Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 799 Your Death Star is Flashing (Two in One)

The underworld is vast and boundless.

Bai Yu initially thought that this was just an underground city similar to the egg dumpling Messiri.

But he really underestimated its vastness.

The actual size of the underworld is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance.

Bai Yu had entered the shadow world before and explored the shadow area, but he never went down again, because the deeper you sink, the more difficult it is to return.

This underworld does not have such restrictions.

It has no hierarchy, but the moment you step into it, you can't escape.

Three days after falling into the underworld, Bai Yu roughly figured out the overall structure here.

Its shape is a huge spiral, or like a trumpet.

If you walk to the side, you can walk to the top of your head.

If you walk forward, the distance between heaven and earth will continue to shrink.

According to the existing situation, if you really reach the deepest point, then the end of the underworld should form a circular singularity.

But it is really wide, so wide that it is difficult to see the end at a glance.

After entering the underworld, Bai Yu did not think about looking for anyone.

Because his first goal was to escape from the pursuers behind him.

Due to the effect of the forced death card, no matter where he was, Xiu Laiting would definitely chase him and kill him until he was killed.

And Bai Yu's main strategy was to pull and run away.

He would never fight him easily.

There was no benefit in a direct battle with the opponent. After Xiu Laiting entered the underworld, Bai Yu had actually completely disrupted the plan of the Star Palace and broke their original delusion of taking over the Shadow Kingdom.

In fact, he only needed to drag it on.

Drag it until the deadline of the death card arrived.

After seven days, Xiu Laiting, who had no tracking effect of the death card, would find it difficult to lock his position in this vast underworld.

Who can survive at that time will depend on their own ability.

They said they would fight thousands of miles away.

That was just to brag about their own momentum, but in fact they ran away without looking back.


Coming to a stream, Bai Yu scooped up a handful of water and splashed it on his face.

There is sunlight, air, and even life in the underworld. The environment here is very similar to the outside world.

The only difference is that everything here is black or gray.

Because the shadow world is a reflection of reality.

And the reflection left in the underworld is left for who knows how many years ago.

It seems that the starlight that everyone sees is actually the afterglow from billions of years ago.

He stopped here to rest for a while.

It's not that he doesn't want to move forward, but he is temporarily blocked.

The underworld is changing all the time, and the shadows will change with the changes in reality. This change has almost no rules, so it may be a plain yesterday, and today there are towering mountains... There are shadows everywhere, and dangers may appear at any time to attack.

Walking here is not as easy and comfortable as hiking. Every step forward needs to be cautious, and there is no safety for a quarter of an hour.

But the magic of the underworld is also revealed as he goes deeper and deeper.

Bai Yu found that the shadows emerging around him began to gradually become related to himself.

This should not be a psychological effect or a guaranteed rule, but rather that people who enter here will resonate with the underworld, thus calling out the echoes left in the shadows.

So he would stop and rest every once in a while to see what kind of dirty words these familiar shadows would say.

This time, two human-shaped shadows appeared in front of him.

One person was doing push-ups on the ground, and it seemed that he was doing too much, causing smoke and dust to rise all around.

When someone saw this, he immediately sat on the other person and held him down, clasping his hands behind his back.

"Don't move, put your hands on your back!"

"I'm just doing push-ups!"

"Do you need to be naked to do push-ups?"

"Is it illegal to not wear clothes?"

"This is not illegal, but you are suspected of violating national territory! Elbow, come with me and surrender!"

The two shadows dissipated with a snap.

"You're crazy, you made me laugh." Bai Yu slapped his knees.

At this time, a slight vibration sounded in the bushes, and then the vibration expanded, and the forest shook like a cat with its fur flaring.

He looked up and saw a meteor flying across the sky.

There is no starry sky in the underworld, so this meteor is not real. Shadow's memory is limited to the earth, and the meteor belongs to the stars in the universe.

