Vienna is a capital of art.

Perhaps people always have the stereotype that art is something lofty.

This is not the case.

Art is something that tends to gain value over time.

In the feudal era, many people had neither enough food nor clothing to keep them warm, and they struggled to survive all day long. Art did not matter at all... Just like the reputation of Eastern poets was often concentrated among the scholar-bureaucrats. Even though Liu Sanbian was so famous, he was actually a poet. The frustrated.

In the eyes of people five hundred years later, sitting in the hall and listening to the performance of the symphony orchestra is the ultimate enjoyment, and performing in the Golden Hall in Vienna is an honor that every top orchestra has.

In fact, in the feudal dynasty, the status of artists was not high, because musicians were promoted by the nobility and upper class... After acquiring literary and martial arts, they were no different from the imperial family. They were essentially no different from servants. .

Those who can afford art, whether it is music or calligraphy and painting, must be the wealthy class.

In Vienna, the status of artists is higher, because the social atmosphere here has a higher recognition of art, and almost every household has the need to socialize through art, so musicians here are the most popular, and many noble daughters and countesses Everyone learns piano, and can earn a stable income through tutoring. From time to time, he is invited to attend some banquets and perform in halls, and he can earn a fixed income.

Classical music for the powerful and aristocratic class is a product of an era, and it does not mean it is more noble than modern pop music; or in the eyes of people at that time, classical music is just a kind of pop music, but it has been popular for a longer period of time.

Bai Yu had never been to Vienna in his previous life. Although the Vienna he came to in this life had the same name, it was obviously not the same place.

Vienna on earth is located in Austria; and the Vienna here is five times the size of the former in terms of geographical area, and it is like a principality.

It's just that there is no grand duke in Vienna. Although it is a principality, it is not a fief specifically given to a certain grand duke. It is more likely to be a municipality directly under the jurisdiction of Rome.

As the capital of art in Rome, Vienna was a place where aristocrats and the new bourgeoisie gathered for enjoyment. The unprecedented development of art was indispensable without the financial support of wealthy people from all over the world.

There are not many big nobles in the local area, and the Venus family is one of them.

"It shouldn't be anything new for local nobles to enter into marriage alliances."

"No, it doesn't matter. The Venus family where Angelica lives is a marquis, so her engagement partner should be the son of another noble noble."

Riding on the carriage, her body swayed with the bumps and ups and downs of the carriage, Frederica stretched out her hand and secretly rubbed her butt.

When we arrived near Vienna, we couldn't drive. In order to avoid ostentation, we had to change to a carriage, but the bumps and slowness of the carriage were unavoidable.

She was used to sitting on a soft seat with ventilation and heating, and now it was a hard seat in a carriage. In just the past two hours, her buttocks were already numb.

Fortunately, this torture is about to end.

After getting off the carriage and crossing the bridge over the Danube River, you can directly see the prosperity of Vienna.

Looking from a distance, various buildings are lined up in rows. Baroque, Gothic, and Romanesque buildings are located in every corner of the city. There are cobblestone roads on the ground and various statues can be seen everywhere, although they are not as everywhere as in Rome. Fountain, but still filled with a unique flavor of the ancient capital.

There's also the smell of feces.

Bai Yu glanced at the alley and could only say that it was indeed the European Middle Ages, and the health situation was not very optimistic. I heard that the nobles originally wore high heels to avoid stepping on shit while walking.

There were signs of this in Rome before, and when I came to Vienna... the health situation made people wonder if they were in Paris in 2024.

"Let's find a hotel to stay in first."

Crossing the street, we arrived at the magnificent Vienna Hotel. As the capital of art, many nobles would go here for recuperation. Naturally, there are various beautifully decorated luxury hotels. Although they are expensive, this is the only choice.

There were only two classes in Rome in the fifteenth century, the wealthy dignitaries and the poor people with no money. The middle class, the petty bourgeois class, could not find a position on the consumption level here at all.

If you don’t want to stay in a big hotel that costs five Roman gold coins a night, then you can only go to a youth hostel that doesn’t even have a toilet.

If you choose the former, you will get a variety of attentive services and extra expenses; if you choose the latter, you can see some wonders in the morning: early in the morning, you can see someone opening the window and dumping a basin of dirt directly from the fourth floor. The streets are full of free flying, and the scene can only be described as shitty.

So there is nothing to hesitate about.

If you don’t want to live in a public toilet, you can only choose a luxury hotel.

Bai Yu originally wanted to book two rooms, but Frederica insisted on changing to one room...

