Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 77 I’m waiting for you at the end of destiny

He drew his sword in an instant.

Not very fast, but very stable.

Her hand was steady and so was the knife.

There is no need to be fast, and there is no need to compete for speed. The angle she chose is too subtle.

There was no blade collision, the famous sword Kuaiyu and the demon sword passed by each other.

Then the two figures passed by each other, just like the misalignment in a stage play.

However, in the battle of life and death, how could such a low-level mistake be made? So this is not a misplacement or a loss of space, but...


Blood spurted out.

The murderer stood there, a line of blood started to spread from the center of his chest, the wound slowly opened, and then large red blood beads appeared. When a person is injured, blood may not spurt out immediately. , but after a short pause, it will overflow a few seconds after the pain has passed.

The murderous ghost raised his hand and touched his chest, trying to stabilize his body, but his barely raised right hand could not cover the blood gushing from the wound. Because his body leaned forward slightly, its body fell... but only half of it fell. After getting off, the other half was hung on the demon knife by the strength of the arm. The whole body was like a chopstick inserted into the water, broken and misplaced.

The open wound revealed bright red organs and white spine.

Amamiya Mahiru calmly swung the sword with blood, shook off the blood on the sword, and calmly returned it to the scabbard.

It's over, she was so sure.

Bang bang bang...!

Bai Yu couldn't help but applaud. From the perspective of a bystander, he could completely see the process.

From a third-party perspective, it can be clearly seen that after Amamiya Mahiru drew her sword, she did not choose to attack at all.

Instead, he took a step forward and lowered his head slightly to avoid the fierce slash of the demon sword. Because the opponent had taken off, an empty area was formed under his feet.

If you retreat, whether you are jumping back, rolling or dodging, you will be covered by the range of this knife. Instead, you will have a chance of survival if you take a step closer.

But even if he got closer, he could only avoid the opponent's first slash, and the second slash after landing could not be avoided.

Amemiya Mahiru's choice was still to decide the outcome with this one sword, so she raised her arm and placed the sword in a fatal position.

It was this move that was so subtle that Bai Yu couldn't help but applaud.

She doesn't need to use the speed of the sword, she just needs to put the sword in the right position and wait for him to hit him. The more powerful and terrifying the power carried by the demon sword is, the more inescapable it is for the human figure who is completely controlled by the demon sword to avoid it.

If he were a normal swordsman, he would have paid attention to adjusting his position under his feet and in the air when performing a jumping attack. However, the killer was just a puppet of the demon sword, so he didn't move and just bumped into him.

Immediately, he was pushed across his body by a horizontal knife. The sharp knife cut through the flesh, bones, and organs, and cut him in half.

This principle is actually extremely simple and easy to understand.

But you need to make such a choice before this fatal leaping slash. You need to judge the opponent's position, find the weakness, and at the same time use the sword to push horizontally.

Even for a swordsman with complete five senses, it is very difficult... Bai Yu didn't think he could do it, and he never thought there was such a way to crack it.

But even though Amemiya Mahiru couldn't see it, she still found this only opportunity for victory. I have to say... her talent was terrifying.

No, it seems that it is not just a matter of talent.

And she has a courageous nature... Many blind people are sensitive, fragile and timid, but she seems to be different, always fighting against the darkness.

A strong heart is the foundation of success.

Bai Yu took a closer look and saw that Amamiya Mahiru's number jumped from 10 to 11.


Level ten is a threshold, and level eleven means that she has officially entered the extraordinary sequence.

Bai Yu immediately checked the information column of Amamiya Mahiru at this time, and it clearly stated...

[Rank: Extraordinary First Level]

[Extraordinary skill: Eye of the Sky - After developing the intuition to the extreme, it uses all the senses of the body to collect information. It can be used as a substitute for the eyes to reconstruct the visual senses. As a substitute for the eyes, it is not subject to the shackles of perspective and vision, so it is called the third Three Eyes, Heavenly Eye]

Amemiya Mahiru raised her hand and touched her cheek. She waved it in front of her eyes... Different from the complete darkness before, she seemed to 'see' her hand. This was a world composed of lines, and everything was made of simple Made up of lines, the lines vibrate and make sounds from time to time.

She stretched out her index finger and caught a drop of rainwater dripping from her hair with great precision.

This feeling was unprecedentedly new to her. She saw it... although it wasn't colorful, but she did see it.

"Good fight."

Bai Yu finished the applause: "It's a beautiful win."

Amemiya Mahiru stood dignified. She straightened her cheeks and then bowed slightly: "This is a small achievement that will make you laugh."

Bai Yu said: "You can act happier, it is rare to win the battle of life and death."

Amamiya Mahiru maintained a humble attitude without any arrogance: "Of course I am happy, but I still have to thank you and your sword."

She knew very well that if the other party hadn't sent weapons, and if she hadn't been trained by earlier copies, she wouldn't have been able to enter the transcendent realm so easily and open her eyes, and she would never have been a match for this murderer.

