Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 642: Standing in the first row where strength comes first

Even if the third person entering next is a stranger.

Elyse didn't expect this kind of development at all.

You are alone, but the other sister is of the same mind?

This is a hammer! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

Elysee's eyes wandered back and forth between Minami Shiori and Amamiya Mahiru three or four times. Indeed, the more they looked at each other, the more similar they became. They were both from Fuso, similar in appearance, and both were swordsmen.

The witch silently analyzed in her heart that the situation could be said to be quite unfavorable.

Originally, she was the latecomer, and Amemiya Mahiru always had the advantage; but now that there is a two-on-one situation, it will be even more difficult for her in the future.

Of course, Elysee and Mahiru have known each other for such a long time, and she thinks she knows enough about Amamiya Mahiru that she is a very kind woman who does not fight, grab, or get jealous. As long as she has a very possessive personality, I am afraid that she will not even have the chance to get close. will not have.

But it was natural for her to feel flustered.

Because there is only one husband, and there are more wolves and less meat.

What used to be a 50-50 draw will now become a 33-40 draw.

Elise quickly adjusted her mood. She felt that she must have missed a lot of things. Something terrible must have happened on the other side, and she needed to ask clearly.

It just so happened that Bai Yu had to explain these things clearly even if she didn't intend to ask them.

"Let me explain, although it may take a lot of time."

Mahiru took the initiative and stepped forward.

She gets straight to the point, and her first sentence is...

"Actually, we haven't seen each other for ten years."

Alisee was startled, and then asked immediately without waiting for the follow-up: "Is this the reason why you became bigger?"

Amemiya Mahiru opened her mouth: "What?"

She immediately realized what she meant and shook her head: "No, I've always been like this. It's just that I used to use bandages to bind my chest, but now I don't."

Elise blinked: "But Mahiru, you look the same."

"Thank you." No woman doesn't like to be praised for her youth: "But I am indeed twenty-nine years old."

"It's only been three months since I've been here." Elise whispered, "Why has it been so long since you've been there?"

"Because the time is synchronized." Mahiru said, "My husband and I have completed the synchronization of time."

"That is to say..." Elise looked at Bai Yu, who nodded.

Bai Yu tried his best to simplify the lengthy process: "I made a special trip to Fuso, where I encountered a lot of troubles, and even had to complete a destiny weaving, which led to certain twists and turns in Fuso's history."

The lovely Lisa was not very interested in what happened in the middle, and just asked Mahiru: "Sir, went to Fuso? Have I met you in real life?"

Mahiru knew that this was an unavoidable question, and perhaps the core issue that Elysee cared about the most. She nodded: "Yes...if sir hadn't come, maybe Shiori and I would end up in a bad situation even if we didn't lose our lives." fate."

"In order to save people, I transformed Nan Shizhi into my heroic spirit. This is a way to separate their souls." Bai Yu tried his best to throw the pot away, and said that it was not his own ideas, and everything was wrong. It's the emperor's fault.

Elise asked again: "Then what is her character title?"

Everyone has a code name. Although it is not used at all later, the code name is more accurate than the name and can easily summarize the characteristics and abilities of another person.

This question stumped Bai Yu.

After all, these sisters are two-in-one four-star heroic spirits with no separate titles.

In fact, Amamiya Mahiru’s ‘ignorant ghost’ has also fallen behind the times, and she is no longer blind.

Bai Yu spread his hands: "The two of them are now the same heroic spirit. They have completed the fusion, and they are called shadow twins... If they want to be called separately, they can call the corresponding swordsman titles."

Minami Shiori finally found a space to interrupt and introduced himself: "My swordsman title is 'Ruying', but I still prefer to be called by my first name. Just call me Shiori."

Alice nodded: "You can just call me Alice."

There was little information in the simple conversation between the two, and no subtle changes in their emotions were revealed.

Women are always good at pretending.

Elysee pursed her lips and then smiled: "Sir, he was trying to save people, so this situation is actually a happy one. I should also congratulate Sister Mahiru for finding the light. As I originally thought, your eyes turned out to be true." very nice."

She was indeed happy for Amamiya Mahiru, from the bottom of her heart.

"Elise..." Mahiru looked at the girl again, thinking that she was indeed the same as in his memory. On the contrary, his uneasiness seemed pretentious.

The two looked at each other and smiled, instantly breaking away the many barriers brought about by the past ten years.

Nan Shizhi looked at this scene and suddenly felt a little envious.

She understood why her sister was still so strong and optimistic despite being surrounded by enemies on all sides while wandering alone in Fusang.

If Minami Shiori is carrying the pressure of her family and moving forward, then her sister has two people holding her hands and leading her forward. Of course she will not feel terrible. The two people behind her are as good as a thousand people. Thousands of troops and horses.

Bai Yu patted Nan Shizhi on the shoulder.

"I know you are envious, but don't rush to be envious yet."

"You are not here to break up, but to join this big family."

"Don't worry. From now on, you will have a share in everything you eat and drink."

Nan Shizhi was moved... so slightly.

