Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 488 Star Chaser, Star Caster, Death Omen Star

When leaving the banquet, most people returned with satisfied smiles.

A small number of people leave with some destined shortcomings.

Count Eisenwell is indeed a top matchmaker. He originally thought that the masquerade was over, but with the last stroke of his fortune, he successfully delivered three collectibles and more than a dozen consolation prizes. The atmosphere became heated, and his emotions Once in place, there were three pairs of guests present.

The most enthusiastic girl hugged the young man she had just known for less than three hours and started kissing him.

Maybe the former recognized the latter's identity, or maybe the two parties had actually been in contact before and had a good impression of each other.

In any case, the masquerade was a great success, and Earl Eisenwell easily managed a lot of young people. However, although he gained a lot, he still regretfully sent away one carriage after another. , the most regrettable thing is of course that the black-haired young man did not show any additional expression, nor did he make any overstep.

There is such a good opportunity, but I don't take the initiative to seize it. I can only say that I belong to my heart, or there is some unspeakable reason.

Anyway, the party is over.

On the carriage back, the sisters in dormitory 303 chatted non-stop.

They had taken off their masks and were comparing the prizes in their hands.

Although you may not win the big prize if you challenge the difficult problem, at least there is a consolation prize.

Bai Yu became the short-term male companion of the four people in the dormitory. He went on stage four times in a row and won three consolation prizes and one grand prize.

Angelica's consolation prize is a gem hairpin; Frederica's consolation prize is a free customized card from a noble clothing store; Paige's consolation prize is a gold pocket watch.

They were all satisfied.

Elyse sat in the back of the carriage, holding a valuable portrait in her hand.

"Let's hang this painting when we get back. It just so happens that there is a blank wall in the bedroom." Angelica said, "I will throw away the big wardrobe when I get back, replace it with a smaller one, and hang this painting in the free space. "

"You actually gave up your big wardrobe?" Fleur was shocked.

"This is the result of Mr. Yu's hard work." Angelica held her chin: "It also makes it easier for me to see things and miss people."

Fleur said harshly: "Are you in estrus?"

"Mr. Yu is so good, can't I appreciate and like him? He can dance so well, and he also knows how to compose music. You don't even know how popular musicians are in Vienna!" Angelica remembered her fondly. Said: "He is tall and handsome, and full of gentlemanly demeanor. He speaks nicely and can jump and play. Oh, my God...he is awesome."

Fleur is like a bastard moving around.

Peggy on the side pulled Fleur: "No one can stop her in this state, let her slowly become crazy."

Fleur took a deep breath, and just after regaining her breath, she immediately noticed the movements of Alice beside her.

She waved her finger, and the antique portrait suddenly made a sound of cracking silk, stabbing -!

"What are you doing!!" Fleur stood up and hit her head on the roof of the carriage: "Stop!"

But even though she tried so hard, she still couldn't stop Elysee from tearing the entire painting into pieces and turning it into pieces of rags.

The portrait, which was worth more than ten thousand dollars, withered into ashes.

Fleur looked at this scene with blank eyes: "I, I..."

"If you don't want it, you can leave it to me." Angelica was shocked.

"check it out."

Elysee pulled out a strange-looking card from the broken canvas, about the size of half a palm, with a human face and nine stars carved on it.

"This is?"

"Is there this thing hidden in the painting?"

"I seem to have seen this portrait before." Peggy said suddenly.

She stared at the card and the portrait on it, and whispered: "With a golden face and nine stars, this should be Lord Casting Star."

Since the dark death tide blocked the planet's oceans, the communication between the east and the west has been almost broken, leaving only a few disconnected connections.

The Shadow World is a huge disaster that threatens the countries of Daxia, Fusang, and Tianzhu in the east.

What about Rome?

It seems that the shadow world has very little influence on Rome. The shadow world in the entire West always appears very rarely. Even if it appears occasionally, it will always fade away quickly.

Rome, midwinter, or the country of frozen soil.

There are almost no shadow world subsidence zones here.

Instead, the middle zone connecting Europe and Asia has become a dark shadow world, and the once legendary Palace of Wisdom has been buried.

This is actually no coincidence.

Rome a few centuries ago was far more difficult than it is today. Before this great empire was established, it had experienced countless natural and man-made disasters and sanctions.

It's just that among those sanctions, the existence of the Shadow World does not account for a relatively large proportion.

In Roman legends, what they were guarding against was not only the demons from hell and the pollution from the abyss, but their biggest defense object... was the unknown from the stars.

If the whole world is split in half, the east and the west are divided into opposite sides.

The east corresponds to the dark side where shadows rage, so the western continent is the surface facing the majesty of the stars.

Both face disasters, but the threats they directly face are different.

The shadow world subsidence area in the east can be recovered, and similarly, the star descenders facing the west can also be killed or expelled.

It's just that today's Rome has almost forgotten that there is a descendant from the sky, and the frequency of its appearance is far less than that of the abyss and the evil mage.

How come the Western countries that were hit in the face by meteors and comets every day suddenly became safe?

Behind this place, there is an ancient legend circulating.

At that time, in the continent of Europa, there were demons in the sea, star beasts in the mountains, dragons raging in the plains, and demons causing chaos in the cities.

