Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 705: Fiercely injecting spirit

"Good morning."

A cup of steaming milk was placed on the table.

Frederica sighed and opened her eyes in the dazzling sunlight. The first thing she saw was the young man sitting beside the bed.

She looked at him, as if she hadn't fully woken up yet. She smelled the scent of milk, her eyes were a little blurred, and her body instinctively moved closer.

"You have mild hypoglycemia. Eat more sweets. The milk has been heated and a lot of sugar has been added."


She responded softly, and then sat up directly. The sheet covering her chest quickly slipped off with this movement. Although she was wearing a nightgown, her shoulders were extremely slippery, and the rope hanging on her shoulders had slipped off - —Almost everyone understands that women’s nightgowns must be loose-fitting.

But before they had sex, one hand lifted up the sheet and covered her shoulders. The sheet, which should have been smooth, seemed to be glued to her skin, and it would not fall off no matter how much movement she moved. She was strictly guarded against it. The level is comparable to EVA’s textbook coding.

Frederica didn't wake up until she finished drinking a glass of milk. When she was about to say something, she saw Bai Yu coming over with a plate.

"Breakfast is here, and the clothes have been put away. Today I personally recommend you to change into this set, which is warm-colored clothes. If you don't want the trouble, you can also change into another set and match it with a sloping hat. "

His extremely smooth movements and explanations gave Frederica the illusion that "we have been married for several years."

In the days spent in the car a few days ago, she also felt more fresh.

Compared to her, a female college student, the young man in front of her obviously knew how to enjoy life better.

Not only is the skin beautiful, but also has a soul that loves life.

He is always extremely lucky and always encounters some unexpected good things (guaranteed), so he never feels bored or boring on the journey.

And after living together for just one night, she realized more deeply that the young man's life skills also surpassed hers in a crushing way. He was elegant but methodical, almost like a professional deacon who had practiced in the Palace of Versailles.

Ms. Fleur stayed alone in the empty room all night. Before she fell asleep, she thought that she must talk to this handsome guy who left without saying goodbye. However, as soon as she got up, she was treated like a top noble. She suddenly felt dizzy and doubtful for a while. Are you still dreaming?

But she really didn't have time to get angry, and she didn't even have time to enjoy it. Every pore of the blood was relaxing in comfort. At least she had the beauty of this moment to herself.

I really don’t know what Angelica would think when she saw this scene. She probably wanted to sprint over 100 meters to give herself a kick.

I'm sorry, Elise, your fiancé is indeed very fragrant and smooth.

I really want to take a photo at this time and leave a lasting memory.

Miss Fleur failed to achieve her ambition, but something good finally happened.

So she couldn't wait to share this joy with her best friend.

But suddenly, Frederica felt a sense of emptiness again. She knew it was inappropriate but still asked superfluously: "You are so skilled in taking care of people. Have you practiced it with Elise?"

Bai Yu's high EQ answer: "When you get used to being taken care of, you learn to take care of others. When you have someone you like, no matter how clumsy you are, you can learn on your own without a teacher."

Asking for trouble, Frederica felt that the bread and jam she bit into had a lemony sour taste. She abruptly changed the subject and asked, "Where did you sleep last night?"

"I didn't sleep." Bai Yu shook his head: "At my level, sleep is not necessary."

"How is that possible?"

"Don't worry, I will sleep for a while during the day." Bai Yu said.

Ms. Fleur subconsciously glanced at the bed... it was a mess, and it seemed that some water stains on the sheets could be seen through the gaps... It must be saliva, it must be!

Bai Yu asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing!" Fleur stood up decisively and forced herself to calm down: "I'll call the room service and ask them to change the sheets. You can have a good rest afterwards."

She prayed that the traces of the spell would not be discovered. She didn't know what the wind was that suddenly turned on the reward mode last night. She was just flipping through the photo album out of boredom.

I called the waiter, who took the tip and changed the sheets without saying a word.

Ms. Fleur breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then it's time for me to set off."

Bai Yu stopped and said, "The phone may be running out of power. I suggest you charge it first."

"Ah, okay."

She subconsciously handed over the phone.

Bai Yu took it, unlocked it, and then his eyes froze.

Some familiar scenes appeared on the screen, and this person looked very familiar, as well as these muscle lines, this is not...

Frederica came over to take a look, and everything went dark... It was broken! I didn't exit the photo album yesterday!

"You, please listen to my explanation..." Miss Fleur said hurriedly, trying to save her respect: "I ordered the wrong order last night before falling asleep."

Bai Yu closed the photo album and took out the magic converter to charge the phone.

He commented: "Average."

Fleur: "?"

He continued: "Not astringent enough."

Fleur: "???"

At this moment, Frederica felt that her sneaky and precise capturing skills had been severely insulted.

He immediately opened the hidden photo album unconvinced.

"I also secretly took other photos. Look, this one is super sexy!"

One minute later.

After Bai Yu cleared all the photos in the hidden album, he put the phone back into her hand and gave her a lesson.

"Young people need to know how to exercise moderation."

"Wow——! I don't want to live anymore!"

After the big fuss, Frederica gathered her emotions and went out despite the low pressure.

Although she was ashamed to a certain extent, she thought on second thought that this might be a good thing.

