Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 578 Hunting the White Peak Group

"Good swordsmanship."

"Thanks for the compliment, you're pretty good too."

Amidst the flash of swords and shadows, the two of them managed to chat for a few words.

Okita Souji is an executioner, but not a murderer. Her attack is obviously mainly for sparring, not killing, but when she sees the hunting heart, she will inevitably feel a little unable to hold back.

You know your own situation.

Okita Souji has not yet been able to enter the fourth level of swordsmanship.

As for Saito Ichi, Nagakura Shinpachi, and Hijikata Toshizo, all three of them have relied on their own abilities and training to finally reach the realm of swordsmen, but she has stagnated for three years without making any progress.

Even though her reputation as a genius is no longer impressive, there are fewer and fewer people willing to spar with her.

Once you reach the realm of swordsman, you will involuntarily enter the situation of hiding your sword.

Yingzhou's swordsman has a relatively deformed system. The soul strength is not enough, so it can only be used sparingly.

Hiding the sword in a sheath is to nurture the sword's will and not to damage one's own soul.

If the loss is too large, it will easily lead to unstable foundation and shorten the life span.

It's been a long time since Okita Souji had an actual battle with an opponent of similar strength... It's not so easy to find an opponent at the third level of the peak, and there are even fewer opponents who can match her strength. In the past, Saito Ichi and Nagakura Shinpachi were able to fight her. There were back and forth, but after the two men broke through to become swordsmen, they even changed their daily swordsmanship training to meditation and no longer drew their swords easily.

This time I met Bai Yu, it was a rare opportunity to catch my opponent as a sparring partner, and he fought with extra vigor and ferocity.

What makes her even more happy is that she has begun to show her true feelings, but she still cannot touch the other party's bottom line, and she is not sure when to let go of her comfortable attitude.

She could sense that the other party was not serious; even if she had reached full sword speed, she could not make the other party's expression more solemn.

The most terrifying thing is an opponent whose strength cannot be determined, like an iceberg floating on the sea.

She gradually wanted to force the other party to show some real skills.


This girl is a little over the top.

A flash of light burst into Okita Souji's eyes.

Take the sword first, then settle down!

Her Iai is extremely special, it looks like it's just one sword, but it's actually two strikes in total.

The first blow made Bai Yu lose the Caihong Sword in his hand, but the second move was directly seen through by Bai Yu.

Immediately stepped on it.

There was a huge flaw in her posture, but she immediately gave up the knife in her hand and changed to the sacrificial technique, trying to force Bai Yu to show his true skills through close combat.

But the next moment, his chin received a heavy blow, and he was knocked up by a knee. He rose straight up, and his head hit the ceiling of the basement, which was the floor of the first floor.

Half of the body was stuck.

At the same time, what restrained her was the earth's murderous intent, which had been weakened to one percent.

Bai Yu said angrily: "You really want to hack me to death."

Okita Souji struggled for a moment and was about to explain when he suddenly heard a crisp sound.

She immediately shouted and kept dangling her legs: "Ah! What are you doing!"

"Who asked you to come here?" Bai Yu took the fallen feather duster and hit her butt.



"Speak quickly!"

"Yes, someone called the police on the road. After I heard it, I followed it. Even the location was told by the person who called the police."

"So, you came here by eavesdropping?"



"Hiss—!" Souji Okita shouted shamefully: "Stop fighting, I've already let him go, what else do you want!"

"How can you remember if I don't beat you?" Bai Yu dropped the feather duster: "It's obvious that you were used as a gun... Hang here and reflect on your own, a girl should act like a girl, don't act like a crazy critic all day long Yes, I suggest you learn more from the Xingyue version of Miss Okita."

"I don't understand what you are saying!" Souji Okita was ashamed and angry.

When she finally broke free and returned to the basement, there was no one down there.

Bai Yu was already outside Santiao Street at this time.

The fight just now was just a small test.

It was Souji Okita who came, and he was alone. The Shinsengumi did not intervene. This time it was a false warning.

It proves that the other party's backstage may not be that big. Even if someone in the shogunate is working secretly, it is just the idea of ​​a certain faction. There must be a substantive issue of interest distribution, which may involve disputes between radicals and conservatives.

