When Saint Cordelia opened her eyes, what she saw was a spear thrust into the ground. The tip of the spear penetrated the ground, burning silently with flames.

This is a cave.

The cave was illuminated by firelight, and at the same time the light also dispersed the surrounding mist.

At the entrance of the cave, a young man sat on the edge of the cave, looking calmly in her direction.

Cordelia was about to sit up subconsciously, but a sudden pain caused her to take a breath and had to sit back down again.

Pain tugged at her cheek, and she couldn't control her expression. She gritted her teeth and looked down at her abdomen, which was already wrapped in a bandage and had been treated in a simple emergency.

Bai Yu said lightly: "Your organs have been damaged a lot. I just gave you medicine not long ago. It will take at least five hours for it to grow back slowly. There is no anesthetic on hand, and the process will not be comfortable. If If you feel sad, I can also give you physical anesthesia."

Cordelia shook her head: "There's no need to knock me out. I also want to ask you what happened."

"It seems that the injury caused your memory to be confused." Bai Yu continued to look outside the cave entrance.

"I should still be conscious..." Cordelia found it difficult to even move a finger at this time, but there was a stone pressing on her back. She felt a little uncomfortable and couldn't move her body: "Where is this place? "

"Yellow Spring."

"Where is the underworld?"

"The Yellow Spring is deep." Bai Yu said.

"Why deep down?"

"I'm not here for vacation anyway." Bai Yu said indifferently.

"I don't understand you."

"You really don't remember?" Bai Yu turned around again and asked, "How much do you still remember?"

"What I remember is..." Cordelia suddenly said: "Wait, where is Andre? Where is your fiancée? Why are they not here anymore?"

"You didn't say 'fiancées', which at least proves that your memory hasn't lost too much." Bai Yu said to herself: "The memory is confused, but you should still be able to remember clearly what happened three days ago..."

"Mr. Bai, please answer my question."

"Lost." Bai Yu said, "What else could it be?"

"Then why don't you go out and look for someone?" Cordelia realized that she had been foolish just as she asked this question.

Bai Yu also looked at her like a human being: "Why do you think I don't go out?"

He said: "How about... you bury yourself?"

Cordelia opened her mouth, speechless.

"It seems that the flute player has really had a big impact on your sanity... To be honest, I'm thinking about whether I should stab you again to clean your brain." Bai Yu put his right hand on On Lionheart Spear.

The saint was embarrassed for a while, then her eyes widened: "Did you cause my injury?"

"Otherwise, who has the ability to break the mobile church that protects you and burn the shroud of your holy body?" Bai Yu raised his eyebrows proudly.

"Why did you—" Cordelia stopped suddenly and said, "You just mentioned 'The Pied Piper.'"


"Am I being influenced by the piper?" Cordelia suddenly felt horrified, and she murmured: "This is impossible, my protection is perfect, there is no chance that he can exert mental suggestions on me!"

"There is no absolute protection, and there is no absolute safety... If you had told me earlier, the piper would be dead now. It's a pity..."

Bai Yu held the red tassel gun and injected it with the inner breath of the phoenix, causing the flames to rise by half.

He spoke, and at the same time his thoughts went back to three days ago.

Three days ago, on the Huangquan front line, although there was considerable pressure to resist the hundreds of ghosts coming from Huangquan, the formation was stabilized with the cooperation of many masters from the four realms.

Especially with the addition of a saint who is good at opening prayers, the warriors on the front line are always bathed in powerful buffs. It can be said that the more they fight, the braver they become.

Originally, as long as we stabilized the front and continued to support until the end of the underworld, there was no big problem. Even after the seventh day, ordinary warriors and troops could come in to grab a wave of French fries and beat up the drowned dogs.

But Cordelia suddenly found Bai Yu on the fourth day and confessed something.

In fact, she and Andre came to Yingzhou not only to find the secret room of Yassen Robin, but also to hunt down a walking outsider's lackey who was exposed.

Because she got a clue, the outside god's lackey codenamed the Piper will definitely enter the underworld... because the Piper's goal is also the secret room.

Cordelia didn't plan to tell Bai Yu at first because she thought she and Andre were enough to deal with the piper.

But this time Huangquan Dazu's situation deteriorated too quickly, and it took three days to barely stabilize the formation.

And she knew that what the piper was best at was disrupting internal order.

He is very good at all kinds of psychological strategies, especially spiritual suggestions. He is not a mage, but has a unique mystery given by external gods. He has caused many humanitarian disasters through spiritual suggestions.

The reason why the flute player is so hostile to the Holy Church is because he assumes the missionary duties among the believers of the alien gods... There are also many people who have been deceived by him and dragged into the water. Once they receive the blessing of the alien gods, it is impossible to look back.

Cordelia's relatives have been victims.

After she and Bai Yu confessed some past events, they took the initiative to seek a cooperative relationship.

But it was already too late.

The swordsmen on the Huangquan front line have been incited by the flute player, causing serious internal strife and estrangement.

