Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 547 You can always come up with something new for me

Bai Yu looked at the paper fiercely.

Look horizontally, look vertically.

After reading for a long time, I finally saw two words on the test paper.

——Full life!

Bai Yu pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

This kind of development is really unexpected in every sense.

Is it reasonable for him to solve the world's top mathematical conjectures with just a bachelor's degree?

Moreover, didn’t I submit these mathematical conjectures myself?

As a result, you used my guesses to test me?

What a boomerang!

Bai Yu took a few glances and directly chose to skip the first question.

Turn the paper over and look at the next page.

There are three questions in the essay test.

Even if the mathematical conjecture is proved, there will still be two questions in the follow-up.

Because it is impossible to prove a mathematical conjecture in one day, which requires a huge amount of time and calculations.

This question does not really require a person to complete it, but it tests the participant's basic ideas and how far they can advance.

The previous Shen Tuyu had already started writing furiously because she had already done relevant research on these mathematical conjectures in advance.

This is where the opponent's strength lies.

Bai Yu doesn't want to use his amateurism to challenge other people's majors.

The title of the next page is...

——In the context of the new era, how to correctly interpret "external Confucianism and internal Dharma, a mixture of kings, domineering and Taoism"

This sentence should have been said by an emperor of the Han Dynasty, right?

Bai Yu took one look and sighed, immediately losing interest in answering.

If you put this kind of question in a chat group, everyone’s keyboard will become soft if you look at it.

Not exciting at all.

Who is the key to the government? Two thousand years ago.

The system is different, times have changed so much, and Confucianism is still here but legalism is not.

The sword of the Han Dynasty cannot kill the current officials. It is recommended that the question writer go back and shoot him in the head to relieve the hydrocephalus.

You might as well ask me how I interpret my definition of liberal.

Bai Yu had a dark face, feeling that there was a big problem with Daxia's question group.

For arithmetic problems, I just used the mathematical conjectures I copied and deliberately made them more difficult;

I started to study literary topics, and I felt like I was dreaming back to the Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties.

Bai Yu lightly filled in the answer to the second question.

He turned directly to the third question.

Although the literary test will not be broadcast live.

But in Zhonghu, the sky-peeping mirror can still inspect the situation inside the examination room.

But the Sword Saint was not present today.

Present at the scene were Miu Tianji, the director of the Star Observation Department, Ou Tiezhu, the great craftsman of the Tiangong Department, and the two leaders of the question group this time.

"The quality of the candidates this time was good." Miu Tianji commented: "Only two-thirds of the people who gave up on the first question directly, and the remaining one-third were able to answer more or less."

"Arithmetic is, after all, the basis of science and is indeed important. Although mathematical conjecture is a category of theoretical mathematics, it is equally important to applied mathematics." Ou Tiezhu said.

"But it seems that most people still prefer to do the second question." Miu Tianji said with a sigh: "Personally, I don't like this kind of formality."

Ou Tiezhu agreed: "Me too."

Shangguan explained helplessly: "In this literary test, we always need some questions related to classics and classics."

"The Four Books and Five Classics have long been out of date with the times." Miu Tianji said, "Who still reads these?"

"So the title is 'In the context of the new era'..." explained another person in charge of the question group.

Chatted a few words casually.

Miu Tianji turned the sky mirror and finally found Shen Tuyu among the piles of candidates.

"Oh?" The supervisor showed a bit of an old naughty smile: "This is really fate."

Ou Tiezhu looked at the scroll of Shen Tuyu's paper and said, "You're a disciple who can answer questions fluently."

"She just took advantage of the kid behind her." Miu Tianji shook his head and said, "Actually, it was revealed in advance, so for the sake of fairness, I let her train at home for more than half a month. She was not allowed to touch paper or pen. She does research, but it doesn’t stop her from thinking about it in her head.”

"The hard work I write now may be the result of the accumulation of inspiration over the past ten days."

"But she is challenging the most difficult Riemann hypothesis, and she is really too arrogant."

Ou Tiezhu asked: "Who is Riemann?"

Miu Tianji replied: "I don't know this either. The name of this mathematical conjecture is Riemann's hypothesis. I guess I didn't just make it up casually."

Just as Shangguan was about to take a look at the answers to Shentu Yu's test paper, he was diverted away by Miu Tianji and transferred directly to the next position.

The supervisor stared at Bai Yu and said with great interest: "If you really want to ask who Riemann is, maybe this little guy knows it best."

"What's the explanation?"

"He came up with these conjectures." Miu Tianji laughed and said with emotion: "Let me see where he has answered now."

As a result, when I looked down, I found that Bai Yu was in a daze over the third question.