People were displaced and kingdoms burned to the ground.

In this situation, a child was born in the empire.

He was of the noble blood of Augustus.

Before he was ten years old, he was a naughty child who made trouble all day long; before he was twenty years old, he was a talented artist and traveler who traveled to many places; before he was thirty years old, he was a brave and capable warrior. A wandering mercenary and a victorious general on the battlefield; before the age of forty, he was a profound scholar...

When he was fifty years old, his city was destroyed by the light of the outer disaster. From then on, he began to chase and kill star beasts.

In another ten years, he killed a total of nine star beasts, carved and cast their corpses into sculptures, buried them all over the world, and created a magic circle that was strong enough to withstand powerful star beasts.

In the future, the star beasts will no longer invade, and the descendants from the star vault will become extremely weak after arriving in Europa, making them extremely easy to deal with.

To commemorate this achievement, people respectfully called him Zhuxing Gong.

Those who follow him are called Starseekers.

"Everyone knows the story of Duke Casting Star." Peggy lowered her voice: "I have seen the continuation of this story."

The vampire's lifespan is very long, her family is very ancient, and she has read many legendary documents out of interest.

"A demigod as strong as Lord Zhuxing cannot kill the powerful star beasts, so he adopted a very extreme method, which is to devour the origins of these star beasts and seal them within his body."

"By the time he swallowed the ninth star beast, his rationality had completely ceased to exist."

"He was almost completely assimilated by the Star Beast. In the end, he was sealed in an extraterritorial place by the Star Chasers."

"For hundreds of years, the Starseekers tried to kill the Starforger."

"But no one succeeds."

"So, Star Chaser began to send out invitations to the outside world, inviting powerful heroes to come and hunt and kill the already crazy Star Forger."

"If I'm not wrong, this one should be the legendary one..."

"Invitation from Death Star!"

"The Star Chasers tried their best but only created a hundred invitations. Some of them were handed over to the hands of the heroes of the day, and the other part were sealed in cultural relics through various methods, waiting for later generations to discover and Those who are destined will get it.”

"I remember this painting is by Michelangelo. Did this master also turn out to be a star chaser?"

Paige spoke a lot, her eyes twinkling.

"So..." Angelica concluded: "Is this death-defying invitation more expensive than that painting?"

"What did you hear!" Fleur said angrily, "Can you be more serious!"

"I'm not a hero, and I don't care about its practical value!" Angelica cupped her cheek: "Since so many years have passed, I'm afraid Star Caster has been killed long ago, so this can probably only be done As a souvenir?"

"You are wrong." Peggy shook her head and said, "Mr. Casting Star is still alive."

"This has been going on for hundreds of years, right?"

"After being assimilated with the Star Beast, Lord Zhuxing is still a demigod no matter how bad he is. He can live for thousands of years more than enough." Peggy turned the card with her fingertips, her bright red eyes flashing: "Besides, that was Lord Zhuxing. Kill Zhuxing." The Duke will gain supreme glory and the inheritance of a demigod."

"Is it that easy?" Elise questioned.

"I don't know, but it has been so long. Maybe the Star Forger has become weak enough, or maybe he has been severely injured by other heroes. This is a relay race with no time limit. The invitation letters sent by Star Chaser are also There are only a hundred of them. If you use one, you will lose one. The further back in the sequence, the more opportunities you have to get a bargain." Peggy said quietly: "The last time it appeared was ninety-six years ago."

"You know, is it too much?" Fleur could tell something was wrong.

Peggy held her chin and looked out the window: "Because my grandfather found an invitation to the Death Star, and then he disappeared. I found these records from the notes he left behind."

The other three people were stunned. Is there such a coincidence?

No, should I say it's fate?

"Don't look at me like that. It's all in the past. When my grandfather passed away, I wasn't born yet, and I didn't have any feelings." Paige returned the card to Elise: "I'm just telling you to explain this. An invitation is not just priceless, it means supreme glory and the opportunity to win the demigod's legacy... Of course, it is too difficult for us. Even if the demigod only has one breath left, he will destroy us all. It doesn’t take any effort, so don’t think too much, just think about it when you become a magister in the future.”

"Why not a Holy Magician?" Fleur asked strangely.

"Because the Holy Magician cannot enter the Death Omen Star, and the rules there cannot tolerate the canonized person."

A sudden sound sounded through the carriage window.

The unfamiliar voice gave people a cold and shuddering feeling as if a poisonous snake had bitten their neck.

Several people turned around at the same time and met the predator's cold gaze.


The horses neighed, the driver drove away with a sigh of relief, and the carriage was torn into pieces.

On the quiet road on the outskirts of the city, a man wearing a mask stepped on the soft grass.

No need to ask, no need to elaborate.

His purpose was self-evident.

The Death Omen Star invitation in his hand became a fatal reminder even before it warmed up.

"Good evening, ladies."

Jackal Mask looks polite.

The next sentence revealed his true face immediately, with his face growing out of the cuffs of his clothes, real fangs and sharp teeth growing out from under his mask, and his exploding muscles almost bursting the clothes.

"And farewell, sweethearts."

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