The meteor flying by exudes a majestic and dangerous atmosphere. This is not the first time Bai Yu has seen it.

When he first entered the underworld, he was almost shot down by it and crashed.

After that, he saw it almost every day at an irregular time.

That is Luo Hou's arrow.

The power is far better than what he saw in the Kingdom of Shadow... It is obviously just the last of the powerful bow, the remaining power of the remaining power.

Luo Hou's arrow flies in the underworld, aimlessly, not every time following the same trajectory, sometimes it will fall, sometimes it will deviate from the direction, completely random and unpredictable.

When he sees Luo Hou's arrow, Bai Yu always stops, observes from a distance, and comprehends it.

At this time, there is a wave in his soul perception range.

Bai Yu stopped, squatted, and slid sideways to avoid the spear that grew out of the ground. He then continued parkour all the way, covering a distance of hundreds of meters. If he had hesitated for a fraction of a second or was a few fingers slower, he would have been turned into a big Northeastern meat skewer.

Footsteps sounded in the dark jungle, and Xiu Laiting, with half red eyes, jumped out of it, stepping on the forest of black magic spears. He pressed down with both hands from a distance, and a thousand magic spears stabbed into the ground, bursting with a mighty sound, like rain hitting banana leaves.

Bai Yu was not in a hurry, because this was the third day, and he had seen this move too many times.

Polishing the Lion Heart Spear, turning the weapon, and running the Star Avenue at the same time, his body was round and water could not get in.

Hundreds of black magic spears made a series of ding ding ding sounds, and hundreds of them were smashed on the spot.

The super god state did disappear, but the perception and experience gained would not disappear. Bai Yu's magic spear technique had completely reached the realm of perfection, and with the space penetration effect of the super-limited weapon, he had the courage to face it head-on.

Not only that, he had to get close again.

Xiu Laiting snorted coldly, and didn't care about anything else. He drew out the black magic spear and hit it head-on.

Bai Yu was not in a hurry. He used the characteristics of the magic spear to continuously slap the surrounding space, disturbing the opponent's sanctuary that was constantly trying to close, quietly accumulating strength, waiting to release the magic spear that was sure to hit.

His moves suddenly converged inward, and his breath disappeared, as if water had frozen into ice, and there was no sound of flow, only the chill that continued to spread.

At this time, Xiu Laiding narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking that the opponent was finally going to release the magic spear?

He followed the same method, defeating Scathach before, and now defeating Bai Yu in the same way.

Five hundred magic spears merged into the front of the army, waiting for Bai Yu to offer his head.

Bai Yu stepped forward with his left foot and tried three moves in a row. Seeing that the opponent was unmoved, he decisively twisted his body, retreated to advance, and pushed out a back-handed spear. The rhythm of space fell into a static state at this moment, and the magic spear that was sure to hit was launched.

Xiu Laiting had been waiting for Bai Yu to carefully test him, but he deliberately held back. When he saw that the other party really made a move, he felt like he had finally seen a turtle stick its head out, and he directly slashed out the Black Magic Spear, defeating ten skills with one force.

Although the power he attached to it at this time was only 500 layers, it was more than enough to suppress a young man who was not even at the fifth level.

Rather than stabbing forward with a long spear, his move was more like a fierce downward smash, aiming at the window period after Bai Yu's moves were broken.

As long as the weapons clashed, he could directly disable Bai Yu's two hands holding the gun.

But what he didn't expect was that his mentality had changed a little.

It seemed that he was waiting for the rabbit, but in fact the initiative was still not in his hands.

The Lion Heart Spear and the Black Demon Spear collided with each other. As expected, the former was defeated. The Lion Heart Spear was directly bent to 90 degrees by the shock. The violent and unparalleled power spread along the spear shaft. This heavy residual force even caused the curvature of the space to stir up waves. The sound of the shock continued. The woods on both sides were hit by the strong wind. The trees broken by the wind rose up one by one, raising more than ten feet high in the shadow of smoke.

