Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 576 Isn’t it a coincidence?

Leaving the pier and entering Edo Castle.

The journey was actually smooth.

Although there were customs and identity check points, it was basically a simple face-to-face meeting. When he saw the word "Daxia" on the passports of the group of people, the official curled his lips and chose to let them go.

In fact, not only Daxia, but also Tianzhu and other places came to Yingzhou for business.

However, those curry guys and red-haired ghosts often don't get very good treatment when they come here. Many of them are even detained outside the customs and have to be searched before they can be let in.

Because the curry rice produced in Tianzhu does not have a good reputation around the world.

Although their spices are indeed of good quality and are in demand in the market.

While waiting in line, it was Bai Yu's turn.

He brought his passport, but his appearance didn't match him at this time.

The customs official couldn't help but look at it a few more times, then moved his eyes downwards and caught a glimpse of the weapon on Bai Yu's waist. He didn't dare to ask any more questions and chose to let him go.

Afterwards, Hu Hu led the way and entered the interior of Edo city on a rail car pulled by horses.

At this time, Bai Yu's eyes can be regarded as having some atmosphere of a modern city. Although it still looks like a prototype, it at least has some things that a civilized society should have.

Neon signs, buildings in the steel jungle, telephone poles, and the necessary cement floors and sewerage facilities.

People come and go in a hurry on the road.

The overall clothing and appearance stayed at the level of the Taisho period.

It is not completely westernized, but gradually modernized and functionalized, which is very close to the background of the animation "Demon Slayer".

In the slightly cold weather, the clothes worn by passers-by are quite distinctive. Although the women's clothing is different in color, the shape is quite the same, with small sleeves paired with a hakama skirt, and at most a shawl. Most of them are young women, which make movement easier and faster. .

On the contrary, men dress more freely, with school uniforms, round-brimmed hat suits, and even some wearing suits and down jackets.

What impressed Bai Yu deeply was the various bows he saw on the road.

Young women of this era liked to tie bows in their hair, and leather shoes replaced clogs.

"How does it feel to come to Yingzhou for the first time?" Hu Hu chatted and laughed with Bai Yu in Daxia dialect without hesitation.

"There is a feeling of being superior to others." Bai Yu replied. This superiority does not refer to mentality, but to the literal meaning...height.

Looking around, there are almost no people with a similar height to Bai Yu in the street. As an adult, the eighteen-year-old Bai Yu is about 1.82 meters tall; while in the destiny editor state, his height is More than 1.85 meters.

In the crowd, anyone who wants to take a look at him must raise his head, which makes him feel like he stands out from the crowd.

Wearing the rare Mo Yun uniform in Yingzhou and the sword on his waist, he has a handsome appearance and a mysterious temperament.

Everyone on the road, men, women, old and young, would subconsciously look this way.

Many people on the street crashed into telephone poles.

The young woman didn't have the courage to come forward and strike up a conversation, so she only dared to peek secretly, then with a blush on her face, her head lowered, and she hid herself in the crowd.

Hu Hu sighed: "Walking beside you makes us seem like foils."

Bai Yu thought for a while: "Maybe I should wear a mask."

"With your height, you look dazzling wherever you go."

"I mean, the smell here is not very good." Bai Yu frowned.

A guard following the back door also said: "It does have an earthy smell."

Bai Yu thought he was talking about the smell of sewers, not sarcasm.

But the people around me have already picked up the topic and are laughing at themselves.

The superiors naturally look upon the barbarians with a condescending arrogance.

I have to say that this may also be a kind of cultural confidence, both good and bad.

The meeting place chosen by Hu Hu was in a hotel decorated in a rather Chinese style.

It looks Chinese from the outside, but when you go inside, the structure is still the same as that of Yingzhou... Just like when Chinese people open restaurants abroad, they don't call it "Chinese cuisine". Who would take the initiative to advertise this, so there is a high probability that the core is specious.

Entering the interior of the hotel, the first floor is very lively, but after passing through the scenic courtyard of dry landscape, the place on the second floor is quite deserted.

There are already people waiting here.

Before I saw him, I sensed his power first. The opponent's appearance was not small. Five or six strong men in black were guarding the steps to the second floor, indicating that only one of the guards could go up, and they needed to hand over their weapons.

After Hu Hu thought about it, he asked one of his guards to follow him. He was his nephew, his most trusted guard, and his helper at the negotiation table.

The other two guards remained on the stairs.

