Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 733 How can you sleep at your age?

The black cavity is open.

A rift in time and space opens.

On the other side of the dark crack, stood the graceful Dragon Mother.

She no longer needed to maintain her dragon-like posture, and simply changed into a human form to reduce wear and tear.

After staying in the time and space rift for a long time, she seemed to have gotten used to it, and her temper was no longer so grumpy.

She sat on the void, looking at the other end of the crack with almost indifference.

Her fingers tapped her knees flatly, her posture as proud as a queen's.

Mother Long tried to negotiate with Bai Yu before, but the two sides did not reach a result.

At present, there is no tension between the two of them when they meet, just because they are separated by a mirror, like two people making a video on the Internet. At most, they can only chat with each other, and it is impossible to actually slap each other across the screen along the network cable.

"Have you thought clearly?" Dragon Mother took the initiative to break the silence.

Bai Yu looked at the Dragon Mother behind the space-time rift, silently touched her chin, and did not answer the question.

"As long as I can let you out, you just don't hurt me...but that's not enough."

"Greedy boy." Mother Dragon sneered: "What do you want?"

"I need you to do three things for me, and before and after you do these three things, you can't hurt me or my relatives and friends."

"Excessive." Mother Dragon snorted coldly: "You want me to be your slave? Even the Roman Emperor would not dare to make such wild claims!"

Bai Yu said lightly: "Three things can buy your freedom. The price is not too high."

The dragon mother folded her left leg over her right leg and said proudly: "My freedom is of high value, but the dignity of a demigod cannot be insulted..."

"Then you stay in there." Bai Yu said, "I don't care anyway. Maybe you can come out in a hundred and eighty years?"


"Agree or not?" Bai Yu asked for the second time.

"One thing... is okay." Mother Dragon gritted her teeth, her amber eyes lit up with red light: "But only this one thing."

"Okay." Bai Yu achieved his goal: "Just one piece."

The mother of dragons closed her eyes, feeling that she was still being tricked.

However, compared to freedom, suffering a small loss is nothing at all.

After being a demigod for so many years, this was the first time she knew what it was like to be in jail, and it was more painful than jail. It was simply like confinement in a small dark room.

Demigods would not die so easily, but looking out at the human world in the empty crack made her feel like a canary in a cage who could only look out.

"Then, this contract has been signed..."

Her attitude was surprisingly positive and urgent.

He bit his finger and made an oath in person.

Bai Yu grabbed the Dragon Mother and said, "I can't release you now."

"It is true that you currently do not have the ability to break the cracks in time and space." Mother Dragon said lightly: "You do not have the ability to cut through space, and just cutting through space is not enough. A crack that is large enough is needed to allow me to leave this crack. "

Bai Yu said: "You want to teach me?"

"Rather than letting you slowly realize it, it is faster for the demigod to teach it personally." The Dragon Mother leaned forward and said, "I have a way to get you started faster."

…Great, that leaves one requirement.

Bai Yu originally had this intention.

But he waved his hand deliberately, with a "Don't worry yet" expression: "Even if I can cut through the space, I don't plan to release you here."

The Dragon Mother snorted: "Are you worried about disrupting time and space?"

"If you saw yourself five hundred years ago, what do you think your other self would do?" Bai Yu asked.

The Dragon Mother grinned: "So you are doubting this..."

"Yes, after all, you were also a demigod five hundred years ago. If you were killed by her, I would lose more than the gain." Bai Yu said lightly.

"She won't kill you." Mother Dragon licked her lips: "Instead, she will catch you and raise you up..."

"Why?" Bai Yu was startled, then took two steps back: "Could it be that you are attracted by my stunning appearance?"

Dragon Mother Tia's eyelids twitched: "Even me five hundred years ago would not have such interest."

"That's really strange. You are the mother of dragons, right? The dragon priests are all your sons. How come you gave birth to so many children by yourself?"

"Ignorance... the dragon family's reproductive method is different from what you think." Dragon Mother said lightly: "I don't need to explain to you what it is specifically... As for why the other one wants to raise you, the goal is natural It’s for me.”

She licked her lips: "Catching you means catching me. How could she give up this opportunity?"

"what chance?"

"The chance to devour me." Dragon Mother Tia narrowed her eyes: "Both are demigods and have the same origin. If she absorbs me, she can become much stronger than she is now."

"...What the hell?" Bai Yu was really shocked.

We are like each other, no... we are like ourselves?

The Mother of Dragons sneered and said: "What's the matter... Do you want me to tell you all kinds of ridiculous stories from the era of demigods? As long as you can become stronger than before, what's the matter with me?"

Bai Yu thought: "The problem is, the you five hundred years ago eats the you five hundred years later; then after five hundred years of experience, will she also go back to five hundred years ago, and then be eaten by another self? If you eat it, doesn't this completely form a time loop? You can't escape the five-hundred-year timeline, and the cycle will continue."

"No..." The Dragon Mother licked her teeth: "Perhaps it will be trapped in a loop at first, but the more cycles it takes, one of the 'I's will become extremely powerful, and eventually this 'I' will break the confinement of the time rift. Then eat me from five hundred years ago and live another five hundred years in her place.”

"But in this way, the cracking of the time loop also means the collapse of the timeline." Bai Yu took over the topic: "Either a parallel world will be formed, or..."