The flaw that Xiu Laiting had been waiting for for a long time finally came. At this time, Bai Yu must be full of flaws, and the weapon was out of his hand. He couldn't stop the next forest of spears.

Although the idea was very good, it was still not him who took the initiative this time.

Xiu Laiting was shocked to find that at a close distance, a knife cut through the space sharply, his holy domain was cut open, and the phantom of a beast directly hit his face.

The phantom collided in front of Fengsheng, like a brilliant firework exploding.

Xiu Laiting was blocked by this move, and the holy cage that he had built with great difficulty was also broken. He was afraid of being hit by the second knife, so he hurriedly moved back with his toes. Although he was not injured, he also lost a lot of strength, and his eyes gradually became angry.

Bai Yu made a knife flower and glanced at Xiu Laiting calmly... The world's martial arts can only be broken by speed. Even if you can defeat ten skills with one force, it is meaningless as long as the attack cannot hit. One second is one second. In close combat, your broken world is not faster than my knife.

This is the result of careful calculation.

When the moves collide, even a fool knows that he is not an opponent. Bai Yu can escape for three days and is very patient. Why does he still use the magic gun to dig a hole for himself?

Xiu Laiting waited for Bai Yu to show a flaw, and Bai Yu was slowly wasting his remaining strength.

How much of his gun forest can be left at this time?

The more you use, the greater the consumption.

So the magic gun just now was not really used with all his strength, but just a bait.

For three consecutive days, he had been trying to find his weakness. Bai Yu would just take his chances and run away. This time, he took the initiative to hand over the gun, and his mentality was really unstable.

Whoever has more killing intent will be led by the nose.

Bai Yu stepped back a few steps, gestured again with his thumb across his neck, and then disappeared into the woods.

Interactive provocation is always useful.

In such a confrontation, Bai Yu also felt an itch between his eyebrows, and his soul power continued to grow as if stimulated by the crisis of life and death.

[Comprehensive Level: 48]

Licking his lips, he continued to move forward.

Two days later, Bai Yu went deeper into the underworld.

But he was unlucky and still didn't encounter any traces of anyone.

Bai Potian was nowhere to be found.

He continued to move forward without being discouraged. Today he came to a snowfield.

The heavy snow floating in the snowfield here is dark, with the same cold temperature as in reality, and the air has become thinner... More importantly, the danger has increased. The glaciers under the snowfield are frozen with many powerful shadows.

Just to avoid these, he had to keep changing routes, and every time he turned back, he would face the risk of being caught up by Xiu Laiding.

He grabbed a handful of snow and held it in his hand, feeling the cold temperature, using it to cool himself down. Continuous use of the sky fire caused his body temperature to rise. He felt that he was a little dehydrated now, and in the shadow world, he didn't dare to drink any water. Who knows what would happen if he drank it.

A glacier crack appeared in front of him again, and a huge mountain beast could be vaguely seen in the crack.

Bai Yu sighed and thought that he had to change the road again.

When he turned back, he had just changed the route for less than three kilometers, and immediately encountered Xiu Laiding who caught up with him.

This old thing learned to be smart and hid directly under the heavy snow. It seemed that he had already guessed that Bai Yu would turn back and waited for the moment when he stepped on the trap before launching it.

And this time the trap was a large avalanche.

When Bai Yu raised his head, he heard the sound of a rolling torrent. Avalanches are not fatal to high-level extraordinary people. He had faced it once before, but the problem was that the opponent would definitely hide in this big snow tide.

Keep a distance?

No, there is not enough time.

Bai Yu could try to learn from the Straw Hat Duo and directly punch a path through it, but at this time he still wanted to save his strength. The essence of a protracted war lies in whose reserves and redundancy can last longer.

He stood there, waiting for the heavy snow to cover him. Once the avalanche fell, his figure would be covered, and then he would directly drill into the snow, and no one would be able to find each other.

So he judged that the opponent would attack the moment before the avalanche fell.

