Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 754 The sudden Shura field

A large house belonging to Lao Bai's family.

The four girls stood in a row and looked back and forth at the various new items in the room.

This house was prepared for Bai Yu by Bai Potian early in the morning.

People from Daxia, even when they come to a foreign country, their first reaction is to buy real estate and the like.

Although Bai Yu has never enjoyed the taste of a big house since he came here, he can tell at a casual glance that such a house must not be much cheaper. In the inner ring of Huadu, adjacent to the Palace of Versailles, where every inch of land is precious, the housing prices are catching up. Old alleys in Beijing, Daxia.

Elysee, Frederica, Angelica, Jeanne...the four of them had no identification documents and were considered stowaways, so they could only be accommodated in this house.

After giving them a brief introduction to the basic common sense of modern society, Bai Yu hurriedly left to find Melusina.

From then on, whether it was identity issues or their living arrangements, they all needed sister's assistance.

Even though they were five hundred years in the future, none of the four girls showed any signs of being acclimatized.

They came here by vehicle, and the city scenery along the way really shocked them.

Five hundred years later, the transformation of the entire social landscape is astonishing. The roads on the ground have changed from mud and bricks to asphalt roads and highways. Traffic is orderly. Building communities in the steel jungle have risen from the ground. Hundreds and nearly thousands of Thousands of people live in a super city, which is unimaginably prosperous for girls living in the Middle Ages.

Luckily for Elyse, she had been mentally prepared beforehand; Jeanne had a lot of experience and was quite calm.

Angelica and Frederica were greatly shocked. The former thought that modern society had a lot of delicious food and drinks. Her most thought was to look at the beautiful dresses in the future world, but she found that she was still superficial and could There are so many things to watch while playing, and I accidentally became addicted to watching TV... By the way, the TV program is currently rebroadcasting the phenomenal cartoon Tom and Jerry.

As for Frederica, it was the commercial development that shocked modern society. After she quickly learned a simple and fast way to access the Internet, she began to search for modern businesses through the World Tree network. She even ordered takeout for lunch. Very soon She soon understood and mastered the concepts of 'consortium' and 'capital predators'. Then after learning how huge the Donghuang Group was, one of the top twenty groups in Rome, she immediately had a deeper understanding of the prince Bai Yu. Lord’s status.

Fleur was a little regretful that her plan to support Bai Yu went bankrupt, but at the same time she was a little glad that when she came to the future world, her future blueprint would definitely become broader, and she would definitely have a lot to accomplish in this developed world.

Jeanne only indulges in various high-calorie foods such as cakes and pizza.

Elysee was dazzled by all kinds of fashions, especially those kinds of beautiful underwear...

Everyone performs their own duties, perfectly demonstrating the seven deadly sins of gluttony, greed, arrogance and lust.

However, this harmony was broken with Bai Yu's return.

When he came back, he also brought Melusina with him.

"Let me introduce you." Bai Yu said, "This is my sister. I am from Daxia. I grew up in Daxia. Sister Shirley is responsible for managing the industry here."

"Hello." Melusina always showed the attitude of a cold-faced female CEO to outsiders. Her eyes swept over the four girls, with a look that was a bit like a mother-in-law looking at her daughter-in-law.

After all, Bai Yu brought him back from the past, and he sounded like he had a lot of friendship with her.

And that they can abandon their families and follow Bai Yu back to modern society also proves that they have already made up their minds.

This matter will have to be reported to the old man sooner or later. I think he will be happier then.

With the Bai family's wealth and status, there is no need to pay attention to being well-matched.

Melusina sat down and began to understand the basic situation.

Bai Yu began to tell, briefly explaining what he had experienced five hundred years ago, but omitting some details that were inconvenient to explain.

Although the overall story is not complicated, the events were gradually restored as the other girls pieced together their sentences.

After hearing this, Melusina felt more shocked than unbelievable.

She looked at Jeanne: "Are you the missing saint?"

"Yeah." Jeanne lay on her side: "But in this era, I am no longer a saint... I just searched it and found that today's saints are even more symbols and mascots. Whoever wants to be a saint can be a saint. The dog doesn’t even sit in the position!”

Melusina looked at Elise, who was even more of a heavyweight.

"Are you a bloodline of Augustus? According to your seniority, the current emperor has to call you Tsang Tsang..."

"I never see myself as Augustus." Elysee played with her snow-silver snake hair with her fingers: "I will dye my hair back sometime."

"Yu Jing, you really gave me a difficult problem this time." Melusina did not expect that the origins of two of them were so extraordinary.

"It's enough to arrange a simple identity, and you don't need to worry too much about the rest." Bai Yu said.

"A simple identity is not difficult, but..." Melusina asked: "Don't you want to continue to complete your studies? It just so happens that you are not too old, so you can continue to study at the Royal Academy."

"Is it okay?" Angelica stood up excitedly: "Can we live in the dormitory together again?"

"What's so good about the dormitory? I want to rent a big house outside with a separate bedroom!" Frederica said.

"If you can continue your studies, I have no objection." Elise agreed. She glanced at Bai Yu quietly, and then said: "In this world, higher education institutions will also facilitate your future life, right?"

"Diplomas are very important." Jeanna agreed: "But I won't go. A blood test will immediately expose my identity as a heroic spirit. I don't want to live in the spotlight. It's good to be an ordinary person quietly."

"Aren't you going to work?" Frey asked faintly.

