This year's palace examination is full of heavyweights.

This divine test is even more heavyweight among the heavyweights.

Everyone guessed that today's test would be a fight between dragons, tigers, gods, and gods, but they didn't expect that Hua Splash would become the host, and he stopped pretending and spread his hands.

——You guys fight.

She became a hands-off shopkeeper.

The participants' morale and fighting spirit burst out.

People outside the city also got excited.

Thus, a world that satisfies everyone is completed.

"This is a fight under the sun."

Nangong Shan analyzed: "The scorching sun means undefeated. Whether it is Ren Nanbei or Bai Yu, the two of them have almost never lost a single defeat since their debut. They both accumulate energy through being undefeated and build momentum... Once this state of mind is broken If it does, it will be difficult to maintain it.”

"So usually in an era, there is only one blazing sun, and there is room for only one undefeated one."

"Huang Qixia is known as the leader of the scorching sun. Normally, she should sweep away all the geniuses with the courage to swallow up the world, add glory to her, and use the invincible momentum to become a saint... But she did not choose this path."

"Similarly, no one can walk this road either north or south; the same is true for being too lonely..."

"Therefore, these three heroes are different from those peerless geniuses who suppressed everyone at the same time in the past."

"None of them have ever been truly invincible."

"Now that the Fourth Sun has appeared, Bai Yu may be the most likely person to be canonized through this road."

"If he can defeat Ren Nanbei, it means that the road to invincibility is completely open to him."

"If he loses, then his achievements will most likely stop below Huang Qixia's and he will lose the qualification to challenge her."

Speaking of this, Nangong Shan said with some regret: "He is still too anxious. Challenge Ren Nanbei, who has been in the realm of a grand master for a long time in the Three Extraordinary Realms, how can he have any chance of winning?"

Mu Yaoxi stared intently at the scene reflected in the sky-gazing mirror.

"Most of Sister Nangong's analysis is correct, but the last sentence is wrong, and it's so wrong."

"Bai Yu's wooden head never pays attention to timing when doing things, and he never cares about the odds of winning."

"When you are really 100% sure, what difference does it make whether you do it or not?"

"In his words - life is a big gamble. You never know when you will draw a good card, but you always have to go to the gambling table, because time is your bargaining chip, and it will be lost one day."

These words came out, at this moment, with an air of force.

They are usually big words, but when someone who knew he couldn't do it but did it yet repeatedly created miracles said it in person, it should carry an incomparable weight. It was like his soul was damaged and he could not have participated in the divine test, but he still went there resolutely, calmly and without any fear.

Many people can't help but admire Bai Yu more.

Of course, Mu Yaoxi was still hiding the next sentence. Bai Yu's long speech above was all to lead to the last sentence.

‘Let’s fight landlords, whoever loses washes the dishes’.

Just wash the dishes.

If you can come back safe and sound, I will be happy to wash dishes for you for the rest of my life.

So, you have to come back intact.

The Sun War has affected the mood of too many people.

But from the perspective of Bai Yu and Ren Nanbei, it is a very simple and pure thing.

The two have different positions, so there must be a fight.

"Determine victory or defeat, or decide life and death?" Bai Yu transmitted the message into the secret.

"Is there any difference?" Ren Nanbei smiled and pulled out the grass-chopping knife from behind.

This is a long and slender sword, with a shape between the Miao Dao and the Zhanma Dao.

There is no scabbard, so it is usually wrapped in white cloth.

There is no burst of cold light, and the blade is not clean. There are even some mottled marks left by the years and some bullet marks left by bullets.

But it is this broadsword that has been dubbed the name of cutting grass.

Killing people and cutting off their heads is like cutting off grass.

A sword that kills so much that it even hurts Tianhe.

It is now in the hands of Daxia Zhilu, and even the infinite evil energy wrapped in the blade has become a supporter under the thunder of the law.

No one expected that the two could produce such a wonderful chemical reaction.

It's like an executioner got a magic knife that can increase his cultivation by killing living things. As a result, there are endless heads to behead and monsters every day. There is no need to worry about the magic knife's backlash. Instead, he will worry about it being eaten up or even killed by the magic knife. He has killed too many villains, thugs, and thugs, and he has just cultivated the light of merit.

If it were written as a novel, the title could be called "I Beheaded in the Execution Ground and Stacked a Killing Sword, and I Actually Became a Saint through Merit"

Bai Yu couldn't help laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

"I have received professional training..." Bai Yu shook his head: "I have a rich imagination."

