Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 571 The Oath of Sainthood

The Beiming family's mansion was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations today, changing its usual simple appearance.

Generally, passers-by can get some wedding candies or money to feel happy when they pass by.

People who didn't know about it thought that the daughter of the Beiming family was getting married, or that the direct lineage was getting married.

Only if something big happened to the direct lineage, would everyone know about it.

The sky was only dimly lit, and the Beiming family mansion that had caused such a big fuss could not hide it from the surrounding gates at all. They did not shy away from it and did whatever they needed to do. Soon the matter reached the ears of interested people. .

Beiming, Dongfang, Ximen, Nangong...the four thousand-year-old families have been married to each other for many years. Naturally, this matter cannot be hidden from the other three families on the same street.

Nangong Shan heard about this incident after getting up early in the morning. She put on the facial mask and said with subtle eyes: "It seems that the new Jiaoyang is coming. This incident caused by the Beiming family is really a bit..."

No need to lose face.

No one on this street knows that Bai Potian once made a big fuss, and the truth behind it cannot be hidden from anyone who is interested.

The mother and son had been separated for more than ten years. Now that they saw Baiyu turning into a scorching sun, they immediately started to put up lanterns and festoons with great joy, making themselves feel as if they were very proud.

It was like having the word 'flattery' written all over his face.

After all, the weight of a thousand-year-old family is too light compared to being a saint.

The millennium without canonization is like a big tree with broken roots, unable to absorb enough nutrients and losing the strength to grip the ground.

"If they had known that Bai Yu had such an amazing talent more than ten years ago, the Beiming family would probably have enshrined him as a treasure." Nangong Shan raised her fingers: "It's a pity that there is no if, I don't know How will it end today? With Bai Yujing's character who can't hide the sand in his eyes, the Beiming family's big fanfare will be counterproductive."

The butler said: "Do we need..."

"There is no need to think too much for the time being. The combination of the Su family and the Bai family is a foregone conclusion. Together with the Mu family, it is a foregone conclusion that there will be three saints or even four saints. If you stay in the capital, it will definitely be a force that can stir up the storm. But Fortunately, they are all still young." Nangong Shan analyzed: "Bai Yujing has no intention of staying in the capital. He only left a Shence Mansion. We will try our best to help with whatever we want to do in the future. We need money and strength. Do your best, and as for his family affairs with the Beiming family, it's best not to make any small moves."


"What do Ximen and Dongfang say?"

"There wasn't much reaction." The butler replied, "Mostly silence."

"Humph, I have been secretly suppressing the Beiming family's industry in the past, but now I am suffering a loss. I am afraid I am waiting and watching." Nangong Shan sneered: "This is the kind of person who is short-sighted. Send a message to these two families. Just say..."

The steward came back quickly: "Miss, the matter has been settled." He also brought back an additional piece of news: "The new Jiaoyang has arrived at Beiming's house."

Nangong Shan stood up: "Let's go to another place and see the excitement."

Bai Yu has indeed arrived at the door of Beiming's house.

But he didn't come alone.

Also coming with me was Shang Ming'e.

Su's mother came with him because Bei Mingyao has been a good friend for many years.

Bai Yu came with the greeting card.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a scene of lanterns and colorful decorations, and the Beiming family happily distributed wedding candies everywhere.

He frowned slightly.

But still take one step forward.

The housekeeper of Beiming's family who was staying in front of the door saw Bai Yu from a distance. When he saw the person coming, he immediately winked at the people around him.

People lined up in two rows on both sides of Beiming's door and shouted: "Congratulations, young master..."

hold head high--!

Dragon roars erupted.

In the long street, there seemed to be a swimming dragon rolling, twisting its tail, and the energy rising and falling, completely dissipating the festive atmosphere floating in the atmosphere.

Bai Yu silently glanced at the butler who was bending over, and the latter shed a few drops of cold sweat under his gaze.

The butler's cultivation level was also at the third level of extraordinary, but he felt that he could not survive a single round in Bai Yu's hands.

That sense of oppression was completely beyond the ordinary fourth realm.

"Don't call me random names." Bai Yu reminded calmly: "I'm not returning to your home, but visiting as a guest."

The butler bowed his head and said yes, stepped aside to make a way, his lips trembled a little, and said in a low voice: "Please come in, please come in."

The surrounding members of the Beiming family were equally silent, including men, women, old and young.

A thousand-year-old family, the surname is Beiming, but there must be many people with other surnames, most of them are orphans who were adopted and raised since childhood, and more than 70% of them are just ordinary people.

Bai Yu saw the pale faces of these ordinary people and calmed down the pressure a little.

Although he doesn't like the Beiming family, he won't anger innocent people.

