Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 60 The joy of fishing

Clicked on the talent evolution points.

The only talent that can evolve is white's hard work and hard work.


The next moment, the characters' talents changed.

[Study hard and practice hard (white)→Practice makes perfect (blue)]

[Note: Each talent evolution requires doubling the points]

"It means that it takes two points to upgrade from blue to yellow this time... I don't know what the next stage and the highest stage are."

Bai Yu was surprised: "But that's it? Why do I still feel no change at all?"

Talent has evolved, but it seems that it has not.

I can't feel the difference at all from before.

There may be a little change, but not much... If white talents can only do civilian jobs even if they become extraordinary, then blue talents at least have a chance to go to martial arts.

"Well, after all, it is a talent based on hard work. If you just lie down and do nothing, without reading, studying or exercising, it will basically not be effective."

Although talent cannot determine everything, it can determine 99% of it.

Edison said: Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration, and this 1% inspiration is more important than 99% perspiration.

It is intended to emphasize the importance of natural inspiration.

However, later this sentence was gradually misinterpreted and taken out of context.

If talent could be quantified from the beginning, perhaps many people would avoid detours.

Bai Yu has a very deep impression of talent. This comes from playing table tennis in elementary school. He played well and participated in school competitions. Then in the city, competition at the municipal level became quite fierce.

What impressed him most was the boy he was playing against. The two sides fought fiercely for five rounds, and he lost in the end, but it was quite satisfying and not too disappointing.

After the game, I didn't rush to leave. I just watched the boy continue to play. As a result, the opponent lost in the next round, and it was a miserable defeat. The five games were not completed at all. In the last game, he was beaten 3-11. He was defeated on the spot. I cried with a broken heart.

The boy who won looked very powerful and confident, but in the end, he was beaten violently in just the past two rounds, and his score was not even among the top ten.

This impressed Bai Yu deeply. After that time, he completely understood that in the field of sports, talent is more important than studying. It is said that hard work can catch up, but everyone works hard enough, and talent determines the height that can be reached... If If you don't have enough talent, the result is... you are either autistic or on the road to autistic.

This is always the case in competitive games.

The entire world promotes competition, ranging from people to people to countries to countries.

If the young man really only has one white talent in his life, then it is destined to be difficult for him to achieve high achievements on this path in the future.

If he has blue talent, it means that as long as he stays diligent, he can beat 70% of people.

However, talent does not mean that it cannot be changed. There is a great opportunity to continue to evolve...

Bai Yu thought carefully for two seconds and closed the character information bar.

"It's not that I don't want to work hard, but it's just too good to rely on cheats."

Even if the white talent is brushed to the purple level, it is still a dozen Yao Lao short of the only Chronicle of Heroes held by the golden legend.

With more convenient roads available, who would think of working hard on their own?

"No, that's not right...even the shortcut may not be easy."

Bai Yu covered her heart: "I have only traveled through time for less than two weeks, and I feel like I have died hundreds of times. This broken system does not allow me to get something for nothing and be a yes-man who only knows how to eat... Damn it, I clearly don't want to effort."

If you really want to work hard, you wouldn't have to be a laborer in your previous life. You could go directly to the official showdown and apply for scientific research. It's not because you're too tired and you don't have freedom, so you won't be as comfortable as lying at home playing games.

Otherwise, it would not be that the specific effective scope of the so-called minimum guarantee law has not been clarified until now.

People with superpowers may not choose to change the world... If this ability is innate, they will feel that it is nothing after getting used to it, and it is very possible to become a lazy dog ​​who gets something for nothing.

Think about what will happen when humans have the computing power of AI?

Is it to design a more complex mechanical mechanism? To test a mathematical conjecture?

Countless science fiction works have given various conjectures, but they are all wrong.

The common answer given by humans around the world is...

Draw a dirty picture!

Therefore, human beings... cannot be underestimated, but they must not be overestimated.

It is true that there are some extremely outstanding individuals, who are called strong men from the sky. Those are the times when human stars shine...

But there are only one or two like this in billions of miles, and most of the others are human-like apes.

Being a lazy dog ​​is a very happy thing.

Especially when a lazy dog ​​cannot feel the pressure, it is even more impossible to reject the lazy instinct in his bones.

At least after Bai Yu no longer had the pressure to survive, he happily fished for a day or two. He turned on the computer not to study, but to play games.

Unfortunately, this era does not seem to have such a rich entertainment culture... After all, the world is too chaotic, and there is no spare energy to develop video games. Entertainment has stagnated in a relatively backward era. There are only basic mazes, balance balls, snakes, Lianliankan, Spider Solitaire... Lianliankan and Spider Solitaire are quite fun.

The entertainment industry has stayed in relatively classical fields such as books, music, board games, TV series, and movies, and has not developed further into a variety of modern entertainment industries.

