Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 720 Clues, getting better and better

The assassination of the Blood Prince.

Not only a secret room, but also a beheading case.

Bai Yu walked on the scene, glanced around, and asked: "Have you ever used magic to restore and infer on-site?"

"I have checked them all, but apart from the blood prince and the six blind dates, there are no traces left at all." Mussel shook his head.

"What is the process of blind date?"

"Everyone enters this room alone, meets the prince, and spends some time with each other." Mussel said, "They come in order."

"What's the order?"

"From front to back, they are Lumina (beautiful), Reina (17), Rebecca (black hair), Stella (witch), Julia (corpse), and Paige (missing)." Mussel remembered these details clearly without looking at her notes. It seemed that she really put her heart into investigating the case.

"So their breath and traces are left in this house, but apart from that, there is no trace of the eighth person?"


Bai Yu touched his chin and continued to ask: "What was the cause of the prince's death? Beheading?"

"No." Mussel denied: "There were two fatal injuries on his body. The first one was his heart being punctured, and the second one was beheading."

"So he actually died from being pierced through the heart?" Bai Yu thought for a while: "If it was beheading, there is no need to add a sword."

"That's what we speculated too." Mussel looked at the corpse: "But I don't understand, why beheading is unnecessary? Is there any necessary reason? But the murderer only took away the head, not the blood. Soul Crystal."

"There are many tricks to decapitate people." Bai Yu paused and said, "But we are not sure yet. Has the prince's head never been found?"

"Not found." The female knight said: "It was either destroyed or taken away."

"The incision on the neck is very neat." Bai Yu said: "If it was a headshot, the wound would not be so complete. If the head was destroyed, there would be some traces left. Even if it is burned by flames, there will still be traces. ash."

Mussel asked: "So the head was taken away... but does that matter?"

"The head was taken away, and naturally it had a purpose... If you think about it for a moment, you will understand that since the piercing of the heart is the fatal injury, then beheading the head and taking it away, which is unnecessary, must be to hide something or cover up something."

"If it is the murderer, then this head may be the key to revealing her identity."

Bai Yu said firmly: "Obviously the key breakthrough in this case lies in the missing head."

Mussel sighed: "We have been searching for a long time and have not found the head at all. Maybe it is in the Opal Palace, but there are a large number of composite subspaces inside, which is a huge maze in itself."

The labor cost of further search is too high and it is very dangerous. No one knows how many traps are hidden in the subspace.

If you are not from the Belmont family, how would you dare to just break into Castlevania for excitement?

Bai Yu was still spinning around the room.

"What are you looking for?" Mussel said, "There are no traps or secret rooms here."

"The murder weapon." Bai Yu glanced at Mussel: "Haven't you thought about it?"

"What weapon?" Mussel asked doubtfully.

"Whether it is piercing the heart or beheading, it is necessary to use weapons." Bai Yu asked: "The murder weapon is one of the important evidences."

"We found no murder weapons or weapons at the scene." Blood Knight speculated: "Is it possible that there was no murder weapon at all? If the murderer is a mage, the most effective way to assassinate is through magic."

She opened her palms, and the flowing red blood gathered and took shape. After a moment, it turned into a blood-red crystal sword: "As long as you are proficient in blood magic to a certain level, it is very simple to create a weapon."

After releasing the spell, the long sword turned into blood and flowed back into the body, without wasting a drop.

"If you were to behead an enemy, what kind of spell would you prefer?"

"Me?" Mussel thought for a moment, then clasped his hands together, raised his left and right hands and spread them out: "I would prefer to use silk thread. The refined magic thread can easily cut off the flesh."

"In other words," Bai Yu glanced at her: "In the blood knight's opinion, using spells is more convenient than using swords?"

Mussel nodded very definitely and naturally: "The Blood Knights are said to be knights, but we are still mages in essence, but we are more inclined to close combat. We do not know how to use the fighting spirit that human knights are good at."

Among the Vampires, this is common sense. They prefer to use spells rather than weapons.

"But it's a pity." Bai Yu looked at the corpse, shook his head and said, "This time your guess is wrong. There is no doubt that it is a weapon, not a spell... Even if the spell can bring a window similar to the weapon, but Some parts are inimitable.”

"How to say?" Mussel didn't understand.

"If the heads are cut off with weapons made with magic power, then these weapons will inevitably be stained with blood, and you usually don't waste your blood and will take it back after use, so here's the problem!" Bai Yu raised her index finger: "When you dispel the spell, your own blood and the blood of the corpse will be mixed, right? What will happen if you put it back into the body at this time?"

"Indeed!" Mussel suddenly realized: "If this is the case, the murderer will inevitably ingest the blood of the royal family, which will inevitably not escape the previous blood test."

