Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 682 Ceremony, Emperor, Dragon Mother

When Melusina entered the viewing platform, she could already feel the ripples and responses coming from the token in her pocket.

Although her expression remained calm, she was deeply shocked inside.

Nothing else.

There are too many.

A total of eleven beings holding Dragon Mother's tokens were distributed in various locations on the viewing platform of the venue.

Although they are not close to each other, they can sense each other's presence.

A total of eleven...if one of the Dragon Priests hadn't been killed, it would have been twelve.

The twelve dragons are on the viewing platform, so close to the interior of Notre Dame Cathedral.

Later on this red carpet, there will be a Roman emperor and princess walking on it.

It's crazy.

Melusina thought to herself that even she could not help but shudder and tremble at what was about to happen.

This will definitely be a day that goes down in history.

The consequences were serious enough to affect the Roman state.

Melusina stood in the crowd and looked at the people around her one by one. No one would reveal any flaws.

But she knew very well that there were eleven Dragon Priests in the crowd, so how many other beings were there?

How much time and cost did they spend to complete the replacement just to appear on the church stage at this moment?

And this is not a union that any demigod believer or cult can achieve.

There is a huge network behind the alliance, as well as common demands.

And Melusina wants to ask about this now.

At this time, she felt a token approaching her, and quickly arrived behind her.

"That's it, you don't have to look over." A marquise in gold and silver stood behind her, holding a feather fan in her hand, smiling, and her voice was directly transmitted to Melusina's mind through the token: "I heard that something happened to you yesterday?"

Melusina looked forward expressionlessly, maintaining the demeanor of a female CEO, and responded: "It's just a small problem."

The Marquise smiled and said: "Your true identity has been exposed, is it still a small problem? If it is not an emergency..."

"Is this why you came together?" Melusina turned back crisply and said coldly: "Please leave if you have nothing to do."

The Marquise walked away with an embarrassed look on her face, but the voice still came through: "You'd better be careful, don't ruin today's big event!"

"I know this matter much better than you." She held the token and sent a message: "On the other hand, you yourself are a little too guilty, aren't you?"

"What am I guilty of?"

"I really hope you haven't forgotten the Dragon Mother's instructions and what you want to do."

"You're biting back! All the preparations I have to make have been made."

"Oh? What kind of preparations are you doing?" Melusina deliberately adopted a provocative method.

She could tell that this one, who was also a Dragon Priest, had a more violent temper and seemed to be jealous.

Colleagues with this kind of personality tend to have a stronger desire to express themselves. Priest Long, who played the role of the Marquise, had red eyes for a while, and then sneered: "I don't need to explain anything to you. Do you think I like to show off?"

Then she changed the subject: "Yes, I am!"

"The amount of effort I put into preparing the ceremony for the arrival of the Mother of Dragons is not comparable to someone like you who was brought here temporarily."

"Then you are so awesome."

"It's good to know! I'll see the Dragon Mother later and see how arrogant you, a loser who can't even do your job, can be!"

Before the token's taunting stopped, Melusina took the initiative to block it.

The Countess's trash talk was blocked, but the latter's frequent glances also expressed her dissatisfaction with the blocking.

That's not important.

The important thing is...the Mother of Dragons will come?

Melusina's heartbeat became violent.

The Dragon Priest is at the fourth level, while the Dragon Mother is at least the fifth level. She is a saint who has lived for more than five hundred years.

Once the other party appears here, it will immediately trigger a confrontation between the saints, which will inevitably lead to a tragedy with a huge number of casualties, and will also be broadcast live in front of the whole country.

...can they be stopped?

Melusina thought so, but found that she couldn't do anything.

Even if she opens her mouth at this time, she has no chance, because there are so many moles hidden among so many people.

When more than one-third are enemies, you will be labeled as a cultist no matter how hard you grasp the truth.

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard a 'dong' sound.

A clear bell rang from the top of the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Someone enters.

Everyone present, whether they were wealthy businessmen or noble citizens, all stood up and straightened their backs.

The person who stepped into the church was a man. The man had long silver-grey hair, which proved his royal status. His facial features were impressive, and the wrinkles on his face and at the corners of his eyes proved that he was not young, although he did not look old. , but the actual age is definitely not less than fifty.

Roman Emperor, Daelin Augustus.

Walking arm-in-arm beside him was Undine Mars, the Roman emperor's princess.

