Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 462 I’m ascending, I’m ascending!

Bai Yu didn't know many incomplete ancient prescriptions, and the ancient prescription he chose this time was an incomplete ancient prescription that was famous in the textbooks of third-year students at Penglai Danding College.

Rumor has it that this recipe comes from the ancient book "Baopuzi".

The elixir that Bai Yu wants to refine comes from the inner chapter and is the famous 'Ascension Pill'.

The elixir prescriptions circulated by Feisheng Dan are also like the Shangshu discovered during the Han Dynasty, with many versions.

Several ancient books highly praise the Ascension Pill, saying bluntly that if you hear it, your life span will increase by a hundred years, and if you taste it, it will lift the clouds to the sky.

Later, after the pill recipe leaked out, it was unanimously considered to be a boast, and the level of nonsense was comparable to Wang Mang's million-strong army.

After all, it is only at the fourth level. It is impossible to ascend after eating it. It is possible to ascend directly to the sky.

According to industry research, the most serious research and the most common understanding of Feisheng Pill is that taking Feisheng Pill can help people more easily reach the highest state of Taoist internal strength.

That is, three flowers gather at the top, and five qi are directed towards the yuan.

This will prolong life and prevent all kinds of diseases.

In other words, it has the benefits of strengthening the body, strengthening the soul, and helping people to improve their realm. It is equivalent to a sudden increase in attributes after eating it, but it is almost the same as ascending.

However, this is all just speculation.

Because so far, no one has refined the real Ascension Pill.

The difficulty of restoring its recipe is so high that it has been shelved by countless people as a rejection case, without even considering the possibility of improving it.

Generations of alchemists have fallen in front of this ancient alchemy recipe one after another. They have worked hard for decades and achieved nothing, and they have completely cut off the idea of ​​​​who comes after to perfect it.

It has been regarded as a classic case and has been left in the textbooks of Danding College, just like the surgical case with a mortality rate of 300% lying in the medical textbooks.

Just like the mathematical conjectures that have been proposed one after another, it is extremely difficult to prove them.

Just like those kinds of magical materials that are hard to come by, it is extremely difficult to catch it by luck.

An elixir is a general explanation of an elixir, a kind of knowledge, and a formula. The process of human beings seeking knowledge is like a child digging on the beach with a spoon. Every time the spoon falls, he carefully distinguishes it. sand and find the gold inside.

But when the waves are washing away the sand, you usually dig it down with a spoon and find nothing.

But countless people can only use this method to keep digging and searching.

Just as Edison said, ninety-nine percent sweat, one percent inspiration, without the last one percent, the first ninety-nine percent are useless.

Inspiration is luck.

A person who is lucky enough can use a small spoon to dig out a grain of gold or a pearl in the sand.

Ninety-nine spoons have been dug by predecessors, and all the honor goes to the person who dug the last spoon.

Ascension Pill may not be difficult to refine, but its grade is only predicted to be the fourth grade.

And its ancient elixir has been around for more than two hundred years, but it still has not been released.

Therefore, Ascension Pill is known as one of the pearls in the history of pills, and no one has taken off its veil to this day.

Of course, for Bai Yu, who just read the textbook...

Not knowing.

There is nothing strange about this. All he knew from the textbook was the knowledge in the book. He did not attend the lectures. He only knew the incomplete recipe of the Ascension Pill and that this pill was very famous.

As for how famous it is, how many sunk costs it has brought, and how many generations of Danshi have been drowned in blood, tears and shouts, you will not understand it unless you have been bombarded by the teacher's spitting stars in the front row of the class.

Bai Yu didn't go to the class, so naturally she didn't know what to do.

You may think this is a bit ridiculous, but similar things did happen in history. The famous inventor of 'insulin' and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Frederic Banting, was a great man when he was studying insulin. He was stubborn and ignorant. He knew almost nothing about this field. After reading a paper, he plunged into it. In the end, he succeeded in only one year, and he still succeeded in a field that had already been studied for a long time. Insulin was discovered on a route rejected by the big guys in the field. (Trivia: This person and Bethune were classmates at the University of Toronto)

After he became famous, he said it himself: If he had known more about the relevant knowledge and read more journals, he would not have had the courage to take the first step.

It is not difficult to find from historical celebrities that courage, strength, and luck, once these three factors are combined, it is possible to succeed in over-summoning and create miracles.

At this time, these three points were perfectly gathered in Bai Yu.

He put together a big guarantee, it was luck;

He has a level of cultivation that can support Phoenix True Fire in refining materials. This is hard power;

He was also just ignorant of the difficulty of the Ascension Pill. This was Iron Tou Kung Fu, an inexplicable and strange courage born out of ignorance.

During the process of refining the white elm, the auditorium changed from noisy to quiet.

He did not introduce the spiritual fire from the earth veins, and only relied on his own phoenix fire for support. This was not difficult for him. He had already completed the phoenix body, and the blue bar was longer than his health. No matter what!

