Two days later.

After Bai Yu finished breakfast at the breakfast shop of the proprietress of Xiye, he went to the fruit shop to buy some fresh fruits, got on the bus, and got off at the bus stop of Nanling First Hospital.

Arriving at the familiar inpatient department, I pressed the number ten and arrived at the tenth floor of the inpatient department.

Outside a ward, a police officer was sitting at the door and yelling.

After seeing Bai Yu, he didn't stop talking. He tapped inside with his thumb, and then nodded to show that he was there and awake.

Bai Yu took out an orange and handed it to the police officer whose left hand was still in a plaster. He had to take care of the injured, which showed that there was a shortage of people in Changye Division now.

When he walked into the ward, he saw Zhang Chushan lying on the bed wrapped like a mummy. The electrocardiograph was very stable.

A policeman was feeding him porridge.

As a result, the police officer saw someone coming, turned around subconsciously, and poked the spoon directly next to his nostril.

"Hot, hot, hot—!"

Laoban screamed.

The careless female police officer looked embarrassed.

Bai Yu stretched out his hand: "If you don't mind, can you let me help? I have taken care of patients before, and I am quite experienced."

The female police officer also nodded and walked out, using a cane.

Bai Yu picked up the porridge and tested the temperature. Then he poured a basin of cold water and put the porridge in it to cool for two or three minutes. After that, it still felt a little hot and he blew a few mouthfuls.

Zhang Chushan ate half a bowl of lean meat porridge and sighed with a complex expression: "No one has taken care of me like this except my mother. I thought there would be a girl to take care of me, but it turned out to be my student... and a boy." Baby."

Bai Yu was funny: "You dislike me, right? Then I'll leave?"

"Hey, no, I'm not full yet!" Zhang Chushan's mouth twitched: "My whole body hurts terribly and I can only eat liquid food. I'm not nutritious enough."

"Didn't I give you some glucose or something?"

"That can only guarantee basic consumption. I am a warrior. I need to eat something to replenish my energy and blood in order to recover quickly." Zhang Chushan glared: "I haven't eaten meat for three days. I can't stand it anymore, so I punched the ceiling." burst!"

Bai Yu said: "Have you ever considered that the other party just wants you to recover slower and to stay weak longer?"

Zhang Chushan was silent: "..."

Bai Yu continued: "Because you are still under observation? Who knows whether you will go berserk next time. Although the shepherd is dead, Lao Banqian is temporarily safe, but what if it happens?"

"You are so good at talking, you must have a lot of friends, right?" Zhang Chushan glared.

"Doesn't this show that you teach well?" Bai Yu gave a thumbs up: "You are my Chinese teacher."

For a moment, Zhang Chushan couldn't find a suitable reason to refute.

"So, what happened?" Bai Yu asked: "I remember that Chang Yesi almost sent you an obituary at that time. Why did he suddenly become alive again and suddenly his classmates were found again?"

Zhang Chushan tried to raise his head, but there was a bandage on his back hand, so he could only rub it against the table to relieve the itching: "To be honest, I don't know. I was in the hospital as soon as I woke up. I was unconscious before I passed out." I remember it was..."

He sighed: "I really don't remember, someone seemed to be talking to me, but the content..."

Bai Yu: "If I don't remember, there is no need to force myself to remember."

Because the Heroic Spirit Contract is a temporary contract, the effect will not last long.

It is impossible for him to remember everything that happened during the contract, which is naturally a good thing.

Bai Yu paused and then asked: "What are your plans after that?"

Zhang Chushan said calmly: "What else can be done? Let me recover first. The restraint ring will also have to be worn for three months. After that, I will have a full set of examinations to confirm that everything is fine before I can be released... However, the teacher cannot continue. If I make such a big mistake, the school will no longer be able to hire me, and I don’t have such a thick skin.”

Bai Yu was about to comfort him when she heard Zhang Chushan laugh and say: "But this is just what I want. I didn't really want to do it... I have been thinking about you little brats all day, sending them away one after another. Now that I think about this kind of life where I can see the end at a glance, I feel desperate, so it would be good to change my job.”

Bai Yu knew that the other party must be pretending to be cool, but he nodded cooperatively: "It's good, you might as well rest for a while. Anyway, the future is long and the road is long. If you can't be a teacher, there are still so many careers. , experience life slowly, life is not a dead end, if you don’t try them all, how will you know that you are not the one?”

Zhang Chushan choked: "That', why does your words sound wrong?"

Bai Yu spread his hands: "I have always been curious, how did you, such a simple and honest person, reach the second level of cultivation at such a young age?"

Zhang Chushan proudly said: "Of course it's because of my natural supernatural power."

"Anyone may be born with divine power, but some people's natural divine power is only about one and a half times more powerful than others."

"You are very curious about the practice system." Zhang Chushan shook his head and said, "But it's too early for you now, you don't need to know this yet..."

Bai Yu peeled a banana and handed it over: "Old Ban, please peel the banana."

Zhang Chushan took a bite with satisfaction, and then was stunned: "Why does your banana taste like barbecue?"

"To be honest, I bought some mutton skewers." Bai Yu said, taking two steps back, and then took out a plastic box. After opening it, the smell of barbecue wafted out.

Zhang Chushan didn't know the taste of meat for three days, and his eyes turned green.

"I originally planned to share it with you, but you didn't agree, so I had to keep it to myself." Bai Yu ate half a skewer of barbecue, and then sighed: "It's a pity that eating this early in the morning is not good for your health."

Then he handed half the skewer of barbecue to the trash can.

The behavior of wasting food in public is very similar to the capitalist operation of pouring away milk.