Emperors and princesses do not often appear in public pictures, but as Roman emperors and princesses, they stand at the top of a country, dominate Europe, hold imperial power and religious power in their hands, and their status is much higher than that of pure popes and emperors.

This is especially true in the eyes of the public.

It was also the first time for Melusina to see the emperor and the princess so close... She did not feel any strong pressure. Instead, she felt that the emperor was as easy-going as ordinary people, smiling and having a strong affinity.

The emperor and the princess came to the Notre Dame Cathedral, which meant that the ceremony had begun.

After the emperor settled down, the bell rang again.

Then the door opened, a ray of light shone into the cathedral, and with the petals of flowers flying, a beautiful figure appeared at the door of the cathedral.

Her appearance is so beautiful and divine. If a woman is compared to a flower, then this is undoubtedly the most brilliant moment when she blooms in her life.

The pure white holy robe covered her body, leaving only her face and two hands exposed. The light seemed to follow her steps, lighting up the places she walked through.

Cordelia was already so eye-catching, and just by appearing in the live broadcast, the noise in the entire external square disappeared, and the city, with the Notre Dame Cathedral as the center, ushered in perhaps the quietest moment.

The saint is so dazzling and beautiful that she cannot be compared to anything else.

But she only exists as a foil in this ceremony.

She is a flower adorning the sacred objects held in her hands.

Saint Cordelia walked past everyone holding a crimson wooden box, and everyone present paid their attention without exception.

She walked through the red carpet and came to the sculpture of the Notre Dame Cathedral. She saluted the statue, put down the wooden box, and opened it.

The emperor took the wooden box.

Augustus opened the wooden box. Inside was a severed wrist held tightly.

He raised it high and announced it to the people of Rome and Europe.

“People of Rome, adherents of the Holy Church, behold – the holy relics have been returned to the Church.”

“Now it can enjoy eternal peace in the glory of the Lord!”

After this announcement, cheers filled the square, deafening, reaching into the sky.

Next, the ceremony came to the part of honoring the saints.

The ceremony to honor the saints was very simple. The emperor personally presented a crown of thorns to the recipient.

Although simple, it has a very important symbolic significance. The woven crown and the thorns of the thorns are exposed to the outside and will not cause injury to the saint.

Cordelia half-knelt before the Lord, and the Emperor raised the crown of thorns and placed it on her head.

As the picture got closer and zoomed in, the saint opened her eyes, stood up slowly, and sang the church's hymns—she used to be a choir member, and she was already familiar with hymns.

Countless white pigeons fluttered their wings and flew into the sky in the square, and the bells of Notre Dame Cathedral rang nine times in a row.

At the end of the hymn, Cordelia wears the crown of thorns and is bathed in light and praise.

Her beauty and confidence reached its peak at this moment.

In the whole world, in this world... there is no other woman who can enjoy the Lord's preference and such honor as she does.

Hundreds of thousands of believers in the square gave out thunderous cheers and thunderous applause.

Cordelia's performance at this time also completely fell into Bai Yu's eyes.

She seems to be trying hard to prove how outstanding she is, and the subtext is "Besides me, there is no other woman in Europe who is worthy of you."

Bai Yu had no time to care about this. He stood up, a bad premonition emerging.

Melusina remained in the crowd silently applauding.

Suddenly, the bright light disappeared like cut paper, and the cathedral fell into darkness.

No... It should be said that the sun has turned from bright and sunny to gloomy for hundreds of miles.

The glitzy beauty they saw at the last moment was still lingering on the retinas of all the guests in the hall, and at the next moment everything was submerged in the tidal darkness.

Countless people raised their heads and looked blankly at the sky that turned into daylight, not understanding what was happening.

In the deep darkness, a bright red formation suddenly appeared in the sky.

The scarlet light shed by the large array covered a distance of dozens of square kilometers.

And in the center of such a large magic circle, only a small door opened.

The door opened and a red light flickered.

The next moment, there was another person on the red carpet in front of the main entrance of Notre Dame Cathedral.

Dark bandages bound his eyes, his hair was dark purple and almost black, and he had wings on his back.

The majestic magic power that seemed to come from the abyss suddenly swept away with her slight lazy yawn.

The cathedral trembled and shuddered.

The two Templars standing nearby turned into a pile of ashes the moment they drew their swords.

"Good evening."

She lifted her skirt and introduced herself.

"I am the apostle and minion of the Dragon God, the womb mother of dragons."

"You can call me...Dragon Mother Tia."

She spread her palms and said with a smile: "Now, please give me Michael's right wrist."

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