He raised the red tassel gun instead.

The Lion Heart Spear is not suitable for appearing in public, so the weapon of the Soldier Saint can only be used as a substitute.

After all, this red-tasseled gun is just as famous and practical as the grass-chopping knife that has been passed down for more than a hundred years, just as the status of the two is almost the same.

Only the difference in cultivation is huge.

Bai Yu saw an extra line of blood bars on Ren Nanbei's head, as well as a danger level.

[Danger level: 47]

At level 47, he is already halfway into the later stage of a grand master.

Baiyu's current level is stuck at level 36.

It has crossed a full eleven levels, an entire realm.

The odds of winning are slim.

Ren Nanbei tied the white cloth around his wrist and wrapped it in circles.

"Are you ready? If not, I can wait another minute."

"Me? I can always..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Yu kicked the gun shaft with his right leg, and the weapon in his hand made a circle in the air. The red tassel gun swayed and turned, accompanied by bright sparks and a sound falling from the sky. Thunder and thunder collided together on a sunny day.

The sword flashes and the thunder rumbles.

Red tassel, spark.

The Forbidden City suddenly turned into a place of hundreds of battles, a Shura battlefield.

Even Hua Shitian, who was lazily dozing on the recliner, was so shocked that she shook her legs. She raised her eyes and looked over, sighing: "Young people are full of energy and live well."

A sheet of thunder fell like rain.

Ren Nanbei, who was walking on the ground, carried his sword. The swords were intertwined with lightning and lightning. In just a moment, he slashed out nine swords. The swords were interlaced and the power overlapped. In addition, each sword contained multiple rounds. Even without the special attack effects and the blessing of Law Thunder, this skill alone is enough to rank him among the top swordsman masters in Daxia.

Naturally, Bai Yu was not frightened. Although Ren Nanbei's attack was good, it was not enough to break his defense.

It didn't even trigger the guardian spirit, and all attacks were intercepted by the red tassel gun.

The real threat to Ren Nanbei is not the first sword, but the thunder that falls after the sword is struck.

At the same time as he took the sword, the thunder light had already arrived. Almost at the same time, the sword light intersected with the thunder light, and the attack had arrived.

Bai Yu had to admit that if it weren't for the red tassel gun's prairie fire, he might have been kicked out of the first cat train.

Ren Nanbei used his full strength to attack, and he had absolutely no intention of showing any mercy.

There is no point in saying anything when facing a person who has already made up his mind.

Simply, he shut his mouth.

Bai Yu turned the red tassel gun and continued to walk with the gun.

His eyes fell on Ren Nanbei, who seemed to be possessed by the God of Thunder.

In the eyes of those who lack strength and realm, Ren Bei and Nan are spending a lot of effort to maintain their posture at this time. When masters confront each other, what they look at is hard power, not fancy competition. The last shot would kill him with one blow, but his just shot was so powerful, it was too wasteful.

But those with a discerning eye can see that Ren Nanbei did not do this on purpose. This was not a demonstration before a fight between rogues in the city, nor was it a beating of drums before the confrontation between the two armies to claim the upper hand. If it were purely an astonishing courage revealed unconsciously, , is the spirit he has suppressed in the past two years.

Even if he cultivates his moral character, he himself is still the best embryo killer in the world!

When the moon is full, it will be waning, and when the water is full, it will overflow.

The depth of his cultivation and the strength of his mind have already reached a level that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. Therefore, as soon as he relaxes for a moment, the color of the sky and the earth changes and thunderclouds gather.

He is not deliberately responding to heaven and earth, but heaven and earth are actively responding to him.

Ordinary people saw him and laughed at him for spending a lot of money, but they didn't know that he was already rich enough to rival his country.

Ren Nanbei turned his wrist and suddenly heard the sound of countless beads falling to the ground.

Crisp and crackling, like big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate.

What rolled to the ground were blue beads, like pearls of different sizes.

One bushel of dendrobium beads is worth ten buckets, and one bucket is worth hundreds of pearls.

Thousands of blue orbs scattered on the knife, rolling forward.

Three feet away from the body, it instantly turned into thunder rolling all over the ground.

Suddenly the thunder rolled away, heading straight for Baiyu.

Bai Yu had no expression on his face and put one foot on the ground.

Competing for heritage?

