Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 796 Seeking the Way to Become the King, Black Gun Kills Red Gun

Bai Yu considers himself to be a master of pretentiousness.

There is no way. Since childhood, he has been shaped by various martial arts novels, movies, and TV dramas. In addition, he is also an old second-dimensional person, so he is naturally infected by the second-year atmosphere in Japanese works.

Every time he encounters a big scene, he will subconsciously start to pretend.

Strictly speaking, pretentiousness is also a part of momentum.

Life and death confrontations also require the general trend and the first move.

Whoever has more pretentiousness can put more psychological pressure on the other party.

This is why when the masters in the fantasy world appear on the stage, even their words will echo, with a nose upturned and a few words, and after being defeated, they will immediately change their faces and slide to their knees.

People who know how to pretend even have to bring a set poem like "Red Spear, Immortal Shield, Cut off the Immortal King and Destroy the Nine Heavens" to set the atmosphere.

The same is true for the poem in the puppet show world, which is both a summary and an introduction, and also sets off the momentum.

However, those who pretend deliberately always have a bit of deliberateness.

If you are not strong enough, you will end up like An, who refuses to reveal his name, and become an enduring joke.

When a true peerless master appears, he usually comes without any wind or rain, just like the first breeze that announces the change of seasons, leaving no trace or trace.

The moment you realize it, it may be the moment your head falls to the ground.

The scarlet spear pierced the earth silently.

When the servant of God realized it, he only saw a scarlet magic spear piercing the ground, and his body had silently broken a huge wound.

Mars lowered his head and could see the scene behind him through the window on his chest.

He was stabbed to death as soon as he met him.

He didn't even feel when he was attacked.

Even the person who was killed didn't realize it.

This is the magic spear that must hit... the magic spear that pierces the dead thorns.

After that, Scathach's voice slowly sounded through the wind and snow that froze the earth and through the overlapping shadows.

"Leave now, you can live ten more seconds."

Ten seconds, very short.

Ten seconds, even if Mars wanted to get up and exchange his life with Bai Yu, he could not do it.

But ten seconds, it was also very long.

It was enough for Mars to recall his long life in a short time.

He was originally a prince of a small country, but as a mixed-race child, he was discriminated against and never received any attention from the royal family. Instead, he was abandoned in the cold palace as a burden, without even food, and could only rely on catching some insects and birds to fill his stomach.

His misfortune began in childhood, and when the small country was destroyed by Rome, he was also captured as a trophy, and then he was a slave for nearly thirty years. Because he could not bear the humiliation, he killed the nobles and became a desperate fugitive.

He spent his whole life rolling in the quagmire of misfortune, but life did not kill him, but made him stronger and stronger. Later, he became an apostle of the Outer God. From then on, his life turned around, everything became more and more smooth, and he even got the opportunity to go to the Star Palace and became a servant of God.

And now, he is about to die.

But he didn't regret dying on this road.

When he became a desperado, he ran forward like crazy, and ran all the way until he was exhausted. He arrived at a barren land, where there was nothing but an extremely magnificent starry sky.

He embraced the starry sky in that wilderness and got the mission given to him for life.

Mars stretched out his hand as if it was in the wound on his chest, grabbed the hard-beating heart, and suddenly poured in the majestic elemental power.

He murmured in his mouth.

"Everything is dedicated to the Supreme Will!"

He blew himself up.

The violent elemental energy spread.

Bai Yu dragged his weak body backwards, pulling away half a street.

He turned around and looked at the arm dragging his collar.

Scathach could pick him up casually across the space, just like picking up a cat.

Bai Yu thought and asked: "Why are you in..."

He touched his pocket and found that the stone with the rune engraved on it had been broken.

That's right, this thing is not made of hard material.

I was hit by a forbidden spell, and the rune was in the pocket behind my buttocks, so it was naturally crushed directly.

Scathach said: "You are seriously injured, come back here to recuperate first."

