Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 464 Why would the medicine on the shelf produce dust?

Bai Yu indeed entered the industry very late, less than three months ago.

Any Danshi at the scene, even the youngest Danshi, has been exposed to it almost since childhood, and everyone has more experience in the industry than him.

The period of "three months" almost broke the hearts of many Danshi Taoists.

Everyone realized that Bai Yu might want to show off his magic power at Versailles next.

Some people have begun to think about sneaking out, so as not to expose their ugly jealousy and envious faces here.

However, Bai Yu suddenly changed the topic and started to call the names of the medicinal materials.

"Thick soil Ganoderma lucidum, three-pointed red grass, kestrel's blood, 97% concentration of rootless water...and of course, the two most important medicinal materials, morning glow mist droplets and purple smoke wood pith."

"There are twenty-six kinds of medicinal materials in total."

"This is the fixed combination of this version of the Ascension Pill I refined. This should not belong to the golden ratio. The dosage can be adjusted by yourself."

"The alchemy techniques I use are the most classic Ruyi alchemy techniques, fire control skills and forced elixir formation skills. You don't have my cultivation so you can't learn it. Skip this aspect. There are other things to pay attention to next..."

When Bai Yu mentioned the third medicinal material, everyone had already taken out pen and paper and started recording. Those who didn't have pen and paper also took out their mobile phones and started recording and taking pictures, for fear that they would remember wrongly.

The entire auditorium was as quiet as a classroom in school, with only room for one voice.

After Bai Yu finished explaining the entire refining process, Nangong Yan was also shocked.

His lips trembled as he said, "Did you... reveal the recipe so easily?"

This Ascension Pill is so precious. It is not an exaggeration to say that the pill is priceless.

Since it is Baiyu's research result, as long as it is reported to Xuanhu Division for patent application, he will have a patent period of fifty years for this prescription!

If he is willing to use this to start a business, he only needs a part of the initial capital investment, and he can make huge profits once it is listed, and can quickly build a company with a revenue of tens of billions.

No extraordinary person can refuse the temptation of the ‘Ascension Pill’, which means the opportunity to extend life or even go further!

Even if the patent is licensed to the Danshi Association, it will still be a huge wealth.

Nangong Yan and other elders were already thinking about how to negotiate with Bai Yu to obtain this elixir when the award ceremony began, and they were even ready to cut their flesh for it!

Because the Ascension Pill is so valuable and extremely important to the Danshi Association, it is a century-old plan.

Isn’t it true that young people only seek fame and fortune?

Didn't he realize this?

Doesn't he know that a patent means a monopoly?

Such huge interests disappeared in less than a hundred sentences just now...!

Bai Yu naturally knew what he was doing, he said calmly.

"Comrades, the development of the Ascension Pill is not my fault alone. I was just lucky enough to be the 100th person to dig out gold."

"I am making a public statement today - the formula of Ascension Pill is open to everyone for free. I personally will not apply for any patent on it. Everyone can research and improve it on their own!"

The voice is powerful and powerful, shocking everyone's nerves, brains and souls.

The recipe for the Ascension Pill should have been worth thousands of gold.

But after today, it becomes worthless, anyone can know it, and anyone can study it.

The two-hundred-year-old pearl was given to everyone as soon as it was picked.

But no Danshi will find it objectionable, because everyone has a share.

Because the Ascension Pill can continue to be improved, this is equivalent to once again providing a new research direction for all Danshi!

There are already too many people in the auditorium who are starting to look enthusiastically. They can't wait to get the project application fee and get into this new track to study.

Even a few judges or elders are not immune.

What Bai Yu did was really a great gift to everyone, everyone in the entire Danshi world.

Even if they are not in the realm of alchemists, those aging extraordinary beings have greater possibilities and more convenient ways to obtain the Ascension Pill because Bai Yu has disclosed the elixir recipe.

Everyone benefits.

Thus, the world where no one gets hurt is completed.

Except for the original biggest profiteer.

Except Baiyu.

Elder Baimei said dryly: "Are you serious that you want to give the recipe for Ascension Pill to the entire alchemy world?"

Bai Yu said: "A promise worth a thousand dollars, please witness it together!"

He continued: "In addition to giving up my patent rights, I also hope that the Danshi Association and the Xuanhu Division can jointly supervise and ensure that Feisheng Dan will not be patented by any party, so as to ensure that the prescription of Feisheng Dan can be freely used. There is no need to pay any additional fees for research and dissemination, and there is no need to be exploited by anyone or any organization!”

Nangong Yan was shocked, and he said loudly: "As a director and elder of the Danshi Association, I swear that I will strictly supervise!"