She then asked: "What if it's an air slash? Something like a wind blade with wind attributes."

"When the corpse was decapitated, it was less than half a meter away from the wall. It was necessary to control the strength of the wind blade so that it could decapitate the head without leaving any traces of the attack on the wall. With this level of control, it would be hard to say the least. A fourth-level magician." Bai Yu shook his head: "None of the six blind dates at the scene meet this characteristic."

Mussel said: "So it must be a cold weapon attack?"

"Well, because the incision is very smooth, I am a person who is good at using swords and I am very familiar with this kind of wound." Bai Yu walked towards the door: "So I concluded that there must be a murder weapon at the scene, but it was also missing. Fly, like the head.”

Standing at the door, looking towards the wall of the deep corridor.

The walls are covered with portraits of princes from past generations.

But in fact, this is a layer of disguise, and behind it is the entrance to the subspace deeper.

Bai Yu felt that the answer was there, but its scope was too broad. If he stepped into it rashly, his life would not be in danger, but he might be trapped for a while.

You can't be too arrogant.

Walked through the red carpet and returned to the living room on the first floor.

Jeanne was very bored.

Bai Yu returned the notebook with the records to her.

Jeanne took a look and saw a few more clues on it.

——The prince died from being pierced through the heart, but was decapitated with a sharp weapon. The sharp weapon and head disappeared, and it was suspected that they fell into the subspace of the tower.

——If the stairs leading to the upper floor were not closed by Peggy, then it would form a secret room.

The saint tilted her head: "It seems that the situation is a lot more complicated?"

"Yes, but not entirely." Bai Yu gave up: "To me, the situation has become a little clearer."

Regardless of the reason, since the key physical evidence has been hidden, it is most likely the answer to the truth.

Mussel looked at the bedroom: "How are they?"

"Not very calm," said Jeanne.

"Next, it's time to go and inquire one by one." Bai Yu said, "Come over together, my dear."

The saint's body froze, she touched her arm and seemed to get goosebumps, and rolled her eyes at Bai Yu.

But in Mussel's opinion, it was simply a joke between lovers, with angry little eyes trying to resist but welcoming.

The female knight of pure love couldn't help but remind: "Don't be busy showing affection at this time. After the matter is resolved, let me show you how affectionate you are. I can introduce you to a few holy places for dating! Now concentrate on handling the case. "

Bai Yu glanced at this girl and thought, how come you think the white eyes are coquettish?

Enter the first bedroom.

This is the bedroom of a seventeen-year-old girl, Rena. She doesn't keep any personal belongings in her room. At most, she keeps a few books to pass the boring time.

The young aristocratic girl does not have a strong personality. She is rather submissive and is used to judging people's faces. She is also not a strong personality and has no clear plans for the future.

She is a very ordinary girl, so she does not know much information.

Because of this, it's easy to break through her defenses.

Rena also directly revealed a key piece of information.

"The week before Julia was killed...she was acting a little nervous and even came to sleep with me in a shared bed."

"Although she didn't say anything about what she encountered, she always acted very scared when she went to bed at night."

"Did you ask her what exactly she was afraid of?"

"She believes that the prince died unwillingly. The ghost surrounds Opal Palace and will curse everyone who sees his body."

Reina said softly: "There are indeed some strange movements in this palace from time to time... I suspect that she may have seen something and was frightened to death."

Mussel couldn't help but ask: "So what did she see? A ghost? A dead soul?"

"I don't know." Reina shrank her neck: "That's all I know."

The second room is Rebecca's room.

She is a potion scholar, and there are many test tubes, small crucible equipment, and various potions materials in the room.

"Even though you are locked up here, you are still researching intensively?"

"Yes." Rebecca said, "I think I will stay here for a long time...actually this is not bad. Although my family is not very supportive of me studying pharmacy, it gives me a sense of accomplishment."

She put down the medicine bottle in her hand: "Back to the original topic, what do you want to ask when you come to see me?"

Bai Yu said bluntly: "If you have any clues that are inconvenient to tell in front of other people, it doesn't hurt to tell them now."

Rebecca had already prepared her words and said very smoothly: "I think there is something wrong with Stella."


"She gives me a strange feeling."

"Is it intuition?"

"It's not just intuition. Although she acted very calmly and acted naturally when facing various questions, she didn't seem to want to leave the Opal Hall." Rebecca looked at the alcohol lamp and said: "She had a chance. She could have left, but she chose to stay... Maybe she is not the murderer, but it is certainly questionable. "

Jeanne took note of the clues.

Mussel asked: "Have you heard anything about Julia's death? For example, about the souls in Opal's palace or something?"

Rebecca thought for a while, shook her head and said, "I usually study potions a lot and have never paid attention to these."

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