other two Jiaoyang were more or less eclipsed.

Jiaoyang means undefeated, and compared to Huang Qixia, who is truly undefeated, the other two Jiaoyangs still experienced failure after being awarded the title.

One person tried to challenge the majesty of canonization and failed;

One man tried to open a new path and fell into a cage.

However, their titles were not taken away and they were still under the blazing sun.

Bai Yu had heard about Ren Nanbei. Even though he had disappeared for a long time, it could not stop Penglai College from admiring the chief of the law enforcement department. Even Haoyue was willing to work for Ren Nanbei as his younger brother. It can be seen that This person is not only capable, but also has a certain charm of personality.

He thought about what it would be like to meet each other, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to wait here, and he didn't expect that Ren Nanbei would be such a casual person.

"Bai Yu, Bai Yujing."

He held Ren Nanbei's hand, and the two shook hands briefly, indicating that they knew each other.

"I saw you at the airport before." Ren Nanbei started to praise him: "You did an excellent job. Even if it were me, I would have to watch the plane crash."

"Thank you for helping to stop the plane." Bai Yu said politely.

"It's just a little effort." Ren Nanbei asked familiarly: "That move must be Huang Qixia's Heaven and Earth Furnace. I didn't expect that she even taught you this move."

Bai Yu answered calmly: "Huangshou and I are destined, but we are not very familiar."

He didn't take the initiative to climb high branches, and he didn't bring trouble to Huang Qixia. He needed to clarify, but there was no need to make it too clear. It was their business to believe it or not.

"I believe what you said." Ren Nanbei said very understandingly: "Huang Qixia's temperament is really unpleasant. It's okay if she doesn't speak, but she can make people mad to death when she speaks."

As the shining star of the world, Ren Nanbei commented that Huang Qixia had no psychological burden. He said quietly: "With her ability, she will definitely not be able to teach someone like you."

Bai Yu: "Oh? It seems that you have a very unique view on Huangshou."

"No, I don't know him, but I know you." Ren Nanbei held his pocket with one hand: "She is an out-and-out genius, but you are different. You are an acquired hard worker, and you are soaked in every move. With the smell of blood and sweat, it can be said that God rewards hard work, and every minute of work will be rewarded."

Hit the nail on the head.

But Bai Yu refused to admit it and said shamelessly: "I am also a genius. Have you ever seen anyone who can climb to the third level in half a year just by working hard?"

Ren Nanbei touched his smooth chin. He actually had a rather young baby face, and did not seem to have the temperament to be able to enforce the law and kill with thunder and decisiveness.

"But your talent can only be said to be average in terms of cultivation. Your intuition in alchemy is quite powerful, much better than that of a genius alchemist... I think you are compatible with me."

"Then I dare to ask, what is your Tao?" Bai Yu didn't like to be aggressive and asked decisively.

"My way is very simple." Ren Nanbei raised his finger and made a gesture of cutting his throat: "My way is to kill."

"Behead the enemies and the scum, kill the scum, enter the Tao, and protect the common people."

"The more you kill, the stronger you become, and let the damned people die. This is my way!"

With this sound, a strong smell of blood filled the air in the room, accompanied by bursts of roaring thunder.

Ruan Qingxue, who was silently listening to the conversation, seemed to be able to see someone cutting grass on the endless prairie with a knife. Every time the knife fell, it was accompanied by thunder, and the chopped grass clippings were like the falling human heads.

A bright red suddenly appeared before her eyes, and it was so sticky that it was suffocating.

Suddenly a hand was raised and the five fingers were clasped.

In an instant, the falling heads, thunder, and grasslands disappeared, and were then covered by a bright galaxy.

Bai Yu snapped his fingers to disperse the floating artistic conception.

"Amazing, really amazing." Ren Nanbei clapped seriously, his eyes full of wonder: "I thought I had overestimated you a lot, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated your ability."

"How much else have you hidden?"

