Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 586 Belief in Canonization

The canonization of Yingzhou is different from that of Daxia.

Although both statuses are equally noble.

However, the number of canonizations in Yingzhou is too small.

On the surface, there are only five saints.

Except for the two from the royal family and the shogunate, the remaining three saints each have their own positions in Yingzhou.

Daxia alone has 20 saints among the top 10 and 10 evil ones. Counting the active saints, the total number must be no less than 30.

This shows how backward Yingzhou's system is in cultivating extraordinary people.

In order to make up for the shortcomings of the system, there is another route to promotion to sainthood in Yingzhou.

Belief in canonization.

That is to collect people's faith and canonize the saint by collecting incense and vows.

This route was initially prevalent in the Great Xia, and even triggered a battle for believers. If a war breaks out for the sake of faith in a country with hundreds of millions of people, it will inevitably be a life-or-death outcome.

Once we enter troubled times, it is inevitable that obscene worship will occur in some mountainous areas. Combating obscene worship is something that every dynasty has to do since ancient times, and beliefs must be unified.

Later, when Buddhism was introduced, there was also competition for believers.

However, in the long historical development process of Daxia, the line of faith was gradually optimized and replaced.

Buddhism itself was divided.

Because faith has a goal. In the end, the incense and incense of faith belong to one person and make him or her become a Buddha. So what about the remaining people?

As a result, Mahayana Buddhism emerged, and the pursuit of everyone becoming a Buddha led to the rapid localization of Buddhism;

Taoism sees it more clearly than Buddhism. Pursuing immortality and attaining the Tao is actually much easier than collecting faith, incense, and the will of living beings.

This is the saying that monks preached in prosperous times and Taoist priests came down from the mountain in troubled times.

Of course, there is another reason why the route of faith canonization is optimized, and that is that it has an upper limit. Faith depends on population, and there is an upper limit on population, so the game in the stock market is a life-and-death game for any church.

This is just like a court can only accommodate six seats for six ministers, a public toilet can only have so many squatting places, and two butts cannot fit into one pit... Therefore, disputes over beliefs are often life-and-death, and this is bound to happen. Falling into endless internal friction.

And when other systems gradually develop and can be canonized without relying on the will of living beings, and gradually become the mainstream, it will inevitably lead to fewer and fewer people who continue to rely on the will of living beings.

In the past, the number of saints was small. A sect could only support one saint by faith. This saint would suppress others by level. The only people who could resist were saints of the same level. Therefore, believers were willing to follow a powerful religion and believe in the same god. Only.

But after the route of self-canonization emerged, believers discovered the fact that "I think as long as I work hard, I might have a chance to be canonized"... Since there is a chance to be canonized, why should we continue to worship the religion? It is better to believe in God and Buddha than to believe in yourself. You, a saint who relies on the will of a living being, are you more noble than other saints?

After the founding of Daxia, this line of belief was directly eliminated.

Not to mention how difficult it is to collect beliefs and wishes of living beings in modern society, even Taoist priests and monks have given up. Just saying that you want to engage in religion must go through official review. Xuantiansi disagrees. If you want to become a god, you have to consider whether you are willing to get a stamp from someone above.

And in a sense, trying to follow the route of belief in canonization is to compete with Daxia, the main body of the country, for food.

What religion can provide is spiritual support and spiritual sustenance. In modern times, people's spiritual support can be a country or a nation.

Therefore, the ultimate flow direction of the huge living beings' willpower is Zhonghu.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu came up with the idea that maybe the concept of earth spirit and national soul originated from the belief in canonization.

The route that had been eliminated in Daxia was instead used and developed in Yingzhou.

In fact, Yingzhou often does this kind of thing. He finally learns something from his neighbor, but loses half of what he learned.

Belief in canonization is of no benefit to the country.

Because sooner or later religion itself will be unable to adapt to changes in productivity and will be eliminated.

Because the power of living beings is a stock market, it will inevitably trigger fierce internal competition.

But this canonization route is not very suitable for the Emperor's clan, which was founded on Shintoism.

This means that as long as enough living beings' wishes are collected, a saint can be created.

For the emperor's clan, it is guaranteed that successive emperors can be canonized through the power of living souls.

Based on the size of Yingzhou, it can accommodate about three to four people who believe in canonization.

Through this, Yingzhou maintained a stable situation for centuries, and the emperor's power was always stable.

Until the first independent saint appeared among the warrior class.

This became the first shogun in history, gathering military men and establishing a new regime based on the samurai family.

Although he failed to completely expel the emperor from the center of power, he made a good start for future generations of warriors.

From then on, the power struggle between the emperor and the shogunate began and continues to this day.

So the situation in Yingzhou is very special.

Unlike Daxia, the lack of resources and the incompleteness of the system prevent it from continuously producing a group of extraordinary people. The vast majority of the people have been locked in ignorance and shamelessness from generation to generation, becoming the bottom of the pyramid. Contribute labor, life and even faith to help the Emperor's clan maintain the stability of its own rule. Once these people at the bottom have their minds awakened and intend to break away from the control of Shintoism, they will face divine punishment and strangulation.

Correspondingly, the shogunate is more advanced. The shogunate rules without relying on external forces or faith. It relies entirely on itself. It can even actively promote the development of the market economy and engage in productivity reforms, because the shogunate controls violence and has a complete and relatively mature system. system.

On the other hand, this is not the case for the Emperor's clan.