"The old world is covered." Dragon Mother Tia said: "The new world is born."

"Made in heaven..."

"I just raised a possibility." The Dragon Mother looked dangerously: "Also, this is not good for me. The me in this time and space wants to devour me, so I don't want you to be caught by her and be able to return safely. It will also be a good result five hundred years later.”

"But your optimal solution is not to go back five hundred years in the future, but to let me release you in this time and space, let you devour yourself five hundred years ago, and then take her identity. In this way, you You can replay the story five hundred years later." Bai Yu said in a low voice, "At that time, you will be confident enough to win."

The mother of dragons laughed loudly, revealing a pair of sharp fangs that hurt her.

"I am such a crazy demigod."

"What does all the world have to do with me?"

"I just want to burn this land to ashes and achieve my ultimate goal!"

Tia stretched out a finger and pierced the dark crack, and cracks spread out in front of her fingertips.

In an instant, the cracks were filled with black holes, and the Dragon Mother looked arrogant and cold.

"If you weren't trapped in this damn dark prison, I would have swallowed you long ago!"

"You have to work harder and don't die in the hands of anyone else."

"Finally, let me tell you something by the way."

The black cavity is about to close.

The Dragon Mother's mocking look was a little more meaningful.

"Five hundred years ago, I had a duel with the Roman Emperor..."

"If you are not afraid of death, if you have the courage, you can try it and see if you can do anything."

"The time is just five days from now."

Crack repair.

The space-time rift closed, and the dragon mother's figure disappeared.

The dangerous atmosphere also dissipated.

Bai Yu sat back on the chair and asked thoughtfully: "Do you think her words are credible?"

[The credibility of Dragon Mother’s words is 99.8%]

"Because it's a conspiracy, so there's no need to lie..."

Bai Yu laughed at herself: "I wanted to tease her, but it seems that she was manipulated the other way around."

[It is currently a community of interests, but it cannot be completely trusted. She may want to borrow other people's hands to break the rift in time and space to break free, and releasing her in this time and space will bring unknown serious consequences]

"According to the contract, she cannot harm me or my relatives and friends."

[The contract is also binding on demigods, but it is not absolute]

"I know."

Bai Yu paused and asked again: "Five days from now, Rome...should I go?"

[This is not a problem because you will definitely go]


Bai Yu has already made a decision, so asking questions is just asking for trouble.

[Tip: What should you do now]

"What?" Bai Yu's attention was a little distracted.

[Rather than being in a daze, it is better for you to carefully feel the essence of the dragon mother’s last finger-blow, which shattered the space.]

[It is best to perform perception in the state of blessing ‘Floating Life’, so as to get twice the result with half the effort]

"Well, I'll practice again later. I'm a little tired now. Let's take a nap first..."

[How do you sleep at this age? 】

[Get up, your wife has gone back to her parents’ house, but you are still in the mood to sleep! 】

"What kind of sage are you to guide me!"

"Cyber ​​Immortal!"


Capital, Roman Palace.

It was the first time for Elysee to step into this splendid palace.

She originally thought that when she came here, she would also be an assassin.

Unexpectedly, it was in the capacity of the princess.

Her sister and mother hid so many things from her.

She had always thought that she was just a despised witch, but she didn't expect... that the blood of Augustus was still flowing in her body.

It would be nice if it was just revenge, so pure.

Elysee didn't care about the identity and inheritance rights of the princess.

From the bottom of her heart, she always believed that she was just a village girl who grew up in the countryside and had nothing to do with the nobility.

She just couldn't disobey the emperor's will.

He had no choice but to step into this cold and empty palace, which symbolized the ultimate power and status. Countless blood flowed along the way, and corpses were everywhere.

After stepping on the red carpet, she raised her eyes and stared at the majestic figure on the throne.

No kneeling, no saluting.

Savage and rude are exactly the nature of her poor family.

"What do you want me to do before you let us go?"

She questioned the emperor without a word of greeting, without any sporadic acknowledgment or show of kindness.

In her eyes, this father was no different from a stranger.

The throne cast a cold gaze.

Elise held her breath, feeling as if there was a giant beast entrenched on the throne, and its breath was so thick.

The emperor spoke slowly.

"You are of the bloodline of Augustus, so you should abide by the rules of the royal family..."

"To complete the royal trial."

"As long as you come back alive."

"I will grant you freedom."

Holy Church.

The violent crash could still be heard in the confessional.

'--let me out! ’

'--I want freedom! ’

‘——freedom! ! ’

The continuous sounds did not affect the saint's state of mind.

The Virgin of the Scales knelt in front of the sculpture and prayed silently.

When the sound gradually subsided, she opened her eyes and her eyes fell on the scripture in front of her. There was a picture of a girl and a girl face to face.

“No matter how much you pray, ultimately you cannot make up for the mistakes you made.”

"The past is always regrettable."

"Right, Elaine..."

She lowered her head, and the shadow covered the scripture.

"Now your daughter will follow the same path."

"And apart from praying, I am still the same as before, unable to do anything..."

I heard the deafening sound inside the confinement room.

The Libra saint showed a bitter smile.

Why is history always so strikingly similar?

The witch and the saint can always become friends, but they cannot share the same pain.

She closed her eyes.

"Lord, please..."

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