Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 550 God Tests Five People

"If you want to survive, give up this divine test."

"The second test of being the leader is enough. As a human being, don't insist on will kill people."

Leave these two sentences behind.

The uncle who set up the stall pushed the stall away.

I didn’t even have time to finish the fried rings with white elm and bean juice.

After watching this person leave, Bai Yu figured out the other person's identity.


Tyrant has the bloodline ability to easily change his appearance.

As one of the Ten Evils himself, it was completely appropriate for him to make those previous remarks.

And 'daughter'... this obviously refers to Tao Rusu.

Except for a few people, who would care so much about their own life and death?

Even though she was thousands of miles away, she was still looking at herself.

He even specially asked the tyrant to go to the capital and come here to see him up close.

Although the capital is safe, it is indeed not an iron bucket for the Ten Evils. It would be too easy for them to hide.

"This old guy like Tyrant can't explain himself clearly."

"Who wants to kill me?"

"Listening to what he just said, it seemed like he was hinting that someone at the level of the Ten Evils was going to attack me."

Bai Yu fell into deep thought.

In fact, he is not afraid at all below the fifth level.

It’s no problem to protect yourself, and you can even fight back.

But above the fifth level, you have to weigh it carefully.

The tyrant's reminder has been put down. It is probably not groundless. He specially reminded himself at this time, so there must be a hidden danger in today's divine test.

After all, the tyrant is an old man and an old yinbi. Although he has no credibility, Tao Rusu is different. She is trustworthy.

Besides, what the overlord said was that he hoped to stop taking the exam.

Bai Yu would have no actual loss at all by not taking part in the divine test.

As the leader of both the palace examinations, he is now the fourth blazing sun, which is an undisputed fact.

God's test, you can go or not go.

Bai Yu fell into thinking.

After a moment, he shook his head and threw away his unnecessary thoughts.

Since the other party wants to kill me, and he deliberately chooses to do the divine test, then I think he will be absolutely sure.

Even if you escape this time, what about next time?

He can't even figure out who is trying to kill him. I'm afraid he will be tricked next time.

If ten murderers wanted to kill me, how could they only take action once?

Bai Yu thought silently.

The Heroic Spirit Card of 'Mo Wu Shan He' still has one chance to project, which is his trump card to save his life.

If it was consumed after resisting this round of assassination in the divine trial, it would be well used.

There is nothing to hesitate about.

Even if he wants to kill himself, the other party has to pay the price.

Contact the Stargazing Department first.

Bai Yu took out the piece of paper and found a series of numbers on it.

The favor that was just received yesterday must be used today.

He walked to another breakfast stall, as steady as an old dog.

We arrived at the Forbidden City on the morning of the third day.

The divine test will officially begin at nine o'clock in the morning on the third day.

Just like on the day of the martial arts test, an astonishing number of spectators had already gathered outside the Forbidden City.

Not to mention the huge crowds, it was comparable to the World Cup, with at least one or two thousand people.

During the martial arts competition, there were more comers.

This is because the competition for the Divine Examination and the Martial Arts Examination are more intense. The two Suns are participating in the competition at the same time, and the intensity is unprecedented.

"No, there are more than two..." Nangong Shan closed the folding fan and said, "The results were released in the Forbidden City yesterday, and the leader of the literary test has already come out, as you all know."

"Of course." When Huo Haitang nodded, his eyes were quite complicated, and he turned his head and glanced at someone next to him.

"What do you want me to do?" Shen Tuyu yawned and said lazily: "It's not my problem that I failed the exam. It's the problem of the test questions. The questions were all set by him. It's normal for me to fail the exam."

"Martial arts test, literary test... the leader of the two tests, according to what was said before the palace test, Bai Yu is now the fourth Jiaoyang, and he is only seventeen years old." Yan Baipao sighed: "Fuck, that's awesome. ."

"So, this round is considered a battle between the three blazing suns?" Xu Xuntian shook his head to express the fight between gods: "Fortunately, the Phoenix leader did not participate."