"Someone said that if he brought us to the modern world, he would be responsible for us. It's not difficult for him to support us for a lifetime." Jeanna put her hands on her hips.

"If you really don't want to go to work, I can still give you 100,000 pocket money every month." Bai Yu thought that this amount of money was just a drop in the bucket compared to the group's turnover and profits: "But you really don't have anything you want to do?"

Jeanna curled her lips. She was a savior in her previous life. What higher life pursuits can she have in this life?

With this body, everything will be rotten!

Lie down, start swinging!

The holy face said with a 98-point face: "Do you know why I deliberately chose a more developed modern society?"

"Why?" Bai Yu wondered: "Because the society is developed, more civilized, and the public security is better?"

"Because you can order takeout! You don't even have to leave the house!"

"Chao!" Bai Yu couldn't hold it back: "Do you have a close friend named Penglaishan and Kaguya?"

"I haven't heard of the name, but I can feel the resonance of the soul."

Bai Yu held his forehead with his hand, thinking that maybe Jeanna really planned to let him support him for the rest of his life, but this is not a big problem. Modern society is still very tolerant of otakus, at least allowing them to survive in dark corners.

"What's the difference between this and the insects in the dark corners?" Frederica couldn't help but said venomously: "Miss Saint, do you want to be on par with cockroaches?"

"It's different." Jeanna said lightly: "Cockroaches will be rampant, but otakus won't, because otakus can't reproduce and mate."


Bai Yu hesitated to speak.

"Are you still proud?"

"I just want to enjoy a happy life as a loser in peace and stability." Jeanne said lazily: "Even if you want to go to the academy for classes, can you really learn anything? No matter the fat blonde over there, take Elise, she is not far from being canonized."

"That's right." Elise touched the back of her hand: "I'm already at the fourth level, I can't learn anything even if I go to school."

Fray said seriously: "I plan to continue my studies. The Department of Mind Magic must be very useful in modern society."

Angelica hugged Bai Yu's arms: "Marry me, I don't want to work hard anymore, I can do everything...including giving birth to children, sob!"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the living room changed.

Melusina noticed it when she was listening to the story just now, and now she is more certain: although this girl looks like a mascot, she really has a wild intuition and can always easily dance in the minefield, regardless of enemy or friend.

Frey said angrily: "Fat woman, let go, everyone can give birth to a child, don't use this excuse to perfunctorily deal with your own life."

Jeanna raised her hand: "I can do it too."

Elysee turned her head, she knew that her roommate was plotting something bad, but when did Jeanna...

"Jeanna, you..."

"After all, he is the one who supports me, and I am not someone who doesn't know how to repay kindness." Jeanna turned her face away, her eyes dodging: "Don't you think so, dear?"

"No!" Elysee refused decisively, stood up and said: "The husband is mine, and he has always been mine. Even a good friend cannot share him!"

Angelica blinked: "We are doing this for your own good, we are afraid that your body can't bear it."

Frederica couldn't help but fish in troubled waters and said: "From now on, we will talk about our own things. We will call you Mrs. Bai, and you will call us sisters..."

"Huh?" Elise laughed in anger: "My good roommate, good sister... I really hope that you can be happy and peaceful, but what about you? You actually want to cheat on me!"

"There is a good saying." Angelica added fuel to the fire: "As long as everyone is a little bit of cheating, then no one will be cheating!"

"You don't want to act anymore, right? You are unscrupulous after coming to the modern world, right?" Elise was so angry.

Sisters for many years, experienced life and death, and their love is stronger than gold, but they can't withstand such a test?

Even if the master is very good and fragrant, you can't do this.

"Hmm..." Jeanna coughed and cleared her throat: "Okay, no more jokes."

After this, the scene was quiet.

Melusina picked up the teacup, her eyes were deep... Was it just a joke? Why didn't I hear it?

Sure enough, the next moment Angelica said seriously: "I don't mind the four of us having a wedding together."

"Impossible!" Frederica immediately rejected: "What do you think Peggy will think?"

Before Elise could not help but speak, Jeanna interrupted: "Who goes in front and who goes in the back?"

Melusina put down the teacup and said dignifiedly and elegantly.

"Yujing just went out for something, and besides...what does the war between women have to do with men?"

"You came to this era and experienced life-and-death crises, and survived. Why do you think so hard at this juncture?"

"Discuss it slowly, there is still a lot of time, you can slowly adapt to this era."

Elise sat down angrily, holding her hands.

She thought to herself that the husband was alone, and there were Mahiru and Shiori in front of him, and including his childhood friend, it wouldn't be enough.

You can't really break him up, right?

Bai Yu left the villa not to avoid the sudden outbreak of Shura Field...

Well, not exactly to avoid the Shura field.

He galloped all the way to the suburbs.

Arriving at an uninhabited area in the deep forest, a dark cavity opened behind him.

The dragon mother was sitting in it, looking at him calmly.

This time, there is no longer any barrier in the rift.

She easily crossed the crack that had blocked her for so long and stepped into reality.

Facing the desolate moonlight.

The Dragon Mother stretched out lazily, twisted her waist, and yawned, while the dragon wings vibrated behind her.

The entire deep forest fell into silence, and the chirping of insects and birds ceased to exist.

"It's finally out."

She covered her lips with one hand and licked the sharp dragon teeth with her tongue.

"Thanks to you and your lover, I have fallen to this point..."

"Now, what should I do with you?"

She laughed maliciously.

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