Frederica gave a straightforward reason - she didn't want to spend too much money, and she was almost penniless when she went out.

However, in this era, there is no difference between double rooms and double rooms, which means that Bai Yu will either sleep on the sofa, the carpet, or Ms. Fleur tonight.

The first two will not object, and the last will directly acquiesce.

What a headache.

Bai Yu always feels that he has experienced similar tests many times. If he continues, sooner or later 2D will not listen to his elder brother.

Ever since he was brutally extracted by the Nan sisters in Fuso, he felt that his willpower had become weaker in some aspects.

"Mr. Bai?"


"Why are you so dazed?" Frederica stretched out her hand and waved in front of his eyes: "Did you hear what I just said?"

"What did you say?" Bai Yu looked like a player who accidentally pressed the skip button.

"Then I repeat again, Angelica's wedding is in two days, so we must see her within these two days." Frederica held her chin and said: "To be honest, this is not easy. She definitely wants to escape from the marriage, but she can’t escape so far, which has proved her family’s determination.”

"You mean, she's locked up?"

"She's even under guard." Fleur said, "I plan to visit her as a 'classmate' next. It would be best if I could enter Venus' house."

"Okay." Bai Yu nodded: "Do you need me to accompany you?"

"Given Angelica's character, I think it's best not to. She gets carried away easily. She's not brainless, but she's not very smart either." Frederica commented venomously in a very rational tone: "Anyway, Angelica Card, where it disappoints, never disappoints.”


"Next, I plan to test her attitude and ask her if she knows the whereabouts of Elysee."

"What if she really doesn't want to get married?"

"Well..." Frederica looked out the window, and then said: "Then she, as a noble, has reached her end. Resisting her family means abandoning her identity. Does this eldest lady have this awareness?"

This is also the other party's family matter, Bai Yu thought, it is not easy for him as an outsider to intervene, and it is not convenient for him to intervene.

"By the way." Miss Fleur turned around and said before leaving, "I have something else, and I need to ask you a small favor, sir."

"What little favor?"

"I plan to dispel her fantasy about leaving a noble family and living independently. Can you lend me your mobile phone?"

Bai Yu always carries his mobile phone with him.

It’s the phone, not the leaves of the world.

Although there is no network, a mobile phone that is not a Nokia brand can't even compare to a brick, but it still has a camera function.

Frederica became addicted to this novel gadget. She played with it repeatedly and learned how to take selfies without any teacher.

I took a lot of scenery photos along the way, relying on these to pass the boring time on the journey.

Bai Yu handed over the phone.

Frederica took the phone very smoothly, squatted down at the same time, opened the phone, and with a click, a photo of faces next to each other appeared.

She put away her bright smile without any explanation, put her phone in her pocket, and stepped out of the door on high heels.

"I am leaving."

Bai Yu sat in the gorgeously decorated hotel, not knowing what to do for a while.

"You're here, do you want to go to the opera house?"

There are dozens of opera houses in Vienna, large and small, with performances almost every day. Only the top tickets for the Golden Hall are very expensive.

Just as I was about to leave the hotel...

Suddenly, Bai Yu felt that all the hairs on his body stood up.

An invisible but huge terror rose behind him, accompanied by a strong ringing in the ears and palpitations. The entire heartbeat seemed to slow down, and the fingers became stiff, as if the blood flow was blocked.

All kinds of reactions are derived from the biological fear. All the strange feelings remind him that something is happening, but the sixth sense does not take effect.

It's just that all the reactions rising from the back are one step faster than the soul and will.

He turned sideways.

He saw a hole opening up behind him, like a dark cavity.

In the cavity, there is a pitch-black claw covered with scales that is trying its best to squeeze out.

He turned around and almost met the eyes hidden under the dark claws. The amber eyes were full of violent killing intent and murderous intent, like the blazing lava flowing after the earth cracked.

[Qunlong fetal mother]

Blood-red words appeared above the other party's head.

The crisis of life and death suddenly came.

At some point, a saint had reached a distance of less than seven feet behind him.

Bai Yu had no doubt that he would be defeated instantly, so he had already begun to transform, and the cat made a high-pitched cry.

At the moment when the armor covered the body, the black dragon's sharp claws were about to tear apart everything within a hundred feet.


The dragon claws and the dark cavity disappeared like bubbles, like a three-dimensional projection that was turned off and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Bai Yu, who was concentrating on waiting for the impact, looked at the room as if nothing had happened: "...disappeared?"

Mother of she offline again?

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