"Even if Huang Qixia comes, she will be sweating profusely." Lin Haiya said lightly: "She can't handle the other three joining forces."

"You underestimated Huang Qixia." Bei Mingque said expressionlessly, "Her strength is definitely far beyond the peak of the fourth level, and she is almost half-stepped into sainthood."

"What's the point of discussing a person who's not here?" Xiao Shuihan said: "Why don't we take a look at this round of divine trials... The gates of the Forbidden City have been opened, it's time to enter!"

People who had participated in the first two palace examinations also came to the scene.

Even Bei Mingque and Lin Haiya, who were not sociable, knew that today's divine test was not to be missed.

There are many people who come to eat melons.

But correspondingly, there were very few people participating in this round of palace examinations.

There were originally about ten nominees for the Divine Examination.

Only a few people are still present.

It seems that thousands of troops and horses are gathered in front of Hulao Pass to watch the three heroes fighting Lu Bu.

"There are quite a few abstentions."

"Other participants were probably paralyzed when they saw the list."

"Three blazing suns, two innate heroic spirits... you are so stupid!"

This round of palace examinations is quite stressful.

Several people retreated without fighting because they knew they could not win.

The time has come to half past eight, and many people are looking forward to it.

Today’s divine test, I don’t know who will be the final winner.

Wait, wait, wait...

Waiting eagerly.


I don’t know who said it.

Several figures appeared on the royal road in the middle.

They arrived almost at the same time.

This was obviously just a coincidence, but the onlookers at the scene couldn't help but take out their mobile phones to record this exciting moment.

This was the golden age since the founding of the Xia Dynasty when there were the most trendsetters.

To describe it in the way of martial arts novels - for thousands of years, there has never been such an ups and downs of the rivers and lakes. In the past era, everyone here was the highest peak of an era, a great event that only happened once in a hundred years. Romantic!

Some people are lucky enough to be born in the same era as him.

Tianjiao will make everyone who witnesses it deeply feel that their envy and hatred are so powerless.

Walking at the forefront is the Second Sun.

Daxia enforces the law and serves as the north and south.

He specially changed his outfit today, which was completely different from the carefree image he had in the past. He put on a ranger coat that he often wore in the past, and carried a nearly two-meter-long grass-chopping knife on his back. He had an aura that was unique to a hero. His courage and his return to nature are unmatched by ordinary masters of the generation.

He seemed to have cleared away the fallen leaves in front of the door and regained himself.

Walking through the center of the royal road, two sleeves of wind and thunder were left behind.

Those old people who had witnessed the rise of Ren Nanbei had an unknown amount of jealousy and fear in their eyes after seeing this scene.

Many young people from aristocratic families are as afraid of him as a tiger, but they also crazily admire him, yearning for the thundering law enforcer who runs thousands of miles at night to kill enemies and bandits on the prairie with a sword on his back.

About ten paces to the north and south of Ren.

It is the third sun that is still gray.

The Yin Spirit of Ten Thousand Calamities·Tai Lingding.

Regarding the rise of Tai Lingding, many people know it but don’t know why.

Her rise after Ren Nanbei was equally rapid, but unlike Ren Nanbei, she did not follow a famous path.

His own existence is more like a natural disaster.

No one doubts her strength as Jiao Yang, but no one dares to get close to Tai Lingding.

It is literally untouchable.

Therefore, a full fifteen steps behind Tai Lingding, the third candidate to participate in the divine examination appeared.

This person is the third heroic bloodline in Daxia that has not yet entered the mature stage.

This person became famous earlier than Su Ruoli and Mu Yaoxi, and he is already twenty-four years old this year.

He was discovered by Xuantiansi and practiced in Xuantiansi all the year round as the holy son of the Taoist sect. His Taoist name was Qingwei.

At such a young age, his cultivation level is not weaker than that of the real master.

Having learned the skills of several Taoist sects, Xuantiansi has always been regarded as the leader of Xuantiansi in the next hundred years.

Those who just want to practice Taoism will not hesitate to go out to compete, otherwise I am afraid there will be one more among the nine geniuses of Daxia.