Although her achievements are due to her own efforts, she will never be arrogant and think that her achievements are all due to her own efforts.

But what was even more terrifying was that the other party... after just two fights, she had achieved extraordinary results so easily.

It was hard for her not to think that all of this was arranged by the other party. Perhaps all of this was deliberately arranged by the editor of fate.

Bai Yu didn't know what Amamiya Mahiru was thinking, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't explain it.

"I'm just sending a courier."

"And now, it's your sword."

"This famous sword Kuaiyu will be handed over to you from now on, please take good care of it."

Mahiru stroked the warm jade-like scabbard: "Kaiyu... is such a nice name. Are you really giving it to me like this?"

Bai Yu said calmly: "No need to be polite to me, my knife is your knife. Your knife is also my knife."

"Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Destiny." Mahiru was overjoyed. She knew that this famous sword must be extremely expensive, or even priceless.

What's more important is not its value, but its meaning. A knife is of great significance to her. With a knife, she has the foundation to settle down and live her life.

She can live no longer attached to the Nan family. She has become a transcendent and gained eyesight. She has the ability to live independently. This means a new life and a new beginning for her.

And this knife was the only thing that belonged to her and was not given by the Nan family.

She might be able to make a clean break with the family that was trying to sell her at a high price.

Of course, Mahiru also knew very well - any gift from fate had a price already marked behind it.

She wouldn't think it was free, and if it was free, that meant it was incredibly expensive.

"So, what can I do for you, Mr. Destiny?"

She began to ask questions, asking a question that would be revealed sooner or later.

She could remain reserved one time before, but now she couldn't bear it anymore.

She got too much, and it made her feel uneasy, fearing that her greed would ruin the hard-earned favor of fate.

There is no need to laugh at her change of attitude. It is better to say that Mahiru had no choice from the beginning. If she wanted to seize the opportunity to change her destiny, she naturally had to learn to be proactive and smart.

Even the Nan family still treats her as a commodity, and family ties are unreliable. This world is bound by interests.

So she took the initiative to make it clear that she wanted to solidify the relationship between the two into a stronger contract.

For this she has made the realization that she has paid a sufficient price...

The so-called price includes but is not limited to her only self-esteem and self-love.

In fact, some mothers in the Nan family would also teach her some special gun cleaning skills at the suggestion of someone.

Of course, Amamiya Mahiru didn't think she could resist the other party, and she didn't think that the other party would really have needs for her body due to his vast magical powers. If she really thought so, she would be too confident and too conceited... Taking a step back, if this is really the case, it would be too much of a price drop.

Why go to such great lengths just to pursue a girl? If she really meant it, she could just force him to do it. Was she still capable of resisting before?

Moreover, she never thought that she was a good choice. Maybe the other party was a devil, just enjoying the happiness of cultivation?

Amamiya Mahiru was a little tempted, but not much.

What really drove her to speak was still the uneasiness caused by the fate editor's vagueness about his own purpose.

"I don't need you to do anything for me. If you really get to that point, you will naturally know." Bai Yu didn't deliberately want to be a Riddler. In fact, he didn't know what would happen in the follow-up of training. What would happen to him? It was also unknown, so he reassured: "I will provide you with various opportunities to help you grow and become stronger. If you really want to repay me, then grow up as quickly as possible and become strong enough to stand on your own... …This is already a reward for me.”

This answer still couldn't dispel Amamiya Mahiru's uneasiness. She said, "So I don't have to do anything?"

"Of course not." Bai Yu shook his head: "You still have something very important."


"Live well."

Amamiya Mahiru didn't understand: "Living is naturally important, but... forgive me for being stupid, I don't understand."

"Because most people are not living, they are just surviving... Living is an extremely difficult thing. Living means that you need to meet many challenges, you need to be yourself, you need to be beaten by life, and you need to always keep your faith. Be unyielding." Bai Yu spoke in a serious tone, speaking from the perspective of a senior in life: "And I ask you - live well... Isn't this meaning clear enough? There are many problems you have to face, even if you Becoming a transcendent is not enough to escape the current prison. Think about what you are going to do in the future, should you leave or stay?"

Amemiya Mahiru was silent. She shook her head: "I still don't understand. Does my life mean anything to you?"

"It's meaningless." Bai Yu said flatly: "Your life and death are not important to me, and it will not even affect the speed at which I order French fries."


"But I still look forward to one thing." He continued: "I hope you can walk out of the established destiny trajectory. If you can really transcend fate and life and death, maybe..."

"Maybe?" She opened her eyes.

"We can meet somewhere in the world."

"At that time, it will definitely be a gratifying reunion and first encounter in life."

Bai Yu turned around and disappeared from the spot. He waved his hand and shouted.

"Live well, Miss Amamiya...I will wait for you at the end of your destiny."

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