"You have just stepped into the third level, and you can actually understand the rudiment of Tao. Moreover, this Tao is really majestic and awe-inspiring. The stars and rivers all over the sky are in the palm of your hand. In comparison, my Tao is much stingy."

"You're not bad either." Bai Yushang boasted to each other: "To control the law and use killing to prove the way, you are worthy of being the shining sun of the world, and you actually use Legalism to forge a killing sword."

Ren Nanbei laughed loudly: "I am disrespectful of this compliment. This is the most proud thing I have done in my life."

Bai Yu looked at this calm madman, not much afraid, but a little shocked.

Because Ren Nanbei in front of him, if he can be canonized in his year, he will most likely become the next one among the ten unlucky ones.

The threat it poses to some people far exceeds that of ruthless people like Bai Potian and Ba Zhe.

Because he sharpened his sword for the aristocratic families and powerful people, and regarded those moths and scum as his whetstone and the foundation for sanctification.

"No wonder the saintly family fears you like a tiger or a wolf and wants to imprison you for fifty years without being able to be canonized."

"If you want to be canonized, you will definitely kill people and make rivers of blood flow."

Bai Yu even thought of such a poem.

"The streets of heaven have trampled all the bones of noble officials, and the heads of powerful people are hanging all over the camp gates."

Ren Nanbei's eyes widened and he couldn't help but hold Bai Yu's hand.

"What a poem! Very well said! Damn, I like these two lines so much!"

He even cursed and repeated it several times without caring about the expressions of others.

"What a 'Tianjie tramples all the bones of the prince'! I really like it!"

“It couldn’t be more relevant to my way!”

"This scene, tsk tsk tsk... But I am uneducated, so I can tell the world with just one word!"

After Ren Nanbei heard this sentence, he immediately felt so happy that he felt that his life's path was in it, and he felt like a thousand cups of wine would be too little when meeting a close friend.

He pulled Bai Yu's sleeves and refused to let go.

"It turns out that the rumor in the capital that you have excellent literary talent is true!"

"Although I have read those poems, they are not as satisfying as this sentence!"

"Brother Bai, we hit it off right away, why don't we just become brothers!"

Bai Yu hurriedly interrupted: "Ren Jiaoyang..."

"Just call me Nan Bei, why should you be so polite." Ren Nanbei said with great enthusiasm: "I must treat you to a drink today! We won't go back until we get drunk, and we'll have a good sleep!"

Bai Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

It's just a sentence: "The streets of heaven will trample all the bones of the prince". Doesn't this world even have "Qin Women's Song"?

Then if I come up with the sentence "Suddenly there is a madman sharpening his knife at night", you will be so happy that you take off right away?

"Let's get down to business." Bai Yu finally withdrew his hand: "Ren...Nan Bei, you waited in the White Tiger Hall on purpose. You must have something to do, right?"

"Ah, this." Ren Nanbei put his hands together and said, "Actually, it's nothing. I just came to take a look around."

The little look and movements betrayed the fact that he was talking nonsense.

Perhaps it was because Bai Yu had just gained a favorable impression, and now he was too embarrassed to speak shamelessly.

"You are the protector of Beimingque. You have some words to say, but it doesn't matter. It won't affect you and I going to drink tonight." Bai Yu said.

"Hey, Junior Brother Bai, you are a straightforward person, so I will say it shamelessly." Ren Nanbei scratched his cheek: "Bei Mingque plans to reorganize Sixiang Hall and integrate the scattered supervisory power of Shenwu Division. This will inevitably We need to take back the position of the White Tiger Hall Master. Do you think... can you please hand it over to me as soon as possible?"

Ren Nanbei didn't even say these words to Mu Yaoxi, but to Bai Yu.

The bloodline of an innate heroic spirit is not even enough for him to take him seriously. It should be noted that Mu Yaoxi will definitely be canonized within ten years, but Jiaoyang is so proud that he doesn't bother to say a word to people he doesn't like.