Bai Yu paused, shook his head and said: "The capital of Midwinter is covered by the shadow world, the other party must have other goals, give me half an hour, I can at least recover 70% of my combat power."

Without waiting for Scathach to answer, Bai Yu realized something was wrong at this time.

If the pseudo-canonization chose to self-destruct, the explosion range it created was too small. Even if Bai Yu himself, if he risked his life and did not choose to self-destruct, at least all buildings within a radius of 30 miles could be destroyed, which was no less than the Shinra Tensei that was fully renewed.

Obviously, Mars's self-destruction was an illusion, it was not self-destruction... or in other words, it was not aimed at killing!

Then what would the goal be?

Bai Yu's mind raced, and he glanced back at the space channel that opened behind him, and immediately shouted: "Master, pull me in!"

When he heard Bai Yu's voice, Scathach had already taken action. She was about to pull Bai Yu back through the air, but she felt a sense of alienation, like a machine that was running smoothly suddenly stopped and got stuck.

This must be caused by a foreign object inserted into the running gear.

Who is interfering?

Scathach silently added some strength, intending to use brute force to forcibly break through and tear apart the space.

But the next moment, only a ray of light was seen from the sky, the streams of light intertwined, the stars were shining, countless stars were interwoven and intertwined, passing through layers of dark clouds, and piercing and separating the atmosphere above the entire midwinter.

The vortex of infinite starlight converged to the center. Even the shadows everywhere became dim under the swagger of the starlight.

This macroscopic scene was reflected in Bai Yu's eyes.

He felt like a fish frozen in ice, unable to do anything except flashing strange light in his dead eyes.

Just watching the starlight converge towards the ground, it presents an inverted triangle, like an inverted cone.

But the closer it is to the ground, the faster the starlight dissipates, as if it is restricted by some force.

When it arrived in front of Bai Yu, it was only the size of a fist.

And the starlight turned into the shape of a hand.

——My life is over!

Bai Yu thought he was doomed this time.

He couldn't get away from this distance.

And Scathach didn't react either, not because she didn't want to save him, but because she couldn't.

Those who could do this were definitely not saints, but monsters sitting on the starry sky... perhaps those top-level extraordinary people who had achieved the ultimate in external manifestation and manifested the starry world.

That was no longer sainthood, but gods.

It was the outer gods of the Star Palace who took action personally!

In fact, Bai Yu's guess was correct.

Mars didn't self-destruct meaninglessly, but used his remaining life as a sacrifice.

He was a servant of the outer gods and was favored by the outer gods.

God's favor has always been a double-edged sword, with good and bad sides. The bad side is to be a dog for the gods, and the good side is that the benefit of being a dog for the gods means that there are gods above your head.

Mars has been on duty in the Star Palace for so many years and is a loyal old servant.

He is qualified to pay the price of his life to invite an opportunity for the outer gods to take action.

In front of the outer gods, Bai Yu was powerless to resist.

Whenever that hand touched his head lightly, it would leave a lovely feeling.

He could go straight to reincarnation.


Bai Yu overestimated himself a little.

How could the outer gods attack to wipe him out?

This is as outrageous as using a nuclear bomb just to kill a shameful whale.

Mars died not for revenge, but to carry out the mission given by the outer gods. His goal was never to kill Bai Yu, but to fulfill his duties.

What is the duty?

It is to open the passage to the Kingdom of Shadows!

The cold little hand formed by the gathering of starlight passed over Bai Yu's shoulder and gently poked the space passage half a foot behind him.

In an instant, the space was torn, penetrated, and widened!

The seven walls of the Kingdom of Shadows were all pierced in a snap of a finger!

The thick walls are not only physical creations, but also mean isolation in space, a conceptual severance.

In the myths and legends of Midwinter, the Kingdom of Shadows symbolizes the underworld. Scathach manages the Kingdom of Shadows to prevent all living people from entering the underworld. Her throne is a position established based on the existence of the magic land of the Kingdom of Shadows.

The king is different from the seeker of truth. There are only so many thrones in the world, just like the positions of the six ministers, one carrot and one pit.