Phoenix fire is also its own spiritual fire, and it can be controlled like an arm. It is much easier than boiling a frog in warm water with earth vein spiritual fire.

At this time, Bai Yu also had hundreds of pots of alchemy experience, and he was just catching up with Penglai's fourth-year student. How could an ordinary alchemist have such a super power guarantee that he would definitely produce pills in one pot.

He never loses money, so he can always maintain high-intensity alchemy work, so his basic skills have been very solid, coupled with the extraordinary realm and the blessing of the Phoenix Kung Fu Body.

This time the refining took only an hour to complete.

For a full hour, the alchemy furnace maintained a warm temperature.

The rolling flames were flowing, and every Danshi was holding their breath and staring, as if watching a scholar writing formulas on the Nobel Prize stage with devout eyes.

Can it succeed?

Everyone was asking themselves, clenching their fists, and every minute that passed, they felt more anxious and excited.

At least one-fifth of the three thousand people present had tried to refine the Ascension Pill.

But they have never had such a smooth refining process. Everything is too fast and too easy. The ease and ease that come naturally cannot be imitated or pretended.

Everything in the alchemy furnace is in full view of the public and cannot be concealed.

There was no trace of seriousness in Bai Yu's expression, and his eyes were as calm as running water.

He only relied on his own cultivation to support the flames of the entire alchemy furnace, but he never shed a drop of sweat. The silhouette standing beside the alchemy furnace was mysterious and powerful.

That confidence is strongly infecting everyone including the judges.

Suddenly, the alchemy furnace shook and buzzed softly.

A student drinking mineral water suddenly shook his hand, and the nervous bottle rolled down, spilling half of the person in the front row.

Danshi, whose hair was soaked, was unwilling to look back at all. He stood up nervously, fearing that it was a sign of a furnace explosion.

"Is it going to become a pill?" the white-browed old man said, "so soon!"

"Phoenix fire is a type of special spiritual fire. It is normal to refine it quickly. This person's cultivation is also extremely advanced. He can control the flames as he pleases. I'm afraid he already has a skill body."

"A genius alchemist is also a practicing genius. Why does this sound like..."

"Everyone, be careful, don't be distracted, it's time to condense the pill!"


There were several echoes in the alchemy furnace, and the step of condensing most elixirs into elixirs was the most difficult.

In order for the extracted essence to be brought together into one body and its essence locked inside, it must be an elixir... In the state of liquid or colloid, the power of the medicine will pass too fast, and the solid state means stability and cannot reach the solid state. The elixir means the refining failed.

Bai Yu didn't intend to waste time. He held his five fingers and the phoenix fire formed a cyclone in the continent. He directly used the high temperature to force the elixir to form. It was a waste of time to do it slowly.

This operation was too violent, causing more than one-third of the liquid to evaporate.

Nangong Yan's eyes widened when he saw this scene, and the old man on crutches became even more angry: "No one is urging you, why are you so anxious! Slow down, slow down!"

Bai Yu turned a deaf ear. In fact, it was too late to stop at this time. He released his palm, put his index and middle fingers together and pointed upward, and the alchemy furnace opened in response.

A phoenix flew out of the alchemy furnace, accompanied by bursts of purple haze smoke. The flying flaming phoenix seemed to have an extra pair of purple wings, and the scattered elixir fragrance shone brightly.

The red phoenix fire stopped in Bai Yu's palm, fell down with a total of three pills in his mouth, and then melted into his palm.

The flame in the alchemy furnace was extinguished, and only the purple cloud smoke floating out from the alchemy furnace became more and more refreshing.

"Colored Danxiang!"

"Zixia smoke!"

The judges stood up.

Bai Yu turned the elixir into an elixir too quickly. They were careless and did not have time to observe carefully. They only saw a swish sound. Soon, the elixir had fallen into his palm.

"Young... young man, this elixir of yours," Judge Baimei stretched out his hand: "Can I let this old man take a look at it?"

"And I!"

"Handsome little brother, show me too!"

Bai Yu casually threw an Ascension Pill out of his hand and was caught by the nearest judge.

At the same time, the camera on the big screen also zoomed in to observe this strange elixir.

Its whole body is white, and there are three colors of cloud patterns on the flawless white jade background. One is purple, which is the richest, one is cyan, and the last one is red.

"This is not a fourth-grade elixir!" Nangong Yan suddenly said loudly.

The students in the auditorium were in an uproar. Isn't it the Ascension Pill?

"This is the fifth grade!" Then the sixth grade female alchemist took over.

The old man on a crutch immediately said: "He only used materials below the fourth grade!"

"But this is a fifth-grade elixir!" The white-browed old man said in shock: "Have the speculations of the alchemists all this time been wrong? The Ascension Pill is not a fourth-grade elixir, but a fifth-grade elixir? Only those below the fourth grade are used. A fifth-grade elixir that can be refined with only the raw materials?"

The judges were going crazy. They were analyzing the elixir one after another in the front row, stroking it, smelling it, observing it, and barely even licking it!