The result was as he thought.

At the same second when the dark snow tide hit and fell, Xiu Laiding, who was hiding in it, attacked directly. This time, he did not summon a forest of guns, but took the initiative to get close to him. The black magic gun flashed by, and at the speed of a fleeting moment, the magic gun fired continuously, stabbing at the vital points on the front of Bai Yu.

Then the snow covered everything and everything became silent.

Fifty seconds later, Bai Yu jumped out of the snow, a wound on his right shoulder opened, blood dripped, he glanced at the silent snow behind him, spat, and turned to run.

"This old bitch..."

Xiu Laiting's strategy began to change.

He no longer pursued a head-on confrontation with Bai Yu, but began to take the route of an assassin, and immediately turned to defense after a missed shot.

Even if he succeeded, he would not push further, but decisively distanced himself and waited for the next opportunity.

This was obviously not good news for Bai Yu.

He could not continue to bleed the enemy, but he became the one who was bled.

There are many reasons why Xiu Laiting's strategy changed.

If Xiu Laiting could build a forest of ten thousand spears in one breath, Bai Yu would be trapped in it and would be exhausted sooner or later.

But old bitch couldn't do it.

At this time, he had few black magic guns left.

The forced death card left him no time to rest and take a breath to recover from his injuries.

The world, which had recovered a lot under the support of the outer gods, showed signs of cracking again after three consecutive days of pursuit, and even the mobilized forces were much weaker.

If there were still 4,000 troops left before, then after six days of fierce fighting, the number of troops that could be mobilized was less than 2,000.

He could not construct a large formation to encircle and kill Bai Yu, so after several days and nights of fighting and retreating, he began to choose the strategy of sneak attack.

He was waiting for the moment when Bai Yu was exhausted and exposed.

And Bai Yu was waiting for the seven-day deadline to arrive.

"There is only one day left." Bai Yu muttered to himself: "Next, either delay enough time to escape, or decide life and death with one move."

A meteor streaked across the sky again.

The arrow broke through the air, passed through the top of the snow mountain, pierced the mountain and left.


Only half a day later.

Another confrontation came.

This time Bai Yu's luck was not very good.

He walked in front, so he had to take the risk of opening the way. This time he was attacked by a group of beasts and lost his footing.

Xiu Laiding took the opportunity to attack.

The two fought in the herd.

They ran along the tide of beasts for more than a hundred miles, and directly deviated from the original route.

The two sides separated.

However, Bai Yu knew that the other side would still catch up, and the remaining twelve hours were extremely dangerous.

The two sides met unexpectedly by a river. This big river in the underworld showed a strange dark color, like the blood flowing from some creature. The river was more than thirty feet wide and the water was turbulent.

Neither of them was in a hurry to cross the river to find the other side, but walked along the river.

In each other's eyes, they walked for nine hours, a full sixty miles.

Both sides were resting, accumulating strength, and increasing their chances of winning.

Bai Yu guessed that he probably couldn't wait until the death card expired.

It seemed that the closer to the time limit, the more it would bind both sides.

Unless he could restrain his killing intent, only one person could see the sun on the eighth day.

Bai Yu didn't dare to take the initiative to distance himself, otherwise he would be left behind and lose the initiative, and he would lose at least 30% of his chances of winning.

Xiu Laiding was only the last thousand or so defeated soldiers, and his desperate struggle was limited.

Continue to go up.

When the river reached the mountain at the source, it became flat instead. Two mountain walls stood up on the left and right, leaving only a narrow path in the middle for passage.

The appearance of this road also announced the arrival of the decisive moment for both sides.

Xiu Laiting was exhausted, seriously injured, and on the verge of his limit; Bai Yu was exhausted physically and mentally, and his soul power was consumed greatly. Both of his two truth guardians could not be used.

In this state, no matter who won, it could only be said to be a miserable victory.