Or maybe it's just some people's greed.

If things get serious, they will definitely not end well.

The shogunate does not want to expose its greedy face at this time, otherwise how will it attract investment in the future?

Should we give up Bactria, which is so close at hand, and choose Curry Man, who doesn’t use paper in the toilet, or Europa, which is far away on the other side of the ocean?

No normal person would be that stupid.

"But the arrival of this incident may push the Baifeng Group to the forefront."

"It's strange to say that Shiromine Naomi is supposed to be a prudent family leader. She suddenly became radical. There must be a reason."

He walked to an uninhabited corner, raised his hand, switched to the knight's appearance skin, and summoned the Hellfire 3000, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle painted in silver in energy-saving mode.

Reversing the engine, Bai Yu drove towards Bai Feng's house.

He still remembered the journey he took last time.

Even if there is a small deviation, it doesn't matter. The worst thing is that it will slip.

When Okita Souji pulled himself out, before he could take a breath, a hand pressed on his forehead.

"This familiar feeling, Mr. Hijikata...ah, my head hurts, please don't pinch my forehead like this! It's going to explode, it's going to explode!"

"I really want to crush your head. What on earth were you thinking? You suddenly left your post without permission!"

Hijikata Toisho, who was hanging a cigarette and looked like he walked out of the Gintama studio, looked unhappy. With bulging veins, he raised Okita's one hand: "Do you really think that no one will teach you a lesson? You come to a place like this to fish, you are really It’s time to make a career!”

"A place like this?" Souji Okita looked around and then noticed that the first floor here was actually an adult toy store. She blushed and then turned pale: "No, no, no, no! Listen to my explanation. Mr. Hijikata, Boss Kondo!”

Behind him, Isamu Kondo, the leader of the Shinsengumi smiled awkwardly, patted Hijikata on the shoulder, and whispered: "After all, Souji has reached this age, so you have to understand."

Hijikata Toisho snorted coldly: "I found a blind date for her six years ago. I hide in the team and refuse to go out. Who can blame me!"

Okita Souji was unconvinced and hid behind Kondo Isamu and cursed: "Hijikata, you pighead, you said I was here to investigate the case. Who is interested in this? I think you are the one who does this all day long."

Hijikata Toshizo sneered: "Do I need to play with this? Do you know how many times the courtesans in Flower Street have invited me?"

"She just wants you to spend money on her. Courtesans are all like this!"

"Fart, I can stay overnight for as many nights as I want without even bringing a dime!"

Saito hurriedly went up and covered Okita's ears, complaining: "What are you talking about to a child?"

"She's already twenty-five! Still a child?! Just spoil her!"

After all the fuss, Okita asked strangely: "Boss Kondo, why are everyone gathered here? Are you doing some team-building activities and didn't invite me?"

Hijikata gave Okita another shudder on the head: "What good things are you thinking of!" Then he continued with a straight face: "All the elite members of the Shinsengumi are dispatched. There must be something big. We also received a short notice, so the anxious team members immediately Rush to...Okita, you come with us!"

She tidied her hair and followed the team. Miburou and his entourage swaggered through the city, and everyone who saw them dispersed. Only the team wearing blue feathers could be seen walking through the road.

Okita lowered his voice: "What exactly is going on and where are we going?"

"Of course it is to maintain law and order in Edo." Kondo Isamu tapped the handle of Kotetsu's sword with his fingers: "It is said that there is a huge split within the Kanto Federation. There is a head-on conflict between the Inahaya Association and the Shirakine Group. Maybe a lot of people will die tonight. people."

"Isn't there the support of the swordsman behind the Baifeng group? It is equivalent to the credibility endorsement of the shogunate. The head of the family is also very good at dancing. He has several Chinese allies in Kyoto?" Saitoichi said in a low voice: "Ina Have you lost your mind and gone crazy?"

"No, they chose the right time. The swordsman behind the Hakuho Group is currently missing." Hijikata Tobizo took a puff of cigarette and exhaled the white mist: "It seems that even the Chinese in Kyoto have some problems... In addition, the person who was on the list of the five great masters of the Kanto Alliance appeared some time ago and acquiesced to their approach."


