Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 502 What do you want to talk about?

In the middle of the lake, there is a small pavilion.

Pavilion is a kind of garden rest building that takes advantage of the surrounding scenery. It rarely exists alone, or is hidden among the trees, or connected to the corridor.

Small pavilions above a lake are extremely rare.

The entire Zhonghu Lake is calm, like a tranquil water-colored mirror.

There are six bead curtains hanging from the six-sided pavilion, covering the figures inside, leaving only the faint floating candle shadow.

There is a guzheng in the center of the small pavilion, and a pair of hands can be seen through the gap in the curtain. Those hands are beautiful, as white as jade, and the frost is like snow.

As the piano strings were gently brushed, slight ripples appeared on the lake surface.

No, not a wave.

It should be said to be a layer of tiny ripples.

Viewed from above, the ripples that spread out as the strings vibrated were exactly a circle. When they touched the shore, they miraculously did not rebound or create a chain of reverberations, but disappeared silently from the shore. .

The moon silently watched this harp performance, and its gravity failed strangely here.

The ripples echoed on the lake again and again as the strings plucked the piano. The ripples turned into fine waves layer by layer, glowing with a charming silver color under the moonlight.

The sound of water should have been tinny and noisy, but at this time it became the best partner of the piano sound. Every echoing sound was an accompaniment, giving the originally monotonous piano sound a richer timbre.

This is a double enjoyment of sight and hearing.

Just stand by the lake and sit quietly. Within a moment, you can feel your soul rising and falling with the music. It is an indescribable lightness.

It's an absolute treat.

People who were staying in a circle near Zhonghu, or who had noticed that they had arrived quietly, chose a place to sit down.

A concert that belongs to one person just started without any warning.

This piano playing started randomly, and there was no telling when it would end. As long as the owner of Xiaoxie felt that he was enjoying himself, the uninvited listeners would also return with pleasure.



A slight wave stirred up, like a noise appearing in the arrangement, disrupting the performance order in Zhonghu Nei.

The person playing the piano in Zhonghu Pavilion stopped with both hands, holding down the gently trembling strings, and the gentle rippling water fell into stillness.

The disturbance of noise obviously disturbed the interest of the player.

The audience who were immersed in the performance subconsciously frowned and looked at this rude intruder who did not know the rules.

Where his eyes were looking, a young man silently held the suona in his arms.

...Fortunately, I didn’t blow it just now.

Feeling the unkind glances from around him, Bai Yu thought that if he had just blown it, these people would be tempted to kill him.

He actually didn't intend to disturb him directly, but when he walked over, he accidentally disturbed a flying bird. The bird was also addicted to the music and started shaking its legs. The branches trembled, and even the eggs in the bird's nest followed. Wandering up and down, after being frightened by the passing white elm, it flapped its wings and flew up, leaving a piece of feathers on the lake, which disrupted the performance.

This subtle change is far from 'disturbing'.

But the interruption was already interrupted, and anything he said seemed like a cover-up.

If the player didn't care about this slight disharmony, he would naturally brush it off. And since the other party took the initiative to stop, it also proves that he knew that he must have something to ask for after entering Zhonghu this time.

After Bai Yu figured this out, he walked out calmly.

The performance has stopped, so why waste the other party's kindness.

The qin player stopped playing and said, "There are so many guests at the door, I can't help but tell you that this is the end of the night. Please go back."

Zhonghu is calm again.

Bai Yu only felt a few strong winds blowing through the room that was originally full of guests, and now it became empty and lonely.

He picked his ears and felt like someone had just said something to him. It shouldn't be something like, 'Don't leave after school today, see you in the woods,' right?

An invitation came from above Zhonghu Pavilion.

"Please come in."

Bai Yu looked at the color of the water on the lake and asked himself to step on the water?

The next moment, the water rippled again in Zhonghu, as if something was floating under the water.

He looked down and noticed that a pontoon bridge was rising under the water. The pontoon bridge itself exuded a faint cold air, as if it was made of cold jade.

Stepping across the pontoon, I felt the slightest chill from the cold jade on my fingertips, but it wasn't a bone-freezing chill. On the contrary, it was a very refreshing chill.

Bai Yu walked to the end of the pontoon and sat down in the small pavilion.

"The visitor is a guest. It's a cold night." The other party asked, "Let me make you a cup of tea to warm your body."

There was a curtain between the two sides.

