Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 618 Some people are alive

"My name is not Gwen."

"Your name is Chu Yuxun?"

"I don't have a name, but I don't like the names of Gwen and Chu Yuxun."

"Why don't you like it? Doesn't the name sound good?"

"Because they don't belong to me."

"Do you know what it means to belong?"

"Of course I know that belonging means belonging to oneself alone; the same is true for names. It's not scary to have the same name. What's scary is that the person calling this name is not calling you."

"You occasionally speak quite philosophically." Bai Yu raised his eyebrows: "So you don't want to give yourself a name?"

"I don't understand."

"I think you know a lot."

"You can get one for me."

"you sure?"


"How's Xiaobai doing?"

"Pfft..." Cordelia couldn't hold it back.

"What's wrong, Miss Saint, are you choking?"

"Do you dare to be more perfunctory?" the saint said with a glare.

"Dare you." Bai Yu said, "Xiaoxue."

Cordelia: "..."

Snow Girl: "It sounds pretty good."

After an argument.

Bai Yu's casual suggestion of 'Four Leaves' was unanimously approved by the two of them.

Although he also felt that the name was somewhat familiar, the person involved did not care.

Continuing to move deeper into the underworld, this time there is no large snow girl to pull off the tiger skin, so we can only slow down.

Going all the way deeper, after entering the hinterland of Huangquan, we gradually began to see no living creatures, only some bones and bones could be vaguely seen on the ground.

We continued walking for about ten kilometers, which took several hours.

The road ahead suddenly collapsed, like a huge crater. It sank from here. What was left in sight was a huge broken wall, like a big pot cooking something, with a rich smell floating inside. Yellow spring and white mist.

It seems that by jumping from here, you can reach the deepest part of the real hell.

A landscape of bare rocks and barren grass.

The three who were still talking and laughing fell silent.

Bai Yu looked at Saint Cordelia, waiting for her conclusion.

It would be really dangerous to go any further. Is her intuition still taking effect?

At this time, Cordelia took out a burning candle, and the candlelight actively guided her in a certain direction.

"Andre seems to be around here..."

She held the candle: "We can go in its direction."

"Why would that priest come to a place like this?"

Bai Yu frowned: "He came here and is still alive?"

"Perhaps I fell into the piper's trick, I don't know." The Saint took the initiative to lead the way: "Anyway, let's find him first...and I can feel that Yassen Robin's secret room is very close. .”

She has always believed in her, mysteries.

Come and go, Bai Yu has no choice but to accompany him to the end.

The two parties stepped into the deep pit in the hinterland of Huangquan, found a not too steep mountain wall and jumped down.

At this height, Geralt would have died dozens of times.

Under the guidance of the candlelight, not too long passed.

Cordelia quickly found a cave in the white mist, which was hidden behind a phantom wall.

"it's here!"

She just showed a look of surprise.

The snow girl Yotsuba immediately warned: "Something has been awakened, be careful."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong soul thought passed over the two of them like spreading ripples.

Bai Yu could clearly sense that there was something hidden in the deepest and lowest layer of the underworld. Even with his solid soul state, he was almost destroyed by the touch.

This strong threat directly triggered his instinctive counterattack.

A touch of gold lit up in his eyes, and the light released by the sun turned into gold.

Bai Yu's eyes were also dyed with a layer of magnificent gold, and the sea of ​​soul consciousness was rising, resisting this soul impact.

He is like a stubborn stone dropped on the edge of the sea. Facing the ebb and flow of the tide, the rock remains standing.

The other party's thoughts should have been withdrawn, but they were aware of it because of Bai Yu's resistance.

Just like no one would care if a stone is rolled over by a vehicle on the road, but if there is a bump, the driver will probably stop and lower the window to take a look at the situation.

If Bai Yu didn't resist, the other party probably wouldn't make any further moves.

But I can feel that the pressure of that thought is getting stronger and stronger, starting to develop towards the fifth level.

Bai Yu gritted his teeth, then bumped Cordelia's back with his shoulder, knocking her into the secret room behind the phantom wall.

"You go in first, and I'll follow you!"

The next moment, the wall closed.

The phantom wall becomes a real wall.

At the same time, a slight feeling of dizziness came.

Cordelia looked forward, a familiar feeling filling every strand of her hair.

Passively triggered!

Yes, this is it.

Arsene Robin's Chamber of Secrets!

He actually hid the secret room in the hinterland of Huangquan, as if he had built an ant nest beside the dam. He was simply a lunatic.

Cordelia looked back and saw that the way she came had been blocked, and Bai Yu was still outside, her life and death unknown now.

She must unlock the secret room as quickly as possible to get out.

Ashen Robin is generous but also stingy. If he cannot unlock the secret room of the secret room, it is not impossible that he will be trapped to death.

She raised the holy candle in her hand, and the candle was burning brightly, proving that she was very close to Andre's position.

Could it be that he himself is here?

He had gone through so much trouble to get here. If Andre was here, then the flute player...

Cordelia immediately became vigilant, held it with both hands, and prayed on the spot, blessing herself with several layers of defensive prayers, and then took out a small angel pendant from her collar, which came from the Holy Church. Heavy treasure.

It is an inherited item, and as a saint, she is qualified to wear it.

She also secretly held a few scrolls, ready to smash them at any time.

When you are ready, step into the secret room.