If Bai Yu hadn't been here today, Ren Nanbei would have taken over Mu Yaoxi's position as the leader of the White Tiger Hall with just one sentence.

Because he is the blazing sun, he is also in charge of the Law Thunder, and he is the official inspector recognized by Daxia.

Mu Yaoxi's opinion didn't matter.

So much time had passed since she accepted the White Tiger Hall as its leader. The White Tiger Hall was almost half deserted, with only a few clerks processing and transferring documents.

This has proven that Mu Yaoxi does not have the ability to master Baihutang. She can't even find qualified subordinates and is completely a mere commander.

In the past, it was not a big deal that the White Tiger Hall was vacant. It had been vacant for more than ten years, and no one cared about a few more idle posts.

But it's different now. Bei Mingque and Ren Nanbei join forces, and the Four Symbol Hall and even the Shenwu Division will change accordingly.

Bai Yu heard the implication.

He frowned and said, "What's going on with Bei Mingque? Is he planning to directly start a war with other Haoyue and even Wusheng Pavilion?"

Ren Nanbei spread his hands: "It's not as exaggerated as you said. The saint will not interfere. It is limited to the fights between peers."

"The Qinglong Hall is in the hands of Long Jianquan, the Vermillion Bird Hall is in the hands of the Nangong family; the Xuanwu Hall is in the hands of the Wusheng Pavilion." Mu Yaoxi did not mention that she was because the White Tiger Hall was already an empty shell: "You are indeed crazy. To reorganize Sixiangtang, we must face the pressure of more than three Haoyue and many parties."

"It's what you wish for." Ren Nanbei accepted it all: "They are all necessary pains."

Bai Yu was puzzled: "Both the blazing sun and the bright moon have false titles in the ten divisions of Daxia. Which place is not allowed to go? Why is it the Four Symbols Hall? Why do you want the supervisory power of the Shenwu Division so much?"

Ren Nanbei looked helpless: "I'm sorry, Junior Bai, it's not time to say it yet."

"Really? Then you can tell what you plan to make the Four Symbol Halls look like after the integration, right?"

"Of course, it is to become independent from the Shenwu Division and set up a separate organization. Only by operating independently can it be free from the constraints of the Wusheng Pavilion." Ren Nanbei said bluntly: "The internal structure has been completed. If you are interested, let's have a drink at night. Let’s talk some more, including this Miss Mu, if you are interested, after the reorganization, I can leave you a position as a second-level supervisor.”

Mu Yaoxi frowned slightly: "It's too early to say... This is certainly a good thing, but can you really do it?"

"It will be difficult for the two of us to push forward the restructuring, so we have to fight for an opportunity. As a necessary prerequisite, we need to collect the Four Symbol Orders of the Four Symbol Hall."

"what chance?"

"Do you know how that Jiaoyang promoted the restructuring 170 years ago?" Ren Nanbei asked.

Several people looked at each other.

"He got the approval from the top." Ren Nanbei said frankly: "The opportunity we want to fight for is a nod from that adult."

"That adult..."

Not included in the top ten, but standing at the top of the high-ranking innate heroic bloodline, the pillar of Daxia's country.

Even if the sun is so noble, I'm afraid it's hard to have a chance to meet him, right?

"There is a chance." Ren Nanbei smiled without thinking: "The purpose of our coming here is the same as yours."

Bai Yu's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and his whole body tensed up.

Some incredible speculation was fermenting in my mind, and I couldn't help but blurt it out.

"Could it be that you... also want to take part in this palace examination?"

"Yes, you are indeed my spiritual friend. Our goals are so consistent." Ren Nanbei didn't feel anything was wrong at all, nor did he think that he was bullying the small. He directly compared his feelings: "Surprise or not, surprise?" Not surprised, are you happy?"

Bai Yu: "..."

——Dongfang Hong, I am an immortal to you!

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