"According to the investigation, it should be Bai Potian, one of the ten evil men of Great Xia. His thunderous rage nearly triggered a battle between the two saints a few days ago."

"Yeah, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep well all night." Kondo Isamu smiled bitterly: "That kind of big shot, stamping his feet, would make the whole Edo tremble."

Okita Souji's eyes widened.

"There are even more powerful ones." Hijikata Toshizo continued: "About a month ago, in December last year, Bai Potian's grandson won the title of Daxia's Jiaoyang, and climbed to the top of Daxia on the shoulders of the first two Jiaoyangs. Xia, defeated him in a cross-level battle... He is only seventeen years old, and now his fame is at its peak, chasing Huang Qixia."

Okita Souji's mouth opened in an O shape.

At the age of seventeen, he defeated the first two Suns across ranks.

"Oh, I heard that he also helped kill one of the Ten Murderers." Toshizo Hijikata continued.


This time, all the Shinsengumi members who heard the news felt their scalps go numb.

"Is this still a human being?"

"This is the top Xia Tianjiao, and the top young powerhouse in the world." Hijikata swept around the people around him: "Yingzhou is just a corner of the world, it is a small place after all. You should broaden your horizons and don't think that If you can join the Shinsengumi, you can be arrogant! As the shogunate gradually relaxes the sea ban, sooner or later, strong foreigners will step into Edo, and then they will need to see the blood, talent and bravery of swordsmen like us!"

"Yes! Deputy Commander!" All the surrounding team members bent down and shouted in unison.

"Very good, in the next month, all training will be doubled!" Toshizo Hijikata is worthy of being the devil's deputy commander, and he will not forget the intensity of the previous wave even after taking the chicken blood.

However, Okita Souji came to his senses and whispered to Isamu Kondo: "Mr. Hijikata seems to have taken the topic astray."

Kondo Isamu stroked the stubble on his chin: "Speaking of which, the Hakuho Group is probably going to be in trouble tonight. Inahaya will attack with all his strength, and the target will definitely be a bloody river."

"As long as you don't kill people in Edo, you can do whatever else you want." Hijikata said calmly: "But if he messes around in Edo, even Inahaya will arrest him and lock him up."

"Does the shogunate have nothing to do with this matter?" Chief Okita asked, looking at the darkening sky.

"The internal strife and division of the Kanto Union is a good thing for the shogunate." Kondo Isamu said: "The general is happy to see this happen."

"Then, who can win between these two sides?" Souji Okita continued to ask.

"Of course it's Inahaya... The strength of both parties is not of the same level. Inahaya is an interest group composed of three companies and is also the predecessor of the Kanto United. The Hakuho Group is just the second-generation organization of the Kanto United. It's just one company, even if it's No matter how well it develops, its scale is too different.”

"More importantly, Inahaya had swordsmen, but now the Hakuho-gumi doesn't. This is the most deadly."

"Once you start killing people, there will be a river of blood tonight. It will be too easy for several swordsmen to kill all the Bai Feng family."

"The rule that governs tonight is pure violence."

"Even if the youngest wandering swordsman in history returns to the White Peak Group tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, she can't do anything when faced with corpses everywhere."

"Unless she can become a sword master, Inahaya will not even give her a chance for revenge..." Isamu Kondo looked far away.

"Why?" Okita asked.

"As long as Inahaya stays in Edo, we have to protect the security here and the safety of everyone." Kondo Isamu said slowly: "I am really not willing to face the wandering swordsman. Her potential Maybe it’s enough to be canonized, such an opponent is too scary.”

"But something has to be done."

"Inahaya is out for profit, she is out for revenge, and we are out to fulfill our duties. There is no way out for anyone."

Kondo Isamu patted Okita on the shoulder: "This is the cruelty of the world. However, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. Just grow up slowly."

After nightfall.

Changletian was once a prosperous place with countless visitors.

At this time, it had turned into a transparent sea of ​​fire.

On the top floor of Changletian, Shiromine Naomi was dressed in gorgeous clothes, an extremely gorgeous twelve singles, classic and precious.

She lowered her head and looked at the eighteen-story attic, silently thinking that maybe today would be the day when the Bai Feng Group would be destroyed.

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