Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 773 Two Eyes of the Shadow World

Rome had the Knights Templar.

There are the Knights of the Round Table in the middle of winter.

The total number of Knights of the Round Table is not large, only about a hundred in total.

It's usually not full.

There are a total of twelve chief knights of the Round Table, whose origin is King Arthur in Celtic mythology.

In fact, no one knows whether King Arthur appears in the middle of winter.

The historical origin of midwinter is not particularly early. It probably entered the historical stage during the demigod era during the founding of Rome.

There are rumors that the current residents of Midwinter are a group of people who migrated there before the founding of Rome, and then formed a fusion nation after brutal fighting and intermarriage with the local aborigines.

What’s interesting is that Midwinter’s own cultural history originated late, but it has been inherited quite well.

It is like a leak-picking expert who specializes in picking up leaks from Rome.

In the process of the unification of the Roman Empire, wars were inevitably launched, because wars are an inevitable process of civilization growth and annexation, and during wars, there are always some nations and countries that are unwilling to be assimilated... so some nobles and royal families will Seek political asylum.

But on this continent, the Roman Empire was invincible, and their only choice was often the deep winter across the sea.

Therefore, midwinter has become a treasured place for political asylum. Compared with being exiled to an isolated island in the Mediterranean, at least staying in midwinter can still be dignified.

Moreover, these fleeing royal families and nobles all brought very valuable things to Midwinter, such as their own blood, family inheritance, wealth, books, and even various historical secrets...

The Midwinter royal family will also actively marry these refugee royal families and absorb these bloodlines to strengthen itself.

Even though Midwinter is just a small island country, it can indeed be regarded as the land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons. Many family histories here can be easily traced back thousands of years. The ancestors of a seemingly ordinary noble may have also been divided. The earth seals the king.

The glory of the ancestors belongs to the ancestors, but Midwinter thus formed a strict aristocratic hierarchy.

This is an aristocratic feudal kingdom through and through.

A kingdom, not an empire.

At first, Bai Yu would have imagined Midwinter as an empire on which the sun never sets. However, in this world, since there is no so-called maritime hegemony, the development speed of a naturally closed island country will inevitably lag behind that of mainland countries.

The better ones are like Midwinter, which maintains its rule based on the nobility by continuously sucking the blood of the European continent, relying on the fairy world and Rome;

The worse case is Fuso. Since it lacks enough resources to feed everyone and does not have the war potential for external expansion, it can only continue to fight internally and divide internally, with various countries attacking each other. It has remained in a state of substantial division to this day. , the shogunate and the imperial family respectively controlled the north and south.

“Don’t be too optimistic about midwinter.”

"The kingdom of Midwinter lags behind Rome in all aspects of culture and thought."

"Rome can raise more than a dozen giant-level capital monsters, but there are none in the middle of winter. It even rejects these capital groups."

"Nobles naturally look down on merchants."

"In other words, in the middle of winter, the nobles themselves occupy the position of group capital... so they are afraid of the huge capital groups and do not allow them to enter the middle of winter."

"Although Victoria was a great queen, she was just the king of the royal family and was introduced as a political symbol."

"What actually controls the country is the aristocratic group, the aristocratic parliament... The king needs to select a prime minister from the aristocrats to govern the country on his behalf."

"Although there have been some powerful princes in history who were able to hold the position of prime minister, they are still in the minority. Most of the time, it is impossible for the royal family to suppress the aristocratic faction."

When Lyudmila said this, Bai Yu raised her hand and asked: "Isn't there a citizens' assembly in the middle of winter?"

"No, it's too small in the middle of winter. The population is only 20 million. How can there be room for the citizen class?"

"What about the civilians?"

"Civilians?" Lyudmila was puzzled: "Civilians are not qualified to participate in governing the country. This is true in Rome and in the middle of winter. Is it different in Daxia? Elites in various countries tend to monopolize power, right?"

"The development of Daxia is very fast... Rome also has a global network. At any rate, development can solve people's livelihood problems and allow people to share the cake. But what is there in the middle of winter?" Bai Yu asked. He had personally stayed in Fusang, so he knew the inside of Fusang very well. It's internal friction, everyone eats each other, the big fish eats the small fish.

This kind of internal strife has given rise to a first-class harsh social environment in Fuso. Rogues dare to kill people on the street, and grassroots security relies on gangsters.

The situation in the middle of winter doesn't sound good either.

Lyudmila said lightly: "The first is the goblin world; the second is the trade wealth of the ghost fleet... However, these two have long been overwhelmingly occupied by nobles, so the third one is the most important - that is, the way of chivalry."


"Well, I am also a knight myself, so I have beautified it a little bit." The ice-white Valkyrie sneered and became even colder: "Actually, it is just a complete domestication plan. The knights in the middle of winter are all brave and good at fighting, but they are also unable to Exceptionally instilled with the idea of ​​loyalty.”