"Hiss, fu..." Bai Yu took a deep breath, glanced at Xiu Laiting, and then his body twitched. This time he threw out all his killer moves without reservation.

Xiu Laiting raised his right hand and threw out the last 1,800 remaining soldiers.

At this time, it didn't matter what level difference... The two were like players in the final of the international chess game who were fighting to the last game. Their minds could no longer maintain a calm operation, and their chess moves had long been messed up. At this time, the competition was pure spirit and will.

After three moves, life and death depended on the last move.

Bai Yu stabbed out the Lion Heart Spear. This shot was a life-and-death sacrifice, almost exchanging life for life.

He aimed at Xiu Laiting's forehead, but ended up stabbing his shoulder.

Similarly, Bai Yu should have been pierced through by the spear forest, but the black magic spear only pierced his waist and abdomen, leaving a wound the size of a baby's fist.

The two were hit hard at the same time.

In the narrow sky, Bai Yu was in front and Xiu Laiting was behind.

The latter punched Bai Yu's forehead directly. The young man's head tilted back, his body stood up, his forehead cracked, and blood spurted out.

Bai Yu lay on his back in the narrow sky, the stream washed over his shoulders, and his breath was like a thread.

"... You lost." Xiu Laiting said in a low voice: "You can feel honored! In hundreds of years, you are the first person to force me into a desperate situation... But I should also thank you. After this battle, I have a premonition that I will go further."

After a life-and-death ordeal, he felt that he had touched the threshold of the next realm of seeking the truth.

As long as he can leave here alive, he is very likely to step into another brand new world.

Bai Yu lay on the ground, saying nothing.

Then, he felt a familiar vibration.

The stream on the ground began to jump, like a lively fish, the mountain was shaking slightly, and black dust fell on the mountain wall.

"What's the movement?" Xiu Laiting looked around.

He saw a point of light, which was speeding across the sky and expanding.

The vibration came from the meteor.

He had also seen the meteor, many times.

A bad premonition came to his mind.

Could it be...

"Did you see it?" Bai Yu lay on the ground, looking at the meteor: "Your Death Star is flashing."

"You——!" Xiu Laiding looked back and glared, trying to leave the terrain of the narrow sky and avoid the arrow.

A sharp pain came over his shoulder.

Bai Yu lay on the ground, holding the Lion Heart Spear tightly, clamping the spear under his armpit with his arm, firmly fixing him in place, not even allowing him to lie flat... Stand up, don't kneel!

It took less than a few blinks of an eye for the arrow from the horizon to reach him.

While Xiu Laiding was struggling, the meteor rushed past and passed through the narrow sky.

The rushing past caused a strong wind, and the flowing water hit the cliff on both sides.

The standing figure stood there blankly. He raised his hand and touched his forehead, only to feel his head was empty.

The next moment, his figure paused, no longer moving, and the light in his eyes went out.

His body leaned forward, but was supported by the Lion Heart Spear, and his body did not fall down.

Bai Yu let go of his hand and lay on the ground, not wanting to move.

He said to himself: "The tenth arrow."

This is undoubtedly a gamble.

The bet is that the arrows with no rules can come in the direction you imagine, and complete the harvest of the fatal blow for yourself.

On the first day of seeing Luo Hou's arrow, Bai Yu thought about whether he could use it. After all, its sharpness is unparalleled in the world, and he can't stop it, and Xiu Laiding is the same.

But it is almost impossible to predict its trajectory.

But causal weapons do not talk about probability.

The bottom line rule is never absent and never late.

I witnessed it once in the Shadow Kingdom, and eight times after entering the underworld, and now it is just the eighth day, the tenth time.

Bai Yu closed his eyes, feeling very tired and wanting to take a nap, but the noisy reminder sounded in his ears.

[Confirmed that the individual 'Xiu Laiding' has been killed]

[The forced death card has expired]

[The forced death hidden rule takes effect]

[You can obtain a trophy from the enemy]

[Do you want to start drawing? ]

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