Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 479 Take a bite to express your gratitude

Let’s talk about why Bai Yu is here.

Of course, this is a coincidence.

He underestimated the speed of his car. With the speed of the Storm Chaser going all out, and its certain flying function, when he had nothing to do, Hu Lai clicked the 'Flight Mode' with his left hand, and the Storm Chaser directly It jumped from the cliff and turned into a small jet aircraft.

It can be seen from this that the introduction of this mount in the Chronicle of Heroes is castrated.

And it's reverse castration.

The 'flying function' mentioned at that time was passed over in a few words, thinking it was a gliding function.

But it is not actually gliding, but has complete low-altitude flight capabilities, as long as the altitude is less than three thousand meters.

However, this mode puts a greater burden on the engine, and the elemental power is consumed too quickly. It can only last for about five hours, and then needs to be recharged for twelve hours.

Bai Yu was obviously driving a car, but then he was flying a plane, arriving around Phoenix Terrace an hour or two earlier than expected.

After turning around and finding a highway to get off, he realized that it would be impolite to go there with empty hands, so he found a supermarket nearby and went in to buy some gifts.

When Huang Qixia came to Penglai, she knew that she was giving souvenirs. He was completely embarrassed to come with nothing. Although he had prepared some elixirs, he always felt that they were not very useful.

As a result, as soon as I went out with my big and small bags, I saw an out-of-control truck crashing into the crowd like a mad dog.

The two sides were ten steps away from each other. If this distance were used, it would be too late for anyone else to save him.

But Bai Yu is a loser.

He immediately turned on Ren Xia's heroic spirit projection and activated bullet time, instantly shortening the flow rate of somatosensory time and real time to one to sixty.

Then he summoned the guardian spirit, pointed his right hand forward, and Maomao leaped out and landed on the woman directly in front of the truck.

With the mysterious protection of truth, let alone a dump truck, even the subway in GTA can withstand it.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu walked forward. With the blessing of bullet time, his movement speed was also stretched to the fastest.

As soon as he walked to the front of the truck, he switched to the heroic spirit projection of 'Wu Ming Gui'.

A disaster is imminent, so "life hangs by a thread" is passively triggered.

It was Bai Yu's first time to trigger this passive. Only after actually triggering it did he understand its horror.

As mentioned in the introduction, after triggering this principle of heroic spirits, you can directly see through dead ends and flaws.

But what’s wrong with a car?

After actually seeing it, Bai Yu discovered that these 'flaws' were actually the most vulnerable points of the car. Just applying a little force could destroy its power system and cause it to break down halfway.

He raised a finger and placed it on the bumper of the truck. A stream of energy was transmitted along the body of the truck, penetrating through and opening up many loopholes and flaws around the car.

Phoenix's first personal biography·One finger of consonance!

This finger pointed at the truck, causing its interior to undergo violent deformation. The potential energy of gravity and the kinetic energy of the engine were mixed to squeeze the steel structure itself out of shape, like a person falling from a tall building and hitting the ground. All bones were broken.

The screws that popped out of the cracked steel flew out from the chassis and hit Feng Wuwu in front of his eyebrows. When they hit, they only caused a slight ripple, softer than a drop of rain.

Bai Yu used only one finger to ravage the key bones of the steel creation, but this was not enough.

He then changed it to five fingers to support the weight of the truck, and then used his palm as a support.

Under the blessing of the counterattack state of "life hangs on a thread", the mind is concentrated like never before, and then visualizing the movement of the stars.

The stars have changed!

All the power he received in his right hand flowed into his body.

What's more brilliant than the movement of stars is that it doesn't even need four ounces of its own. The movement of stars relies on the gravitational field, which is essentially a phenomenon of weight distorting space and time. This is the essence of gravity. After observing the universe with one's own eyes, the stars The understanding of the avenue is improved.

Bai Yu's understanding of this move also ushered in a deeper perception.

The movement of stars does not rely on the hands, but the formation of a 'field' around the body.

In this field, the flow of power is determined by one's own will, and you can turn wherever you want.

It's unclear what the power limit of his rotation is, but it's probably no less than 5,000 horsepower...

So this move can even be called... magnetic field rotation?

Bai Yu suddenly raised his right hand back, no longer directly touching the vehicle itself, but he could feel that all the potential energy of the vehicle was under his control. The vehicle was like a leaf on the water, and he What is stirred by his right hand is the water itself.

You don't even need two hands.

One hand is enough.

Bai Yu's original preparation posture to bear the force has changed. His squatting legs have been changed to upright, his left hand is behind his back, and his right hand is lightly flicked.

An understatement is like banishing an immortal and splashing ink on it.

The truck that roared next was like a leaf swept up by a gust of wind. It whirled up into the sky with a whooshing sound. Its weight of more than ten tons was as light as a feather.

Feng Wuwu originally thought that he was going to die, so he only hugged the young child in his arms.

She vaguely felt as if she had been hit on the head, but it didn't hurt at all, and then the car flew more than ten meters high like a kite blown into the sky.

Haven't had time to figure out what's going on.

Her body became airborne again.

Looking sideways, he caught a glimpse of a side face that made people blush and heartbeat. The face had clear lines, handsome features, and a distinguished temperament.

"excuse me."

Bai Yu picked up Princess Feng Wuwu, thinking that she was so frightened that her legs were too weak to walk, and turned around calmly and backed away.