Three people in white clothes also stood up in the audience outside the judges' seat. Their white clothes were embroidered with cyan pots, proving that they were officials from the Xuanhu Division.

"Please don't worry, Mr. Bai!" The leading officer, a middle-aged woman with a Taoist bun and heroic features, clasped her fists and said, "I, the Xuanhu Division, will definitely enforce the law impartially!"

"Today, I and the three officers of Xuanhu Division are here to witness Mr. Bai's willingness to give up the patent rights and hand them over to the world's Danshi for use!"

"We, the Xuanhu doctor, admire you for your high moral integrity, sir!"

The three officers of Xuanhu Division took the initiative to clasp their fists and even bowed.

You must know that even in such an exciting scene before, the officers of Xuanhusi just clapped and sat down when they should.

In fact, Danshi and doctors do not have to deal with each other. The former is often subject to the control of the Xuanhusi Food and Drug Administration, and funding applications and approvals will also be stuck.

But these three officers all took the initiative to bow, which is enough to prove what a huge fortune Bai Yu gave up.

They have been working as officials for so many years, but they have never seen anyone holding wealth and wealth in their hands but just putting it down.

Calling him 'sir' is not flattering, but sincere!

To someone you respect, calling him sir is a well-deserved title.

Elder Baimei patted his sleeves solemnly and bowed his hands in the same manner: "Sir, you are noble and upright!"

In the entire auditorium, three thousand Danshi bent down at the same time and shouted in unison: "Sir, you are noble and upright!"

These people are the first to receive grace.

Bai Yu accepted this bow and fully deserved it.

His ‘loss’ was real.

It's just that this 'loss' is not as big as imagined.

Of course Bai Yu knew the value of the Ascension Pill. Even if he hadn't realized it before, he knew how valuable the pill was from the reaction of this group of people.

But now he no longer cares about things outside him.

Ever since Mr. Bai told him that he still had hundreds of years of family property and a dozen fiancées waiting for him to inherit it in Rome, he had lost all motivation to fight.

No matter how hard you work, it can't compare to the 20 years of hard work and hard work of being a saint.

So he really has no interest in money.

The status of Ascension Pill is very high, but it does not mean that its economic value is really that high. It is extremely difficult to refine the fifth-grade elixir, and the materials are also very expensive, making it impossible to form a large-scale industrial chain. In the end, it is still a luxury product. the way.

This is exactly the 'high-end route' that Bai Yu doesn't like.

He had no intention of becoming a capitalist in his previous life, and he had no intention of becoming a capitalist in this life.

Refining alchemy is just for feeding the family and eating grass and milking cows. Since the results have been produced, it doesn't matter if they are donated for free.

As long as the guaranteed rule is in his body, he can continue to complete other ancient elixir recipes at any time.

In his eyes, the recipe for the Ascension Pill was nothing more than that. Today was an accident. Since it was an unexpected fortune, there was no harm in spreading it out.

Moreover, handing over the alchemy recipe has another advantage, that is, it can increase your reputation, and at the same time, you can directly gain a wave of favorability from the Danshi Association and all the Danshi.

This is where prestige and fame come from.

From now on, even the big guys in the industry will have to be polite when they see me. Otherwise, if word spreads, it will be difficult for them to get along in this industry.

There are definitely some people who call him a fool and a prodigal son in their hearts, but more people feel ashamed in their hearts and just hate that they don't have the awareness and ability to become such a 'big fool'.

His move can be regarded as establishing his personality.

He is a man of noble virtue who benefits others at the expense of himself!

He is a person who is good for the country and the people!

He is a person who has broken away from vulgar taste and pursues common progress in the industry!

Although he is young, the alchemy world in the future will be the extraordinary world, and he will become a famous existence.

Not only did he make the cake bigger, but he also shared it for free, so everyone benefited. With everyone's praise, his reputation skyrocketed.

Everything in Daxia relies on qualifications, but once Bai Yu has the blessing of reputation, 'qualifications' are not so important.

This is also the reason why the seniors in Danding College defend Bai Yu so much, because they have truly benefited.

Bai Yu gave away interests that were not important to him in exchange for prestige. This was undoubtedly the operation of the old fox, but considering his age, it can be called "sparkling with the light of idealism".

The character design is very useful, and he is still young and does not have the aura and pressure of an idol.

Of course, the above thoughts only accounted for about 70%, and the remaining 30%... To be honest, he was afraid of trouble.

Just throw the elixir recipe out and you can study it on your own. For me, alchemy is just a hobby, not a path. I just want to be canonized as soon as possible, and then go to Beiming's door to throw shit.

No one actually cares about what Bai Yu thinks.

Don't look at what a person says, look at what he does.

