Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 509 It was obviously me who came first

Although three simple questions are not enough to piece together the entire life of the past life.

But several major events that affected the nodes of her life have been circled.

Mu Yaoxi looked at the woman standing silently in the ice and snow, shedding black tears. She hesitated to speak. She opened her mouth, and all her words turned into a sigh.

She didn't know what to say.

The preconceptions were shattered. Mu Yaoxi didn't expect that the person she had always despised was herself in the previous life. No wonder her smile was so sarcastic.

Scolding her is also a disguised form of scolding yourself.

And when her position changed, Mu Yaoxi's mood also underwent a subtle change... Should I say sympathy at this time?

"Sympathy?" The previous life laughed lightly: "If there is anyone in this world who deserves the least sympathy, it must be me."

She raised her hand and wiped away the ink marks from the corners of her eyes.

She and Mu Yaoxi both knew that they were not the most miserable.

She actually gained a lot.

In such troubled times, it is extremely difficult to grow up as a little beggar.

"You are indeed very lucky to meet such a person." Mu Yaoxi said softly, "If I were you, I would support him at all costs."

"Are you looking down on me?" I cried and laughed at the same time in my previous life.

"If this will make you feel better." Mu Yaoxi stared at the other party unwaveringly.

"Relieving yourself through harsh criticism is also a kind of psychological comfort in a sense." He laughed at himself in his previous life: "I am not going to seek some spiritual comfort from my future self. The poison of regret has spread throughout my body. There is no cure.”

After Mu Yaoxi paused for a few seconds, she raised her eyes and continued to ask: "There are many details that you didn't tell me... What pushed you to this point?"

"Which step?"

"Farewell, life or death." Mu Yaoxi bit her tongue and said these four words, which hurt a lot.

"Well, it should be at the beginning." In the previous life, he turned his head and looked at the majestic Dragon King: "We were too young at that time. When he said, 'I will bear the price,' this big dragon will The dragon that arrived had already made its choice. It took away his eyes, but left his golden elixir and dragon beads to him; it banished me thousands of miles away, but gave me enough to survive. strength."

In his previous life, he opened his palms and said, "My power comes from the Dragon King's curse, which gives me the power to control fluids. As long as a part of me is mixed in, any fluid can be manipulated at will."

"Control fluid..." Mu Yaoxi said, "Is this the true nature of the power I inherited?"

"I don't know if it's the essence or not. After all, the composition of the principle of heroic spirits will be more complicated. This power has also changed several times with my breakthrough in strength. The dragon king did give me a big gift. At least it ensures that I will have smooth sailing on the road to becoming a devil."

In the previous life, he stretched out a finger and nodded his head gently: "But correspondingly, the other part of the curse greatly affected my sanity. I was too young at that time, and my cultivation level was far from enough. I was so confused that I didn’t know what I was doing for several hours every day. I would often wake up standing in a pool of blood, surrounded by dead people and corpses.”

"And the strange thing is that I don't feel scared, and gradually I get used to it. I pick up the money and weapons from the corpses, and I struggle to survive alone by picking up the corpses."

"And before he was fifteen, he was already a famous demonic lunatic in the world."

A trace of nostalgia flashed in her eyes, and she said calmly: "I actually don't hate that time, because I don't have any goals. I just wander around to survive. I have no worries and can't think of anything."

"When I was young, I was fearless because I didn't have much time to be awake. At that time, I just wanted to see more of the new world every day."

"When I grew up, I understood a lot of truths, and then I began to understand that the world is cruel and vivid, and not that beautiful."

"Gradually, I began to be afraid of living alone."

"Life is no longer interesting to me. All that remains is the need to choose survival in order to survive. I live in a fight every day. I don't even know what to do when I fall asleep at night... Can you understand that feeling of emptiness?"

Mu Yaoxi replied: "You have been caught up in loneliness."

"Yes, loneliness..." I murmured in my previous life: "In order to get rid of loneliness, in order not to be caught by it, I have done a lot of things."