"Evil disciple!" Zhang Chushan was furious: "As a teacher, I am worse than a trash can! You don't even feed me the trash can!"

Bai Yu smiled sincerely and said, "As long as you say so, these mutton skewers will be yours."

The corner of Zhang Chushan's mouth twitched: "What are you doing in such a hurry? As long as you become extraordinary, you will definitely be in the future... Hey, hey, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't! I said, I said, can't you! Come here and show me off!"

After eating a bunch of meat, Lao Ban's mouth became softer no matter how hard he was.

He explained: "The extraordinary system has been told to you before. It is divided into many levels. Level is the most basic way to judge. I only know the first three levels, and I don't know much more."

"The first level of extraordinary is the most basic level of extraordinary. At this stage, talent is usually the dominant factor, and one needs to master an extraordinary skill as a guide. The first level of extraordinary, martial arts practitioners call it the Qi-nurturing realm or the Qi-training realm;"

"The second level of extraordinary, in martial arts, is called the acquired body forging realm. It trains qi and blood. The ninth level of acquired body training, the qi and blood are like mercury, and the steel and iron bones are also collectively called the silver level."

"The third level of extraordinary, in martial arts, is called the innate god-refining realm. What you practice is the spirit. The ninth level of innate, refining qi and transforming into gods. At this stage, you can already master certain tricks, or release sword energy, and The Qi is strong and moves according to the heart, and the Dantian is no longer a flaw. Even if an ordinary martial artist slashes with all his strength with a sword, it is difficult to penetrate half a foot of the body, and this realm is usually called the golden level."

"These are all related to martial arts cultivators...but although martial arts cultivators are the most popular, they are far from the only ones."

"There are many kinds of extraordinary people, martial arts is just one of them. The so-called path is the extraordinary road."

"In the west, it's also called the Stairway to the Gods."

"In the final analysis, they are all extraordinary paths to advancement."

"And these paths are all left by our predecessors. The path that martial cultivators take is the Sunshine Avenue that many predecessors have taken together. However, it is said that in the later stages, the paths also diverge, and there is no such thing as different paths leading to the same destination."

"You can understand that roads are just like big trees. Even the origin of the same road will give birth to different roads."

“Different paths are different trees.”

"At the forefront of these paths are those who stand at the apex of the extraordinary system, who can also be called saints or gods."

"There will inevitably be disputes between the roads. This is inevitable...but it is not something we need to consider at this stage."

"If you choose a path, you are destined to be unable to turn back."

After hearing this, Bai Yu asked: "So how many kinds of paths are there in the world?"

"You kid, do you think you are going to the market to buy food?" Zhang Chushan laughed and scolded: "Most paths have special inheritance. How can it be found so easily? There is no such encyclopedia to tell you how. Obtaining the path, any path, is inseparable from one's own efforts and luck!"


"I can't tell you the details of this." Zhang Chushan said mysteriously with his eyes blank: "When you step into the extraordinary in the future, you will naturally understand why I can reach the second level of extraordinary at such a young age. , and you will also understand that for us Daxia people, this Dragon Vein Seal is a treasure that cannot be exchanged for any money... Any extraordinary path is closely related to the region, culture, history, and mystery where it is located, so don’t even think about going there. No matter who you are as a magician or a knight, this path is destined to lead you to the south and the north."

Bai Yu chatted with Zhang Chushan for a while longer.

He now understood that the 'outside the world' path mentioned by Rose Girl was a path that had never existed before, and the name 'outside the world' might also mean that this path leads to the final destination. The culmination might be...

"Okay, Laoban." When Bai Yu saw that the other party had finished eating the mutton skewers, he stood up and said, "Then I'm leaving too."

"Go on, go on, what's the point of coming to see a stinky man like me? I can't turn into a beautiful girl and have sex with you." Zhang Chushan moved his fingers and signaled: "Hurry up and fuck the girl now." The goodwill of my classmates has gone away, and many of them are in hospital."

"Well, I'm going to turn around and go back." Bai Yu said, "Anyway, they are all alive and kicking, and they don't look like they are going to a funeral."

"...Don't say this to my face."

"Well, the best I can do is talk behind your back... I'll come see you tomorrow, Laoban." Bai Yu gave a thumbs up, a thumbs up, and then went out.

"This brat..." Zhang Chushan shook his head and looked at the ceiling in boredom again.

"A good student." The police officer outside the door came in and said, "When you encounter this kind of thing, you don't have any resentment in your heart. It's rare to have an innocent heart. You are a pretty good teacher."

"Hehe, that's not true." Zhang Chushan's face was full of showoff: "The fact that I can have such a student proves that God treats me well..."

The police officer took out a document bag and said: "...You really don't plan to be a teacher? Even if Nanling can't do it, after three months, Chang Yesi can recommend a school for you."

"No." Zhang Chushan shook his head: "Please give me the information. I will sign it now."

"Have you really thought about it?"

"Think about it."

The police officer stopped persuading and just took out the documents and put them in the opponent's hands.

Zhang Chushan moved his fingers, signed the words, and sealed it with his thumb.

The young police officer said solemnly: "This document will be transferred directly to the Eastern Theater Office by Chang Yesi... After the three-month inspection period, you will become a member of the Seventh Army's vanguard corps and serve the people of Daxia. Conquer subsidence areas, expand territory and regain lost ground.”

He stood firm, raised his hand and saluted: "Comrade Zhang Chushan, thank you for joining the army and for your continuous efforts in the education industry."

Zhang Chushan nodded and watched the other party leave.

He looked at the ceiling silently, then smiled: "Three months... Fortunately, I can make it in time. Before going to the military headquarters, I can see the children's college entrance examination. It's great..."

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