It's just that the statement was so tacky that it was hard for her to get into true feelings, let alone shed tears of regret.

But she didn't push away the hands that were stroking her hair.

It's really good to have a feeling of dependence.

It’s just that the warm scene cannot last forever.

Human beings' emotional outbursts often only last for a moment, just like returning to their hometown during the Chinese New Year. If the scene of a loving mother and a filial son cannot last for a few days, it will turn into "still lying in bed after a few days, too lazy to tidy up like a pig". How old are you? ''I didn't clean up the dishes and chopsticks after I finished eating'' Okay, okay, I have to rush to play cards! ’ ‘Go and share some housework when you have nothing to do’, that’s like a landslide in a mother’s love... Even my own father was disgusted when he saw it.

As the excitement of the reunion gradually faded away, Elyse had to face a fatal problem again.

That is, my progress has fallen behind significantly.

Bai Yu, Mahiru Amamiya, and Shiori Minami have already met in reality, but he... is still in Rome five hundred years ago.

Even if he starts to catch up now, it will really take as long as five hundred years. Although Gorgon is an immortal species and will not age too much, the wear and tear caused by such time is also immeasurable.

She can't guarantee that she will be in the same state of mind five hundred years from now as she is now.

To put it another way, even if she had survived for five hundred years and her love and girlish heart had not deteriorated or rotted, by the time she really found her husband, he would have already gotten married and had children. She and Mahiru are now living together.

What should she do then?

Do you want to act ‘not here to tear down this home, but here to join it’?

The more I think about it, the more melancholy I feel...

Elise frowned deeply.

Regrettably and sadly, she found that she could do nothing to change the status quo. It was useless to say anything, and no matter how much she worried, it seemed unnecessary.


"By the way, I have one thing I must say." Bai Yu interrupted their random thoughts: "Some of the news I have learned so far is about something that happened five hundred years ago, that is, the Roman Empire five hundred years ago. The relevant news is related to Jeanne."

"What happened to Jeanne?"

"Her information was artificially erased by the Holy Church. All information about her disappeared. Even insiders have only heard that Jeanne was involved in the royal assassination case and defected from the Holy Church..." Bai Yu told the truth about the news he learned from Cordelia: "This matter is most likely related to your subsequent actions."

"Jeanna actually betrayed the church to save me?" Elise opened her eyes wide: "How could this happen?"

"Maybe it's because your friendship is too deep."

"But it's impossible for her to know my actions and plans?" Elise pursed her lips. This was her personal revenge and she shouldn't involve her friends.

"History is like this. You and I have no say in many variables." Bai Yu said seriously: "I will arrive in Rome soon and stay there for about a year. If there is a chance, I will try to explore the Five Hundred The historical truth years ago, and then integrating the truth can always improve the plan."

Modern reading history deduce the truth → meet to summarize information → perfect the plan → go back to the past → history changes → continue reading history.

This is a complete cycle chain that can be repeated until the deduced plan is perfect, with ample room for trial and error.

"Is there such a way to exploit historical loopholes?" Nan Shizhi was shocked when he heard about this conspiracy.

"History is a little girl who can be dressed up by others."

Bai Yu said lightly: "I've played with it a lot of times, but it still has to be played with in eighteen different ways by me."

Amemiya Mahiru nodded: "I personally agree, after all, I also want to meet Elysee in reality."

"Sir, are you coming to Rome?" Elise asked again, "Then you..."

"We didn't follow." Mahiru denied her suspicion.

"Why?" Elise asked strangely. If it were her, she would definitely not let go.

"The most important thing about canonization is to come first first." Mahiru Amamiya gave an impeccable answer.

"Indeed." Bai Yu agreed: "If you haven't achieved canonization, why should you take care of your family?"

Once you become a saint, you are much less likely to be killed by a hatchet.

He patted Elysee on the head: "You are the lowest level in the team now, so you have to work hard to upgrade."

"Sir, isn't he also in the third realm? Isn't it too harsh on a sophomore student?" Nan Shizhi couldn't help but complain.

"But I'm only a freshman." Bai Yu revealed his identity: "If you don't believe it, you can go to Penglai to check. I have an identity certificate issued by Chang Yesi."

Of course Nan Shizhi knew that Bai Yujing was really eighteen years old and had just reached adulthood.


"Are you eighteen years old??"

"Don't worry about those details, and if you don't work hard, how can I just eat soft rice?" Bai Yu said unreasonably and confidently: "Do you know what bonding is? Bonding means that we form a team to kill indiscriminately, share experience, and the storm will be fierce. !”

"I don't understand." Nan Shizhi didn't understand at all.

"Then you will understand. Those who understand will naturally understand, and those who do not understand will not understand. They can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words."

Bai Yu said earnestly: "I have always relied on myself to become stronger..."

"To train and spur you."

"My destiny editor's path to becoming stronger is to eat soft food and stick to it. It may disappear in the future, but it will not deteriorate."

He raised his hand and pointed ahead to the third floor of the library.


"Let me see how strong the two new characters are?"

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