Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 70 Su Ruoji’s Diary

'May 6th, sunny...I'm so tired today, I don't want to study, I just have to practice shooting all day'

'May 7th, overcast... I'm in good condition today. Put down the book, go outside, and continue to practice shooting.'

'It was cloudy on May 8th... I was caught by the teacher when I was skipping class. I spent the whole afternoon with the class teacher and even had a dinner. It was really delicious.'

'On May 9th, it rained... Nanling is a good place, but the weather is sultry in the summer, and the heat of summer is annoying. If it weren't for the impact, I would want to put on two plasters and go out - also, school Tests all day long, test, test, test, either you take the test, or I take the test, test some damn thing! ’

'On May 10th, it rained heavily... The test results came out, and I barely passed. The old man was talking about me, saying that Ruoli had perfect scores and I only passed. How could I be my sister... I was so angry that I stole Ruoli's snacks, but it didn't matter. , I know she will rob Xiao Yujing. ’

‘May 11th, nothing to do, just practice shooting’

"It's May 13th. It's so hot that it's almost explosive... but I still have to practice shooting."

"On May 15th, the stress period of the snow bath is also over. I feel unprecedented pressure. I have to work hard. If my talent is not good, I must make up for it through hard work and continue to practice shooting."

‘On May 19th, heavy rain... the gun broke during practice! ’

Bai Yu and Tao Rusu looked at the diary notes on it and fell into silence at the same time.

"This diary is quite personal." Tao Rusu commented.

"Serious people don't write diaries. Writing a diary is definitely not serious." Bai Yu rubbed his eyebrows: "By the way, why is Su Ruoji's diary in the Blackwater Martial Arts School?"

"Probably they are souvenirs left behind. Personal belongings of some celebrities will be kept as souvenirs." Tao Rusu whistled: "They can also be given out as prizes when necessary..."

Bai Yu shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

He continued to turn back.

The previous diaries are all included, but the focus is still on the last essay.

'The stress period is the first threshold before the first level of extraordinary. From my personal experience, the stress period should not be too long. It is best to be within a month. Usually, the shorter the time, the better the stress response will be. The easier it is to master the extraordinary skills, if the time drags on for too long, the second and third extraordinary skills may be born... This usually means that the original skills are weakened. ’

'If you want to quickly stimulate your own stress response, long-term exercise is naturally essential. It is the prerequisite for reaching the stress period. It also requires stimulation from different aspects. People who have never done bungee jumping can try bungee jumping or Skydiving, people who are afraid of ghosts try to lock themselves in a room and watch the entire A Nightmare on Elm Street series at night. If you don’t have a partner, you can find a partner to torture yourself for a month. In short, it’s as exciting as you want... If you reach this stage If you still can't trigger a stress response, then you may need to force yourself into a certain desperate situation'

'What this desperate situation is can only be judged by the individual... failing the mock exam can be regarded as a desperate situation in a certain sense.'

'However, this kind of stress reaction caused by human intervention is opportunistic in a sense. If you want to truly complete the stress period and step into the extraordinary, you only need a correct and long enough stress reaction...the real stress period. It is long-lasting and can be maintained, but this is usually called enlightenment and awakening. Although I don’t know if it can be used as a reference, based on my personal experience, I entered the state of enlightenment during the third stress, and the specific process...'

There are thousands of words in the essay, and the content can be said to be useful, or it can be said to be useless.

It is useful because it is a practical sharing of experience, but it is useless because it only provides reference rather than advice.

Stress reactions vary from person to person, and not everyone knows themselves well... If watching ghost movies can trigger stress reactions, this is relatively lucky, because most people are neither afraid nor afraid.

After reading the essay, Bai Yu suddenly heard a ding.

[Props: Su Ruoji’s Diary]

[Collected: 1/4]

It's actually a collection.

But there is only one quarter, and three parts need to be collected to make it complete... What can I do if it is complete?

Can you threaten Su Ruoji like, "You don't want your dark history to be exposed?"

"How is it?" Tao Rusu interrupted his random thoughts.

"It's of no help to me." Bai Yu put the essay back into the box: "Take it back and keep it. It belongs to Sister Su Ruoli after all."

"I have some ideas." Tao Rusu stroked her chin and said thoughtfully: "The best way to defeat fear is to face it..."

"What? Do you want to watch a horror movie? Then I will introduce you to a black version of The Little it scary enough?"

Tao Rusu rolled her eyes: "I'm not afraid of ghosts, but I still know what I'm afraid of."

"I have too many fears." Bai Yu counted on his fingers: "Unemployment and no job, retirement and no insurance, no money in the wallet, no wife in the cake, and a gift of 300,000 yuan..."

"Stop, stop, stop, what a mess." Tao Rusu put her hands on her hips: "If you don't have a job, go to the social assistance department. If you are retired and have no insurance, you can go to the corresponding department. If you don't have money in your wallet, you should reflect on whether you have spent too much. If you don’t have a wife, go to a marriage registration office or a blind date bureau, and I’ve never heard of a bride price of 300,000 yuan. How much dowry is enough for such a high wedding gift?”