He is also not false at all.

The ground is full of murderous intent!

Seven dragons and snakes rose up from the ground and faced the rolling blue thunder.

The earth dragon arched its back, and the power of the earth evil intersected with the blue thunder in the sky again and again. The dragon that swallowed the orb exploded and regenerated quickly. The two sides launched a protracted fight, as if there was no end in sight.

The weather is magnificent and the waves are magnificent.

This is a battle of strength that no one has ever seen.

Who can support such a huge consumption, even if they spend all their wealth and all their cultivation base, they will not be able to survive for thirty seconds.

Ren Nanbei held the sky thunder, and it was like tearing off the sky thunder and scattering it into countless pearls, scattered on the criss-cross chessboard; Baiyu used the earth as the basis to continuously generate dragons and snakes, one after another, connected end to end, and the rolling dragons and snakes could continue continued.

Only then did people outside the city know what the blazing sun meant!

In the second exchange of moves, Ren Bei and Nan's thunder balls were consumed faster, but the flowing dragon and snake instead swallowed and killed them at a faster speed.

Even though more than a dozen rolling thunders passed through the Dragon Snake area and arrived in front of Bai Yu, before they exploded, they were ignited by the sparks on the Hongying gun, triggering the overload reaction and consuming them all.

In the second move, Bai Yu had a small victory.

Just when the falling handful of thunder beads was about to be completely swallowed up, Ren Nanbei directly smashed down the grass-chopping knife and struck it on the head of the biting earth dragon.

The sword light exploded for nearly a hundred feet, forcing a gap to open and trampling on the dragon's back. He strode forward to Bai Yu, wanting to pull the battle into a close-quarters fight.

This knife pointed directly at Bai Yu's chest.

The young man in white didn't seem to notice it and let the knife stab him.


But at the moment of the hit, Ren Nanbei's feet slipped, and instead he slid strangely to the side. The grass-cutting knife drew an arc in front of Bai Yu and then went around.

The white elm standing there suddenly disappeared, like a dream.

The next moment, the sound of earth shattering resounded across the sky.

Ren Bei Heng Dao was raised high, his left elbow pressed against the back of the knife, and he caught a glimpse of a red light falling.

The third step of Yue Yin's step was so fast that Ren Nanbei could not intercept it. It was impossible to even judge its trajectory when seeing it for the first time.

He had no choice but to take Bai Yu's last blow and give him a wake-up call.

Before taking over, Ren Nanbei still maintained the master's demeanor of not changing color even when Mount Tai collapsed, but he soon realized that he had overestimated himself.

The shot Bai Yu fired was not the Heaven and Earth Furnace·Tempering Gold and Forging Jade as Ren Bei Nan had guessed, but another move that had never been seen before.

The front end of the red tassel gun was surrounded by strange firelight, and it was bright red, which reminded people of the solitary smoke in the desert and the grandeur of the setting sun over the long river.

Ren Nanbei's first feeling was that of weight, and the second feeling was that of heat.

His heart skipped a beat, and he realized in an instant that he shouldn't have taken this move. He decisively abandoned the vibrating knife that he had prepared for a counterattack, and directly poured his energy into the grass-cutting knife. Thunder arcs all over his body exploded in succession, and a series of streaks appeared. The talisman and seal characters flow on the body surface to form a defense.

But the moment the two came into contact, his defense collapsed, and the grass-cutting knife in his hand also bent to an astonishing arc after the collision. However, after continuously changing his moves, he retreated again and again, exiting the strange gravity. Range, the decline stopped ten feet away, the blade returned to straightness, his left foot touched the ground, and he used himself as the fulcrum to release the huge force. Thunder and fire intertwined, as if the zero line of fire touched, and the sound of explosion was endless. His left shoe Half the upper was broken.

Ren Nanbei didn't care at all that he looked slightly embarrassed, and rubbed his grass-chopping knife with his fingers.

Then look at where the tip of Baiyu's spear landed.

The bricks and stones on the ground turned into powder.

A hundred meters in radius is all yellow sand.

Bai Yu missed a hit, but did not show any anger. His expression became lighter and lighter, and he turned the red tassel gun. The more he did this, the more oppressive he felt that a storm was about to come.

Despite the huge gap in realm, the two of them were evenly matched.

"What's the name of this move?" Ren Nanbei asked the first sentence after the war started.

Bai Yu said: "Ying Huo."

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