Now, the road to the Kingdom of Shadows has been opened, and the seven walls have been pierced through by a finger of the outer god.

This directly and violently shook the foundation of the throne!

The Kingdom of Shadows inevitably ushered in a violent earthquake.

On the other side.

The confrontation between the two sanctuaries did not last too long.

The victory or defeat was actually decided in less than ten seconds at the beginning.

The superiority was immediately determined.

It was just because Lyudmila was really stubborn, relying on the dragging and pulling style of play, and forcibly delayed the collapse of a thousand miles.

She could not save the situation of defeat, but she also understood what the word drag was.

No matter what Xiu wants to do, it is a good thing that she can keep the other party here for one more second.

And the time came to the node of the fifteenth minute.

Lyudmila was exhausted, her breath was weak, and she took a step back.

The brilliance in her eyes quickly dimmed.

She sighed: "I lost."

Xiu silently took back the majestic world behind him, and the shadow converged. He said calmly: "I wanted to defeat you in ten seconds, but you are also smart. What you learned in these fifteen minutes is enough for you to think about for a hundred years."

"A hundred years?" Lyudmila looked pale but raised her head confidently: "Give me another fifty years, I can catch up with you now!"

Xiu said calmly: "Maybe, but after today, maybe there will be no me... In any case, you will not have the opportunity to avenge your previous shame."

Lyudmila asked in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

Xiu turned and left: "King."

He looked up and looked at the grand scene of starlight gathering, and disappeared silently on the spot.

Lyudmila clenched her fists, slowly bit her wrist, suppressing her inner unwillingness.

Boom boom!

Rolling thunder flowed between the dark clouds, and the sky of the Shadow Kingdom, which was always covered with dark clouds, cracked into cracks, just like the earth that had dried up due to lack of water. In the corridors of the Shadow Kingdom where light and darkness alternated, no one could be seen.

This was a building built a long time ago, and in this earthquake, more than half of it collapsed directly.


Suddenly, a sound of footsteps echoed on the empty road of the Kingdom of Shadows.

This is the outer demonic realm covered with ice and snow. The destroyed seven walls are now like a round arch, opening a road to the deepest part.

Xiu, wearing a round felt hat and holding a long stick like a dead tree in his hand, walked slowly along this snow-covered road. He had just experienced a battle with the icy Valkyrie, and the corners of his clothes were still stained with some ice fragments, but this did not affect his demeanor.

Although the visitor was walking in the wind and snow, he did not look embarrassed at all.

He stretched out his hand and gently patted the wall, recalling that he had also learned skills here more than two hundred years ago. At that time, there were still several people who came with him, but the former friends had become a handful of yellow soil, and the past could not be traced back, while the wall still stood here, having gone through countless years.

He passed through the seven walls and came to the front of the door of the Kingdom of Shadows.

This door has no name, and is as plain as all the buildings in the Shadow Kingdom.

But it is the core of the Shadow Kingdom. Behind this door lies the underworld, and also the shadow vortex of the entire world.

Xiu knew that as long as he came here, he would be able to see that person.

Sure enough, in front of the door... the purple-haired woman stood sideways, waiting for the arrival of the arrival, two bright red magic guns stuck in the ground, her hands were empty, and the tights had already appeared on the traces of leakage, and blood was flowing.

The white snow like catkins fell, fell on the shoulders, and stained on the hair. She stood there, with a bright color that should not exist in this dead land.

Scathach, the queen of the Shadow Kingdom, the teacher who taught countless heroes.

Xiu slowly said, "Long time no see... Master."

"Xiu Laidin." Scathach said his name, "I didn't expect to meet you at this time. You look very mature."

"Old is old." Xiu pressed his hat and said, "It's been more than two hundred years."

"... Really?" Scathach showed a little surprise, "It's been so long."

Xiu suppressed his emotions and continued, "Master is the same as always. Everything looks fine."

Scathach glanced at the broken walls and the ruined Shadow Kingdom, "Can you call this scene safe and sound?"