Seven or eight judges gathered in a group, their voices rising and falling, and they kept arguing with each other, as if they were discussing politics within the group.

More than 3,000 alchemists looked at each other, all equally curious, their necks stretched out, wishing that they could not awaken the giraffe fruit power and get closer to see what was going on.

In the end, Bai Yu on the stage coughed: "Ahem!"

As soon as he spoke, the debate stopped. As the refiner, he had the most say: "Since you are so curious about whether it is the Ascension Pill, why don't you try it yourself?"

His eyes fell on the judges and he said confidently: "If you are afraid of being poisoned, you can also let me try the elixir myself."

"What a joke!"

The white-browed old man was furious: "How can you let the alchemist take the elixir he refined by himself?"

"This opportunity must be given to me!"

"No!" Nangong Yan stopped him: "You have to let me do it! I am the elder of the Danshi Association, I have the right..."

"I am also an elder!"

"Me too!"

"I'll try it, I have a lot of experience in testing pills!"

"Whoever said this has never tried it! When I took the elixir, you were still a suckling baby!"

"Shut up! You're a handsome man, you old thief with a gray beard! Go back and eat your wolfberry white porridge. I'm determined to take this Ascension Pill today. It won't work for anyone, I said so!"

Another quarrel.

Bai Yu had a headache, so he had to hand over the other two Ascension Pills.

After a five-minute discussion, the three judges came on stage. After Panxi sat down, he took the elixir solemnly and began to test the elixir on himself to determine whether it was an Ascension elixir.

Bai Yu was very confident in the refined elixir. Even the appraisal in the Chronicle of Heroes concluded that it was definitely the Ascension Pill, so he had no worries about the elixir being fake or eating dead people.

These alchemists also want to witness history, regardless of their own identities, rushing to try the alchemy.

As the three pills fell into their stomachs, the three of them were shocked. Their bodies were sitting, their skin became hot, but bursts of white smoke floated above their heads.

In the white mist, a few translucent and blurry lights and shadows vaguely flew out, as if the soul had left the body and soared up into the sky.

After taking the elixir, the white-browed old man's complexion became extremely peaceful and comfortable. He felt that he was wandering among the clouds, feeling extremely free, liberated and happy.

Unknowingly, a purple flower, a blue flower, and a red flower bloomed on the top of the head... Countless airflows converged towards the center of the Dantian inside the body, with an endless stream. There was a crackling sound from the limbs, and the old body once again When the meridians are connected, the three flowers gather at the top of the body, and the five qi move towards the yuan, the golden elixir avenue can be achieved in a day.

A full quarter of an hour passed before the vision slowly dissipated, and the floating clouds and mist, as well as the separated spirits and souls, were all recovered.

The white-browed old man opened his eyes, and the turbidity in his eyes was swept away, and he became energetic. There seemed to be groups of cranes and purple energy coming from the east in his eyes.

"Is this the highest realm that Taoism talks about?"

The white-browed old man sighed and sighed: "Ascension, I finally know what 'ascension' means today!"

"My soul wanders across the East and West seas with one thought, and I climb the Taihang Mountains with one thought. I think I am at ease, and my whole body is comfortable."

"After so many years of bottleneck, one Ascension Pill is enough to shake the stagnant water."

"Three flowers on the head, five qi in the chest... If you hold Pu Zi, you will not deceive me!"

"We are stupid and cannot understand its true meaning!"

"However, today, the Ascension Pill reappears in the world. After an absence of two hundred years, the lofty pearl has finally been unveiled and fell into the hands of mortal pill masters like us!"

The old man stood up with great excitement, raised his hands and shouted: "Comrades, I have ascended!"

Already ascended——!


It’s rising——!

The old man's uplifting shouts from the heart and the ecstasy deep in his soul were reverberating in the room like a vent, and the lingering sound lingered in the ears.

Three seconds later, the entire auditorium erupted in violent cheers like a torrent and tsunami. Some young people beat their chests excitedly, some clapped with their hands and their eyes were red, and some were so excited that they could not speak. They all knew that today was destined to go down in history, and it should be the entire Dan world carnival.

The thunderous cheers resounded throughout the Danshi Association, and the carnival and joy seemed to overwhelm the entire capital.

Among the alchemists in the auditorium, countless young women looked at the young man who still had a calm expression under the spotlight. What they saw was that his face was red, his heartbeat was beating, and his heart was trembling... I thought that what impressed me was his appearance, but I didn't expect it. It is a duo of strength and appearance.

Many young alchemists also clenched their fists, with envy, jealousy, longing and reverence in their eyes. They wished they could replace him, but they also knew they didn't have the ability. They were extremely conflicted in their hearts.

On the stage, Bai Yu's smile was somewhat forced.

Looking at the empty pockets, I calculated the cost of materials.

Damn, I lost hundreds of credits...

If I had known earlier, I would have saved an Ascension Pill. Now it would be difficult to get back the money, right?

Can material costs be reimbursed?

Can you please stop arguing and let me ask a judge first?

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