Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 512 Minions of Mountains and Seas

Zhonghu, Standing Department.

"How about the inspection?"

"Very stable and intact. These two are of secondary innate heroic spirit bloodline."

"It goes without saying that this is an obvious answer." The old man with a white beard, who obviously had a higher status, took the report and took a few glances at it.

The young scholar next to her continued to report: "The strength of Mu Yaoxi's bloodline has improved a lot and has reached the mid-level line of the second level. As she grows older, her strength level will steadily increase, and she is expected to reach the sixth level. Even higher levels.”

"Sixth level..." The old man took a sip of water: "It's quite good among the second level. Unfortunately, it's still far behind the eighth level that the upper level is destined to reach."

The young scholar continued: "Su Ruoli has not yet held her coming-of-age ceremony, and her current bloodline strength is near the midline. If she further improves, she may reach the high-level line of the second-ranked heroic spirit."

"Is this girl so qualified?"

"Not only is it good, but it is also extremely stable." The young scholar took out the comparison chart and said excitedly: "We have done a total of five comparisons, and her bloodline strength has almost no change. This is not like an underage innate heroic spirit. , which means that she has complete control over her own 'reason', which is simply incredible!"

"That's a relatively rare type. I still remember the last time Mr. Su came here for a check-up, his bloodline strength was only average. Unexpectedly, he was better than his predecessor." The old man with white beard sighed: "As expected. It is the Su family that has produced seven generations of innate heroic spirits within five hundred years. It is the only family of heroic spirits in Great Xia. This is called professionalism."

"Does the Su family have any special cultivation method?" The young scholar brainstormed: "Gene editing, maternal cultivation, or..."

"I had your conjecture decades ago, but after actually getting to know it, I realized that the Su family is not that capable at all. In the final analysis, there is only one rule passed down from their ancestors."

"What rules?"

“Have fewer children and study more.”

"Huh?" the young scholar sent out an incomprehensible expression.

"This is the truth. The Su family was very enthusiastic about having children because there were many heroic spirits in the past. At one time, the family spread out and flourished, with nearly a thousand people, forming a huge The clan group, until an ancestor with an innate heroic spirit couldn't stand it anymore and set this rule...Then the Su family gradually turned into a scholarly family." The old man with a white beard said with a smile: "I can only say that people Good luck, God will feed you."

As he was talking, there was a little noise not far away.

The young scholar frowned: "Why are there still people making noise here? I'll stop it."

"Don't worry about it, just let them go." The old man with white beard shook his head and said, "They are people from Shanhaisi, who came to ask us to share information with them."

"Why does Shanhaisi need relevant information about innate heroic spirits? Their authority is not enough, right?"

"What they need is other information." The white-bearded old man said calmly: "All the major projects of Shanhaisi have come to a standstill, and they are in urgent need of a shot in the arm. Five years have come to an end, and the projects established back then are difficult to make progress. Zhonghu The orders are coming soon.”

"I heard that the Tiangong Division has recently launched a new project plan called Jinwu or something, and it has been unanimously favored by the higher-ups."

"So Shanhaisi should be anxious. It seems like flowers are blooming now, but in fact, the oil is cooking in the fire. If you are not careful, you will be burned."

"Everyone inside is jealous. The top management has to consider their own responsibilities, while the middle management has to consider whether most of their worth will evaporate overnight. The bottom management needs to consider their own jobs... If the project fails, a large number of people will They all have to be laid off to compete in the low-end biological industry, and of course they are more anxious than anyone else."

"So let them go. In the last period, they will definitely go too far. It's human nature. As long as they don't go too far, don't worry about it. They will naturally be liquidated in the future."

The young scholar glanced at the group of people outside and said helplessly: "The students know."

Outside the door, back in the dark car, the phone call was answered.

"How is it going?"

"We have obtained the information, and the other party complained a little, but still chose to cooperate."

"What are the results of the investigation?"

"The 'legacy' is not in the hands of these two innate heroes. Our speculation was wrong."


The other end of the phone was silent for a long time, as if someone was suppressing emotions, as if a kettle was about to reach the critical point.

After a moment, another voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "This is good news. If it is really in the hands of an innate heroic spirit, then there is a risk for us to take over the inheritance smoothly, but if it were to be replaced by someone else, this kind of The resistance will be much smaller.”