But Xuan Tiansi doesn't really fight for anything.

This palace examination is the epitome of the thousand-year-old romance in Daxia, and Xuan Tiansi must also have a role in order to show his legitimacy.

Qingwei looked like a young man with red lips and white teeth. He didn't walk here by himself, but sat on the back of a goat. He was dressed as a Taoist priest and held a book in his left hand. He was so focused on reading that he didn't even notice that he had arrived at the palace examination venue. , until the goat brayed, he suddenly came to his senses, put the book back in his pocket, jumped off the goat's back, and entered the Forbidden City.

He looked quite confused.

Appearing behind Qingwei were the last two participants.

Young men and women walked side by side.

"A perfect match." Someone said unconsciously.

This is also the first feeling that almost everyone has after seeing it.

"I can't even notice it on weekdays, but today, here, on this royal road... they are a perfect match." Nangong Shan opened the folding fan and said, "They are still childhood sweethearts."

"Having such a childhood sweetheart makes this life worthwhile." Shen Tuyu said enviously.

"Who are you talking about?" Xiao Shuihan asked.

"Of course it's both."

"You guys, don't you have anything to say?" Nangong Shan glanced at Lin Haiya and Bei Mingque.

"Skills are not as good as others." Lin Haiya said calmly.

"Whether he is a blazing sun or not, it's not my turn to admit it." Bei Mingque said: "And today's performance will determine his status as a blazing sun in everyone's hearts."

"Who could have guessed it?" Nangong Bin was filled with emotion: "Two months since he came to the capital, in a blink of an eye, he is already the fourth blazing sun... What a hidden dragon rising into the abyss!"

This sentence left many people silent and full of emotions.

There were many people at the scene, many of whom had face-to-face interactions with Bai Yu, and even had conflicts.

For example, there was a woman standing in the third row of the crowd, Zhuge Fei, the daughter of the Zhuge family. She stood on tiptoe and could only see her through the gaps in the crowd.

She struggled to see the other person, which made her quickly realize that they were obviously no longer in the same dimension.

On the royal road, a young man from Penglai passed by in white clothes.

Everyone has thought that they have overestimated him more than once, but they are still surpassed by him time and time again.

From the arrogant freshman who challenged the Formation Club, to the strongest freshman in Penglai, to the strongest freshman in Penglai for ten years, to the strongest freshman in a century, to the leader of the martial arts test, and then to the rising fourth sun today.

Looking back, his rise has been unstoppable from the beginning.

At first, everyone thought he was a shooting star whose short-lived glow would eventually dim, but in the end he solidified in the sky and turned into a mighty light.

Su Ruoli said: "They are all looking at you."

Bai Yu is used to being a public figure.

"You are watching the scenery on the bridge, and the people watching the scenery are watching you upstairs; the bright moon decorates your windows, and you decorate other people's dreams."

At this time there was some commotion in the crowd.

The conversation was not deliberately suppressed, and people around him could naturally hear it clearly.

Some people have already begun to gasp and call the leader of the essay examination so terrifying that he can actually speak in a coherent manner.

Su Ruoli blinked: "I mean, they are all looking at you, but you can't look at them."

"Then what should I watch?"

"Of course you're looking at me."

Su Ruoli tilted her head.

At this time, the people around were silent again.

The girl's bright smile and the young man's slightly awkward reaction diluted the majesty and arrogance of the genius, but for some reason, it made people feel more distant and unreal.

Until the two entered the Forbidden City.

Yan Baipao touched his face: "I feel like a kicked dog, my teeth are sore. I didn't envy you at all before, but now I'm starting to regret it. Why did you let me see this!"

"Stop talking." Shen Tuyu bent forward in frustration: "The damage I suffered just now is much greater than losing the leader of the literary test!"

"But after reading this..." Xiao Shuihan said, "I believe in love again."

Nangong Shan commented: "There must have been many girls who admired the new Jiaoyang who were heartbroken just now. This is a level you cannot reach, Mu Yaoxi."

Mu Yaoxi, who didn't know when she appeared, put on her sunglasses and said, "That's all."

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