Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 713 Next stop Romania

The air froze.

The only sound left was the crackle of flames burning charcoal.

Splashing sparks landed at my feet.

Angelica didn't even notice that a hole had been burned into her stockings... Oh, they were already torn, but Frederica deliberately picked a pair that had been worn and washed and put them on for her.

While waiting, I couldn't even hear my breathing.

Bai Yu slowly ate a piece of roasted pork belly, and then sighed: "Are you asking so directly?"

"I'm not a fool. I couldn't see through it before because you showed too little and because I didn't know enough about Eastern countries."

Jeanne analyzed it eloquently: "When it comes to your strength, there is nothing to say in this regard. Every era has outstanding heroes who became famous at a young age."

"But these..."

She picked up the bucket of instant noodles in her hand, pointed to the parked vehicle, and picked up the unfinished Coke.

"These are not products that can be completed by one's own strength. Behind these things represent a factory, raw materials, processing, production, manufacturing, packaging... As a saint, I was once responsible for the production process of the church's blessed holy water. , so I know very well how huge the manpower and material resources are spent behind this.”

"The fact that you took these out so lightly only proves that you are used to them. They must be products from your world."

Bai Yu said: "Are you sure?"

"I am of the bloodline of heroic spirits, and I have memories of more than one world." Jeanna was very sure: "Although the civilization of my era was not developed, I also received similar inspirations during the communication with other heroic spirits."

"for example?"

"A syrupy drink."

"Suledar soda?" Bai Yu laughed: "Indeed, the earliest Coca-Cola was sold using counter machines in beverage stores."

"You admitted it?"

"There's nothing to hide." Bai Yu said, "The products have all been taken out. I had no intention of hiding them."

Jeanne asked again: "So, what are you..."

"Five hundred years later." Bai Yu said bluntly: "I come from the era five hundred years later."

"Is it okay to say this directly?" Frederica raised her hand: "There is a grandmother paradox in the short storybook I have read..."

"It will definitely have an impact on the timeline." Jeanna crossed her legs: "But you don't know whether his appearance here is a proper part of the time and occasion."

"What do you mean?" Angelica asked confused.

"If everything in this world has its destiny, then it is also the result of fate that I go back five hundred years ago and take the initiative to make a scene." Bai Yu said: "Don't worry about the impact, even though I come from five hundred years later. , but here I am still one of the witnesses of this era.”

Frederica breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay..."

"So, how did you get here?" Jeanne asked: "It's still a long time before you go to sleep. Tell us your story, and... how did you meet Elysee?"

"This may be a bit long to talk about." Bai Yu stood up and said, "Let's talk while we barbecue."

There was nothing that could not be said. After hiding the Chronicles of Heroic Spirits and the Guaranteed Rules, Bai Yu briefly talked about an unjust war launched by the Mother of Dragons and several other demigods.

After he finished speaking, he took a sip of iced tea with a thirsty mouth and met the three girls' gazes that looked like gods.

"So..." Angelica said in shock: "It was the Mother of Dragons' right arm that appeared in the church at that time?"


"She was also shot by the Black Knight?"

"I think I suffered a very strong psychological injury, and it hasn't appeared yet." Bai Yu pointed at his back.

"This mother of dragons is so crazy. She actually united with demigods to try to snatch the sacred object..." Frederica's heart was beating loudly: "That's a demigod. You actually fought against a demigod and survived. ”

"The real function of Michael's right wrist is to travel through time and space?" Jeanne asked directly: "Is this possible?"

"No one knows." Bai Yu shook his head: "Only after getting Michael's right wrist and asking me to use a Sun Fist on it can we determine whether it is true or not - the Dragon Mother must know something, but she can't possibly tell me. "

"It's really complicated." Jeanne put her hand on her forehead and asked: "So you kidnapped me and deliberately showed these to me just to arouse my curiosity, and then revealed the truth to me and asked me to help you steal the Holy Spirit. Things?"

"You underestimate me too much." Bai Yu said sternly: "How can this be called stealing? This is called borrowing! Just like Sun Wukong borrowed the Divine Needle of the East China Sea!"

Jeanne folded her hands and sneered twice, then fell into thought.

Frederica held her chin and asked, "What will the world look like in five hundred years?"