"Yes... almost everyone on the entire plane has been checked, and there are still two targets that have not yet been checked." The people in the car took out the list and reported: "There are still two people left, Bai Yu and Ruan Qingxue. "

“Who’s more likely?”

"I think it should be Bai Yu. We originally had a chance to contact him, but unfortunately his whereabouts after recovering from his injury have been uncertain. After returning to the capital, he stayed with the innate heroic spirit and Jiaoyang Haoyue for a long time. Yesterday, he even entered Zhonghu, and with that I have talked to several adults in person, but we have never been able to find a suitable opportunity for contact.”

"But now the two innate heroic spirits are not near him. You go and invite him to come in the name of Shanhaisi so that we can confirm the location of the legacy." The higher-ups issued instructions.

"Yes...but what if he doesn't accept it?"

"Then let him accept it and let one person cooperate. It is nothing more than power and benefit. We have signed the order and dispatched minions to bring Bai Yu and Ruan Qingxue back to Shanhai Division."

"Do this now? We should contact him in advance. Judging from the information, Bai Yu is not an unreasonable person..." The caller hesitated: "As long as the other party is given sufficient rights to know, it should not be a problem to convince him."

"We don't have time to waste here. Time is running out. If we can't produce results, Shanhaisi will not be able to restart any projects in the next few decades!" The voice on the other end of the phone was very decisive: "The defector brought 'Heritage' is our only breakthrough, and she fell into a state of suspended animation after giving birth, so we can't bet on when she will wake up!"

"Bring the person back to me. No matter what method is used, I will see the results within an hour."

"This is an order!"

The implication is that the senior management of Shanhaisi will bear the responsibility for the result.

A word from above will break your leg from running down.


After hanging up the phone, the man leaned on the passenger seat of the car, rubbed his brows, and slapped his thighs: "It's really crazy. You are going to provoke the scorching sun of the future just for a little time. Are the people above already impatient to this extent?... …Hey, where are they?”

"There is news now that we are heading to the South Railway Station in Beijing and taking the subway." the driver in the driver's seat replied.

"Let's drive. I hope we can see him before the minions arrive."

"The minions are out?"

"Well, those group of scaly and hairy people with mutated bloodline have real monsters hidden in their bodies. If they go on a rampage in the downtown area, the consequences will be disastrous. Even if they release such untimed bombs, you know that the superiors have already How bad is your red eye?"

"Old Tan, all of our wealth is in the stock market of companies related to the Shanhaisi cooperation. The funds cannot be withdrawn. When the red-headed documents are issued next year, if the Shanhaisi project is stopped, I am afraid that everyone will go bankrupt and lay off employees. If you are laid off, let alone a house in the capital, you will be lucky to be able to hide under a bridge and get a quilt." The driver said in a loud voice.

The Shanhai Division officer laughed at himself: "Everyone is like a gambler who loses money... I really regret why I didn't go to the Shenwu Division when I submitted my resume?"

"Isn't it because the interviewer from the Shenwu Division dislikes you for having a sinister look?"

"It's because my family has the Five Elements Escape Technique, and my ancestor was a tomb robber! So I failed the political review."


There were a lot of people at this time.

There are always a lot of people heading to the South Passenger Transport Station, and the subway is packed every time. Although it is not as exaggerated as the trains in a large Eastern country, it is still overcrowded.

You can even see some people who got off at the station being forced back into the carriage by the crowd.

Both Bai Yu and Ruan Qingxue gave up their seats to an old man and a pregnant woman in advance, so they had to stand in the corner.

Two hands were supporting the car wall, one on the left and the other on the right, creating a space barely enough for one person to stand.

At close range, Ruan Qingxue's skin can be seen to be extremely white, and cyan blood vessels can be seen on her neck.

Qingnv's bloodline is very special, being close to her can always keep people's minds clear.

Bai Yu was not dominated by any charming thoughts. She only felt that the four words "beautiful as jade" were extremely suitable for her. It was pure appreciation without any evil thoughts, just like walking in a museum and looking at marble sculptures and sculptures. Simple jade, delicate and pure eyes.

As the one being watched, Ruan Qingxue lowered her head shyly and acted like an ostrich.

As she lowered her head, Bai Yu caught a glimpse of the position behind her ears, and vaguely saw a faint blue-grey color, like stained paint. He subconsciously reached out his hand to wipe it away. After reaching out his hand, he realized that it seemed that Not paint, but some kind of tattoo.

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