Her lust for body was noticed by Bai Yu. Although the latter deleted the photo, he did not show any disgust.

She thought about it. If it were herself, she would probably feel a little unhappy because she was used as a spell material without authorization, but at the same time she must still be a little proud... As for the proportion of the two, it depends on who the target is.

Ms. Fleur secretly thought that maybe this would bring the distance between the two parties closer.

After all, she has confessed her feelings, so of course she can act more naturally.

I came to Venus' house with troubled thoughts.

As a result, she did not expect that her arrival today would not be welcomed.

It was the Marquise who was in charge of the reception. The other party greeted her very politely, but declined politely.

"Why?" Frederica wondered who was secretly putting pressure on her?

"None of them." The Marquise sighed: "Angelica said it herself...if you come again, I will ask you not to see her. She needs a quiet environment."

Frederica's blood instantly rushed to her brain, and a wave of anger rushed to her head.

Sure enough, yesterday was just perfunctory and deceptive!

What are you trying to hide!

Frederica wanted to rush in directly, but looking at the heavily guarded Marquis Manor, she could only suppress her emotions, squeeze out a smile and take the initiative to leave.

Since she was not allowed to visit, she would wait until late at night to come again.

As soon as the front foot left the manor, the back foot noticed the group of people coming towards them.

The carriage opened, and a woman wearing a gorgeous robe with a white base and embroidered with gold came down. She was tall and her whole body was shrouded in the spacious clergyman's robe. She was not exposed, but her facial features were too beautiful. In the sunlight, it shines like a diamond reflecting light, with a flawless beauty.

Frederica stopped and looked at the holy face blessed by the Holy Light in surprise.

"How will you be here?"


"Why are you just looking at me and not speaking? Don't you recognize me? I am..."

"Frederica Orlando." The saint asked directly: "Where are your plastic sisters?"

"Your Highness the Saint, your sudden really a surprise."

"No need to be too polite. After all, I have to host this wedding. I have to meet the bride in advance."

After a few pleasantries.

Jeanne entered the Venus family's manor unimpeded.

Frederica, who had changed into a nun's uniform, lowered her head and avoided the observation of the servants, and was not recognized by the Marchioness.

On the way, the two of them communicated in low voices.

"So you don't know where Elysee is?"

"If I know, do I need to hide it from you?" Frederica said, "I'm telling the truth. I don't have time to take care of myself."

"Too busy to take care of yourself?"

"The reason is very complicated." Fleur didn't finish her sentence, but deliberately left it open: "Don't ask any more questions."

"I'll listen to your explanation later. What happened to Angelica? Did you offend her yesterday?"

"No, but she lied to me." Frederica raised her head and said, "She clearly accepted the engagement, but she still lied to me and said she wanted to run away from the engagement."

"...Escape from marriage?" Jeanne turned her cheek: "Seriously?"

"I don't know." Fleur shook her head: "But she can't be the kind of person who just accepts her fate and gets married. I suspect she was coerced."

Jeanne rubbed her eyebrows: "So you don't even know who her engagement partner is?"

Fleur said: "I heard he is the son of a local noble."

The saint squinted her eyes: "If it's this level, it doesn't matter if she runs away from the marriage, but her engagement partner is not a noble of this level, but the eldest prince of the Roman royal family, Charlemagnestein Augustus."

"Royal family?!" Frederica grabbed the saint's wrist: "Are you kidding me? The eldest prince's wedding? Isn't that the princess?"

"Why do you think I came here specially?" Jeanne said calmly: "It's just to witness the marriage on behalf of the church... I've confirmed it again and again, it's not wrong."

Frederica was confused for a moment: "Angelica's status is certainly suitable, but this is too sudden."

"In the face of the royal family, choosing to run away from marriage is what the consequences will be. I don't need to tell you to know that Venus simply cannot bear it." Jeanne sighed: "Angelica has no choice at all. She is attracted by the eldest prince. , it is indeed her misfortune.”

"...Is the eldest prince blind?"

"Are you scolding Charlemagne or your good sister?"

"Both." Frederica said with a complicated mood: "Don't you think this has a black sense of humor, like pie falling from the sky but killing people?"

"It's not as simple as you think." Jeanne said: "Charlemagne's wedding was so low-key and hasty. He even gave up the original engagement and chose Angelica instead. To say that there was no purpose in it, I am Those who don’t believe it.”

"Only Angelica, her body is not of such high value."

"Yes, no matter how good her body is, she is only in the category of ordinary women. If the eldest prince doesn't have any woman, why should he choose her?"

"Yeah, the fat woman has no advantages except that she has more meat."

"The tastes of the great aristocrats are usually more sophisticated. In their opinion, a twenty-year-old woman is neither above nor below her. She is not as green and delicious as a sixteen-year-old, but she also lacks the mature, sensible and charming charm of a thirty-year-old or above." The saint said. It is simply not like a speech that a saint should have, and it is directed at the three vulgarities.

"Yes, yes, the fat woman is neither good nor bad at all. No one should want her~"


The door was kicked open.

"Asshole, you speak so loudly outside my room, do you think I'm deaf!"

Angelica, holding a fireball, rushed out with a tortoise punch.

"I'm going to blast you away!"

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