It is worth mentioning that even entertainment does not exist solely to entertain the public, but also has the effect of promoting and guiding values.

Bai Yu opened the music website on the computer, searched for popular songs, and found that there were two types of songs that dominated the song rankings.

One is a burning song; the other is a ballad.

Both sides roughly account for half, which is in sharp contrast to the pattern on earth where lyric music accounts for 99%.

This is also due to the cultural structure of this world. Culture is based on history and reality.

For human beings, the biggest demands are two things - survival and reproduction.

People with high emotional intelligence say - no illness, no disaster, pursue love.

The harsh living environment forces most people to take up arms to defend their lives. In this case, the human race will be more united and are always in danger. Of course, there will also be more opportunities for sparks of love to collide.

Therefore, even if they are lyrical songs, most of the pop songs that are more popular in the world do not have such a petty bourgeois atmosphere. There are fewer sad ballads and more generous love and brave confessions.

Obviously the living environment is worse, but the overall social atmosphere in Daxia is quite positive, without any confusion or depression.

This is naturally due to the government's good guidance in cultural construction... The importance of spiritual civilization construction is as important as the safety of material conditions, or even more important.

Bai Yu really agrees with this point. It is like the necessity of the existence of political commissars in the team.

Bai Yu also took the time to search for a few familiar songs, and soon found the corresponding track. Although the tune and lyrics had changed, it was obvious that he couldn't be a copywriter.

Fortunately, he didn't have this idea originally.

I just want to have a good time playing games and relax my mind.

There are no computer games, and mobile games are completely wiped out. There is no game software on mobile phones.

This surprised Bai Yu, because mobile phones are called information terminals here, and they are quite well-made. Its technical level is quite high, and it has caught up with the level of the first-generation smart phones, and even has a longer battery life.

The development of information terminals is obviously for more efficient information communication, rather than being used as entertainment tools, so its internal software is fixed. Through the information terminal, citizens can immediately understand the information they need.

By the way, its hardness is quite sufficient.

The brand of information terminal Bai Yu uses is called Noah.

Although the cause is missing, it is not a big problem.

Although there were no games to play, he still played several Spider Solitaires happily and felt relaxed.

"But the good times are always short-lived."

"This world is too dangerous, and I still lack the ability to protect myself."

"Hey, I really don't know when I will be able to break through the extraordinary and officially enter the path of spiritual practice."

Theoretically speaking, less than a few top students will achieve transcendence after three spiritual enlightenment ceremonies.

If you become an extraordinary person, it will not be a problem to enter a first-class university in the college entrance examination... Cultural class results? After becoming a transcendent, it is basically impossible to fail cultural classes.

Students who have gone through compulsory education and have the possibility of making extraordinary breakthroughs will be looked after as seed students, and teachers will focus on them.

Young Bai Yu's favorite institution of higher learning has long been determined, and Bai Yu has no intention of changing his will. He will just work hard according to his expectations and complete his dream with the young man.

"The so-called extraordinary means that you need to break through the limits of the mortal realm at one point. If you succeed, you will be recognized by the Dragon Vein Seal in Daxia."

"However, it is very difficult to achieve transcendence through one's own efforts, so... I still need some shortcuts."

"Although evil ways are shameful, they are useful."

Bai Yu switched the interface and clicked on the obtained heroic relic.

[Relic: Dao Dan]

[Two-star Heroic Spirit: Ignorance Ghost]

[Status: intact]

[Heroic spirit contract can be drawn up]

[Need to pay 100 destiny points]

【Is there a formal contract? 】


Fire, rain, thunder, song.

The top floor of the gorgeous attic was burning with fire. The flames engulfed the vermilion pillars of the attic. The beams fell and fell to the floor, and the brown floor became scorching hot.

In the fierce fire, two pretty figures stood.

One person was wearing twelve gorgeous clothes, standing in the middle of the fire, and his gorgeous Tang clothes were licked by tongues of flames, as if countless butterflies were flying freely in the flames.

She stood there with her eyes closed, her expression showing no joy, sorrow, or anger, and softly hummed an ancient song.

"Through the passage, the passage; the passage, the narrow road, the narrow road..." (Let's go, go, it's a small road everywhere you go)

The song of the passage echoed melodiously in the fire, but no one listened.

Opposite it is another beautiful woman with beautiful shadow.

She walked through the flames, and although she came in wearing a furisode kimono, her makeup was blurred by blood, and the kimono named Shikihana had turned into a butcher's attire.

Holding a knife in his hand.

Her long hair had become disheveled as she walked up the pavilion. The cold wind blew by, and the blazing heat wrapped around the skirts of the two women.

One was stained with blood and looked ferocious; the other was silent, closing his eyes and chanting softly.

The scene is so beautiful that it can be painted.

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