Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 527 Dragons gather under the Forbidden List

Forbidden City.

It was once a landmark building in Daxia and the center of power of the entire country.

However, with the changes of the times, it now assumes two responsibilities, one is an attraction and the other is a museum.

The buildings that were newly built in the past hundred years were directly demolished and rebuilt, transformed into other venues and rented out.

Occasionally, some celebrities would choose to hold a banquet here for their wedding. The official 'state banquet' must be expensive, but there are also people who will pay for it.

People live their entire lives for a false reputation.

The annual venue rental fees and the income from banquet contracting alone are enough to cover the salaries of the personnel in the Forbidden City, and a large amount of funds can be allocated to support the protection and restoration of cultural relics. It is indeed a business that is sure to make money without losing money.

But when December comes, the Forbidden City will become a true Forbidden City.

Because the palace examination is coming, department personnel within Zhonghu are responsible for taking over.

The previously bustling Jinluan Hall, the Temple of Heaven, or the museums and cultural relics institutes are all closed to welcome visitors. All work inside and outside must be stopped and the year-end closing application stage must be entered in advance.

All of these are concessions for the most serious and top talent selection examination in the entire Great Xia.

Although in the eyes of the common people, the existence of the concept of palace examination is very low, the older people in the capital all know what the names that can be written on the list of the Forbidden City mean.

In ancient times, there was a custom in Daxia of catching a son-in-law under the official list.

If it weren't for the fact that the Forbidden City had already banned entry to unrelated people, I'm afraid it would have been inevitable for people from all walks of life to bring their daughters to the site for a blind date. I think it would have been even more lively than the Blind Date Corner.

There was a snowfall yesterday, and this morning it was foggy. The roosters crowed and dawn broke, and pedestrians were nowhere to be found.

To say that it seems very deserted here is not to say it.

Just because there are no idlers waiting does not mean there are few people.

On the contrary, there are quite a few young heroes in the capital. The number of families is more than a hundred. There are only a few thousand-year-old families, but there is no shortage of those who are hundreds of years old. In addition, there are some rising stars, some recommended by the military, or descendants of saints... you name it. It is easy to gather hundreds of people, so there are many boys and girls.

If you want to be selected for the palace examination, there is an age limit first, and you must not be over thirty years old.

Secondly, to participate in the martial arts test and the divine test, your cultivation level needs to be higher than the third level of extraordinary.

This is still the basic condition.

If you want to enter the palace examination, it is naturally not enough to meet the basic requirements.

Long before the sun rose, a table was placed outside the palace gate and the list was posted.

In the misty morning, a banner was hung on the wall next to the Forbidden City. It was not made of paper, but a rather unique purple-gold cloth.

Several names have been added to it, and eloquent numerical introductions are written behind the names.

‘Yan Baipao: Named arrester of the night watchman, martial arts test, recommended by the Chief of Night’

‘Qingwei: Holy Son of the Taoist Sect, Divine Examination, Recommended by Xuan Tiansi’

‘Shen Tu Yu: Doctor of the Star Observation Department, literary examination, recommended by the Star Observation Department’

‘Xu Xuntian: Major General of the Military Department, Military Examination, Recommended by the Panyan Army’

‘Xiao Shuihan: student at Shouwang Academy, martial arts test, recommended by Shenwu Division’


There are not many names, but everyone can be regarded as a rare talent.

Many people would think that the Great Xia Scorching Sun and Bright Moon are the truly valuable ones.

In reality, this is not always the case. Some people will not take the initiative to compete for the title, but as their talents blossom and bear fruit, they will always get the opportunity to shine.

As an examination to select top talents, the most critical point of the Imperial Examination lies in the word ‘recommendation’.

The recommendation here is different from the inspection system of the Han Dynasty. There is usually internal competition. Then, after actual consideration by the Ten Divisions of Daxia, the name will be recommended to Zhonghu. After the assessment, it is finally confirmed whether the individual is qualified to be included in the list. .

If you are an unknown person, it is absolutely impossible to directly reach the sky and participate in the palace examination.

This usually requires a long period of selection, with a decision made after considering all the qualities of a person.

Having strength without fame is not enough; having fame without strength is not enough; if you want to have both fame and strength, you need a strong recommender to be included in the list.

Many people gathered under the Forbidden City list.

But in front of the table ten meters away, it was a bit deserted, and few people dared to approach it.

