Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 518: Open sesame, a devil

The center of the square inside the film and television industry.

The dragon looked at the white-haired woman standing up from the ground, his eyes showing some emotional fluctuations.

Recovering heritage is the goal of their trip.

No matter what happens, it must be completely destroyed.

The inheritance can be found later. As long as the betrayer is killed, the mission is completed.

However, when the inheritance is acquired by others, the complexity of the matter immediately increases to a higher level.

The dragon's canine teeth interlocked and bit it, and the tail covered with gray scales on its back also fell heavily, picking up countless flying rocks.

Even if you bring the person back alive, there is a high possibility that you will be held accountable, and the situation will become complicated.

It was already a huge mistake to delay it for so long, but even the inheritance was given to this little girl...

His musings were quickly interrupted.'s cold.

The temperature in the air is dropping rapidly.

The dragon turned around and even heard some sounds of difficulty breathing.

It seems that it is not only cold, but also 'high'. Just as the air at very high altitudes becomes thinner, the air pressure becomes lower, and the temperature also drops sharply.

The person who caused all this was the white-haired woman.

At this time, Ruan Qingxue was also adapting to her newfound strength. The strange tattoo on the back of her neck crawled and spread along the surface of her body, gradually spreading to her body. It was like a circuit diagram on an electronic page. She could see her skin. There is an extra silver layer on it, which spreads all the way down the arm to the fingertips.

Silivore's voice rang in his ears.

‘You can carefully experience my power this time and slowly feel it’

'I don't have any means of protection. Once I choose to retreat, I have no chance of winning. You must seize the opportunity to attack.'

'But... don't forget the purpose. What we have to do is to buy time after all, rather than force ourselves to the front. With your current ability, even if all the cats, birds, spiders, and fish are added together, there is no chance of winning.'

Ruan Qingxue nodded silently.

When the contract was completed, she had already felt how powerful it was to use Silifo... Unfortunately, she was too weak and was far from able to exert its full performance.

However, now that she has the opportunity to become stronger, she is still luckier than ordinary people.

As strong as a minion, she also fell in front of the offensive of the Dragon Dragon and others, and now she has to start fighting for time until...

Ruan Qingxue took a deep breath and began to call out the ancient voice in her body.

She murmured: "The snowstorm is coming!"

Qingnv opened her eyes, and saw a wisp of snowflakes floating between the sky and the earth, followed by the second, third... countless heavy snowflakes fell, and were caught in the chaotic wind pressure, covering their heads and faces. Fall straight ahead.

Her bloodline magical power is to freely control frost and snow, or to put it more broadly, it is to control the direction of energy with cold attributes. As one of the extremely rare bloodlines, Qingnv can call upon a small part of the power of heaven and earth to a certain extent. There are differences in the forced requisition of a generation of grandmasters, but they can ultimately be leveraged.

In the past, her loan share was very small. For example, if she only opened a loan of 100 yuan, she could barely eat a KFC meal. If she borrowed more, she would have to wait until the limit is cleared tomorrow.

But things are different now. The loan amount has soared to more than 50,000 yuan, which is enough for her to save up her strength and even pay the down payment for a car.

Moreover, her loan recipient is Tiandi Bank, so she does not need to consider the issue of repaying the debt during her lifetime.

The blizzard changed the outside weather in the square, and it suddenly became freezing cold.

In the sky full of wind and snow, a blue-gray afterimage came against the wind, tearing the wind and snow apart with a fist, splitting a path, and the dragon strode directly towards Ruan Qingxue. The terrifying momentum was terrifying like never before. .

"Back off!" Ruan Qingxue stood still, raised his palm, and released dozens of residual lights. The ground bloomed with icicles, pushing directly forward.

The dragon that had just rushed over hit a huge icicle like a battering ram and flew back... After less than two seconds, the dragon rushed up again and smashed the countless ice crystal spikes growing on the ground with its fist. Smash it to the ground, pry up the huge rock, and raise it as a shield.

Ice-cold arrows and shells continued to bombard the rock with level 5 defense. The dragon didn't slow down at all. He moved closer to within 20 meters and directly threw the stone away from his hand, hitting Ruan Qingxue.