Even if Bai Yu tried to carry out a wave of werewolf killings at this time, it would be too late.

On the fifth day, the swordsmen who were originally at peace suddenly drew their swords at each other and fought each other.

This directly led to the collapse of the Huangquan front line.

A large number of demons and ghosts broke through the Huangquan front line and completely destroyed the front line.

That is, in this brawl.

Bai Yu had to kill the two swordsmen who were in a state of madness, and immediately went to find Cordelia.

As a result, as soon as the two sides met, Cordelia launched a crazy attack on Bai Yu.

At the same time, several fourth-level monsters rushed into the battle line.

There's also the appearance of the piper.

Andre attracted some of the demons.

Bai Yu fought and retreated, and entered the depths of the underworld. He dragged the saint who was indifferent between the enemy and the enemy into the depths of the underworld, and defeated her without external interference.

After the defeat, Cordelia fell into a coma, so it was inconvenient for him to kill her directly... The saint was still useful.

She is the only one who knows the exact location of the Chamber of Secrets and who the piper is.

Bai Yu is not the type to get beaten in vain and not fight back.

But in this case, he and Amamiya Mahiru would inevitably be separated.

She was still on the front line of Huangquan at that time, and may have retreated to the rear now.

According to the Chronicle of Heroes, she is still in good condition and safe.

Bai Yu planned to wait for Cordelia to regain her mobility, then go back to find Mahiru, and then kill the flute player... He had remembered this revenge, and he would have to pay it back soon.

After listening to Bai Yu's dictation, the saint gradually remembered what was going on.

She apologized awkwardly: "I'm sorry, it's my problem this time."

"Apologizing is useful, so why do we need the police?" Bai Yu said lightly: "And there is no sincerity at all."

Cordelia asked: "What kind of sincerity does Mr. Bai want? Do you want to be seated? But I can't move a finger now."

"You owe me your life, is that okay?"

"no problem."

"Then just give me my life if you have the chance." Bai Yu said calmly.

"Yes." Cordelia promised: "I swear to the Lord."

"I haven't told you how to pay it back."


"Maybe it would be good to have one?"

"...Please respect yourself, teasing an injured lady is not a gentleman's behavior."

Her Royal Highness the Saint was not as blushing as the little girl. The Romans were indeed more resistant in this regard.

Bai Yu changed the topic: "Killing the flute player means you saved your life."

"This was originally my goal, but now I'm a little less confident." Cordelia looked at the pale mist outside the cave: "I can't remember his appearance at all, let alone what happened during the process of being mentally suggested. What's up."

"Most of the lackeys of the Outer Gods are difficult to deal with. It's normal that you can't handle it." Bai Yu suddenly remembered this matter: "There is also a conflict between the Holy Church and the believers of the Outer Gods?"

"We can't talk about conflicts. They are in the dark and we are in the open... It is usually difficult to meet head-on. If it were not a matter in my family, it would be almost difficult for me to know that this group of people exists." Cordelia said: "However, the Holy Church has always had an agency that specializes in hunting down evil mages and cultists."

Bai Yu sat closer: "Elaborate."

Cordelia said: "I can say it, but before that, could you please do me a favor, sir?"

"Don't say you want to go to the toilet at this time." Bai Yu said with a subtle expression, "I can turn around."

"No, my back hurts a little..."

"The pain is normal. I kicked it several times. I can tell you that my feet feel good."

"I didn't ask you that, I meant, there's a pebble."

"...Are you the Princess and the Pea?" Bai Yu said, "Do you really have such soft skin?"

Her Royal Highness the Saint took a deep breath: "Sir, please imagine that if there is a pebble in your sneakers, your feet will be stung no matter how you walk..."

"Stop talking, the sense of substitution is here." Bai Yu walked over, lifted her upper body up, and then flicked the pebble away.

"Thank you, you can put me down now." Cordelia was not used to being held by the princess, but she didn't have the strength to do so, so she could only press against the opposite side.

"I can't let go..." Bai Yu refused to let go, and his casual expression suddenly turned serious: "The plan has changed."

He turned around and walked towards the outside of the cave, kicked the Lion Heart Spear with his right foot, and the spear flew several times in the air, shaking away the thick to pale white fog outside the cave.

Cordelia asked confusedly: "What, what's wrong?"

"I'm afraid I don't have time to wait for you to regain your mobility."

"Ah? Are you so anxious..."

"It's so urgent, urgent, urgent, as fast as thunder and lightning..." Bai Yu's eyes were like lightning, looking directly at the several monsters wandering outside: "I have to rush back now. If you want to stay here, you can, I can I’ll come back and help you build a more beautiful grave.”

Cordelia had no choice at all, so she had no choice but to compromise: "I still want to live, please try not to be too wild."

"Don't worry, my old driver, sit still and hold on!" Bai Yu stepped out of the cave and turned into a fireball that cut through the underworld.

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