Bai Potian was so angry that he also came to trouble the chief culprit.

Entered the Beiming family mansion.

A large aristocratic family, covering a wide area and with simple architectural style.

Bai Yu was not in the mood to appreciate it.

The housekeeper led the way halfway, and suddenly there was a person in front of him... It was Bei Mingque, and there was a girl with a similar appearance beside him.

"I've seen Master Que and Miss Lan." The housekeeper said, "Who are you?"

"Next, I will lead the way, you don't have to follow." Bei Mingque said calmly.

"But, my great-grandpa said..."

"I said, I will lead the way." Bei Mingque emphasized.

"Yes!" The butler had no choice but to lower his head and leave angrily.

Under the eaves corridor, Bai Yu looked at Bei Mingque and said strangely: "I thought you wouldn't show up."

"It's a shame for you to think of me as a narrow-minded person." Bei Mingque turned sideways and said, "I'm here just to fulfill my duty as a host."

He led Bai Yu in another direction: "I will take you directly to see my aunt, and you will avoid going through all the red tape."

"Trouble." Bai Yu frowned.

"If you take care of me, life will not be easy for the Beiming family in the future." Beimingque said lightly: "I'm not helping you, I'm helping myself."

"It seems you know how you will make things difficult for me next."

"From your point of view, this is making things difficult. In the eyes of those old guys, this is what you should do... They will take you directly to the clan ancestral hall of the Beiming family, and then ask you to kowtow to your ancestors. That's for sure. Only after I am a direct descendant of the Beiming family can I let you in." Beimingque said expressionlessly: "It depends on whether you are willing to kneel down."

"My surname is Bai." Bai Yu said, "And I no longer have the blood of the Beiming family."

"It doesn't matter whether you are alive or not, what matters is whether they recognize you or not."

"Wrong..." Bai Yu said lightly: "What matters now is whether I admit it or not; what they think is not important."

When the leader of the imperial examination passed by the garden, he said: "Not only will I not kneel down, but I will just turn around and leave... When the time comes, it will definitely be them who will not sleep well at night, do you believe it or not?"

Bei Mingque said: "I know you are petty, so there is no need to emphasize it."

"Hahaha, you kicked me out of the family tree a long time ago, and now you want to add me back. Isn't it mean?" Bai Yu shook his head and laughed.

When the little girl on the side heard this, she pricked up her ears and stared at him like her hair was exploding.

Bei Mingque knocked his sister on the head, and then said: "You are angry and whatever you say is right."

"I don't have any resentment." Bai Yu said lightly: "I don't care about the Beiming family at all. I just came to take my mother home, that's all. There is no greater reason than this in the world."

"I'm afraid it won't be possible for you to succeed at once."

"It doesn't matter, I will come back when I return from Rome." Bai Yu smiled: "At that time, if the Beiming family wants to be the cornerstone of my enlightenment, I don't mind replacing the ten evil vacancies left by Jin Peng's death."

This sentence immediately made the atmosphere tense to the extreme.

The hair behind Bei Minglan's ears stood up when he heard it, and he felt a cold wind blowing, and murderous intent abounded.

If two generations of the Bai family target the Beiming family after becoming saints, the name of this thousand-year-old family will almost be taken away.

Bai Yu and Bai Potian are different.

The latter's foundation was all in Rome, and he was considered a reckless man at best in Daxia, so he got the reputation of being one of the Ten Evils.

But Bai Yu's network of contacts is ridiculously strong. He has entered Zhonghu three times, and is the master of the Shence Palace... If he can be canonized, it will be enough to shake the foundation of the Beiming family.

If you are determined to fall directly into the Ten Evils... the entire Great Xia will know how to make a decision.

Putting the two on a balance, Beiming's family would undoubtedly lose more completely.

Bei Mingque was not frightened by these words, but said: "I hope you are just joking."

"So what if it is, so what if it is not. Even without me, how long can the Beiming family be better? A family that accumulates bad deeds will inevitably suffer."

Bai Yu spread his hands and said: "It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. If you want to stop me, why don't you take control of the Beiming family...canonize the Beiming family one step ahead of me, then everything will be fine for everyone."

"You make it easy."

"This is for the Beiming family, but also for yourself." Bai Yu spread his hands and smiled: "You don't want to die young, right?"

Bei Mingque paused in his steps and was quite astonished: "How do you know..."

"If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing unless you do it yourself." Bai Yu said lightly: "I have said that a house that accumulates bad deeds will inevitably suffer disasters - I am the product of it, aren't you?"

"I don't like the Beiming family, but there is no doubt that you should be the one who hates it the most."

"And every direct bloodline in history who did not survive the age of twenty-seven."

"The oath of canonization and all that is simply insane."

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