"I can only say that it's not unexpected." An old brother said: "I think there are probably only a dozen or so participants in the palace examination this time, and there shouldn't be any more."

Just when I finished speaking.

There was a slight commotion from the crowd not far away.

A figure walked straight to the registration desk.

The receptionist raised his head and glanced at the other person, and the crowd around him also noticed him.

"Shenwu Si, Lin Haiya?"

"Contemporary Haoyue is also here?"

"Who does he want to recommend to take part in the palace examination?"

Speculation and discussion abounded.

Lin Haiya said: "I want to sign up for the palace examination and the martial arts examination."

The recorder at the city gate asked: "Did you sign up yourself instead of being recommended?"

"I want to both sign up and recommend." Lin Haiya said calmly: "I recommend myself."

The recorder lowered his head, picked up the writing brush, and wrote down the words quickly. At the same time, there was an additional line of text on the list under the Forbidden City.

‘Lin Haiya: Haoyue, martial arts test, self-recommendation’

As soon as this line of text appeared, there was an uproar.

"Did I see it wrong?" A young man asked: "I saw Lin Haiya's name on it..."

"I'm sure you read it right, I saw it too." Another person said affirmatively: "This time, Haoyue actually participated directly in the palace examination, and the competition intensity suddenly went up."

"In this martial arts test, I'm afraid the leader will be determined early." Someone lamented: "How does this compare?"

"Don't underestimate the other nominees. Who says Lin Haiya will win?" A cold voice sounded from the crowd.

Someone nearby was dissatisfied: "The true biography of Wusheng Pavilion, and it is the bright moon today, don't you know how valuable it is?"

"Then it's too early to say he has won. Although Lin Haiya is a bright moon, he is not the brightest moon, let alone the brightest sun."

"Are you transforming into a horizontal bar? You can go up!"

"Okay." A person walked out of the crowd and walked to the registration desk in the sight of the boys and girls. They exchanged a few words and soon there was a line of text on the list.

‘Beimingque: Haoyue, martial arts test, self-recommendation’

The man who had just screamed bent down and retreated dejectedly to the back of the crowd, pretending not to see them.

"Two Haoyues are competing for each other. This martial arts test, tsk tsk tsk..."

"Okay, okay! Let's fight, let's all fight, I want to see blood flowing like a river!"

"Don't be anxious. I told you not to be anxious yet. I feel like there are still heavyweights behind you."

It was already surprising that the two Haoyue Tianjiao started competing for the martial arts test, and the new names that appeared next caused even more uproar.

‘Ren Nanbei: scorching sun, divine test, self-recommendation’

Swish swish—!

Everyone who saw the list looked at the registration desk. A baby-faced young man stood at the entrance of the Forbidden City, holding a bottle of AD calcium milk and drinking happily.

"Hello." He waved his hand and smiled.

Several little girls in the crowd immediately fell back.

I was scared.

Ren Nanbei is an evil star. Anyone who messes with him may have his entire family sent away by Suona.

Several young people here looked away with ugly expressions: "I definitely can't participate in this divine test. It's important to save my life."

Everyone in the world knows that Ren Nanbei's favorite person to kill is the ministers of aristocratic families. Any second-generation ancestor who thinks his family background is very bad is his favorite whetstone.

The dignitaries in the capital did not dare to have any conflict with Ren Nanbei, even if he was imprisoned in the holy way for fifty years.

Besides, Jiaoyang has already taken the palace examination, so why is there any need to compete?

Ren Nanbei only thinks that this group of people is boring. He is not a madman. He will not kill people casually. He will not kill people if he cannot find evidence. The use of legal thunder is actually not that arbitrary.

If someone is afraid of being chopped by him, it only proves that the person's bottom is not clean.

An upright person is not afraid of a crooked shadow. How can a law-abiding citizen be afraid of legal thunder and grass-chopping knives?

At this moment, Ren Nanbei suddenly felt a breath.

There is a bleak atmosphere, like the deadness of life, which makes people see the passing of autumn and the coming of winter.

After a brief trance, Ren Nanbei turned around and looked at the figure appearing sideways.

Wearing a long gray coat with a black gauze covering his face, he stood there like a stone statue. The left hand exposed from under the sleeve was as rough and decayed as an old man.

Ren Nanbei whispered: "I never thought you would come to the Forbidden City."

"Me too." The figure in gray clothes and black gauze said in a low voice: "Perhaps only that person can help me."

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