The more advanced the secret room is, the more complex and difficult the puzzles are. Yassen Robin is an extremely talented person in creating secret rooms and puzzles.

Cordelia was cautious all the way, and all she saw were puzzles that had been solved. Almost all the mechanisms here were disposable.

Each of the first four puzzles was very difficult, but they were all solved, except for the last one where there was a problem.

Cordelia heard the sound of the sacred shield breaking and cracking as soon as she stepped into the secret room, and she immediately exited.

Immediately, I noticed that the entire room was shrouded in a high-intensity curse, the source of which came from the two eyes of a snake-shaped statue. The two eyes on the left and the right looked very real.

Under the gaze of these eyes, there were two more stone sculptures in the room, one of which was Andre.

"Is it the petrified evil eye?" Cordelia asked in shock: "Gorgon's eyeball?"

She looked at the holy candle in her hand again, confirming that the flame was indeed not extinguished.

Once turned into a stone sculpture, the person should be completely cold immediately.

However, it was shown that Andre was still alive at this time, proving that he was just cursed and unable to move, and was not completely dead.

A closer look revealed that his whole body was not completely petrified, only the front and sides were frozen.

Maybe it's because the pair of petrified magic eyes have deteriorated over time, or maybe because its grade is not very high.

In short, it can be seen that Andre planned to die with another man in black robe, so he took the initiative to trigger the mechanism.

He probably believed that Cordelia could get here, so he didn't hesitate to trap her in this way.

Or maybe you think you can't leave, so you simply trade with the other person.

The combat priest is rich in martial virtue.

But the flute player actually pulled it off at the last moment.

Cordelia looked at the other man in gray robes, and was sure that this man must be the flute player.

Now she had to find a way to rescue Andre first.

You cannot directly destroy the petrified magic eye, otherwise the flute player will also escape.

She didn't want to cause trouble, so she opened the magic scroll and used the transfer scroll to transfer Andre's stone sculpture to her vicinity.

As expected.

After leaving the range of the magic eye, the petrification on Andre's body began to fade. Although the process was slow, as she continued to input magic power, the skin had returned to its normal color from lime.

At this time, Andre opened his eyes tiredly, took a deep breath, and leaned against the wall as if he was surviving a disaster, his whole body was limp and extremely weak.

"Your Highness..."

"You did a good job, thank you for your hard work, Andre." Cordelia said with relief: "You caught the piper."

Andre shook his head and said: "My memory is not very clear. Where is this place and how many days have passed?"

Cordelia replied: "This is the hinterland of the Underworld... You must have been inspired by the piper's spirit. It is normal to lose part of your memory."

Andre covered his head and said, "Then what should we do next?"

"After I crack the secret room here first and get the collection, we will leave here."

She patted Andre on the shoulder: "It's a shame that you wanted to use a trap to delay time. Even the flute player was too careless in the end in this situation and fell one step away from victory. I guess He must be strongly unwilling, right?"

The saint stood one step outside the effective range of the petrified magic eye, looking inside and around, thinking about how to crack this mechanism and get the collection.

She didn't notice at all that Andre, who was originally looking weak and tired, had stood up.

His face was filled with pain, and then turned into determination.

Cordelia felt a force coming from behind.

A sudden, powerful blow against her back.

The fighting spirit penetrated her heart, and blood spurted out from her throat.

Before she could react, her body had been pushed into the room and hit the wall hard.

She fell to the ground like a broken doll, and the huge pain prevented her from standing up for several seconds.

He sat down on the ground, looking dazed.

She was unprepared and unexpected, but within a moment, her body was covered in petrified light and froze in place.

The pendant of the angel statue released a soft light, which spread out in a circular area with difficulty. It could only barely keep her upper body from being completely petrified, but the lower part of her waist had also turned into stone, making it too heavy to lift.

Cordelia was in a daze and her eyes were blank. At first, she was wondering if he was still being brainwashed by the piper, so that's why he attacked her?

Only the words that followed proved that Andre was sane and not crazy or mentally suggestive.

He said: "The puzzle left by Ashen Robin in this secret room is..."

"Only one person can obtain the collection and leave here alive!"

Cordelia was stunned, of course she knew what this meant.

Arsene Robin's Chamber of Secrets cannot be cracked by force, only by following the rules.

She fell to the ground and looked at Andre silently, noticing the apology in his eyes, and how hypocritical this apology seemed at this time.

The amiable combat priest in the past has now turned into a ferocious devil.

The two parties had known each other long before she became a saint. In her memory, the other party was always a reliable elder and a trustworthy uncle. The two parties had a certain blood relationship, so she came all the way to Yingzhou. , not even taking the maid or the Templar, but only him.

In a sense, Andre was her godfather.

In her heart, she had already respected him as a father, imitating his behavior and absorbing the life experience he taught.

But now she has encountered such betrayal, and after she has endured all the hardships and narrowly escaped death, she came here just to save him...

How ridiculous.

Maybe he didn't set off the mechanism to control the flute player at all, but to kill him; then he who entered here was the same and became an obstacle to his survival, so he should naturally die.

Cordelia's lips trembled.

But in the end, she didn't vent her emotions.

There was no deafening anger, no deafening shouts.

After a moment of astonishment, Cordelia knocked the candle in her hand to the ground, and the flame went out.

Some people live.

But he is dead.

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