Bai Yu then realized that he had asked a stupid question.

From the perspective of people on earth, feudal rule will come to an end sooner or later. Because of uneven distribution of wealth, land annexation and other reasons, there will definitely be uprisings.

But here, on the contrary, it will be a fairly stable system.

Because of the extraordinary system, its inheritance has a natural monopoly.

Without the corresponding resources and knowledge, it is difficult for a person to become a transcendent, let alone a knight.

Bai Yu had fought to the death several times in order to reach the first level of Transcendence.

At that time, his talent was still average, but later he improved so quickly that it was as if he could reach three levels in one step.

All beginnings are hard.

For children from ordinary families, it will only be more difficult.

At this time, it was Melusina's turn to begin to share her knowledge and insights.

"Midwinter has a strict knight screening system. In every household, as long as the boy is twelve years old, he must take the qualification test. Before the age of fifteen, he can take three assessments. If he passes, he can become a knight apprentice."

"There will also be a complete set of knight training tutorials in the future. The goal is to select the top knight seeds."

"And these knights will either be absorbed by Midwinter officials, nobles, or become mercenaries. No matter what, they will not return to the countryside to become farmers, let alone become a force that subverts Midwinter's existing system."

The female CEO had a serious expression, but she secretly held Bai Yu's finger and fiddled with it subconsciously, as if unconsciously.

"Most of the knights are in the hands of the aristocracy... They eat the king's salary and die for the king."

"Everyone has been tamed by this selection system. Every Midwinter thinks it is fair. If there is a problem, it is a problem of his own lack of qualifications; and every Midwinter knight maintains a high degree of confidence in his own knighthood. Honor and pride are spiritually tamed by chivalry.”

Bai Yu was thoughtful, and he held Shirley's restless little hand.

In his impression, there was indeed a European country in the history of the earth that was highly similar to the midwinter at this time.

That was Prussia in the era of Frederick the Great... The two emperors before Frederick spent two generations transforming the entire country into a military base. Eighty percent of the national tax revenue was military expenditures. All promotion rules for nobles are related to military merit.

The Junker nobility also entered the historical stage during this period.

Bai Yu asked: "But the knights are not engaged in production. So many knights are supported by the nobles, and Midwinter is too young to participate in the war. Can they afford to support so many knights?"

"Or is it that Midwinter already has a target for swinging his sword? He has been sharpening his sword for so many years just to kill it?"

Historically, Prussia took action during the generation of Frederick the Great. After his godfather, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI, had just died, he launched a war to seize Silesia and started a war with his childhood sweetheart, Maria Theresa. The script of lifelong enemies.

The final result was that Prussia obtained the province of Silesia, the textile center of Central Europe, expanding its territory by one-third and doubling its population. Until the German period, this place was an important industrial center... It can be said that it became fat in one bite and laid the foundation for The foundation of national strength for hundreds of years.

That's why Bai Yu asked who he wanted to kill after spending so many years sharpening his sword in the middle of winter.

Are you going to kill Rome?

I'm afraid I won't be able to do this in the middle of winter.

This question received an approving look from Lyudmila.

"This is an excellent question..."

She did not answer in a hurry, but said to herself: "From the age of thirty to fifty, I did not deliberately practice Buddhism. Instead, I traveled all over Europe. The most common occupation I had was that of being the heir of nobles and wealthy businessmen. personal trainer.”

"I have seen too many nobles and businessmen. They often inherited the wealth and status of their ancestors, but they did not have the vision and prejudice to match their status."

"The Bai Potian I saw when I was twenty, when I was thirty, forty, fifty...including the Bai Potian I saw three years ago, he gave me the same feeling as ever."

"Bai Potian is a pure businessman. He is too shrewd and lacks political acumen. He does not know how to assess the situation, so he cannot gain a foothold in Daxia."

"And it is inevitable that you can reach a higher position than him at a young age. This is because you are born with high political talent."

"There are very few people who are less than twenty years old and can see the essence to this point."

After complimenting her, she continued.

"The current depth of winter is like a gleaming sword that will pierce out sooner or later."

"The knights' desire to make achievements cannot be satisfied by just staying where they are and eating offerings."

"If this sword can't cut out, it will stab itself."

"And it's an island country in the middle of winter, so there is a lack of suitable targets around it."

"A few centuries ago, there were Viking pirates who came to harass the coast, but now the Vikings and even the Danes in Northern Europe have become history, buried under the ice, snow and frozen soil."

"Just think, who else is suitable to be its enemy?"

Lyudmila asked and answered herself.

"the answer is……"

"The Kingdom of Shadows."

She said, her eyes lowered to the gem.

"The entire shadow world of Europa is almost concentrated in midwinter."

"If there are two intersections in the shadow world of this world, then..."

"One is the Taiyin Demon Realm located in the east."

"The other is the Kingdom of Shadows in the middle of winter."

"They are like two eyes, staring at the earth and staring at the stars."

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