Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 629: Something exciting

Love is a rare commodity since ancient times.

Many people believe in the existence of love, but do not believe that they can get love.

It is said that among the six billion people on earth, each person has fifty soul mates, but they will never meet one of them in their lifetime.

There is a short love story written like this.

David is a boy who likes sports. He can play a very good guitar and is a resident singer in bars. He is trying to write his own original songs. He is positive and optimistic about life. He has a wide range of friends and is very popular;

Jenny is a girl who likes to run at night. She was born in a musical family and is proficient in many musical instruments. Currently, the band she formed with her friends has disbanded. She has a lot of inspiration that she has not been able to use, and she has been feeling depressed recently.

These two are a perfect match.

They live in the same city, less than five kilometers apart; but for more than ten years since childhood, they have almost never met.

One day, the two of them came to a newly opened hot drink shop by chance. David was queuing in front, and Jenny was waiting in the back. She was listening to music, and he was talking to the cashier. The two simply passed by, and David After saying hello, Jenny said hello back.

The two laughed it off and never saw each other again for the rest of their lives.

There is no love in love stories.

This just proves that even if many people encounter their destiny, they often have no chance to grasp it.

Love is such a scarce commodity. In a world where almost everyone can get married and have a family, the proportion of love is often less than one in a thousand or even one in ten thousand.

Many people just choose the most suitable person to spend their life with within the range of their acquaintance. That may not be love, but just suitability.

When true love comes, it will be accompanied by elation.

When true love comes, you can't control yourself.

Just like she is at this moment.

Amemiya Mahiru felt like a fire was burning in her heart. She had always believed that as a woman with traditional education, she must be reserved and conservative. No matter what, she should be dignified and elegant, restrained and polite. ...But she discovered that it was not that her self-control was strong enough, but that her temptation was too weak.

I have to use an analogy.

In her eyes, the Mr. Destiny in front of her was already a belated grand prize that she had been waiting for for ten years. It was a big cake that she bought home after taking out a loan for a long time. Now that the cake was in front of her, how could she watch it? The reason for letting go?

Even if you want to run away, you still have to lick the cream clean.

The fire in her heart grew stronger and stronger, and her mind became more and more abnormal. All kinds of random thoughts came out, and finally they were ignited by a fire, and her eyes turned into those of a predator.

She just wanted to do something, whether it be staining or being stained, leaving wounds, marks, and teeth marks.

The young man was thrown down on the quilt, and their soft lips were pressed together. After a passionate kiss, Mahiru kissed all the way down the chin, passed over the throat, and nibbled gently on the collarbone. He had already unbuttoned the buttons with both hands. , put the weight on with all your heart, as if you were trying to knead the two people into one person.

Both parties couldn't help but become a little addicted to it, even if they were just hugging and kissing.

Mahiru bit her lip and then straightened up. Her kimono coat slipped off her shoulders, revealing a pure white translucent long undergarment. The more refreshing fragrance of white plums wafted out. She opened her eyes, and was completely indifferent to the two of them in the dark environment. Affected, two pairs of eyes could see clearly in the dark.

The heat has been concentrated towards one point, and the blood rushes to the top of the head.

The education that Amamiya Mahiru received must have included some parts that cannot be described according to laws and regulations.

Bai Yu grabbed her hand: "Mahiru..."

He wanted to say that if he continued, no one would be able to sleep tonight.

Amemiya Mahiru intertwined his fingers with hers, stretched out the tip of her soft tongue, and stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"I have no experience, so please let me practice."

Her shy words fully revealed her boldness, enthusiasm and excess, as well as the longing she had suppressed for ten years.

Please don't get me wrong, they are all very healthy things... As we all know, the mouth is an organ used for eating and talking, and if you try to talk while eating, you will inevitably hesitate.

After drinking tea for a while, Miss Nan's body suddenly tensed up. She got out of the quilt, slowly sat upright, picked up the water glass on the floor, drank the water from the bottom of the glass, and rinsed her mouth at the same time.

Bai Yu was still distracted at this time, and then he felt the hot girl pressing against him again.

It has to be said that the body of an extraordinary person is good, and the body that has been tempered for a long time seems to have shortened even the time of the sage.

Amamiya Mahiru licked his cheek like a cat.

Bai Yu asked for mercy: "Can you rest?"

"Not enough," she said.

"Do you really want to get there in one step?"

"Don't you want it, sir?" She raised her hand and held the sword in a very natural manner.


"I miss it so much, every night for ten years."

Reason begins to evaporate.

There is no room for rejection, no reason for rejection, no need for rejection.

Should we do it or not?


At this time, the boss and the second child reached an amazing unanimous decision.

Being passive, he raised his hand, wrapped it around her waist, passed through the gap in the long undergarment, and supported her thin waist.

Amamiya Mahiru's body began to tremble, and she hugged her neck with her hands, already prepared for everything.

"enjoy your meal."

As the temperature continues to rise, further operations have entered a very dangerous situation. It is dangerous in every sense. A little more description may lead to the infestation of river crabs. At this time...

Someone comes to disturb me.

There were footsteps and the sound of the outermost door being pushed open.

Bai Yu noticed it immediately, and Amemiya Mahiru also immediately looked towards the door.

The two looked at each other, each thinking differently.