Ruan Qingxue wanted to dodge, but she remembered what Silifo said before. She forced herself to stop, took a deep breath, and channeled the power in her blood again. Silver lines also lit up on her other hand, and a flash appeared in the air. grip.

The snow on the ground suddenly lifted up, turning into two hands to catch the stone, spinning it around in the air and throwing it back.

The dragon was hit in the head, his body fell back, staggered, and he let out a roar of fright and fury.

It wasn't because he was being played by a mere first-order transcendent, but because he saw the source of the opponent's power, which undoubtedly came from mystery.

Ruan Qingxue could feel that her strength was growing and expanding at an extremely fast speed. Her blood flow was very fast and her heartbeat was also very fast. However, her body temperature not only did not increase, but instead continued to decrease. Her hands became It's very white, almost transparent, and the same goes for the hair.

She knew very well that she had gained power, but it was temporary and could not be obtained out of thin air. If so, it would be an overdraft.

Silivore, the mystery brought by the Silver Rabbit, its function is to purify the blood.

No matter who it is, no matter what bloodline it is, after its evolution, the blood itself will be transformed into high-concentration pure blood, thus triggering huge power.

If a half-demon obtains the Silver Rabbit, then the demon power he can exert will reach the level of a pure-blood demon clan, or even further, reach the level of the ancestors of such a demon clan, or, even further, can reach the level of a pure-blood demon clan. This demon clan is more powerful than the ancestor demon clan.

However, this is not an overnight process, nor is it a mystery that leads to success in one step.

What it requires is time, and it also requires the holder to have the mental strength to surrender his own bloodline.

Silifo is a double-edged sword, and its existence will inevitably harm oneself, because blood purification is a process of killing oneself and transforming oneself.

If you seek too much power, the result will inevitably be self-destruction.

Ruan Qingxue must carefully control this speed.

If she was too careful and kept the blood purification speed too low, she would not be able to deal with the dragon and the members of the organization behind it.

Once the limit is exceeded, the excessively pure Qingnv blood in her body will backfire on herself as the host.

Just like Silver Rabbit said before...accept, obey, control, dominate.

Her wrist trembled slightly.

Even if she gained the mystery, she was just a student who had never experienced a life and death battle.

The weakness, cowardice, and retreat in her heart are all real... but at the same time, these are also things that she is unwilling to accept.

At the same age, her classmates have already stood at such a height, but she can only stand still?

She murmured: "I don't want to be protected."

She doesn't want to be a beautiful vase that's either waiting to be decorated with flowers, or a beautiful vase that's waiting to be broken and feel sorry for herself.

She wanted to be the same kind.

She wanted to prove that she had the qualifications to become his kind, so she had to become strong, at least strong enough to protect herself.

So from the first step, you must learn to overcome fear and learn to face life and death.

Only after taking this step can she learn to accept and like herself like this.

Changing for someone is a very beautiful thing. It at least proves that she has not lost the courage to make progress as a human being. If love is added to it, it will be even more praiseworthy.

So she held Feng Shuang heavily with both hands.

The heart has something to seek, the eyes have something to see, and they insist on not taking a step back.

Someone witnessed this scene with their own eyes.


"I can still."

‘You have reached your limit’

"Just one more minute!"

After Xilifu's persuasion, for about half a minute, Ruan Qingxue, who continued to exert force, fell into a trance and fell to the ground.

After the blizzard stopped, the white-haired girl finally exhausted her last strength and fell to the ground weakly.

The signs of Qingnv's blood manifested in his body are fading.

The scars and red blood fell on the white snow, which was bright and dazzling in the shadow world.

Opposite her, although the members of the Dragon Dragon team have not been reduced, they are still in a very embarrassed state.

Tailong's own bloodline seemed to be very bad at dealing with low temperatures, and he was also greatly affected, with his state fluctuating.

The faceless man cursed unhappily: "It's a waste of time to delay this for so long."

After Taolong took out a red crystal and crushed it casually, the snow around him melted. He ordered: "Don't waste time, get the person under control, and prepare to leave immediately!"

He turned around and saw a group of defeated soldiers walking out of the snowdrift.

Shanling and several of the survivors of the minions team have not recovered from their injuries, but they have managed to regain some physical strength because they took a few more breaths.

They walked to the front of Ruan Qingxue and supported the human barrier.

