Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 563 Four years of waiting for a sword


"You really don't need me to take action?"

This is the second time the Sword Saint has asked a question.

Jinpeng was the scourge of Daxia and lasted for two hundred years.

No one knows how many people he killed, even three of the saints' families were destroyed by his hands.

This man has committed so many heinous crimes that they are too numerous to mention!

Other saints cherish their feathers, but Huo Qiushui doesn't have much time, so how can he cherish his life?

But there was still silence behind the screen.

Huo Qiushui stared at the scene in the sky-gazing mirror and wanted to leave but couldn't.

"What on earth are you thinking about?"

The Sword Saint didn't understand at all.

"Be patient."

A voice came from behind the screen: "Wait a minute."

The wrinkles on Sword Saint's face became deeper.

Miu Tianji stroked his beard, thoughtfully.

Father, like son.

If Huo Qiushui went to the Forbidden City, it was hard to say whether he could really kill Jin Peng. If he wanted to leave, he would still have time.

I am afraid that the worst result is that the Sword Saint, in a hurry, kills the puppet body of the Yin Spirit of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

If this is the case, Huo Qiushui and Bai Yu really have a life-or-death relationship.

The adults must have thought of this.

Standing still is actually delaying time.

This decision was obviously in favor of Bai Yu.

What is it that makes adults have so much confidence in him?

Outside the Forbidden City, the crowd has been evacuated.

In the battle for canonization, there is a possibility of being shocked to death just by leaning around.

The looking glass was also closed.

Therefore, no one knows what is going on in the Forbidden City.

Only the petals and ghosts bursting out could be heard.

Hua Splashing Tears is approaching again and again, and her figure has gradually grown from a teenage lolita to an eighteen-year-old girl in bloom.

The baggy clothes she deliberately wore were gradually becoming more and more fitting. The exposed areas and white and tender skin were completely different from BBA. The lines and scenery were more sensational and sensational.

But the so-called beauty has no effect at all except increasing the charm value at this time.

Before life and death, even the slightest distraction is fatal.

Hua Splash raised his arms, and a whole valley of thousands of flowers seemed to be shrouded under his sleeves. The fragrance was fragrant, but even this smell was the manifestation of Tao.

Jin Peng looked around and said calmly: "You are a martial saint, and you imitate other people's formation formations?"

He commented: "Neither fish nor fowl!"

Jin Peng waved his hand and shattered the garden, and the formation was torn apart before it could take shape.

Hua Bo Lei just sneered when he saw this, and didn't care when he saw his hard work being wasted.

The next moment, her body suddenly scattered and exploded.

Jin Peng was startled.

Looking down, I saw the charming eyes of Sanhua. Hua Splash was holding Baiyu in his left hand and was retreating.

Jin Peng squatted down and slapped the ground with both hands. Golden light flowed out, and a hundred feet of golden light suddenly rose from the ground, firmly turning into a wall to block it.

"Want to leave?"

Hua Bei Tears gasped, she was in a bit of a dilemma.

She turned back and said: "The longer you delay, the lower your probability of success. I don't mind spending more time with you, but I'm afraid I can't afford to delay. The puppet body of the Wanjie Yinling can't support it for long. You don't have it." The physical body and only the soul remain, after all, it is not a complete canonization.”

Jin Peng said calmly: "You are determined to delay time. Is An Zhimin the same? Compared with his concentration, you are still too young. It will take another two hundred years to practice."

Hua Bu Lei sneered: "You're an old guy who relies on his old age and sells his old age."

Jin Peng controlled the puppet body to slightly restrain the Yin spirits around him, and said calmly: "Hua shed tears, hand over the person, and let me go... I can swear by the holy way that I will disappear in the Great Xia for the next fifty years, and I will never Come back, if you have any resentment in your heart today, otherwise we will make an agreement to fight again in fifty years."

He didn't say anything about letting go of the past, but negotiated with Hua Splashing Tears at the cost of disappearing for fifty years, which made him somewhat more convincing.

"You pretend to be presentable, but you haven't left the mountain for fifty years. It's just because you took away the body and it takes time to adapt. It sounds so nice. Don't tell me that I won't agree at all. What you did has completely violated Daxia. If every old immortal seeks a young body to extend his life, then this day will completely change."

Jin Peng said calmly: "You alone can't stop someone."

Hua Jingte smiled: "Believe it or not, I can blow up your puppet body within three punches?"

Jin Peng forced out a stiff and sarcastic smile.

When the puppet body disappears, Jinpeng will have nothing to protect his body. If he is still in the capital at that time, it is undoubtedly the imp who has surrendered to the Palace of Hell.

But he didn't think Hua Bu Lei would make it this far.


Jin Peng said calmly: "It seems that I have better luck."