At such a close distance, Bai Yu couldn't feel the other party's existence at all, like a cloud that couldn't be grasped, misty and formless, but full of flesh and blood.

"No need to work hard."

After Bai Yu fell into a trance, a cup of tea was placed in front of him.

"I am neither here nor here."

"How can you see someone who's not here?"

The person behind the curtain smiled slightly.

"Kid, it's not a good habit to explore other people's secrets."

"Of course I can understand young people being curious."

Bai Yu picked up the tea cup and said respectfully: "I have no malice, I subconsciously thought so... I am offended by this interruption."

"Since you can come in, it took a lot of effort to get here, and you didn't break the rules, so why bother? Playing the piano is just something you do as you please. Entertaining guests is more important than cultivating sentiments."

"Others seem very dissatisfied."

"They are not guests, just listeners."

"So, you don't blame me for coming uninvited?"

"Oh, little friend, I am not so stingy. If I had the chance, I would have wanted to meet you. You have never offended me, but you have helped me a lot."

"Me? Help?" Bai Yu was puzzled. How could he have such ability?

"You saved a passenger on a plane, didn't you?"

"Can this matter also catch your eye?"

"A plane crash, killing hundreds of people, means hundreds of families, affecting more than a thousand people? It is not a small matter. It is true that it is not trivial from a macro perspective, but if fewer people suffer, how can it be a bad thing? ?" The voice behind the curtain was gentle and full of affirmation: "If this is a small matter, your improved elixir techniques and free Ascension elixir prescriptions will benefit more than tens of millions of people?"

Bai Yu understood.

Because he is beneficial to the people and the country, the other party says that he has helped.

But I can't feel the personal emotions of the piano player behind the curtain at all.

Compared with the mood when playing the piano, what this gentleman cares about is the value of benefiting all people.

In the eyes of the other party, it doesn't matter whether Bai Yu is Bai Yu or not.

Is the person he is talking to now really just a 'person'?

Or is it some kind of larger, some kind of concrete... concept?

When Bai Yu thought of this, he was inevitably surprised at first, but then he sighed that he thought too much, so he drank some tea to calm down the shock.

The hand gently stroked the guzheng and asked with a smile: "Now, what do you want to talk to me about first?"

"It doesn't matter what it is, whether it's all over the world, current affairs and politics, food and attractions, life tips, economics and people's livelihood, or emotional counseling, I can do it all."

"We can talk like this until dawn."

"As for what you can gain and what I can gain, it all depends on you."

"Another point……"

Another cup of tea was passed behind the curtain, and the empty cup was withdrawn.

"Questions related to the imperial examination cannot be disclosed in advance."

Bai Yu said helplessly: "Do I look like such a profit-driven person? It turns out that everyone thinks that I came here to seek an advantage before the palace examination begins?"

"It's not what you look like, but... the bustling crowds are all for profit." The man behind the curtain sighed softly: "Do you know how many people have arrived in front of me like you?"

"I don't know."

"There are five people in total. Each of them is unique and has his own goals and dreams that must be achieved...Dreams can also be translated into ambitions, and maneuvering is the shortcut to it...Three of them asked me for advice on maneuvering. , without exception, took the shortcut to success.”

"Where are the remaining two?"

"One seeks answers from me, the other seeks relief from me - but they are the same thing, but one is plunder and the other is sacrifice."

With a sigh, the years roll by.

The adult was still behind the curtain, smiling slightly: "You are the youngest one, and you should be the most ambitious age. The future is infinitely bright, with infinite possibilities... Let me guess, why are you here? ?”

"Wealth, power, and status may be too early for you. Is fame what you want? Or is it a way to overcome class barriers?"

"Love? It doesn't seem to be the case... Young people's love is blind, but you have so many marriages wrapped around you that you are not lacking in love."

"Hmm!" Bai Yu interrupted this increasingly outrageous speculation: "I'm afraid my purpose of coming here will disappoint you."

"Oh? Disappointment may not be the opposite of surprise. In a broad sense, their essences are close, and they both originate from expectations." The hands left the strings, clasped them gently and asked: "Come and ask me questions, I might be a little curious now.”

Bai Yu paused and said bluntly: "Are you an innate heroic spirit?"

"Well, of course, it's guaranteed to be true."

"Please tell me how to let the innate heroic blood pass through the coming of age ceremony safely!"

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