In order to attract all kinds of believers as much as possible, Shintoism has also undergone many operations. Shintoism has been revised many times. For example, Buddhist Shintoism is the product of one of these stages. At Toyokawa Inari Shrine, one of the three major inaris, , the main deity enshrined is Tuozhenitian, the female deity riding a white fox in Buddhism.

This proves that the development of both parties must be the result of one trade-off and another trade-off.

If the shogunate really launched industrialization, then the repressive power of civilization would suddenly rise.

If you don't have enough food and clothing, it's okay to rely on faith to support yourself. But once you have enough food, clothing and clothing, your mind gradually emancipates and your horizons widen, who will still practice faith?

There is no such thing as the Atonement Scroll or Amnesty here.

The reason why the shogunate is more advanced than the royal family is that... the former has a complete system that can accommodate more players and make a bigger cake; while the goal of the royal family is to family the world, turn the world into a family, and let everyone stay within their own acre. The land is plowed.

As time goes by, the defeat of the latter will inevitably become more obvious.

Water can carry a boat and also capsize it.

"So this Imperial Cuisine (Yin Tongshou) Jin... also inherited the position of Inari God and gathered faith to be canonized?"

"We don't know much about this." Sakata Ryo shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Seeing his attitude, Bai Yu had a similar conclusion in his heart.

If it is a hard-power canonization, there is obviously no need to inherit the position of Inari God.


Bai Yu does not underestimate the belief in canonization.

Canonization is canonization, no matter which method of canonization, once successful, it will be canonization.

For example, in the ancient times, Zhunti and Jieyin became saints because of their great aspirations and the merits of loans from the Tiandao Bank, but this did not affect their actual combat ability and ranked among the saints.

But not looking down upon and looking down on are two different things.

The Western sect who became a saint through meritorious deeds planned two calamities before finally paying off the loan, and worked hard for Tiandao for many years.

Likewise, there is a huge weakness in belief in canonization.

That is not free.

You can't leave your own one-third of an acre of land.

His foundation lies in faith and the will of living beings. The more believers he has, the stronger he is, but the fewer believers he has, the weaker he will become.

Similarly, the willpower of living beings is nothing more than the accumulation of small amounts into large amounts, and quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. However, the population of Yingzhou is so large, and even if it is reluctantly canonized, the possibility of going further will be lost forever.

In this life, I will be busy collecting faith and spiritual wishes.

It's okay in Daxia. At least Daxia is lively. There are so many people fighting in the ring. It's quite exciting. It can be said that it's a conspiracy, overt and covert... When the fight starts, it becomes a chaotic list of gods.

But Yingzhou is boring.

In fact, Bai Yu didn't bother to care about the canonization here, but the matter happened to involve Amamiya Mahiru, so the matter was a bit complicated.

He couldn't help but frown.

Because he knows that he can't make a saint yet.

Bai Potian can still pull the tiger's skin here; it's a pity that he is not here.

Of course, Bai Yu is not afraid if he really wants to quarrel.

He also held a heroic spirit card of ‘Mo Wu Shan He’ in his hand.

If the situation really gets that bad, the worst that can happen is a ding, but it won't be a big deal anyway.

When the time comes, it will not be difficult to lead Amamiya Mahiru and Minami Shiori out of Yingzhou, and the emperor does not dare to really fight him to the death.

Thinking of this, he said bluntly: "Do you have any paper?"

Sakata Liang said solemnly: "Yes, imported!"

Bai Yu nodded: "Bring it."

After a while, a roll of paper was delivered.

Bai Yu looked at the scroll in his hand and twitched his eyes.

"Isn't this what you like? I remember Daxia used this all the it not soft enough?" Sakata Ryo asked in a low voice.

"Going all the way to import toilet paper is really beyond your capabilities." Bai Yu threw away the toilet paper: "Get the pen, ink, paper and inkstone ready, I want to write a greeting note."

Minami Kana took the initiative to help me grind the ink.

Although people in Daxia no longer use brushes for daily writing, the large families in Yingzhou still retain the habit of using brushes for formal correspondence.

Bai Yu wrote casually, using standard Daxia script, but only a few lines to explain his purpose.

Then the ink on the paper is quickly dried and solidified, folded and stuffed into an envelope without sealing.

"Send it to Inari Taisha Shrine within today and hand it over to the palace secretary of Inari Taisha Shrine."

Minami Kana took the envelope.

Leave the guest room respectfully.

Then he saw the envelope being received by Sakata Ryo.

"This letter is of great importance, I will deliver it myself!"

He winked at his daughter: "You stay here and entertain the young master well!"

Minami Kana nodded in agreement.

She still remembered what her father said ten years ago when he selected her to go to the Nan family as a direct line exchange.

‘——Don’t blame me for being cruel. This is the greatest wealth my father can give you. You must remember that you should treat yourself as married, but the person you marry is not the Nan family! As for who you are will find out sooner or later. ’

In fact, she had seen it.

Minami Kana has been studying Daxia Wen diligently for the past ten years.

Even from a distance, you can still see what he wrote, especially the few strokes of the signature.

It was also the first time I learned the other person’s last name.

She stood in the courtyard, feeling unable to calm down for a long time.

Just like what her father said, it was indeed a fortune she had never imagined.

The Nan family, despite their virtues and talents, was favored by the dragon in the sky.

in the car.

Sitting in the back row, Sakata Ryo slowly opened the envelope, spread out the paper, and the signed words came into view.

His pupils contracted violently, and he quickly closed the papers together and put them back into the envelope, pretending that he had not seen anything.

It was just the driver in the front seat who noticed his slightly trembling hands holding his face. Through the gap, he could see the middle-aged man's grinning teeth and raised corners of his lips.

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