She shook her head and sighed, her eyes swept lightly.

Scathach's appearance is actually quite outstanding, and the color of her eyes is also quite charming purple-red, but her expression and temperament always make people forget these unconsciously, as if she was born without color, and even those beautiful and charming eyes are cold and indifferent.

Even when facing a disciple who has not seen her for more than two hundred years, Scathach's attitude changes very quickly.

"Just now the Outer God broke through the seven walls of the Kingdom of Shadows. It will take some time to wait for its automatic recovery. And you are here now. The timing is unexpected. I guess you are not here to reminisce with me, right?" Xiu Leiding replied: "I am here to challenge you." "Just a challenge?" Scathach asked. "No." Xiu said word by word: "I want to ascend the throne." "Okay." Scathach nodded: "From this moment on, you and I are fighting for life and death." She was not angry, nor was she angry, nor did she scold the other party for being a traitor. On the contrary, Scathach was looking forward to it. She taught many disciples, but there were only a few who had the courage to kill her and seize the throne of the Kingdom of Shadows. Therefore, Scathach was actually a little happy at this time. Of course... there was also some speechlessness and anger. If the other party challenged her to seize the throne openly, she would be happy to open the way to the Kingdom of Shadows. But it happened to be with the help of the Outer God. At this time, the Shadow Kingdom was disrupted by the foreign gods, just like the holy land of the canonization was broken, the small world was completely exposed and full of cracks.

Scathach is a king, and her power comes from this Shadow Kingdom, so at this time it is already a slightly broken or even medium broken state of residual blood.

But she can't refuse the challenge of the other party.

At this point, no one can stop.

She has no reason to be afraid or retreat.

Scathach thought silently in her heart... Maybe today will be her death.

If the walls of the Shadow Kingdom are not broken, she really can't think of how she will lose.

Scathach's left and right hands hold two magic guns.

Looking at each other at a distance of twenty steps.

It seems to have returned to his youth, when Xiu first came to the Shadow Kingdom and saw the queen sitting on the throne.

Even after a long time, it is one of the few unforgettable scenes in his life... Perhaps it is more profound than when he was dressed in fine clothes, successful, and married.

Because Xiu knew in his heart that it was a peak that he had to spend his whole life to cross.

And now, it was time to verify what he had learned throughout his life and the accumulation of hundreds of years...

"Master Scathach... please witness my two hundred years of hard work."

Xiu Laiding held the dry long staff in his hand and squeezed it hard. The black outer skin broke open, exposing the body of the long staff. It was a long spear, black in color, and the bright red lines flowing on it were breathing like blood beating.

"I will show the ultimate of this world today!"


"Ah, damn it..."

Bai Yu pushed away the stones, wardrobes and prefabricated boards that were pressing on him, climbed up, and covered his head: "Hiss, my head hurts."

He didn't die.

When the Outer God broke the wall of the Shadow Kingdom, Bai Yu was repelled several kilometers away by the aftermath of the spreading power.

He lay there for a full ten minutes before he regained consciousness. His head was buzzing before, like a machine in an overclocked state that kept freezing and blue screen.

This was not only due to the concussion, but also because the Star Avenue in his body was stimulated by the Outer God's attack, and it was accelerating the version update.

Many things can be learned just by seeing them.

This is normal, right?

Bai Yu drank a big red bottle for himself, and wanted to get up immediately to see what was going on at the entrance of the passage, but after thinking about it, he still found a corner to hide.

At this time, the incident was still ongoing.

Although the two servants of God were killed, there were still two Outer God lackeys left.

[Current progress: 5/7]

What if there is another servant of God.

"I'm in a bad state. I need to stabilize myself and buy some goods first..." He remembered that there were a few things in the previous Destiny Shop, which were just right for him at this time.


"The passage to the Shadow Kingdom has been opened, but the price is too high. We have lost more than half of our manpower. What should we do next?"

"Capture Bai Yujing and get the Sun that Never Sets. Only it can take us through the underworld!"

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