"There may be no meaning in human life, and finding meaning is the only way to make a boring life interesting."

"As my realm and strength increased, I vaguely remembered that I should be looking for someone, but I couldn't remember who he was... In order to know who I was looking for, I could only pursue power. Then It’s also my only way to escape from loneliness.”

"Did you find it then?" Mu Yaoxi asked in a low voice.

"Found it." The tone in her previous life became extremely illusory. She clenched her fist and punched the landscape painting screen. The entire space was shattered and a gap was created. The cracks spread towards the surroundings and the cracks spread out. , followed by a dark scene.

The woman covered in blood knelt on the ground, hugging the dead man, and let out a dry and hoarse roar from her throat.

"Then, it was lost too."

She said with a vacuous expression: "It's really ridiculous."

After taking in all these scenes, Mu Yaoxi hesitated for a moment, then took a step towards the scene in the scroll. She squatted down, stretched out her hand, and gently brushed away her messy hair.

The face that appeared in the scroll next...

Mu Yaoxi took two steps back in shock, pointing stiffly at the scene in the scroll: "How is this possible?"

She tried to retreat, but her back was pressed against by a force.

In the previous life, he leaned on her back, pressed her shoulders from behind, and said in a soft voice: "Do you still remember the question I asked at the beginning?"

"——Do you believe in destiny in past lives?"

Mu Yaoxi's breathing gradually became heavier.

Then he forcefully pushed away the hand from his previous life.

"This is different... Even if I inherit your memory, I won't be you; even if he is the same person in the previous life, he no longer has the personality of the past."

"Your story is over, he is not your meal replacement!"

"Neither do I……"

Before she finished speaking, the previous life suddenly pounced on Mu Yaoxi and pushed Mu Yaoxi to the ground. The gravity reversed and the ground she fell on turned into a wall.

The two women reached their peaks and stared at each other closely.

"I never said that I wanted to replace you, nor did I say that I would use him as someone's substitute. On the contrary, I said it from the beginning. I am already a person in the past. My story is over. I can What I give you is not only strength, but also my regrets, my guilt, and my scars." The fingernails of the previous life gently scraped Mu Yaoxi's cheek: "You are different from me. You still have a huge future. Whether you want to accept the past and bear the burden of the past depends entirely on your own thoughts."

Mu Yaoxi asked, "Don't you want me to atone for your sins on your behalf?"

"If I say so, are you willing to do this?"

"If you don't want to, I won't let myself and him become props to soothe your guilt."

"That's very well said. So..." The past life slowly approached Mu Yaoxi, and the tips of their noses were almost touching. The dark eyes were like a mirror, reflecting the two of them: "Are you ready to accept everything in the past? ?”

Mu Yaoxi was about to answer 'ok', but she hesitated for a second, stretched out her hand and gently pushed away the previous life.

"What?" He said in the previous life: "Are you not confident in yourself? Are you afraid that I will occupy the magpie's nest?"

"Is there anything you can do..." Mu Yaoxi looked at her past life with evasive eyes.


"It's that kind of..."

"What kind?"

"..." Mu Yaoxi blushed with embarrassment.

"You have to speak clearly, otherwise how will I understand?" he said with a smile in his previous life.

"You——!" Mu Yaoxi gritted her teeth in embarrassment, thinking that there was no one else here, so she simply changed her mind and raised her voice and asked: "Is there any way to restore his memories related to the previous life? On the premise of not affecting the personality, only a part is enough, even if it doesn’t have to be too clear!”

After hearing Mu Yaoxi's question, he asked strangely in his previous life: "Don't you want him to become a substitute?"

"This is different." Mu Yaoxi turned away her cheeks: "What I need is for him to remember, so that I can..."


"Can beat Su Ruoli."

Emotional matters are about first come, first served.

The green plums in Japanese comics are often unreal.

Qingmei, who is well matched, can be said to have the strongest attribute. Most of the Qingmei who cannot win are the disgrace of the goalkeeper.

Mu Yaoxi said to herself: "This time, I should be the one who comes first, right?"

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