"Huh? Why the third question? What about the first two questions?" Ou Tiezhu took a closer look.

"Wait a moment, let's go back a bit." Shangguan manually adjusted the telescope and moved the captured image backwards.

Soon everyone saw the first two questions Bai Yu answered.

This is how he answered the first question.


This is how he answered the second question.

"In the context of the new era, the rule of law comes first, and all Confucians are shot; and the dead emperor is the good emperor."


There seemed to be the sound of tea being sprayed from behind the screen.

Ou Tiezhu wondered if he had seen it wrong. He wiped his eyes with a strange expression: "This young man has quite a personality..."

Shangguan complained: "You can't just forget about the first question, but you can't answer the second question seriously either?"

"No, the first question is also very important! He just wrote down what the 'solution' means!" Miotianji was angry. Is this what he wanted to see?

"Not only that, he also wrote a colon."

"What does this colon mean?"

"Well, I heard from a high school teacher that if there is a question on the paper that you don't know, writing 'Answer:' might be a personal matter?" Shangguan guessed in a low voice.

"What the hell is a favor?"

"Just... zero points become one point?"

"Just one point?!"

"One point is not a lot. One point can defeat hundreds of people in the college entrance examination." Shangguan muttered softly.

"Does this kid think he is still a high school student? This is the imperial examination, not the college entrance examination!" The supervisor was very angry and slapped his knees angrily.

"He was indeed a high school student a few months ago. Perhaps his mentality has not changed."

"This is not the reason for him to paddle!" Miu Tianji said dissatisfied: "Pull here in front of the palace exam, two big questions, science and liberal arts are not done, what does he want to do, step on the left foot and the right foot to reach the sky! "

Ou Tiezhu wondered: "Maybe he is not paddling, but really can't do it? Old friend, do you have too high expectations for him? We all know that arithmetic requires extremely high talent, and he can give it Just because he asks a question doesn’t mean he can answer it, right?”

Miu Tianji's eyes flashed.

He did not answer the question, but closed his eyes, silently raised his hand, and made a simple and weird gesture.

at the same time.

In the Star Observation Tower outside the capital, a huge Jiuzhang computer began to roar.

The data flow is synchronized with the thinking of Xu Tianji with some information that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

You can see the green smoke rising from the top of Miu Tianji's head, and his whole body is flashing and alternating like a jittering animation.

It lasted about a minute.

Miu Tianji lowered his right hand.

Only when he stopped did Shangguan dare to ask: "What did the Superintendent figure out?"

"I have just spent about three days of Jiuzhang Computer's computing power and calculated nine million possibilities. I can be sure..." Miu Tianji said with great certainty: "This kid is just paddling! Just a quick glance, But out of about 100,000 calculations, he solved the first problem."

"The second question was never solved even once. Either the answer was not written, or the answer was written with swear words."

Ou Tiezhu understood, and then asked: "The second question is really unpleasant."

"What about the third course?"

Curious inquiries sounded from behind the screen.

Miu Tianji paused and replied: "I answered the third question almost every time."

"Then there's no rush for the first question." The owner of the courtyard said, "Let's see how he answers the third question."

The third question only has two words.


The broader the question, the more difficult it is to answer.

Of course, many people must still be scratching their heads to answer the first two questions, but Bai Yu jumped to the third question in one breath.

He intuitively felt that this third question was more important than the first two, and the person who asked the question was probably...

So, where to start?

There is so much that could be written about the economy.

Bai Yu was a social worker in his previous life, a standard science student. He studied finance concurrently in college and received a double degree.

It’s just that the school’s finance major at that time was not considered a top major, and I didn’t pursue finance in the end. I just read a lot of works related to economics and finance.

These are things recorded in the mind and can be retrieved at any time.

"The Wealth of Nations" and "Das Kapital" no matter which one you take out, it is the best.

However, when writing theories, we must also take into account the historical process. The world here is still in a state of isolation in various regions. National development relies on mechanical scientific and technological innovation, and the growth rate of capital is far from the level of the earth.

And there is no shortage of all simple economic works in Daxia.

"The Wealth of Nations" written by Adam Smith in the 18th century has produced certain errors with modern society.

Most of every work has limitations due to the historical background.

As a theory or work close to modern economics.

"Principles of Economics" is very good, it is a required course for almost all students, but...

"1,128,000 words..." Bai Yu felt like his tooth hurt even after thinking about it. He couldn't write it. There were too many words.

It would be more appropriate to write a theory that is easier to explain.

Business cycle theory, herding effect, middle-income trap...

After thinking for a moment, Bai Yu finally started writing and filled in a line of words after the 'Solution:' of the third question.

game theory.

Nash Equilibrium.

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