Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 48 I am already furious

"Heroic Spirit..."

Bai Yu thought: "He already?"

"Wait, not necessarily yet."

Bai Yu's eyes were fixed on the words "temporary contract".

Not a formal contract, but a temporary contract...?

Maybe there is still salvation?

He thought for a few seconds and then clicked Confirm. Regardless of whether it was yes or no, he needed to witness the result with his own eyes.

Hopefully it's not really that bad.

The melody of the symphony of destiny sounded in my ears again.

The words of flame burn into ashes.

【Start the weaving of destiny】

Shadow Realm, suburban area, next to a bus stop.

Zhang Chushan leaned against the billboard behind him, his body covered in cuts and bruises and his body covered in blood.

He had thought that one day he would die on the battlefield, because the duty of a transcendent is to drive away shadow species and disaster beasts.

However, he never thought that one day he would die under the gun of his own people.

"One of my own...?"

Zhang Chushan smiled self-deprecatingly.

He doesn't deserve it.

Regardless of what he thinks in his heart or not, it is a fact that it has brought disaster. It cannot be ignored by saying that the ignorant are not guilty. He has no face to face the school and parents, let alone look at those children.

In fact, he has always wanted to enjoy the profession of teaching. Teaching and educating people is a good profession. He will be respected wherever he goes, and he will have many students all over the world. He also thought about treating Lao Zhou as a role model and working hard throughout his life.

But...these beautiful fantasies turned out to be empty in the end.

He couldn't even die a worthy death.

It would be nice if he was shot dead on the spot, he couldn't help but think so...but the damn curse in his body was forcing him to go crazy.

He raised his head and looked at the gray sky in the shadow world. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket with trembling fingertips and used force to pop out a cigarette several times.

The blood-stained filter was held in his mouth, and a faint bitter taste spread on his lips.

The old-fashioned lighter, my fingers trembled, once, twice, three times... I couldn't light it when I pressed it.

With a little more force, the lighter slipped from his hand, fell to the ground, bounced a few times, and landed on the edge of one foot.

The man raised his hand, picked up the lighter, then walked closer, lit the flame, and held it close.

Zhang Chushan's vision was a little blurry. When he saw the flames, he came over with a cigarette, lit it and took a deep breath.

"Cough cough cough..."

A violent cough followed.

His lungs had been injured, his ribs were broken, his lungs were injured, and he was coughing up blood that smelled like smoke.

"Are you..." Zhang Chushan said through the smoke: "Are you here to take my life?"

He coughed up blood while smoking: "Just take this cigarette you lit for me, take it away if you want... It's a dead life, maybe it will be worth something if you take it away."

"I want your life." The young man said in a calm but powerful tone: "But I am not them. What I want is for you to continue to live."

"...I can't live." Zhang Chushan pointed at his body that was riddled with holes: "See? With so many wounds, more than a third of them are bleeding. I know how long I can live... ...If I don’t go to the hospital for rescue, it’s already too late, and I won’t go to the hospital. It’s not worth wasting social resources to save a person like me.”

"You are still a good person." The young man said.

"Ahem, cough, cough." Zhang Chushan coughed out tears: "This sentence is really heartbreaking, so spicy and so ironic."

"I really think so." The young man raised his hand and pointed a pistol at his head: "But it's also because you are a good person...that's why you were pointed at the gun."

Zhang Chushan was smoking alone, with no trace of fear in his eyes.

The muzzle of the gun drooped, and then disappeared from his hand like magic. The young man continued: "However, because he met me, it can be regarded as a different kind of negative peace."

"Are you..." Zhang Chushan scratched his head: "You run a funeral parlor?"

The young man shook his head: "I don't sell paper figures or urns. I'm here to bring you two pieces of good news."

Zhang Chushan's eyes were still deathly gray.

"First good news...your students are still alive."

In an instant, Bai Yu seemed to see a dying lion rising up. He grabbed his collar with both hands and pressed his back against the billboard behind him. There was a thud!

He was holding a cigarette in his mouth, and the falling ashes were like spitting sparks, exuding hot anger.

"Can you say that again!"

He clenched his teeth, and his entire facial expression was ferocious and terrifying.

"Your students are still alive..." Bai Yu added: "Thirty-seven of them, one is not less than one."

Zhang Chushan's lips trembled several times: "How to prove it?"

"You don't believe it?" Bai Yu asked.

"Should I believe it?" Zhang Chushan's eyes were dark red: "Look at me now, I am neither a human nor a ghost. I know very well the methods of the shepherds. The children falling into their hands are simply... "

"But you still expect such a result." Bai Yu said lightly: "So I brought you the second good news."

"What is it!"

"I can help you... let you complete your revenge, and also help you rescue your students."

Bai Yu spoke one sentence at a time, speaking calmly, but it was like the whisper of a devil.

Zhang Chushan's eyes turned extremely red for a moment, then he let go of his hand and took a few steps back with difficulty.

"What do you want? My life? My soul? Or..."

"I need you... to be angry."

Bai Yu interrupted the other party's words: "The angrier the better... Your anger will become my strength."

Zhang Chushan paused and nodded: "Okay."

"If it's anger, you can have as much as you want!"

Bai Yu said: "But you look very calm."

The head teacher covered his face, opened his mouth, and laughed silently, his voice hoarse.

"I have already been..."


A white mist rolled in, and a cold wind blew by.

The two figures beside the bus stop disappeared at the same time.

After the white fog passed, only one young man stood up from the seat next to the platform. The appearance of his black suit changed slightly, and a delicate mask appeared on his face. The pattern on the mask was an inverted mountain. Character.

[Teacher·Present in battle]

[Kill the shepherd; rescue the remaining students]

[Destiny has begun to weave, the countdown begins]


Behind the mask, Bai Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. He could feel the blazing roar of blood in the warrior's body.

The state of destiny weaving is different from that of heroic spirit projection, and there is no need to share the same level with himself... At this time, Bai Yu's strength is that of Zhang Chushan in his heyday, and even surpasses his heyday.

The number 30 floats above your head, giving you a sense of security and deterrence.

The roaring qi and blood in the body roared like a dragon, the heart beat, and it was like there were several fuel engines built into the body. The tides of qi and blood were higher and higher, and the true qi was almost inexhaustible.

Bai Yu's thinking occupies an absolute dominant position. He can't feel Zhang Chushan's consciousness and thinking at all. The only thing he can feel is...

Just his anger.

The anger was not burning fiercely, but igniting quietly, like the high temperature in a boiler. It did not spread, but ignited a fire in the chest.

Every breath is like pouring oxygen into a furnace, every breath is a bellows blowing, the anger expands and burns, and the fierce flames burn the stubborn iron in the heart.

Every beat of the heart is beating the steel in the heart, and every drop of the hammer will scatter the sparks from the iron, shaping its outer shape until it is sharpened.

The teacher's anger is the hearth fire.

Bai Yu is the swordsmith.

He poured everything he saw and felt into the steel sword edge and hammered it into shape, integrating the anger itself into the sword edge. In the process, he himself felt the pain that penetrated his skin and bones.

But he will not scream or make a sound, but will implicitly and stubbornly remember the pain and absorb the experience. The introverted emotions will become a part of life and settle down, shaping Baiyu's soul to be more spiritual and profound in the future.

Growth never happens overnight, but occasionally... there will be a moment of growth.

When justice fails to come, private revenge is legitimate, even noble.

Through the vague connection, he could see a bright red thread turning into a guide, leading him to where the enemy was.

Bai Yu grasped the sharp blade forged in anger in his heart.

"Let's go..."

"To get revenge."

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