Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 565 Ending, phone call

Hot pot restaurant.

The chopsticks in the tyrant's hand fell on the table.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head secretly: "Unreasonable, so unreasonable..."

Tao Rusu, who was already restless, couldn't understand it at all and just asked: "What's unreasonable?"

The tyrant was thoughtful.

"Speak, don't be silent!"

"Jinpeng is dead."

Tyrant Zhen Shifang's face was solemn.

Tao Rusu's face turned pale at first, and then she reacted.


It's obvious that Jin Peng is dead, why do you look like Bai Yu has sacrificed himself?

"Isn't it a good thing that Jin Peng is dead?" Tao Rusu was dissatisfied at first, then breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest.

"Jin Peng is very good at cheating death... Is he really dead?" The Overlord held his hand, thoughtfully, closed his eyes, and after a moment he said lightly: "It seems like he is really dead - but this is too ridiculous. , how could he die? Or he died in the hands of Hua Splashing Tears."

"The Flower Saint is one of the top ten, how can he be so unworthy?"

"When you become a saint, you will know how difficult it is to kill a saint." The Overlord crossed his arms and shook his head: "It's a pity. After Jin Peng died, I originally wanted to make a deal with him, but now The second trip to the capital ended in a start and a finish, and it was completely in vain..."

Tao Rushu was puzzled: "People like You and Jin Peng are still planning to make deals?"

"Why not? The ten evils are afraid of each other and deter each other, so they can exchange what they have and do business without being shabby." The tyrant nodded his eyebrows: "Among the ten evils, apart from Rahu, only Jinpeng has lived the longest. He must have some information."

"what news?"

"You don't need to know." The Tyrant said calmly: "If I die, you will naturally know from the blood memory - if I am still alive, it doesn't matter whether you know or not."

Ignoring Tao Rusu's expression of grinding his teeth, Zhen Shifang looked in the direction of the Forbidden City, showing a hint of sarcasm: "Is this the end of the machine? It's really disappointing."

Outside the Forbidden City.

Some people didn't leave.

As the door opened, several people raised their eyes and looked in the direction of the Forbidden City.

Mu Yaoxi, who was sitting uneasily, walked quickly towards the city gate, behind were the two Haoyues, Nangong Shan and others.

What they saw were the traces left over from the battlefield, with the fragrance of flowers and frost floating in the air.

Directly under Danbi, there were three people leaning against each other.

Su Ruoli hugged her sister and refused to let go for a moment.

She had consumed too much and had fallen into a deep sleep.

The same is true for Su Ruoji.

Only Bai Yu was still awake, but he also looked exhausted.

He raised his eyes and saw several people walking through the open city gate, and said, "Please help me, my legs are numb."

The people from Xuanhusi were behind. After confirming that there was no danger, they hurriedly gathered around and carried the two sisters into the ambulance on a stretcher.

Bai Yu said that he had nothing serious to do and just took a rest.

Mu Yaoxi held his shoulders and asked, "What happened? Where is the Flower Saint? And those who fought with her are really out of the ordinary..."

"Yes." Bai Yu only answered one word.

Bei Mingque said: "Then Jin Peng left?"

"No." Bai Yu shook his head.

Lin Haiya became nervous: "Is it still hiding somewhere?"

"He is dead." Bai Yu continued: "I killed him with my own hands."

The eyes of several people around him were shaking.

He and Mu Yaoxi got into Xuanhusi's ambulance and sat sideways, the door closed and the vehicle drove away.

Looking at the direction in which the vehicle was leaving, Xu Xuntian asked, "Is what he just said the truth?"

"You have known him for some time, and you should know that Bai Yujing never talks big." Xiao Shuihan accepted it immediately.

"The fourth of the ten evils, if you die, you will die in his hands." Nangong Shan murmured.

"I prefer to believe it's the Flower Saint..." Huo Haitang remained skeptical.

"Even the Flower Saint can't fight Jinpeng alone." Beimingque looked far away: "Among the ten murderers in the past, most of those who died in battle died in encirclement and suppression, but in the true sense, one-on-one killing canonize the saint. The only ones who have achieved success are Luo Hu and the owner of Penglai Island."

"No matter what, after today's battle, the top ten and ten most vicious lists will change again."