One step, two steps, three steps later.

The truck that was thrown into the sky crashed to the ground, splashing countless dust, and the cement floor also cracked and cracked.

A car was dumped upside down in the middle of the street like Cao Cao's rice bowl. The dust and wind raised only slightly brushed the corners of Bai Yu's clothes.

The leader of the Phoenix Stage reached over the young man's arm and took in the scene with his back turned. His beautiful eyes widened and he was so shocked that he could not speak.

Even the crying baby in her arms stopped crying and opened its mouth wide.

When the people around who were busy fleeing saw this scene, they were astonished.

A disaster that was destined to kill and injure dozens of people just disappeared.

The end came with just one wave of a person.

Even if there were several extraordinary beings present, they couldn't tell how it was done.

Just destroying a truck, even a second-level transcendent can do it.

But if you want to subdue it in one step and make it stop exactly as it was, even a first-generation master would find it difficult to do so.

It is easy to destroy and kill, but too difficult to protect and save, so there is a saying that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

To be able to do this quietly, one's level of cultivation is already beyond the ordinary and extraordinary level.

However, Bai Yu's appearance is so young, a handsome young man.

The man looked at it in silence, and the woman looked at it intoxicated.

Under the awed gaze of a group of people around him, Bai Yu put Feng Wuwu down and took back his guardian spirit body without even asking, 'Is everything okay?'

...Just kidding, how could Maomao fool us in such a matter?

"Thank you, thank you for saving me." Feng Wuwu's heartbeat was very fast. I don't know if it was because of fear or shyness.

"Crab crab big pot pot..." The child also made a soft and unclear sound, soft and cute.

A young couple rushed out from the crowd nearby and hurriedly hugged their baby. The woman cried with joy, while the man's face turned red and his hands turned white.

He wanted to rush up and shake Bai Yu's hand to express his gratitude, but he was in awe of Bai Yu's strength and did not dare to offend, so he could only keep saying thank you.

This child is everything to him. Without this precious child, his marriage and family will be completely destroyed.

"It is only natural to save people. Others will take action if they have the ability."

Bai Yu bent down and picked up the door-to-door gift package that he had just thrown aside, and patted the dust on it.

Saving people was just a casual act. He didn't know who he was saving, but he just didn't look back when it was time to stand up.

There are many unsung heroes in critical moments in reality.

The man's arms were shaking. He was just an ordinary person, and he said with shame, "I really don't know how to thank you."

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "It's not necessary..."

"How can this be done? It's a life-saving favor." The wife glared at her husband.

The husband is also very embarrassed. Even if he gives away all his wealth, the other party still looks down on him. The gap in vision is too big.

Usually at this time, Bai Yu would excuse himself by saying, "Please treat me to a meal when you have time," but he really didn't want to stay too long.

Then he looked at the little doll in the woman's hand, and immediately thought of the time when he used to tease the baby, so he nodded his face and said, "Let this cute little guy kiss me and I'll thank you."

Without waiting for the adults to answer, the little guy who was not yet five years old came over and took a bite of Bai Yu's side face. He was so skillful that he could tell that he was often tricked into kissing by his family members.

Bai Yu pinched the little baby's soft face and said, "That's enough."

The couple looked at each other and smiled. It seemed that they were overthinking it. Who wouldn't like such a cute child?

There were many envious glances in the crowd, especially among the young women. They stared at the little guy and wished they could take his place in his place.

Someone in the crowd muttered: "This little kid doesn't know yet, but maybe today is the peak of his life."

"elder sister!"

Feng Tongtong finally squeezed out, and after rushing out of the crowd, she saw that Feng Wuwu was fine.

He rushed up and hugged his sister hard, holding his shoulders and complaining: "Are you trying to scare me to death?"

Feng Wuwu lowered his head and listened to his sister scolding her several times and comforting her several times.

After the crowd's attention was distracted, she looked around unconsciously.

Feng Tongtong didn't know the situation at this time. She didn't see what was going on just now through the crowd, so she naturally thought that Huang Qixia had rescued her sister.

"What are you looking for, sister?"

"Uh, the way, where's the little Phoenix?" Feng Wuwu thought that he had to find his savior and take him back to thank him. No expression was against the training of the Phoenix Station.

"Yes, where is she?" After hearing her sister's question, Feng Tongtong realized: "Where did she go?"

The two looked around, quickly passed the crowd, locked their target, and saw the two people on the roadside.

Feng Wuwu felt relieved at that time and breathed a sigh of relief.

With Huang Qixia taking action, it shouldn't be a problem to keep her savior. She is so famous. As long as she is an extraordinary person, who would deny her face?

At this time, Bai Yu threw the gift into the trunk of the storm chaser and was about to drive away, when suddenly he was lightly tapped on the shoulder.

"Who..." He turned around and saw a face that was absolutely stunning. Even if he had only seen it once, he would never forget it.

"How did you..." Bai Yu was about to ask, how could you go down the mountain?

Then she saw Huang Qixia coming closer and standing on tiptoes.

Following the action of the little baby just now, he lightly bit the side of his face.


Feng Tongtong dropped her cell phone on the ground. She and her sister looked at each other and saw the shocking and earth-shattering look in each other's eyes.

"Kiss, kiss me???!!!"

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