"Very developed." Bai Yu began to describe some modern industries.

"So, in the future, as long as you have a basic job, you will be able to have enough food and clothing?"

"You just have to worry about food and clothing. It's still difficult to buy a house, marry a wife and pursue your ideals in life." Bai Yu said, and then noticed the strange looks in the three people's eyes: "What's wrong?"

"In this era, the poor who are trapped in one place all their lives and cannot live beyond the age of fifty are not qualified to pursue any ideals in life." Angelica said softly: "Eighty percent of the population in Vienna is Running around making a living, pursuing food, clothing and clothing is the limit.”

"A world that can save most people from hunger and disease is good enough in our opinion." Frederica agreed: "And once you become a transcendent, your social status will be higher than it is now. Right?"

"That's for sure." Bai Yu said, "The 21st century is the century of talents."

Frederica suddenly felt an urge, an urge like a cat's paw scratching.

"That's great. I want to see the future." Angelica spoke first.

"You..." Ms. Fleur immediately said, "Your family members are all here."

"Please, I was robbed of my marriage, and now I am free." Angelica rolled her eyes: "And I have been ready to run away from home and never have contact with each other until we die. In fact, the Venus family You can live better without me - what about you?"

Frederica stared at the flames, her eyes flickering: "Who wouldn't want to go to the future? That's the world five hundred years from now. It will definitely be very exciting, at least much more exciting than staying here. Sigh... To be honest, it's boring. Here, I feel like my life is in danger at any time.”

"Outer gods and the royal family are all eyeing the legacy of Duke Zhuxing, and now there is also Dragon Mother..." Bai Yu commented: "It's almost becoming the ultimate Three Kingdoms."

"It's useless to think about it now." Jeanne said unoptimistically: "What if the time travel is just a coincidence? If you can't go back, you will have to stay here and wait for five hundred years."

"Indeed." Bai Yu thought that if it really came to this point, he might have to consider going to the fairy world to find a way to sleep after being canonized. He heard that Maleficent can delay the passage of life through sleep.

"Where to go next?"

"Go to Peggy." Angelica said immediately. She stretched out her hand and took out a letter from her chest: "I was worried that I was being watched. Most of the letters were burned. Only this letter is left. Letter from Peggy.”

"What does it say? Does she know where Elysee is?" Frederica fiddled with the fire.

"Peggy actually didn't meet Elise." Angelica shook her head and said.

"Ah?" Fleur raised her eyes, turned her neck stiffly and looked at Angelica, her eyes were about to burst out of fire - you fat woman, you were actually lying to me from the beginning? Believe it or not, I cut off a few ounces of meat from your chest and drank it!

"But, they are responsible for keeping the invitation letter from Death Star... Only Peggy can know where it is, and this letter is Peggy's letter for help." Angelica said weakly: "It's inside It also recorded in detail how to find the vampire stronghold."

"Your identities have been exposed." Bai Yu asked, "Wouldn't it be a trap for us to go to Peggy directly?"

"Don't worry about this. The Blood Tribe is called the Dark Nobility. It was once the main race of a great dynasty. Later, the dynasty was annexed by Rome. However, the Blood Tribe has a strong xenophobic character, so it currently has national autonomy within the Roman Empire. The church's hands can't even reach into the Romanian area where the nest is located." Jeanna picked up a piece of white chocolate and carefully bit off one third of it: "Otherwise, I would have wanted to find Peggy, but I just couldn't get in. .”

Frederica said: "So we will go directly to Romania now?"

"The distance is not too far." Bai Yu took out the map: "In about three days, the mission will be achieved."

The next destination has been confirmed.

After tidying up the campground, we started camping and sleeping.

There are sleeping bags and tents for a good night's sleep.

Except for Frederica, it was the first time for the two of them to experience this feeling, and they couldn't help but sigh at the convenience of future life.

They had initially planned to become disgraced and become country girls. Unexpectedly, the quality of food, clothing, housing and transportation improved instead of falling.

"I said..." Jeanna, who couldn't sleep, began to ask: "If you have the chance, do you really plan to go five hundred years in the future?"

"Go." Frederica answered quickly this time: "I have no obsession with this place. This opportunity is unique. Who would want to miss it?"