Yan Baipao had a feeling of witnessing history: "Maybe the five peerless worlds will become the six peerless worlds."

"And the name Jinpeng will completely become a part of history and be completely removed from the list of the top ten evils."

"You missed one person." Nangong Ling reminded: "The ten geniuses of Daxia have finally gathered together."

"The Fourth Sun?"

“After today, who’s going to think he’s still ranked fourth?”

"Seventeen years old... Oh, it's so scary, so scary!"

"Is she Su Ruoji?"

In the ambulance, Mu Yaoxi looked at the sleeping woman in gray robe and marveled at the highly similar facial features and different temperaments between her and Su Ruoli.

"You know her too?"

"I've heard Ruoli talk about it several times. Isn't it just for her that you founded the Qianchen Club?" Mu Yaoxi said strangely, "I didn't expect that she is so lonely."

Bai Yu shook his head: "This statement is actually not accurate."

Tai Lingding is the puppet body of the Yin Spirit of Ten Thousand Tribulations refined by Jin Peng.

And Su Ruoji is just a part of Tai Lingding's basic synthetic materials.

Copper sulfide and's certainly not the same;

Even if Su Ruoji's original consciousness regains consciousness, will there be any sequelae and the influence of the curse of the eternal evil spirits?

They are all unknown at the moment and it will take time to verify them one by one.

But Bai Yu believes that these are not problems and will be solved sooner or later.

Let her get back into the sun.

The most difficult obstacle has been overcome, and the rest are just trivial matters.

People are still alive.

This is enough.

It actually didn’t take long to get to this point.

Looking back on the past, it is very close but also very far.

I have really experienced a lot. From the starting point to the present, the time that has passed is not that long, but it feels like a world away. It has only been about a year.

Bai Yu held the hands of the two sisters tightly together and showed a smile, showing relief and relaxation.

It was like finishing a long battle.

It was like finally passing the last test in high school.

It's like finally saying goodbye to a job you don't want to do.

He kept what he wanted to leave behind and was able to move to the next stage of his life.

Next, he doesn't know what he needs to face, whether it is a more grand proposition, a more heroic life, or traveling around the world, traveling through history, seeing the prosperity, cruelty, loss... these This is all in the future, so there is no need to think deeply about it now.


It's a little too early to want to relax completely now.

He opened his eyes again.

Something still has to be done.

Mu Yaoxi could see how tired he was and asked softly, "Why don't you take a rest?"

Bai Yu held the phone and turned on the screen: "I want to make a call first."

Inside the slightly shaking ambulance.

Mu Yaoxi heard the sound of the communication, quietly distanced herself and sat in the corner.

She knew that the next call was not suitable for her to appear on camera.

After several busy signals.

The call was answered.

There was the sound of cooking and the sound of the range hood operating from the other end.

Mother Su's laughter rang out softly: "What's wrong? I called you suddenly again. Isn't today a divine test? Are you here to report the good news?"

Bai Yu licked his lips and smiled: "Well, there is indeed good news."

He pulled the phone away slightly, switched apps, and took a photo.

"I sent a photo, would you like to take a look?"

"Huh? So doesn't sound like you are showing off."

Shang Ming'e was a little curious. She slid her finger on her phone and clicked on the photo transferred from the chat interface.

Silence fell.

There was a long, long silence on the other end of the phone.

Even the silence is delicate and long. Through the intermittent breathing, you can feel the suppressed delicate emotions.

"Yu Jing..."

After a long time, Su's mother asked slowly and hesitantly: "What is this photo?"

"Well..." Bai Yu said, "If she comes back... I'll wait until you come to the capital to take her home."

Silence, still silence.


Choked words, clogged nasal sounds.

Mother Su took a deep breath and swallowed her voice like a spring of water: "I'll contact Haoran right away, and we'll set off for the capital. I don't know what happened, but you must explain it to me later... okay?"

Bai Yu nodded and the phone was hung up.

He lowered his head and met a pair of bright eyes.

"Woke you up?"

"It's too hot." Su Ruoli wanted to distance herself, but was hugged tightly by Su Ruoli. She smiled helplessly: "She wasn't so clingy when she was a child."

"Get some sleep. When you wake up, your whole family will be here." Bai Yu stroked her forehead.

"Well," Su Ruoji closed her eyes: "Good night, Mr. Bai..."

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