Bai Yu secretly thought, could it be Nan Shizhi?

She interrupted once and wanted to interrupt a second time?

Or are you really planning to play sister duo in Oita tonight?

Although I can totally stand it, is it too exciting for everyone to directly play black in three rows for the first time?

Amemiya Mahiru judged from the sound of footsteps that it was not Minami Shiori.

My sister is a fourth-level swordsman, so her steps will not be so messy, but must be rhythmic and steady.

The footsteps are more like...

Her expression changed instantly, and she realized who was outside the door.

If it was Nan Shiori, she could invite him generously.

But if it were anyone else, she wouldn't be able to spare her face.

So Amemiya Mahiru slid out directly, turned around quickly and ran behind the screen. At the same time, she transmitted a message: "Sir, don't expose me here. Let's continue after she leaves."

Bai Yu felt funny for a moment.

Didn't you act brave in front of your sister before?

Now that you have encountered real guns and live ammunition, you are starting to feel shy?

But that's human nature.

At this moment, he couldn't suppress the gun temporarily, so he could only sit on the quilt, raise one knee to prop up the quilt to cover himself, pretending to rest.

Soon there was a knock on the door.

Bai Yu said calmly: "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and a beautiful figure stepped into the room: "Excuse me."

She was about to turn on the light in the room, but Bai Yu stopped her: "There's no need to turn on the light. I'm planning to take a rest. What's going on?"

His thoughts at this time were not focused on the other party at all, and the few words he said were all perfunctory.

There was no other way. After what had happened just now, all his thoughts were focused on other aspects, and he had no extra attention to pay attention to who was at the door.

Because the soul power is strong enough and the memory is strong enough, in the involuntary recall, the body can even restore the feeling at that time, as if it can feel that there is someone hidden under the quilt.

As long as he pressed the gun with all his strength, he completely subconsciously thought that the person at the door was Minami Shiori.

In fact, the person standing at the door was Bai Feng, who had just arrived.

She also got the notice from Minami Kana and rushed here by car.

Just to see Amemiya Mahiru confirm that she was safe, even though she had just met Minami Shiori, she went straight into the private room without thinking too much.

As a result, what she saw was Bai Yu sitting on the bed. Shirahamine Naomi's heart beat violently, feeling a little embarrassed and at a loss.

"I, I didn't know you were here..."

She hesitated and said, "Well, may I ask, where is Mahiru-nee?"

"I should have gone to take a bath." Bai Yu joked casually.

"This, that's it." Shiromine Naomi couldn't see clearly what was going on in the room at this time. It was pitch black. She was about to turn around and leave, but when she lowered her head, she saw the clothes lying near the door.

That's the obi of the kimono.

She recognized him instantly.

Kimonos are usually expensive items that are carefully kept. If they are well preserved, they can be passed on to the next generation. However, kimonos have no buttons or zippers and rely on a belt to fix the whole body of clothes. Therefore, once the belt becomes loose, the whole body of clothes will be scattered.

Based on Naomi's familiarity with Mahiru, she was definitely not a sloppy person who would throw her clothes on the ground, especially in front of her husband.

So why is this piece of clothing on the ground?

Shiromine Naomi thought of many things in an instant.

At the same time, she also smelled the smell in the air, which seemed to be the smell of heather.

As the proprietress who has run Chang Lotte for more than ten years, Naomi has never eaten pork but she has definitely seen pigs running around. Many oirans have imparted various knowledge to her. In terms of rich theoretical knowledge, perhaps Amamiya Mahiru would like it. Call her Naomi sensei.

Mahiru-onee went to take a bath.

Combining the above points, she can judge that her husband and sister have...

An electric current seemed to flow through Naomi's back, and she immediately grasped the truth.

She sighed to herself that it was so dangerous. If she had arrived earlier and disturbed this good thing, Mahiru-sister might even have the idea of ​​turning herself into a nun.

Bai Yu pressed the gun on his side and put his hand on his forehead.

He thought to himself, why are you still standing there, why don't you go out now?

You don’t plan to follow Mahiru’s example and play reverse thrust, right?

Shiromine Naomi's eyes widened suddenly.

The atmosphere in the room changed suddenly.

Bai Yu covered her lips and asked in confirmation: "...Did I just say what was in my heart?"

No, if you look carefully now, you can see that the person coming is not Minami Shiori at all!

Isn't this Naomi?

No wonder Mahiru was hiding.

In an instant, Bai Yu woke up from his hazy state.

...lust has deceived me!

"Ah, no, no, please listen to my explanation..."

Daxia people tried to save their dignity.

But the explanation at this time seemed very pale.

"Sir, please wait a moment..."

Naomi took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling.

She turned around first.

Bai Yu thought she was going out and breathed a sigh of relief.

But she just turned back to confirm, then closed the door and stepped back.


The door is locked.

Darkness enveloped the room silently again.

In the darkness, Naomi walked closer, her heart beating faster involuntarily.

He bent down and crept quietly on the edge of the bed, holding down the young man's legs with his cold hands.

The voice was low, with a bit of soft submission and a little bit of expectation and excitement.

"If that's what you want..."

"I will satisfy you."


She held up a finger in front of her lips.

"Please don't tell Mahiru-nee."

"This is a secret between us."


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