"I can too." Angelica clasped her fingers nervously: "Because I..."

"If it's for that man, I advise you to save your time, lest you go there and not be able to look back." Jeanne said lightly: "It's impossible for a person like him to lack a lover. Maybe he is already a veteran of many battles." ...By the way, I remember that Daxia people have a concubinage system?"

No one answered the two little classmates.

"I don't sound nice, but it's the truth." Jeanne said calmly: "Be mentally prepared."

Frederica turned over: "I was already rejected."

Angelica's eyes widened: "Aren't you his fiancée?"

"You still believe it?!"

"Little dwarf, you are really lying to me. I know he doesn't like you. Who made you so small?"

"Besides showing off your fat, fat lady, what else can you do better than me?"

"I'm the safe childbirth type!"


"Enough, quarreling over a man, what kind of plastic sisterhood do you have?" Jeanne, who was lying in the middle, sat up and said, "My head is buzzing, are you kids? Go to bed early, we have to go on the road tomorrow. Woolen cloth."

The bright moon is in the sky.

Bai Yu sat on the roof of the car and breathed slowly, feeling the flow of his own power. His soul power caused the moonlight to be distorted and reflected around him, making his body appear translucent.

Hearing footsteps, he turned his head and looked sideways: "Can't you sleep?"

The saint stood in the shade of the tree, as silent as a statue.

"There's a question I haven't asked yet."

"What is it?"

"Will you take Elyse with you?"

"I haven't thought about it." Bai Yu touched his chin: "It depends on what she thinks."

"If you want to take her away with you, then..." Jeanne was about to say something.

Bai Yu suddenly turned around.

His eyebrows suddenly cracked, and a few drops of blood flowed down his eyebrows.

"Enemy attack?" Jeanne looked around cautiously for the first time.

"It's not an enemy attack." Bai Yu stroked the wound between his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's the spiritual imprint I left in the eldest prince's consciousness... that was torn to pieces."

"It was originally planned to leave a backhand, but this backhand was removed."

"The effect of this spiritual mark is not corrosive in any way. It is just for recording. It is equivalent to inserting an eye."

"I tried to find out information about the Gorgon family in his dreams."

"However, it was ruled out."

Jeanne asked: "Did the saint or the Roman emperor take action?"

Bai Yu wiped the blood from his forehead and said slowly: "He's the best."

Otherwise, it is hard to say what is hidden in the eldest prince's consciousness.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

In an altar of blood.

Paige held the dagger in both hands and sat on her knees on the ground.

Her face was pale, her eyes were downcast, her voice was weak, and her blood was dripping as she trembled.

"hurry up."

"I...can't hold on much longer."


In a hospital room, the windows were opened, and the cold moonlight fell.

In front of the hospital bed stood a tall and thin figure.

The black knight, who was all bandaged, suddenly opened his eyes from his coma. The bandages all over his body burned with dark flames and immediately collapsed.

The humanoid twisted its limbs like a manipulated doll, struggled to stand up, and made weird creaking sounds all over its body.

Then he slowly walked towards the tall and thin figure in front of the bed.

"I'm very sorry, I couldn't finish it..." the black knight made a hoarse voice.

The tall and lanky man said calmly: "Go in... I trust memory more than explanations."

The black knight approached silently, his figure submerged into the dark coffin, and the coffin was closed.

Bursts of memories flowed through the eyes of the tall and thin man. After a trance, he came back to his senses. He covered his forehead and said in a low voice: "It's really weird that he is a demigod. What is his origin? Could it be that even the secret sect has a hand in it? "

The person carrying the corpse said to himself in a low voice: "Time is running out, we must repair him as soon as possible, and we must avoid the Dragon Mother's gaze, damn..."

Among the church ruins in Vienna, a black figure quietly appeared.

The visitor walked casually on the deserted ground, his eyes resting on the cracked marks on the ground.

Then look to the sky.

She stretched out her right hand, and her fair skin suddenly transformed into sharp claws. Her fingers cut through the space, and a tiny crack spread.

In the meantime, there was a vague movement remaining in the space, which was a unique language of the dragon clan.

"Huh? There is such a thing."

She licked her lips and her amber eyes flickered: "The me who will be there five hundred years later... is actually related to the sacred object."

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