Nangong Yan held Bai Yu's hand excitedly. He already looked up to this young man very highly, but he was still shocked by him again.

After holding it in for a while, he said, "Are you married? Do you have a partner? How about I introduce you to someone?"

Bai Yu: "..."

Are you old Beijingers like this?

Before he could finish speaking, he was pulled away by someone on the side.

At this time, the officers of Xuanhu Division came up and shook hands with Bai Yu. The handsome middle-aged female officer said: "Mr. Bai, you are welcome to come to Xuanhu Division to take a look at any time."

Bai Yu replied: "I will definitely go if I have the chance."

The female officer sighed with emotion: "I'm not very good at talking. What's not lacking in this era is genius. I've seen many so-called people, but few of them have the same broad-mindedness as Mr. Wang, who knows that living people are far away." It is more difficult than killing people. Most of the geniuses have a self-centered nature. They only want to succeed in one general, but forget to look down at the human world."

Bai Yu smiled, not commenting, everyone has his own way.

The female clerk asked again: "Can I ask a more rude question?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"This Ascension Pill must be Mr. Bai's hard work. Don't you really feel bad if you just hand it over like this?" The female officer smiled and said: "Although it is too late to withdraw my preface now, I still want to know what you are doing at this time. How do you feel?"

Bai Yu suddenly fell silent.

"This is not a serious question. If you don't want to answer it or it's difficult to answer it, don't force it." Director Xuanhusi realized that his question was a bit difficult. The person in front of him was just a child under eighteen.

Bai Yu shook his head: "It's not difficult to answer. My mood can actually be summed up simply in two sentences."

The female clerk nodded and said, "The eldest lady of the Mu family has said that Mr. Bai's poetic attainments are also extraordinary. We should listen attentively. If it sounds good enough, I am also willing to make Mr. Bai's name famous."

The statement is really philistine.

Bai Yu suddenly turned around and revealed his weapon. The spear passed through the air and pierced the wall directly. It was accompanied by a burst of hot red light, as if a pen dipped in red ink was writing something on the wall.

The auditorium fell silent again, and everyone on the stage looked at Bai Yu. At this time, no one cared about his destruction of public property, but was curious about what he was writing. However, the words were obscured by the flames and could not be seen clearly for the time being.

After Bai Yu finished writing the last stroke, he withdrew the Lion Heart Spear and put it into his sleeve. He cupped his fists at Nangong Yan and others: "I'll take my leave now, see you later."

Bai Yu left quickly, without giving anyone a chance to stop him. He disappeared from the center of the stage almost instantly, showing a higher level than what was rumored.

Nangong Yan sighed sadly: "There is a celebration party tonight, I am leaving in such a hurry!"

The audience in the auditorium also felt sorry.

Many girls felt sad and regretted not boldly going up to ask for an autograph.

At this time, the fire on the wall was extinguished, and the light focused on the two lines of carvings on the wall, attracting the attention of the Danshis.

The officer of Xuanhu Division looked over and his eyes suddenly widened.

"I hope no one gets sick in the world..."

"What a pity that the medicine on the shelf will produce dust!"

"Okay!" Elder Baimei shouted: "It's so good, why bother leaving the medicine on the shelf to make dust!"

Catchy poems can be passed down through the ages.

These two sentences come from the Spring Festival couplets used in traditional Chinese medicine shops during the Qing Dynasty. They have since become signature terms and have been used for hundreds of years to this day.

There is no Qing Dynasty in this world, and naturally there is no such couplet.

The female clerk stepped forward and touched the notches on the font, feeling filled with emotion that one of her unintentional words had resulted in such a wonderful couplet!

These two lines of words were simply tailor-made for Xuanhusi!

More people must see it!

"Tear down the wall and the font together! Take it back to Xuanhusi!" She immediately ordered: "The font must not be damaged!"

"Director Hu, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. This is what Mr. Bai left to our Danshi Association..."

"How can you Danshis be even remotely similar to these couplets?"

An inevitable argument began on the stage.

Xuanhusi and Danshi Association are a bit anxious about each other.

On the contrary, the three thousand Danshi below have begun to gradually withdraw in order.

"This may be the most exciting award selection I have seen this year."

"This year? In this life!"

"Mr. Dan Shi Dang Rubai!"

"I have sent this couplet to my circle of friends. Come and give me a like, and let's make Mr. Bai famous together!"

"Haha, I'm still faster. I took pictures of them all and sent them to my sister to make her envious of me!"

"What did your sister say back?"

"She said my hand speed was too slow. She had already used it three times...what do you mean?"

"You don't have to understand."

On the roadside, Bai Yu stopped a bus and turned on his phone to confirm the location.

"Master, go to Ruyi Pavilion."

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