Bai Yu looked awe-struck after hearing this: "For some reason, I am more optimistic about the world and society."

"Nonsense." Tao Rusu snorted: "Let's stop here today, it will be evening soon..."

"Indeed, it's time to go back." Bai Yu stretched out: "There is still something to gain."

"I've made it so obvious, but you're not even going to treat me to a meal?" Tao Rusu glared, "I'm treating you to some popsicles."

"I'm sorry, I only brought my keys and no money when I went out today." Bai Yu took out his empty pockets: "I can treat you to dinner, but we have to stay and wash the dishes after eating. With our speed, even if we outsource a few more There’s nothing wrong with the plates in the shop, and I might be able to earn back the money for breakfast for the next week.”

Tao Rusu sighed: "I didn't expect that I, the free prostitute, would be raped so hard one day. I miscalculated... remember to treat me next time."

Bai Yu swore and patted his chest: "Next time for sure!"

Although it sounded insincere, the little naughty boy still accepted it.

She went to the bathroom of the martial arts school, took a shower, and put on some casual clothes that she didn't usually see in daily life.

It can only be said that the appearance of students is mostly sealed by their school uniforms. A slight change of clothes will make them look quite outstanding.

"Are you stunned?" Tao Rusu put one hand on her hips and stood like a model: "How many points can I give?"

Bai Yu did not answer directly, but said: "I discovered something... your legs are very long."

"Isn't that obvious?"

"So your center of gravity is on the high side, so your upper body strength is not enough. Punching will always cause your body to tilt. It's not that your lower body is not stable enough, but that your upper body's center of gravity is too floating."

"...This is the conclusion you came to after looking at my legs for ten seconds??" Tao Rusu tilted her head, with 'I don't understand' written all over her eyes: "Is everything in your head filled with golden nanmu?"

"Then what should I say?" Bai Yu asked, "Your legs are very good, can you sell them to me and use them as a clothes drying pole?"

"Pfft..." The lady at the front desk who was drinking water couldn't help but spit out: "Cough cough cough cough, hahaha, cough cough cough... I'm sorry, I'm rude."

Tao Rusu took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: "I finally understand why you and Su Ruoli are still childhood sweethearts after so many years."

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "Don't get me wrong. After all, I am not a real sage, let alone a disciple of Buddhism. People have their own love for beauty, but I will not regard Sese as the main mode of thinking. Admittedly your Your legs are beautiful, but we are friends, why should we look at you through colored glasses?"

After hearing this, Tao Rusu looked slightly strange, her eyes a little moved and a little complicated.

"I don't know whether I should be happy that I have an extra friend, or lament that my charm value has dropped."

"You are very charming, but I will not regard you as..."

"As a matter of fact?"

"To be honest, real people are not as useful as pictures."

"…Get out of here!"

The middle-aged people on the side were drinking tea and exclaimed: "It's good to be young. Modern young people can be more relaxed."

"If we were talking about this ten or twenty years ago, it would be like playing a gangster in public."

"It can only be said that times have changed. Now everyone can drive, and many women drive faster than men."

"I think it's because the guy is handsome and he just admires her at a young age."

"Hey, now I have to mention the value of three love letters I received when I was young!"

Left the Blackwater Martial Arts School.

Bai Yu stretched out. He was sweating all over his body and just wanted to go home and take a shower.

The two came to the bus stop. The latter yawned lazily, and then stopped yawning.

"Look over there." Tao Rusu bumped Bai Yu's arm with her elbow.

Bai Yu looked away from the phone and had just sent a text message to Su Ruoli.

'Are you there'

The latter responded instantly.

Bai Yu didn't have time to see clearly what she replied, but his eyes were attracted to the bus stop across the street.

It was already late in the afternoon, the sun was still hot, and the air was a little blurry and distorted.

A thin man at the bus stop opposite was shouting something at the other end of his cell phone, with a slightly crazy expression.

"I've bought you everything you want to buy, what else do you want!"

"This is my monthly salary, and I'll give it all to you. I'm almost malnourished from eating instant noodles all day long!"

"Do I have to take out my heart and give it to you before you think it's enough?"

"When have I not taken care of you? You have become like this. I have been cruel to you several times!"

His eyes were red, even his eyes were red, and a dark aura was released from his whole body. Just looking at the aura made him feel violent, as if he was surrounded by flying insects.

The surrounding crowds had taken the initiative to avoid it.

"I just said that I was sick and needed some money from my salary card!"

"I took a car to the hospital alone and came back alone, and you still argue with me over this matter. Are you still a human being?"

"I, I've had enough of you!"

"Get out! Get out of here!"

"Just pretend I never gave birth to you!"

The man was so angry that he slammed the information terminal to the ground.

At the same time, the bright red in his eyes and the venomous aura all over his body could no longer be concealed. He was gnashing his teeth, his back was stooped, and his thin body actually began to swell vaguely.

He also kept turning his head to look left and right like a wounded beast.

A sharp-eyed lady remembered something and shouted to the bus stop opposite: "Everyone, run, stay away!"

"He has become a demon!"

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