Bai Yu could see that these two groups of people were a bit uncooperative. Their big eyes and small eyes looked like two gang organizations gesticulating with each other, "What are you looking at?"

He felt deeply bored with this kind of thing, so he turned around and walked out of the hotel. The other two guards opened their mouths, not daring to shout or stop him.

"I can feel it within a radius of three hundred steps."

He left the hotel door after leaving a few words.

Walking to the alley next to it, I smelled a good smell early on.

There is a small shop here, making fresh octopus balls... This can be regarded as an authentic Yingzhou delicacy. I was greedy for it many times while watching anime in my previous life.

He raised his hand and asked for one. He had always been curious about what it tasted like.

After actually taking a bite, I didn’t think it was that amazing, but it wasn’t too bad. In fact, the taste of the sauce was stronger. It was basically the taste of mayonnaise and mixed sauce. It was a little sour and a little salty. There was only one octopus ball available. Taste.

It's enough to eat freshly, but after three mouthfuls, you start to get tired of it.

The business negotiations in the restaurant are slow, but they haven't hit the table and smashed the wine glasses yet, which proves that they haven't fallen out yet.

He bought another bottle of glass soda, ate and drank, and sat on a stool covered with red cloth by the roadside, watching the traffic and people coming and going, looking quite contented.

I have also felt like this when traveling alone. Although no acquaintances are around, I am enveloped in a sense of freshness and liberation, and have not yet been overtaken by loneliness and loneliness.

Unconsciously, there were a few more people around.

Suddenly the octopus meatball business picked up.

Bai Yu noticed that several young women with bow ties were sitting on stools, keeping a distance, either lowering their heads to eat or talking nonsense. In fact, without exception, their eyes were secretly looking this way, and their moods were worse than those with bow ties. The colors should be brighter and bolder.

He suddenly felt someone tugging on his trousers. He lowered his head and saw that it was a half-grown boy wearing a kimono.

His clothes were relatively clean, but there was a liveliness in his eyes, like a sparrow on a branch in the countryside.

"Is something wrong?" Bai Yu said in Yingzhou dialect: "Lost?"

The boy shook his head.

Bai Yu raised the octopus balls in his hand: "Want to eat this?"

The boy swallowed, but still shook his head, blushing, shyly but persistently pointing to the sword hanging on Bai Yu's waist.

Bai Yu couldn't help but laugh, it turned out that he wanted to touch the sword.

Yes, for children of this age, swords play a very important role in their hearts.

Don't talk about them. When I was a child, or even when I grew up, when I picked up a particularly good branch, I couldn't help but swing it dozens of times, until my hands were sore, I couldn't bear to throw it away.

Swords, in the eyes of the Chinese, are rivers and lakes.

For adults, swords are dangerous and need to be kept away.

Bai Yu picked up the Caihong Sword and placed it in front of the child.

He wiped his hands vigorously, hugged the heavy sword with bright eyes, and stumbled back.

Bai Yu held his shoulders and stood firm.

The child, about ten years old, smiled and was missing a front tooth.

He couldn't even draw the sword now, he could only feel the scabbard and hilt.

The joy in his eyes overflowed, as if he had simply captured the dream of traveling the world with his sword.

The ordinary families in Yingzhou are the lower-class families. Even in Edo City, they still have a lot of money. Living here does not mean that they can gain a foothold here.

It is impossible for many children to learn swordsmanship. It is extremely difficult to join a gym with swordsmanship inheritance. Ordinary people may never have the opportunity to touch a real sword in their lifetime.

Bai Yu felt like she was wandering thousands of miles away.

Thinking back to when I first arrived, it had only been a few months.

Suddenly, a slightly harsh sound of breaking porcelain was heard.

He came to his senses.

At the same time, a couple not far away also came over. Seeing the boy holding a sword with a silly smile on his face, and then catching a glimpse of the young man next to him, the couple suddenly became nervous and embarrassed.

The man stepped forward and started to talk stammeringly.

A few words were said back and forth.

Bai Yu touched the boy's head, and under the boy's reluctant eyes, he took the sword back and hung it back on his waist.

After nodding slightly to the couple, he immediately walked to the restaurant with a Chinese sign.

Yun Danfeng's gentle attitude fascinated a group of upright young girls on the bench.

After entering the hotel.

The atmosphere became increasingly anxious.

Hu Hu had already arrived on the first floor. His face was disfigured, with a wound on his face dripping with blood.