Hua Bo Lei frowned and was about to speak when she suddenly noticed that the figure she was holding in her left hand suddenly moved and hit her chest with a palm.

The Flower Saint couldn't react immediately at this distance, and received a slap on the shoulder... but it was just like a four-year-old child slapping an adult, neither painful nor itchy.

The figure relied on the reaction force to spin its body in mid-air and flew directly to the side of the puppet body.

Bai Yu raised his eyes, and everything he saw was pale gold.

Hua Sheng's face suddenly turned extremely ugly.

Jin Peng held the back with one hand and looked out as if he was traveling far away: "Today I have gained the body of a genius, and the heaven and earth are great for me to swim... The flowers are full of tears. You are still young and powerful, so of course you don't understand. Wait a hundred and fifty years later. , you may kneel down and ask me to teach you how to live a second life."

After hearing these words, Hua Chuan Lei was really angry for the first time, and murderous intent suddenly emerged.

When Jin Peng saw this, he did not intend to stay any longer, but shook his head and said: "Let's go——!"

Hua Beidian said angrily: "Do you think this is a public toilet?"

She was about to punch, but when she saw the golden-eyed Bai Yu taking a step forward, she had no choice but to stop. The move was deflected, sending flying flowers flying to both sides.

The Flower Saint was very angry: "Jin Peng, if you dare, have a head-on fight with my aunt!"

Jin Peng said indifferently: "Fifty years later, I will give you this opportunity and honor."

He said proudly: "When I officially take that step and go to heaven, don't talk about being a saint. Immortals will frown when they see me!"

Jin Peng is not a talkative person, nor is he deliberately showing off when he says this.

But he couldn't help it, couldn't help it, couldn't help it...

If a secret has been buried for too long, it needs someone to talk to, especially if it is a secret that has been hidden and planned for so long.

He was so proud that if he hadn't been concerned about his image, he might have been as excited as Herzog scratching his head when the plan was successful.

In Jin Peng's eyes, players who play chess are always at the same level, while those below this level are all chess pieces. Rivers of blood flow between the chess pieces, while the players are calm and calm.

As a saint, Hua Pan Lei was qualified to talk to him on an equal footing, and became the most suitable person for him to vent his emotions.

Although the difficulty of completing the entire plan is not high, there is still a lot of risk after all, and he personally created a blazing sun and created the current situation with his own hands. In the palace examination, he transformed the most outstanding genius in Daxia in the past millennium into a After losing his own incarnation, he can walk away.

Such an act that can be called blasphemy has never been done by even the third and second most evil ones.

He can only show off now.

Because in the next fifty years, Jin Peng will definitely not dare to appear again. Xiao Chong can only use it once. If he uses it a second time, he will definitely face the wrath of the entire Great Xia.

Before he takes that step, Jin Peng will never appear in the sight of anyone in Daxia again, until this group of people gradually forgets the tragedy of fifty years ago, until he gains the strength to rival Luo Hu and the Lord of Penglai Island. foundation.

Anyway, human beings are forgetful creatures. While they talk about remembering the tragedy of this day forever, they will completely forget the sacrifices in a generation.

And only he can live longer, turn more people into his own nourishment, stand at the top of the food chain, eat everything, strengthen himself, and become an absolutely high-ranking person!

Jin Peng sneered at Hua Splashing Tears, and returned home with the winner's glory, infamy, and his own prize.

He released the Yin Spirit to intercept Hua Splash Tears, and he was ready to move away at any time.

He stretched out his hand and pointed it at Bai Yu, signaling the avatar outside him to return to the theme.

At this time, I can't wait to change my body.

It doesn't matter if you throw away the puppet body of the eternal evil spirit.

Stay here to draw fire.

Jin Peng was already ready and moved immediately after changing his body.

Bai Yu, with golden eyes, showed no emotion at all, and just walked towards Jin Peng silently.

He stretched out his right hand and held the fingers of the puppet body, and there was no difference in the movement of his breath.

Jin Peng, who already thought that the big thing was done, lost his past caution.

In other words, I never considered that an accident would happen at this juncture.

The plan went too smoothly, everything went as he imagined.

Everyone is vulnerable at the moment when the fruits of victory are taken away.

However, what he didn't expect at all was...

The moment Bai Yu held his fingertips.

The golden light in his eyes suddenly dimmed, like the eternal night after the sun sets, and the dark and silent night falls.

At the same time that Jin Peng anticipated that something was wrong, he heard Bai Yu start to read Bai.

"The Frost Sky Sword comes out."

Suddenly there was thunder and thunder, dark clouds were gathering, and the wind was surging!

Jin Peng's puppet body was completely out of control, and he felt a strong chill quickly overflowing from his heart.

Look down.

A piece of ice and snow sword tip passed through the chest, from the inside out!

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