"Standing back despite the odds, isn't there a saying in Daxia that a man who knows the current affairs is a hero? Why are all of them so tough-minded?"

"We have a mission..." Shan Ling said dullly, "You must bring Shanhaisi alive."

The dragon opened its beast eyes: "I have no patience anymore, you all give me..."

Before he finished speaking, the ground suddenly shook slightly. In the center of the square, on the ground between the two groups, a crack suddenly appeared. And the crack was rapidly expanding, peeling off, and a huge pit appeared. trap.

"Boss, ten minutes are up." The faceless man confirmed and said, "The passage to the abyss is open."

The dragon twisted its neck: "A full ten minutes have passed... This legacy is really terrifying, allowing a mere first-level girl to delay us for so long."

But, it’s time to end.

When the tens of thousands of disaster beasts living in the abyss emerge, everyone here will not survive and will be eaten clean. The purpose of destroying evidence has been achieved.

After wasting so much time, he was not in a hurry to kill these people immediately. Instead, he had a little more patience to wait for the passage to be fully opened.

The faceless man also looked at the minions jokingly: "If you just died in our hands, at least it would be easier than being eaten alive by a wild beast, right?"

"What a pity, what a pity, you chose the wrong path."

He stood in front of the entrance to the abyss passage and shouted wildly.

"Come out, beasts of disaster!"

"Enjoy the feast!"

In the passage of the abyss, there were several sharp roars of beasts, with a hint of sadness and sharpness.

It makes people feel uncomfortable listening to it.

Soon, a tall and powerful beast sprang out from the mouth of the abyss passage, and with the faceless man's crazy smile, it arrived in front of the minions.

The scaly and armored beast has no skin at all, only its blood-red muscles are exposed, and its teeth are exposed. The bear is very cruel, with a blade-like tail and blood dripping from its mouth.

"The Broken Claw Beast...the third-level high-level disaster beast."

Bai Ling read out the name of the disaster beast weakly and desperately. If it were an ordinary first-level or second-level beast, there might still be a chance.

But how can they deal with the high-level disaster beasts above the third level now?

The members of the minion team each had expressions of bitterness and despair on their faces, and gave up the idea of ​​struggling.

Shanling closed his eyes and said, "Everyone, if there is a next life, then see you in the next life."

He waited for the Claw Claw to launch its attack, hoping that the other party would hurry up and avoid too much pain.

However, the remaining claws exceeded everyone's expectations. It neither attacked nor roared, but turned its head and fled quickly in the other direction.

The faceless man was stunned and hurriedly shouted: "Come back! Come back, eh? Where are you going!"

He was furious, but the Broken Claw didn't listen at all and turned around and ran away.

The same thing happened to several disaster beasts that appeared from the abyss passage immediately afterwards. They rushed out in no particular order, and then fled without looking back. Their first reaction was to immediately stay away from the abyss passage.

"Something's wrong...Boss, something's wrong." The faceless man said.

The dragon squinted its eyes and stared at the abyss passage: "They seem to be escaping from some terrible existence here, and they are so scrambling and panicking to choose the way...and we did not put in the disaster beasts of level 4 or above, they escaped. What exactly is it?"

What on earth could scare these murderous beasts like this?

Almost everyone noticed the abnormality and stared at the entrance of the abyss passage. In the strangely quiet atmosphere, there was suddenly the sound of footsteps and a faint nasal humming.

The tune of the song echoed clearly in the passage without any noise, and the footsteps sounded like drums, stepping on the rhythm.

As the sound got closer and closer, the footsteps became louder and clearer, and the rich smell of blood poured out of the abyss channel.

It was as if the gates of hell had opened, releasing an evil king of endless hell.

At this time, Taolong suddenly felt a little uneasy, which was extremely rare for him. The muscles in his body subconsciously tightened, just because he could feel the waves of soul power that made the air tremble, quiet but deep, Like an abyss or an ocean.

The light melody suddenly stopped, and the footsteps also stopped suddenly.


The dragon suddenly turned around, and what he saw was the flying head of the faceless man.

Dressed in white, he appeared in the square. He bent down, picked up a handful of white snow, wiped away the blood dripping from his hands, and gave a faint counting sound.

"No. 7382."

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