Trapped in the middle by those who had the numerical advantage.

The person negotiating with Hu Hu seemed to be an Edo gangster, and I don’t know which Chinese glove he was.

Wearing a floral shirt, sunglasses, rings and hoop-shaped earrings... they are all very much in line with the stereotype of a gangster.

Bai Yu came closer and took a look at Hu Hu's scalp: "It's a small injury. Just apply some medicine. Why did the conversation suddenly break down?"

"The asking price is too high. This time, my principal will be directly targeted, and my ship will be detained." Hu Hu wiped the corner of his mouth: "How can I bear this? The worst is to drive to Jiuzhou and use the distribution channel!"

"Do you think you can still run away?" The gangster sneered: "If you can't get out today, you must either sign a contract with us according to these rules, or you will inevitably suffer a little bit."

At the same time, he looked at Bai Yu aside, and said with a bad expression: "Young pretty boy over there, you'd better not meddle in other people's business, otherwise...!"

Bai Yu smiled, and then unsheathed the sword at his waist.

In an instant, a bright sword light tore through the entire staircase!

The gangster leader looked at the bright sword energy spreading to his crotch, and he collapsed and fell: "You, you, you are the third realm..."

Bai Yu said: "Now I am his bodyguard. I heard that you want to stop me?"

"No, no, I don't dare..."

Three Realms!

The swordsmen of the Three Realms have a lot of weight in the whole of Edo.

How could these gangsters be hired... He must be from Daxia, he is not a local!

Hua Shirt's thoughts changed quickly and he immediately changed his words: "We can continue to talk! We can talk about everything!"

Hu Hu broke his face and let out a sigh: "What a nonsense! The shitty Edo will never come again. You just wait and engage in such overlord clauses. I will definitely spread this matter in the future. Look. Let’s see who else is willing to continue to cooperate with you!”

Hua Shirt was anxious. He didn't intend to be so cruel at first, but he was still greedy. Who knew that this stinky runner actually had such a strong backing!

With a backend of this level, is it still necessary to earn this hard-earned money? !

He just couldn't understand it, and he wanted to jump up and curse, "You should have said it earlier -"!

"I can give Yu..."

"Shut up, sit down, and don't move." Bai Yu reminded: "Otherwise you will lose parts."

The flowered shirt remained silent and immediately covered his mouth.

The other thugs in black shirts were all covered in sweat.

Bai Yu turned around, sheathed her long sword, and returned calmly... Sigh, I just wanted to travel, but why did I encounter such a bad thing again.

After walking out of the hotel, Hu Hu immediately apologized: "Brother Bai, thanks to you this time, otherwise I might really capsize in the gutter!"

"It's useless to talk more. What will you do next? Go to the dock and continue sailing to Kyushu?"

"We can't go..." the old captain said with a bitter smile: "We are parked at the port of Edo. We can't go anywhere without unloading the cargo. The shogunate will not allow it... and there must be someone on duty in the shogunate secretly giving instructions behind this. , they may be eyeing the profits of running the business, and even want to do business themselves, and don’t want us to control the routes and get dividends.”

"Build your own fleet?" Bai Yu nodded his chin: "It is also a way to make money, but if the shogunate official does this, that is another matter."

"The Daxia authorities will not agree. It must be in private name, so in the final analysis, they want to monopolize the routes." Hu Hu clenched his fists and said: "This is to burn bridges across the river."

Bai Yu said calmly: "Do you still want to go against the shogunate?"

The guard asked with an ugly face: "Boss, is this time the order is so bad?"

Hu Hu lit a cigarette, obviously hesitating.

Several major factions are becoming more and more open-minded, and cooperation can no longer continue. The consequence of seeking skin from a tiger is to be eaten dry and even used as a chamber pot.

I can only find another home.

The Kwantung United Alliance is not monolithic.

Nowadays, they seem to be inseparable, and several groups are secretly showing signs of breaking away. They don't want to continue to be dogs for the people above, but want to climb up to the shogunate and go up.

The Wu family, the Hua family... these are the masters in Yingzhou society. Only after taking this step can they completely get rid of their identity as a mud-legged person.

There are many Yakuza organizations with this ambition, but there are very few who have the ability to reach this point.

After smoking a whole cigarette in silence, he made a decision.

Hu Hu wiped his face: "Let's go find the Bai Feng Group."

When Bai Yu heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Is there such a coincidence?

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